Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon
Now: Perfect Dark (Bonus Game 1)
Next: Borderlands 2 (3 hours btw)
Later: Metroid Prime
Full Schedule:
Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon
Now: Perfect Dark (Bonus Game 1)
Next: Borderlands 2 (3 hours btw)
Later: Metroid Prime
Full Schedule:
This is the run of ultimate bans.
>Perfect dyke
Absolute Legend
Are you cut or uncut?
Shaved trimmed or unkempt?
No precum or leaky precum?
Perfect Dark commentary ruined by "uhm" and "ah" between every word spoken.
Someone should learn how to talk like a human.
This GDQ is great so far and you all know it.
I am up next guys, wish me luck!
Post perfect dykes
Are we getting banned too?
Can you believe that Goose and company unironically think Perfect Dark and Goldeneye are the peak of speedrunning? This is garbage.
"You see, son. This is what you could turn into if you don't eat your vegetables, study, and become a self-made billionaire by 20."
Imagine being such a self cantered cunt that you think people would want to hear you ramble from Japan. Imagine actually proposing to do this. Imagine.
I'll legit fap to those delicious legs
god i cant pay attention to the fucking game
theyre fucking tree trunks
YOU'RE a perfect dyke joke
I miss when games had fun cheats like DK and paintball modes.
>perfect dark run
>looks at ground to increase framerate
KevinDDR better have a fucking seizure on stream or I riot
Who the fuck is actually talking?
What's better Yea Forums? Prefect Dyke or Piggers?
Post some perfect dykes
Is the couch that autistic that they needed to voip some random to explain everything?
I forgot, what's this game called again?
Post yfw Freaks got sweep under the carpet of night hours
How in the fuck is that guy in the blue shirt legs so thicc? Jesus, like I've never seen a human beings legs like like that. I feel like he has autism or something because he looks super nervous, like he's about to have a panic attack.
Probably has a 12 inch dick
Just end yourself, jew.
>disembodied voice is providing commentary
this run is kafkaesque
God damnit Sent i can literally see that you havent washed your hair in 3 days
Didn't they update NMS a lot?
>still trying to force your autistic piggers shit
Go back to kiwi farms
the spirit possessing the cartridge of Perfect Dark they're playing on
>he doesn't know how deep goldeneye speed runs go
The dude in the blue shirt could barely introduce himself.
No precum :c
Has anyone on the couch even said a single word this whole time?
U gonna get banned.
There were a few moments the couch tried to talk and he always interrupts them before they can, and as soon as he wants to take a break he says "GO AHEAD AND READ DONATIONS"
the legs
that's one thin dress
>implying if Yea Forumsirgins wasn't put on mic to speak at a public event, they wouldn't be full of umms and uhhs
>blaming the Jews for your tiny penis
Oh right, he's doing G5 Building the hard way instead of using the IGT strat of watching the cutscene while the safe opens
Daily reminder that GDQ stopped being good after 2013
>playing ETS2 while watching this autismfest on the second screen
very comfy
cute Kohaku
Nice projection, nerd.
Un, un, I can get pretty wet when well teased.
>someone actually thought commentary via Skype was a good idea
it's confirmed, this run is about to kill a man!
Can't wait for the new Batman show.
for you
He wants to see the crusty cum stains from all the bussy he’s slammin’
it's not small, it's average
>check schedule
>no TGM
Fat racist loser is probably browsing this thread.
Reminder that MSF:
>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex
Let's break 2 million this GDQ!
>commentating without opening your mouth
Now these are cool strats
Autistic guy in blue shirt on the couch is gonna have a nervous breakdown and shit his pants or something.
This framerate is killing me.
Good job.
Reset and banned
thank god. tetris is overrun with trannies nowadays.
You sure seem interested in dicks, user
The skype mic is so distracting I have no idea why they even set this up
ded run, ded event, ded testicles on that couch fatty
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex
Tell me about hairdryer bro. Where does he get the pizza?!
>dying on Agent difficulty
Big fucking yikes.
What will The Elite have to say about this?
the eye can only hear 15fps
With those skull crushers he's gonna cum
This faggot on Discord is ridiculously self-centered
>"It's fine-"
>Immediately dies
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex
The speedrunner misses the conference callto conceal safe opening and now dies at Area 51's easiest entry point.
The commentary is just "uhm" and "ah".
This is an absolute travesty.
This run should really be the 360 arcade version. fuck 2fps bullshit
Lmao nigga, what's this polygon shit ? Is this from 1983 or what ? The nigga fucking died too, lol. They really need to stop with those shitty old-ass games
Silky smooth 60FPM
Goose thinks brushing your teeth is white genocide
this man follows no rules
>>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex
will the Metroid Prime run be good?
Hey, KF is fucking gay but Piggers was funny, don't be a pigger.
why is he on the couch? just to flex on us?
back in my day, this was the best thing going and we didn't complain.
>drops the Dragon in proximity explosion mode
>fucks up the cutscene
Remind me to rewatch this
Do you like boobs?
he didn't skip leg day
He's gotta go bench some tree trunks after the run and fuck seven girls in his hotel room with his 12 inch cock.
he just wants you to know that even with both hands you cant fully encompass his giant calves
How teased is well teased
It's pretty boring with a loads of OoB.
he's trying to be the next Stiv
Too bad kiddo
your day was shit
when girls are laughing at your dick it's small
this guy is such a fucking retard
Get this discord cunt outa here
There had better be a decent cringe comp on youtube this time. Last GDQ had fuck all but those shitty "Cringe, fail, clutch and epic moments" dogshit
What the hell are we gonna do during the 3 hour Borderlands 2 run, bros?
GOD i hate kpop but that business knows how to pick their women
"We should let him focus"
>proceeds to continue talking nonstop.
Hey Yea Forums, my wife and I are on our way to SGDQ! Wish us luck!
running at a smooth crisp 12 frames
>those fucking teeth
>let's let him focus
>continues to talk
>let him focus
>so anyways now we're carrying an alien LOLE
The runner ruined a Metroid Prime 3 run previously so no
forced meme cock sucker
couch guy on the left looks uncomfortable af, it's making me nervous
Enjoy your workout my dude!
and we were happy as fuck
I've got a full docket of complaining.
>he fell for the high IQ meme
im convinced IQ tests are the equivalent of "my mom says i'm handsome"
prove me wrong
If 7, Perfect Dark will crash.
>one pushup for every donation including the word "perfect"
>retard makes a single donation that includes "perfect" multiple times
Shitpost anime girls
No. He's the one keeping the spergs from talking.
either way they're hard to resist somehow
Play videogames
This runner and his couch look like your stereotypical nerd crew that get bullied in school.
Anime and kpop-posting, of course.
Same shit we've been doing for years, user, off topic discussion
>nu/v/ doesn't know who Kevin is
Sure he's an annoying fat retard and this run sucks dick but you guys are faggot redditors lmaoooooo
But my mom said...
I'm gonna go to sleep
Jew whore
Why does the alt right worry so much about Europe taking in refugees? Im German and I can say we have plenty of room here for those who are displaced. Not to mention the great food they bring.
What’s this guys twitter? Can we tell him to shut the fuck up.
im gonna go for a walk and dream of legs like these
Imagine seething this hard, pic related, it’s you sonny.
Someone tell that faggot calling in over Discord to shut the fuck up and let the runner talk.
*plastic surgery
ill be shitposting here of course
>I'll do pushups for donations that have the word perