>Best Boss
>Worst Boss
>Best hat
>Best area
>Worst area
>Best bullet shard
>Best directional shard
Other urls found in this thread:
Shitstained: Ritual of the Wipe
How is the gameplay on this? I wanna get it but it looks kinda ugly
I've killed 330 Giant Mortes so far and none has dropped a shard. I'm going insane here. I even have Solomon's Ring equipped.
>Best Boss
>Worst Boss
>Best hat
Devil Horns
>Best area
>Worst area
Ice place
>Best bullet shard
>Best directional shard
If you're into Castlevanias post-SotN, it's perfect. It literally expands on and improves on every major system introduced in the series from that point forward, while adding a few new ones.
The graphics are okay and some of the areas are a bit bland but gameplay wise it's spot on. I backed it at $60 and am please as fuck with the outcome. Since you can get it for ~$30 right now pretty easily, I can't recommend it enough.
Giant Morte don't drop shards.
Googling "igavania" and sorting by oldest first shows forums posts from the late 2000s talking about castlevania games and using it.
Best song is Gears of Fortune.
>they give you the second best directional shard in the tutorial of the game
What did they mean by this?
Check your Archives. If the Shard drop is --, they don't drop anything.
If you know exactly how many you killed that means you looked in the bestiary, and yet you didn't notice the shard did not have ???
Mortes don't drop shards. Any enemies that have a dash under shard in the archives instead of ????? don't give shards
>>Best Boss
Gold boy
>>Worst Boss
Boring Doppelganger
>>Best hat
Cute bear hat
>>Best area
>>Worst area
>>Best bullet shard
Teps Salendra
>>Best directional shard
Tis Tis Tis Tis Tis Tis Tis Tis Rozain
>>Best Boss
Zangetsu 2 and Doppleganger
>Worst Boss
Twin dragon boss. I appreciate what they were trying to do, but so much about that fight comes off jank and clumsy.
>Best hat
I still like her original horns visually.
>Best area
Oriental Garden
>Worst area
Underwater caverns portion
>Best bullet shard
Undecided still
>Best directional shard
Fucking dimension shift
Your reddit game is bad
Correct. The term was never popular but Bloodstained didn't invent it. They just adopted it to avoid using a Nintendo owned property in their marketing. -vania is a generic suffix so it's easier for them to use without concern around legality.
>Best Boss
>Worst Boss
The hand one
>Best hat
Witch hat
>Best area
Twin towers
>Worst area
Ice cave
>Best bullet shard
>Best directional shard
8-bit fire
Well shoot.
>>Best Boss
>Worst Boss
>Best hat
Traveller's Hat
>Best area
>Worst area
Fire cave
>Best bullet shard
>Best directional shard
Void Ray
In regards to this post , can you show me the archived thread that proves this?
Whomever keeps drawing these doesn't have the proper talent to be doing so.
I'm a fucking idiot, thank you.
64% through the game. It's pretty damn comfy game. I missed these IGA games. Looking forward to the stuff they are adding later on.
I agree but it's the most consistent content we've been getting from drawfags so I'll take it.
just unironically turn your brain off. yes it looks like shit. but it's a quality igavania through and through regardless of reused ideas
This game looks uglier than a rotting carcass cunt
>Valkyrie Sword has a hidden technique, down, down + attack
Huh, cool.
I'm at lv 35. Am I too fucking low leveled for the Lava Area? Literally everything kills me in just a few hits before I can even make it to the next save point.
>They had a budget of over 5 million and they spent it on this PSP looking game
>Hollow Knight looks a million times better with less than a hundredth of the budget
Game looks like shit. 2.5D was a mistake. Glad I didn't fall for the hype and pitch in.
Don't get hit.
based and journapilled
Except the game is currently doing better than Hollow Knight and fucking everyone is talking about it. You could barely hold on to a Hollow Knight thread back when people gave a shit.
what does it say
>non-exposed titty version
everybody knows you don't like HK and are just using it as a tool for your shitposting, just as you previously did with La Mulana
fuck off back to hell
t. seething hollowknigger
There is decent stuff out there but most of it is in the more serious range. There's only one semi-lewd that I've seen that's good quality. Areola but no nipple -- don't know if that's allowed on a Christian board.
None of that has to do with my post, which was laughing at how ugly this game looks.
Kinda fucking hard to do when flying shit literally swoops in from off screen and knocks me into the lava mid jump.
Dullahan heads a cute.
This is a Christian board user. We make due.
>best boss
"Who are you calling..... slooow...."
>worst boss
That ass pulled twist towards the end
>best hat
recycling hat
>best area
towers of twin dragons
>worst area
den of behemoths
>best bullet shard
the one that shoots lightning bolts around you
>best directional
chisel barrage
You're right that I don't particularly like HK, but it's hilarious that it looks so much better with a hundredth of the budget. Iga better have pocketed that money and played you suckers, cause if this was the best he could do, he should be embarrassed.
>>Best Boss
>>Worst Boss
8-bit Demon
>>Best hat
>>Best area
Den of Behemoths
>>Worst area
Bell tower
>>Best bullet shard
That fire pillar I can't remember the name
>>Best directional shard
True Arrow
cute feet
Nah that's a totally fine level to be at for lava area. You just gotta work on killing stuff so it isn't knocking you into that lava. It's probably the fact that fire elementals are throwing shit at you while fighting stuff and avoiding lava. Those Lava dudes drop a fire resistant armor if you can manage to find a good spot to comfortably grind.
What the fuck drops beast milk?
Those cow enemies in the garden area. There's a nice little room next to the train station that has one in it.
The bovines in the garden
The budget went toward developing the gameplay user, where it should have. There are dozens of weapons and armor, dozens of recipes and items to craft, multiple moves available per weapon, etc. etc. The game looks okay to less than okay but they focused where it was most important, which is why the game is tracking better than HK ever did.
I want this guy to make a white version of this now.
Well Tis Rozain's the best, and I don't remember getting anything better than True Arrow at the start.
Miriam doppleganger
>I've killed 330 Giant Mortes so far and none has dropped a shard.
but what if it doesn't?
Go farm those flying heads in the bell areas for 9 familiar shards
Takes like 10 minutes to get since they keep spawning forever
the fuck are you niggers talkin about it's fine.
I haven't messed with conflicting accessories yet. If you wear Gebel's glasses and Eye of Horus, which takes precedence? Or does it depend om which slot they're in?
where the hell is it.
Some are better than others and I appreciate what he does all the same.
I tried it with other eye accessories and it always prioritized whichever I put on second while unequiping the first.
I'm not a fan of fetish shit, but the guy looks liek he knows basic anatomy even if the faces are overly weebish sometimes. Sayin g the dude is bad or has no talent is basless, he's a little rough around the edges, but he ain't shit.
>Best Boss
>Worst Boss
Orobas and Bael weren't very interesting.
>Best hat
Beret of Bravery
>Best area
>Worst area
>Best bullet shard
Riga Storaema
>Best directional shard
Bolide Blast
Don't yo know? It's illegal to draw if Anonymous doesn't like it.
We run every picture on the internet by him. He's our QA team.
Where do I get Rava Bural?
Everyone's a critic. And your opinion is shit.
Milk tanks
But how can I be seething? I got tiddie pics.
Just found an extremely insignificant and ineffective, but interesting, glitch.
If you don't already know, you can buffer certain techniques during the animation of another technique of the same weapon type, and if you switch weapons before inputting the second technique it will still come out even if the new weapon doesn't have that technique.
Usually this just results in a silly visual error, like doing a katana slash while holding a gun.
However it seems if the new weapon has elemental properties, it will check that against the technique being performed and produce the result accordingly as if the new weapon were of the same type.
So here I use bandit blade *teleports behind you*, switch to an ice spear and input Force Blast, an attack only Swords can do, yet it shoots out icicles like an Ice Sword performing Force Blast would.
is there a list of all the techniques?
I like them, keep up the good work user
I ain't the no talent nigger getting pissed because he can't draw smut. Maybe if you applied yourself to soemthing other than being a worthless loser shitposting on Yea Forums all day you'd be half as good as that guy.
Now get out of here, you're not worth anymore time.
I just hate that difficulties are locked at the start. I found out later you can apparently unlock them with a code, but that's retarded. I'd already beaten the game by then. Locked difficulties are a shit thing from the 90's and earlier, there's literally zero reason it should've been present now. At the very least Hard should've been available from the get go, and Nightmare an unlock -IF- they were going to lock anything.
Not really, you've reminded me how some nameless faggot thinks his opinion matters to anyone is funny
Do you get Aegis Armor before that area or after? It could help a lot to wear it in the lava rooms if you have it.
Shame you cant wield two weapons as the O/B button is not assigned to anything and would be great to use two Rhava Velars at once just like you could wield two Crissaegrims in sotn.
>No no no! We don't do that here! Everyone gets a medal! Yaaay!
No there's a reason for it, there are dumb niggers who will willingly pick the hardest mode and then complain that the game is too hard and give it a bad score. Yes, people are that stupid, and it's more common than you think. It's that "I'm a professional gamer so if I can't beat it on godkiller nightmare massive dick mode it must be broken"
You only get it after because you need the Invert shard to get it
Where the fuck is the Girlfriend Mod?
seething loser
This doesn't explain why Hard wasn't available from the get go. Since there's a code to unlock the difficulty anyways those retards more than likely still give the game a shit score anyways, so this doesn't do much to impede them.
This is why games with a single difficulty are better. Balance the game around ONE difficulty, don't make a bunch of shitty ones where you can either cake walk, or get 1 shot by everything.
>Best Boss
IGA,OD and Dominique
>Worst Boss
The lava zone boss, crappy boss for that late in the game
>Best hat
Patchwork Hat for infinite bullets, Ribbon for luck and looks
>Best area
Oriental lands
>Worst area
Ice caves
>Best bullet shard
Spears, shurikens, bats, insatiable and summon tremor
>Best directional shard
The holy cross and shield
Don't you know the age of the loser is over, user? Everyone is awesome and "talent" is a societal construct! Yaaay! We're all winners now and you're the biggest because you tried your best! Good job!
>best boss
Zangetsu 2 on Hard
>worst boss
Secret lab refractor ray guy
>best hat
>best area
cathedral because sequence break
>worst area
ice hell
>best bullet shard
the one that drops a line of ice shards down
>best directional shard
the lightning one
Maxed Elemental Magic are really strong
I regret not investing into this thinking the area was too small
dont that bad any more
>people talking about how buggy the game is
>been playing the unpatched release version this whole time and haven't found any bugs in more than 50 hours of gameplay
I hate bats
You've definitely gotten the stuck item drop bug a million times don't lie. Yes I know it collects when you leave the room, but still.
I've had multiple crashes and huge frame drops.
Sucks, man.
Except for maybe Miriam because she's IGA's waifu, man these character models are ROUGH. Anne's arms are so weird looking.
Dominique is amazing though?
Your toes.
Give them to her.
It's just not a Metroidvania if you can't go out of bounds and end up in a different room.
I didn't realize they pick up when you leave. I kept waiting around for them to "despawn" instead.
This game is fine, but the progression of equipment, weapons, and shards is hot garbage. It's like they were all an after thought.
I had no bugs before the latest patch
>Best Boss
Zangetsu second battle
>Worst Boss
Abyssal guardian
>Best hat
>Best area
Underground waterway
>Worst area
Inferno caves
>Best bullet shard
Summon hellhound
>Best directional shard
heretic grinder
Should I keep using the book familiar? I feel like he doesn't do enough. Is the knight or the sword any good?
Sword is good for leveling up the weapon. Silver Knight is fine for a first time through. Deflects some attacks, fires light spears from the ground. He's just kinda random about it.
Is it the fairy or is Mirian the one singing?
Either way I love the secrets in this game
It's the fairy. If she's not there you just play the piano unaccompanied.
The Fairy. SotN had a similar moment.
How do I stack more damages for the NotCris?
Pretty much buff Attack as much as you can.
What level I do have to level the sword familiar up to so I can actually use it as an actual weapon? 50 like in SOTN?
>Best Boss
Zangetsu 2 / Doppleganger
>Worst Boss
Abyssal Dragon
>Best hat
>Best area
Libra ex machina
>Worst area
Garden of Collossi
>Best bullet shard
Jackpot I know it sucks but I'm a huge luckfag
>Best directional shard
Dimensional Shift
Does the chair summon do anything at any rank or grade?
>It's just not a Metroidvania if you can't go out of bounds and end up in a different room.
I found a place where you can void shift in the library that seems to unstick you by pushing you up a room
Pretty fun.
Why were the Curse of the Moon bosses so much more hype and fun than Ritual of the Night? I thought they'd have cool sections like say when the Twin Dragons merge into one and destroy the floor. But they're all boring one note fights and barely any of them have real multiple phases
Who was the laser frog lizard in the fire zone? He was my favorite boss.
Worst boss is Zangetsu 1 and his doofy guard shit.
Best hat is the Ribbon
Worst is everything that clips
Best area is the Twin Dragon tower
Worst area is the water zone
Best Bullet Shard is the fire thing from the cat
Best Directional is True Arrow
Do we get anything descent from the villagers? They're eating a lot of resources just to fucking feed that old lady and making items for that church lady.
Old lady gives you the most op hat in the game
Church lady gives you increase soul drop ring
Old lady gives you infinite bullets hat
Church lady's end reward is amazing for grinding shards, Old Lady Beelzebub gives the greatest hat for gunner builds in the game, and one of the later bounty missions gives you the nothing personnel sword which is fun.
Gremory (I haven't started hard/nightmare mode because I want to 100% it first, so this might change. I also really like bael)
I can't decide between valefor because of his retarded heal, or all the human bosses besides zangetsu. They all just shoot the same elemental spells that you have
Recycler hat
Cathedral, easily the coolest one
Underwater cave, I still can't understand why they decided water should slow you down so much
Riga storm-the-gates
THE BIG TIS (void ray is also acceptable)
>ng+ takes away your bovine plumes
fuck off you let me keep accelerator but not high jump, why even let me keep it in the first place you super niggers
The dream is dead, boys.
> 原始衣服的身体不能改,修改过的模型缺少骨骼镜像数据,这是ue3 的功能 ue4 默认的版本是关闭的,改过之后有些魔法只能一边发射。只能隐藏上身,修改脚部,这样的话所有的脚部都要修改,工作量太大,我空闲时间也不多,还是放弃了。还有另外的一个果体mod作者的mod 是收费的,我就不继续研究了。抱歉了期待中的各位。
> can not change the original clothes of the body, the modified model is missing bones image data, which is the default function ue4 ue3 version is off, turn over only after some magic while launching. Can only hide the upper body, legs modified, so all the feet must be modified, too much work, I'm not much free time, he gave up. There is another mod author of a fruit body mod for a fee, I will not continue to study. Sorry expectations of you
This was posted by maliwei777, the legend that made the amazing Claire nude model and Nico's upper nude model. Apparently Miriam is missing too much shit to be feasible. There are other people trying to make a nude model but it will never be as good as 777.
Some faggot made a nude model already but it's broken like mad. You can get it here: loverslab.com
I hate this, but only because it's the only thing he says past 11(?)
> Exploring new gear area
> some bullshit jump puzzle
> somehow get it done on my first try
> find a Flying Blade in a box
> attack shoots out a long range blade
Awww yea.....
> fight the next robot wing boss with no arms
> beat him easily with my long range flying blade
> get double jump from boss
Sweet... I'm loving this blade. Tho it's only like 18 attack on it.
>I don't feel like making toes, so it's abandoned forever
Just make a version with socks, you faggot.
Well then. Guess I'll just shut up and do it.
I'm still using it 10 hours later, it's too fucking useful. Also it hits on its way back
I was so disappointed when valac didn't have that second form. They even could've done a cool thing where he chases you back up the tower. also, his second form is literally bael's tongue, so there's some deep lore teasing us
>I don't feel like making toes
I think you misinterpreted. He must be a foot fag but simply doesn't have the time or will to do all of it from scratch. The reason I'm saying he might be a foot fag is because Claire's model has amazing feet. They're so well modded, they put more vidya to shame. Just compare her feet to the mayor's daughter blocky feet.
35 dollars for this game is little much, don't you think?
I forgot how bad craftwork was. Really disappointed the best area had such a boring boss
All he'd have to do is the soles, because you start with sandals that show everything else.
Hell, maybe he forgot that the sandals exist and doesn't realize he could rip the feet from there.
>Best Boss
Zangetsu 2
>Worst Boss
Stained Glass Hand
>Best hat
>Best area
>Worst area
Underwater area
>Best bullet shard
Riga Storæma
>Best directional shard
Chisel Barrage
What are the top 3 weapons?
NIGHTMARE MODE SUCKS until you get to about 40% of the way through
>18 attack
Yes, but it hits twice if you time it correctly.
Fuckin steal if you ask me. And it;s not even finished. Even MORE content is coming. 16 free DLCs, baby.
The two Rhava weapons and the Encrypted Orchid.
What happens if you let that spell go off? I killed him before it happened.
>If you get a passive shard to rank 9, it becomes an always on skill
Does the skill version of the passive stack with the shard or no?
Will we be able to swap Miriam's model soon?
You can get 3 hits out of it sometimes and the leveled up version lets you throw out two swords. Combine that with the sword skill that buffs your attack speed and optimizer, plus the shadow skill, and it's insane.
if we can make mods for RotN that change the gameplay, someone should do something like "Johannes' bizarre adventure vs Dracule "D.O." Orlok Brando"
yeah sorry but Johannes is the only one who has "jo" in his name
God I hope so.
>yeah sorry but Johannes is the only one who has "jo" in his name
You're aware his english VA plays Joseph Joestar in english, right?
He also played Numbuh 1 in KND.
I've gotten a little over halfway through the game, and so far I think the game is pretty good. What's the most broken/fun shit I can get, I just don't want to sift through everything in the game to find the actually interesting stuff.
Killer barbers
>Inferno Cave's bgm
Did they hire Falcom JDK and not tell us?
I'm at the Orabas boss, i've been using the ravia burel sword the whole game, but doppleganger took forever and orobas has even more HP.
What weapon should I upgrade to?
In the towers
>Speedrun (Bad End)
What's the point of speedrunning to a Game Over?
Pretty good taste except for best boi orobas. Bael would be cool if he moved fast enough to show off all his moves
Where is that dash move located? Or do I just get it through the story?
>Best Boss
>Worst Boss
>Best Area
Livre Ex Machina
>Worst Area
Forbidden Waterway
>Best Bullet
Riga and Schia
>Best Directional
Oceus, Rozain, Dohin
Based retard.
thanks love
>Zangetsu, the japanese samurai, sounds better in english dub
>Mirium, the english woman, sounds better in japanese dub
>Zangetsu, OD, and the Sword Familiar are top tier in english
>but Miriam and the Fairy are superior in japanese
Someone make a mod that compiles the "best" languages already.
does this game have an equivalent for rapidos fio? u know, for speed
Jesus christ i had a hard time against Zangetsu, going through my first playthrought. I couldn't tell when he was going to do the jump slash and ended up having to use one potion to win
Yes and you get it very late in the game.
There's a discount version with a spear technique in the mid-game but it cost too much mana to spam.
Yes, there's an Accelerator Shard, the good thing is that you can carry it over to NG+ unlike previous Castlevanias
OD is god tier in either language. They literally got both Alucards to reprise their roles.
reminder to hold up for a longer time so she does a pose then shows off her back
How many of them are actually content
Yeah but I'm willing to bet most people who genuinely gave a shit about the game recognize the english Alucard's iconic voice more. It was a stretch goal.
He's right, in this game it's not even like you get credits, it's straight up a game over. It's not a real bad ending, kind of stupid to end a speedrun there.
Top fucking kek, missed to reply to this last bread
What shard is this green ring that everyone has? And what does it do?
>tower elevator is just long enough to change poses if you hold up the entire time
I like Okiayu more, desu.
But then again I'm biased because he's also Zero from Megaman X.
Detective's Eye passive shard. It detects breakable walls, ceilings and floors and at rank 9 it automatically picks up loot that falls within the area of the ring. Getting more copies of it ups the area it covers.
detective's eye, passive shard that highlights nearby breakable walls, you get it from the eyes crawling on the ground in the waterway
Your mana recovers faster while you're sitting. Higher rank adds more styles of chair to the possible summons, grade probably increases the boost to recovery rate.
Okay, so I beat the speed guy, the goth vampire gf and Alfred. Where exactly am I supposed to be heading next? I have next to no clue where I'm supposed to go.
Curious, if anyone datamining is reading this. Are the cinematics running in real time or are they pre recorded?
I ask because if it's the former, that means there's a nekkid bloodless to look at, r-right?
you get to play through the game doing Zangetsu's arc and also a third character, who I'm hoping is Alfred (like in CotM).
Then there's some online multiplayer shit and other stuff. I don't know too much about the roadmap but what I've heard sounds solid.
plot twist, the reason as to why the old lady gives you a hat for infinite ammo is because it is directly linked to the black hole in her stomach, where she stockpiled on all types of ammo, hence why the supply of bullets I'd never-ending
warp to the place with water, dive down after the horse, use the speed guy ability to go past the gap into hidden library/
you get it far too late in the game for it to be useful unless you plan on playing NG+
After Alfred you can get the waterwalking shard. There's a new area you need that shard to reach.
I'm the only one that thinks O.D looks really weird? like it's not drawn by the same artist and the animation is creepy
>I'd never-ending
sorry guys I'm phoneposting
Is IGA just O.D model with a head swap?
Guys I need your help deciding.
Should I buy this or Crash Team Racing for the Switch? I only have enough money for one.
What level were you at at the Dominique boss fight? I’m at 45 now but I think I’m gonna level up a bit.
just pirate them both you underage newfag
That song goes so fucking hard. What the fuck were they thinking with it? It's part of why I love the volcano area so much.
Shut up bitch
i-its all the rage in paris!
I think I was level 70+ at that point, I spent an unhealthy amount of time grinding passive shards and involuntarily leveled up a lot
>"Ah've nevah been ta Spain befoah!"
Actual autism.
Monk Miriam
Look at the top of her head
Man people are really upset this game performed well.
>Miriam thinks the ad in the paper saying "Becoming a shardbinder makes unwanted bodyhair fall out."
>she doesn't realize it never had long term testing, so her head hair starts falling out, too
Poor girl.
mid 40s the first time. 70s after i got all the passives to rank 9 and bullied the shit out of her
where did the hair go
What do I do in Celeste's Room, is there a puzzle or is it just supposed to freak me out with these ghost girls popping up
Game chugs like total ass after 5 minutes and the audio turns to garbled shit for no reason regardless of settings, completely unplayable until it gets fixed.
>Best Boss
Zangetsu (2nd)
>Worst Boss
>Best hat
Witch's Hat
>Best area
Dian Cecht Cathedral
>Worst area
Den of Behemoths
>Best bullet shard
Guns were shit, didn't bother.
>Best directional shard
Heretical Grinder
Nothing. Its a backer room
There is literally nothing to do there
It happened when I went to the barber with one of the red berets equipped, didn't affect her outside of that though.
>Best Boss
>Samurai Snake: Round 2 or fighting Gremory for real.
>Worst boss
>Can't decide
>Best Area
>I liked the Tower a lot
>I guess the Den if I really had to pick.
>Best bullet shard
>I didn't experiment too much so I can't say
>Best directional shard
>Same as above
Okay does how many shards you have affect passive shards? This is the one thing I can't figure out
Someone paid money for a room for their dead cat.
You have to sync the music boxes just right to fight Celeste's ghosts you casuals
Boy, will Dominique be in for a surprise.
She has a nun outfit, she can hide it.
Actually, nuns aren't supposed to show hair at all. That's purely just a japanese fetishization of nuns, that they show their flowing gold hair from underneath.
is she okay bros
Grade improves strength of the shard that dropped. Same for passives.
Grade 9 passive: Strongest version of that passive
Rank 9 passive: Becomes a default skill
It's fine. I'm sure she's used to it.
Juicy shoulders.
Disappointed in Horheristo here, he usually does really impressive self-imposed challenges in games and avoids cheesing but here he says "No magic spam" which would have been really cool to see but he literally spams welcome company and directional shield on all the difficult bosses.
And then he's shitting on the game in the comments.
I want to go to NG+ and do hard but my autism is stopping me. I feel like it's not right for me to continue until I have everything 100% I must hunt down where this fucking dumb verstanka or whatever the fuck it's called because even though I may never use it I need it for the numbers the sweet sweet numbers I need it I need my 100%
because inti creates can only develop 2d games but retard producers keep hiring them for 2.5D for reasons that eacape me
At least igarashi had the good sense to bring in a different team to finish RotN, but with CotM they were able to do what they do best
Get 100% on shards and just push forward. After you get Gebel's Glasses you can curbstomp the entire game, it's quite fun.
not a dataminer but I can confirm the cutscenes run in real time since you can actually die during them
Wherever is that moment running blue energy thingie? What's it called, im at 99%map and still no super fast movement. Please help.
if thats the gun, you need to make belteguise to unlock it
go race the ninja and beat him
You've been to the ninja race, did it not occur to you to try beating him?
Real time. I had welcome company on when I seppukud the moon during the Gebel fight.
The following cutscene had the spinning wheel of paintings around me from a first person vantage point.
it's pretty similar. probably edited.
Oh! I didn't even realize it was a race! Thanks!
But Zangetsu is just Solid snake user
I impregnated Miriam, that's our baby kicking in her womb
I bet you're the guy that posted the La Mulana 2 thread earlier. stay mad edgyboi
Wait gebel's glasses? What are those? I'm at 100% map completion and I have yet to encounter those
This must be the work of an enemy stand
>Get 100% on shards
100% shard completion, then you get it from johannes' room.
Why can't David Hayter use another voice other than Solid Snake/Big Boss? Everytime zangestu speaks I keep waiting for him to go "Huh?" and it's taking me out of the story.
Oh shit guess I have something new to work towards thanks anons
Just finished. Last quarter or so was kind of a letdown. Overall pretty good game though. I still need to fight a few hidden bosses though.
What am I supposed to see here? Dislocated shoulder?
Use it in combination with the light lazer shard and hellhound for maximum swag
What else would you pay him for
The hidden bosses are all the best ones IMO.
To STICK IT to Konami and Kojima
The last part of the game was really rushed. A single fucking hallway ice level? Did they dig that out of the fucking trash and throw in the two final bosses within a fucking MINUTE of each other?
Do it all
>sword familiar
>better than zangetsu but not OD
>*ting ting swahhh*
imagine being a VA in 2019 lol
is this actually by kojima?
>I keep waiting for him to go "Huh?"
>I keep waiting
The millionaire just kept rolling sevens and self-destructing
Does that scale on luck? Does the Fortune skill scale on luck? Does luck even, in fact, do anything at all?
Yes. That's her guest art for Bloodstained
Given that luck increases drop rates it's the most useful stat in the game.
>Does luck even, in fact, do anything at all?
Nigga what?
I mean I know what it's supposed to do, and I'm sure it works fine
But at the same time I'm not sure I could actually tell if it didn't do anything, and all my experience were just my imagination. Dawn Of Sorrow and all that.
The giant enemies level before it was pretty dumb too. Also no sliding on an ice level in a platformer is kind of disappointing.
>Best Boss
O.D, but Zangetsu2 was fun and I fucking loved Craftworks' design
>Worst Boss
IDK if I'd call it worst but Gebel was pretty disappointing
>Best Hat
>Best Area
Livre Ex Machina
>Worst Area
The underwater one, forget the name. The above ground sections were cool, but the water ones sucked.
>Best Bullet
Riga Storaema
>Best Directional
Summon Plume Parma was amazing.
The Standstill shard (only obtainable after getting at least 99% map and beating O.D ) can make for some pretty crazy ez mode shit. Slap that on with this games' version of the Crissaegrim (The Rhava Velar, iirc) and it's super broken. Riga Storaema once you rank it up a bit is fantastic for mobbing, as is Teps Oceus.
Weirdly enough, early on I thought David using his Snake voice for Zangetsu was kinda shit. Just...didn't think it fit, I guess? But during the train scene and after Alfred dies and he speaks in a whisper, it oddly works.
Luck is great, actually. Super useful for farming drops/shards, and I didn't even go full tilt on Luck. Dunno about Fortune, though.
I guess I can understand the caution. Dawn of Sorrow's Luck stat was basically useless due to some shitty math formula Konami used. Luck works in Bloodstained just fine, though.
This game is ugly as fuck but fun as fuck
ah fuck me I forgot about techniques can't wait to shoot myself
Miriam is fine, Zangetsu is literally just samurai Snake and the rest of the english cast is ok, I've yet to hear the jp dub though so I can't say which is better.
The difference between 40 and 100 luck is heaven and earth. Getting drops 90% of the time makes everything infinitely easier.
It's by far the easiest thing to 100%
The parts where Miriam and Dominique were always talking about how Zangetsu gets over every obstacle because of how powerful he is and Miriam being flabbergasted never gets old.
I swear this sentence has caused my brain to blue screen
>eyes are not red
Ya blew it
>Miriam: What?
Actually got a chuckle out of me.
flying beef still won't fucking drop though
YOu killed my daughter's brother's niece's uncle's third cousin's barber's optomitrists cactus? You're fucking dead kiddo.
Well that is like the rarest drop in the game. You only need to get 1 or 2 though.
It's 1% and my anedotes make me think luck works stronger on higher drop rates.
Remember to cook something with it as soon as you can, so you can buy the dish from the then uncraft whenever you need any more.
What do Gebel's glasses actually do?
I've heard OD and Iga are fun so looking forward to those.
You can press start to skip dialogues completely instead of spamming A and hearing half of it
3 actually.
Nothing costs mana any more
Have fun!
(RIP the brief era of STR builds being viable)
Why don't you put them on and find out
gameplay is shit desu. not even worth a pirate.
How many bosses? Any secret bosses or areas? I like finding that kind of stuff
I actually ended up getting 4 or 5 while I farmed for the grade 9 shard
My day is ruined.
Ah, neat. Vhada or any kinda fast other weapon with enough str is gonna shit damage just as fast as magic though. I like the last boots myself
I don't use much magic, and what I do use costs less Mp than I regenerate so I never noticed.
Yeah, they're great. OD is what Gebel should've been.
iirc, in the beginning with the boat, if you look in the background you see Zangetsu furiously rowing a boat
>I don't use much magic, and what I do use costs less Mp than I regenerate so I never noticed.
They still help out with lantern-farming gold, though, since it stops those over-eager mana roses from spawning.
best bossfight in metroidvania history
PC masterrace forever
What do you even need all that money for? I got all achievements and never had to grind for money. I guess you could use it to buy alkahests in bulk to make crafting all items easier but farming those from Amys is so easy and can be done before you get Accelerator.
How many hours did it take you to get all achievements
the autism of solid snek
>Guns were shit, didn't bother.
That’s not what bullet shards are, retard.
Why is this shit 40$? Does it really have that much more content than hollow knight?
>What do you even need all that money for?
It's mostly interesting to see how good the stat benefits are with money powered rings and shards.
I like that they took the "Julius doesn't need to use seals" gag from Dawn, but they kinda overused it.
15-20 hours for a casual playthrough, 30-35 for a 100%
Just got the game (pirated of course games are overpriced.)
I like the claymore, hope they have cooler designs in the late game
Is the DLC worth it?
33 hours.
Remember to jump cancel your attacks for max effectiveness
Took me 25 hours farming max gold like that and then just crafting and dismantling every single item all at once
pls respond
>tfw playing on Switch
>for some reason the backer portraits are like 240p compared to the rest of the game's 720p
>actually enjoy the game more because the shitty backer portraits are too blurry to be seen and actually look more like pixellated game characters more than real people or anime OCs
Huh, that's a nice change of pace.
there's really only a couple of "secret" bosses, most of the optionals are pretty obvious.
Off the top of my head I want to say there's around 12 required bosses
Not him, and I get it, but they never played the Soma games. This is their first time playing an IGA title.
Alright I’ll buy that he can fucking fly but how the fuck did he row faster than the galleon
You have to take the initial playthrough into consideration. I was retarded and fell for the "having too many shards will corrupt you" meme because I played the game the second it released and there was a lot of misinformation going around, so I was selling every shard I got for a while which cost me time later down the line. I also got stuck on the ID card and Aegis Plate sections for longer than I care to admit.
Awesome. Thanks homie
Superior Nippon strength
>>Best Boss
Umbrella Waifu
>>Worst Boss
The one that gives you the invert shard, was he supposed to be a chicken? lmao
>>Best hat
Horn hats, the rest block your eyes
>>Best area
The Two Towers
>>Worst area
Zangetsu's area
>>Best bullet shard
Never use it
>>Best directional shard
Thunder shard that tracks enemies
> I also got stuck on the ID card and Aegis Plate sections for longer than I care to admit.
It's fucking embarrassing for me. I keep saying where everyone else got stuck in this game, and I guess the aegis plate and ID card were cryptic when I think about it. My ass somehow did not think to use blood steal on the fountain of all things. I just didn't think that kind of shard would affect progression in story I guess.
>Blood fountain
it's worse considering the shard description specifically mentions absorbing from enemies
>How is the gameplay on this? I wanna get it but it looks kinda ugly
Lots of variety and fluff, but I wouldn't say it's the best one around in terms of combat. RPG mechanics mean that there's quite a bit of different weapons and spells to find so if you like experimenting you'll like this, but balance is all over the place and there's nothing really preventing you from stocking up on consumables to cheese all bosses aside from your own pride. If you've played SotN you know what to expect since Bloodstained is like a SotN-fangame except it's made by the actual devs themselves.
Platforming is servicable, but nothing on the level of Ori or HK's White Palace.
>Does it really have that much more content than hollow knight?
Nowhere near that amount, unless you count number of items and farming as additional content. I just finished the game on Hard as my first playthrough. According to GOG Galaxy I played a total of 25hrs. It's only 15hrs according to my save file, but that's much lower because of countless retries so I'd imagine it's closer to that number if you play on Normal as "intended" since harder difficulties are normally locked without a cheat code. At the end I had 97.60% completion rate.
I've gotten more value out of it than Hollow Knight and will likely eventually get more value out of it than Rabi-ribi one day depending on how good that free shit ends up being
I'd like to say backer bias but Half-Genie Hero is sitting at 10 hours so maybe not.
Den of behemoths as best area... Really?
I get everyone is hyped and biased towards this very flawed game but saying that is just next level of delusional
Okay so Conjure shard? Learn what they're called, retard.
Yeah weapons and shards that are uselss thanks to the bad balancing and progression the game has. I don't know but I prefer quality over quantity
It was the most fun area for me because I fucking loved flying around the giant open area with High Jump+Accelerator and killing the enemies along the way, I always go back to that are and just aimlessly fly around, no other place in the castle gives you that much freedom to fly.
Yeah that is part of why it didn't click. I just kept looking at that fountain knowing I should be going down there, but thinking it would be from like an underwater movement ability that would let me drop through the bottom of the fountain.
>Guns were shit, didn't bother.
I too scoff at full screen 600 damage homing infinite diamond bullets.
Well you're in luck, all the later GSwords look like floating heaps of glowing dogshit.
Dont worry, I got stuck the same way because I thought Bloodsteal was like Soulsteal from SoTN until I saw a webm here of how to use it
>600 damage
That low?
Can I actually dye this scarf somehow or is it just flavor text?
Do you know what viable means? Just because something is far better that does not make STR no longer viable.
All of the textures, across the board, have been slashed in size. Take a look at chuuni boy, you're actually meant to be able to see the shit on his arm as something and not just pixelated nonsense.
Nothing can be worse than Twin Dragons. Everything about that area sucks. There are so many glitches tied to that room and fight.
go back to todd with the scarf equipped
This is on a fresh Nightmare playthrough. It's the highest you can do at that speed by far. You get access to the 3rd strongest gun the second you get double jump. Weapons may or may not be viable depending on if you kept all of your food for dismantling and repurchase so you can get more onions sauce and dragon eggs. Magic on the other hand is slammed into near uselessness in comparison to just shooting bloodless 4 times and ending her life after the reset
looks exactly the same
if anything there should be a no reddit-portraits mod
I feel like the worst thing about it is that they kind of lied about customization. They're all items with stats. There needed to be actual customization slots that only change appearance but keep stats of another item.
I think I'm more hoping they can improve the Switch version over time. I booted that shit up today after playing PS4, and damn is it rough. I'd be more bummed if it were my only way to play the game.
There are 17 required bosses according to the trophy/achievement list.
my version of the game has the voices distorted
Cute Miriam
how many shoe techniques are there?
I ran into my first bug. I outright can't get IGA to trigger so his soul now remains uncollected forever. Or at least until I get to him again on NG+ so I can 100% the game and be free to do weird playthroughs
Oh yeah bloodless. First time I fought her I found out she had a dead zone that you can stand in and she misses every attack and never touches you. Good thing you hit her for major league 600 damage.
I hope someone makes a replacement mod for those portraits, they're so retarded looking
Why is cooking so vague in this game? I jusst want the double buns hairstyle
Did you get the quest from that girl that gives you a bunch of hunting quests?
Not sure how much it would do on normal or hard depending on which one you played due to scaling. Don't really care to be honest. Nightmare plays and feels a lot better with the exception of two familiars being completely useless in it.
Like I said, complete guess after playing it in 3 days. Forgot about Doppel, Train, Alfred, and Orobas
has anyone actually done 666 haircuts?
Nice pic but Blutgang is not a gsword. It's a normal one whos special move is parry.
What gun? The one in the ship? I'm trying out NG Nightmare, got past Craftwork, and my damage output has dropped off a cliff. Only thing I've got that does reasonable damage is Bunnymorphosis, so I'm trying to figure out what weapons are available to me.
>Got the bad ending where you just beat Gebel
>Later get Zengetsu's sword
>Destroyed the red moon during Gebel's fight
>MFW found out there is another ending for beating Gebel with the sword
Son of a bitch game. I thought I would get the same bad ending regardless if I killed Gebel. Well going to have to do it on NG+ then.
OD was pretty good. I'm confused though, I backed the game but don't have Iga. Is that complimentary for early backers only?
Do you at any point unlock cosmetic slots?
>>>Best area
>The Two Towers
>>>Worst area
>Zangetsu's area
Thanks user.
You wish
How are you supposed to get to the chest on the opposite side of the Valkyrie outfit?
Jesus Christ is the Switch version horrendous.
>720p on both modes
>fucking input lag
Avoid at all costs.
They really need to have hard unlocked without a code on a fresh file. I just beat the Orobas boss to get invert and his pattern is piss easy. Only boss to give me trouble so far was Bloodless and I havent grinded out levels or spent a ton of time crafting gear.
Now i'm just exploring the castle with invert kinda sorta looking for the way forward but mostly just grabbing treasure I missed. Outside the piss easy bosses the game is great
I forget, did the Kickstarter mention anything about mod support?
It's only out on steam at the moment. PS4 and X1 get it early next month I believe? Switch gets it June 28th?
Don't get your hopes up. The ending sucks. It's borderline just a game over voiceline.
Nevermind I only backed the lowest tier.
Which familiars are useless?
fuck off faggot
the two towers had a creative design, zangetsu's area was full of annoying enemies and it didn't even make sense because the games takes place in europe
Found the thread, and the image in question. Seems like Dom is indeed number 3.
They obviously weren't expecting data-miners to ruin it when they said the third character would be a surprise.
The only good thing about the towers is the soundtrack. It's a fucking pain to traverse through and the "creative design" wears out way too fucking quickly.
The Culverin yeah. You probably should go farm 9 copies of the book familiar as well so your physical attacks actually do damage and you stop dying while out of MP.
For this particular nightmare run I just finished I kind of stopped using it exactly at bloodless for obvious reasons. I don't want the game to be *that* broken.
Early on it's cowboy hat and infinite to two shot all the mooks. Use SP and AP for Zangetsu. Use SP for the hand. Use AP for the guy in the tower. Get a better gun. Use AP for all the bosses as you can auto farm obsidian from gargoyles. Etc etc.
For your damage to not fall off you have to immediately segue to the meat recipes after you get your double jump since you can actually make it to that book with double jump alone.
Gonna try a weeb stick only run tomorrow. Wish me luck.
That and the oracle sword it upgrades into are kino for grinding as you can attack while running
Dullahamer Head
Silver Knight
none of them are outright bad because you lose nothing for using them.
Silver Knight and Blood Bringer.
Carabosse, Buer, Dantalion, and especially Dullahammer Heads all have their place. Dullahammer Heads themselves being absolute obscene. You can farm up all 5 of them before you even leave the boat and those floating sperm just annihilate fish tits as your reward.
Is there a mod to remove all the shitty Kickstarter backer crap yet?
but Dullahammer shard is the flail. You don't get the familiar until two towers/livre
Heads appear on the ship in higher difficulties.
Hard/Nightmare have different enemy placements
you'd have to remove entire bosses like Iga and Carpenter too
its not worth it imho
well that kind of ruins any sort of difficulty in early game, doesn't it?
Can anyone tell me how to obtain the Adrasteia gun?
the fairy, her only purpose is to sing during that piano scene
>make due.
It's 'make do'. Bloody American.
(some) bosses also get new attacks
craft it
fairy uses the fairy potions, useful if you're bad at managing your hp/need more healing cause you're shit.
Where do I find the recipe book that lets me craft it?
go to good killer barber, he'll know what to do
Hey let's not beat a dead horse here...
In the stairway leading to Gebel, top left corner
and while you're there, break the stairs open if you didn't already
What about the bunny model? I'm sure just changing the skin tight suit to be the color of her skin wouldn't be too out there.
Not defending that user, but it's a dumb expression anyway. You can't actually make a "do" because it's not something to be made.
Thanks dude!
How about the recipe book for scattershot ammo?
Is it worth starting the game on Nightmare? How much do I miss out on without the ability to level up?
so whats the deal with room with the big painting in the lvre ex machina?
levels mean little to nothing, just makes it marginally easier due to higher base stats
Visual gimmick and literally nothing else. IGA usually sneaks such things in wherever he can.
I think it'd be really frustrating to try it without knowing what abilities are effective.
Still early in the game but how do you reach that one chest on the galleon? not the one that give you the pirate hat, the one that on a single ledge near the center of the room. I have double jump, that ray bounce shard, and the bunny girl transformation but none of them reach.
high jump, crafted out of double jump
invert, from one of the required bosses
I think the intended way to get it is to bounce off of the head of the nearby Dullahammer, but what I did was use the Reflection Ray and then double jump afterwards.
upgrade reflection ray to increase its reach
Getting it on steam for $36 right now it better be worth my shekels cause Miriam's huge tits made me do it
Can you use guns as fast as Albus or you are stuck with semi auto? Also Im sad there is no Final Guard, Alura Une and Weapon Master enemy equivalent in the game.
Thanks anons
>Augment Gold doesn't work on the train section
Pirated it on PC after seeing how dogshit it looks on Switch.
Official Discord is in full damage control.
The game IS fun, however.
just use a trainer or cheat engine and give yourself unlimited gold
if you're gonna cheat do it well
full auto is a technique, but has the highest MP drain of any tech in the game at 80/s
>Taking advantage of in game mechanics is the same as interfering with game code
Don't forget to breathe occasionally
Is divekicking faster than backdashing?
Post screenshots
Ray into Double Jump did it. DJ didnt want to work for me before but whatever. Thanks anons
So what's with the trailers having music from Child of light?. Are we getting a playable character from it?.
Why was this boss fight so shit?
I noticed the high mp cost but also can you toggle techniques? I dont like the rapier one because I have opti and I attack way faster that the special attack that launch me into the enemy
oh, that chest. thought you were talking about a different one.
DJ out of reflector is a technical thing, only works in a specific window of the ray.
What? Mine doesn't do anything, is there any other condition? what does the attack do?
You have to master all other techniques to 100% first.
you can hold all of the continuous ones except for thousand blossoms because lul rapiers.
you're gonna abuse mechanics anyway
cheat engine will save you 2 hours of your life spamming gold like an autist
He wasn't trying to kill you.
Is there anything good you can craft early into the game? Right now I'm using the Longsword.
If it's your first playthrough? Probably not. You need to know where shit is and knowing which recipes to save so you can dismantle for ingredients later is super important.
If you mean second playthrough? hell Yeah. NG+ Nightmare is kind of wack though as it has none of the difficulty but starting a fresh Nightmare mode is really fun after you get past the xtremely rough start with zangetsu
this reddit indie game is half an hour long
his sorry ass bleeding out everywhere made it literally impossible to kill me thanks to drinking up all that red goodness
just like zangetsu, he was holding back
>bad end
>Bad End
Are you even trying at this point?
>(Bad End)
this guy did the true ending
>NewGame+ with Accelerator
You fucking idiot
>spreedrunning a castlevania like game without Tool assist for max crazy shit
>bad end
>on ng+ with sonic the hedgehog shard and grinded stats
holyshit, and we haven't discovered glitches yet
once they do this will be a 10 min speedrun
TAS is the entire reason I even gave a fuck about AoS speedruns
So I was thinking, this game is just a clone of Castlevania in every way except...it has no skeletons. Well, I suppose it has one, but how do you clone a game this blatantly and not include such an obvious enemy? It's not like Konami has a copyright on bones. Just seemed weird to me.
All the goo blobs are actually skeletons in disguse
Chinks are afraid of skeletons
Rumor is China hates skeletons so its easier to just not include them.
blobs are the skelegates
Monkeys are the fleatmen
Dullahan heads are the medusa heads
Everything else is everything else.
Skeletons aren't in for various unconfirmed reasons
>go to valefar with 0 gold
>tries to plunder
>what? You're flat broke
>simply dies
It's the little things
I will never understand no-life autists who do shit like this. This despite knowing a number of welfare/mooching failures whose entire day outside of the most basic biologically sustaining functions are dedicated to video games. A couple of them don't even have regular internet access.
>Skeletons aren't in
Everyone keeps saying this but many of the armored enemies are visibly skeletons wearing the armors.
skeletons are too spoopy, Iga didn't want an R rating
>Switch version is sub-30fps and has input lag
>Looks so muddy I'm struggling to see shit
I'll buy another copy tomorrow because I really do like the underlying game but Christ I hope this is fixed. I just wanted a portable version and feel like a fucking idiot for changing my survey
Can I wear two Plunderer's rings or does the effect not stack?
stack fully
What is the point of the demon collar? Doesnt stop the knockback
It worked in old games so it has to work here as well, considering that you can stack two shards of the same kind for extra stats as well.
Everything stacks. I think the only thing that doesn't stack the way you think it would is Money is Power.
Or you can git gud and not bother about stats
i hate having to wear hats that look ugly as hell but have better stats than horns
what i am missing bros ?
Dr Alucar, 64 bit dungeon, toy factory
One of the top squares of the right twin tower
Where the heck do you find black pepper?
> accidentally finished the game
I assume that was the bad end?
blue boxes in the area past the train
Underground sorcery lab
Is this your first Castlevania?
oh shit just saw it ,thx
The lab after the train has them.
that being said i'm having a lot of fun
My game freezes for up to like 10 seconds when killing an enemy after transitioning into a different area. It never crashes but it always happens. I also had one of the Giant Moco's in the Den of Behemoths take off like a rocket and throw me outside of the map.
Can someone draw Night of Revenge girl getting fucked and Miriam in the corner cumming while masturbating saying/thinking "Save some for me?"
Can have monster, Zangetsu, or whoever doing the fucking, but they gotta have a dick.
What's the actual drop rate for shards, the displayed rate is way too low
remember that luck affects shard droprate. Bestiary only shows you base chance
Fair enough then, every non-classic style Castlevania since Symphony of the Night has a a bad and true ending, you have a lot of shit to explore yet.
Recycle Hat + Diamond Bullets is overpowered as fuck.
I'm pretty sure your luck stat influences it, so there's not really a set rate.
Oh my
go back to your filth hole, scum
Yea, i figured as much given my explored % was like 50% or some shit. Just loaded my pre-battle save and kept exploring
and boy do i have a lot to do still
I had to gimp the fuck out of myself in NG+ hard, you should probably just do the cheat to unlock nightmare instead.
Redditniggers, GO HOME
you're the cancer that killed Yea Forums
Is sord the only familiar that changes visually the better it gets?
I know right
Meanwhile everyone else is sucking Rhava Velar's dick while letting that one slip right on by.
>not Dominique with a shard dick
>Loud buzzing noise after killing Bael persists into the final cutscene.
Lol, thanks for that annoying bug, Iga. This happen to anyone else?
>tfw its after midnight and still can't play shit on my switch
Nintendo please.
Not him but that was Scientology.
Happened once to me, it stops after Miriam and Johannes walk away.
Yeah, that's the 75+ form so the final should be its shard picture.
That's still a dick; glassfuta is a pass on that for sure.
So I just beat the Oriental Lab area and got the Zangetsuto. Where am I supposed to go now?
You can ask the nun, but go where the red moon is in Forbidden Garden and attack it with the sword.
I just want the Flying Edge upgrade but I don't know where to find it.
pocket Miriam
More like Poopstained: Undies of the Night
I have 30 in HGH with all the DLC
look at him go!
Oh no.
I hope Zangetsu's weird "death" turns out to actually just be him being banished somewhere to lead into Curse of the Moon 2.
I heard his model is just off screen in the true ending but haven't checked for myself. If anything he just got teleported to some hell dimension that we'll have to fight out of when he's released as a playable character.
He gets teleported. Psycho bitch pulls him under and she shows she can teleport those things independent of her body in the boss fight. So he's 100% in some crazy hell dimension for a tiny amount of time.
Given that he shows up in the ending.
>Given that he shows up in the ending
Wait what? I didn't see him show up. Is there some special condition to get him to appear?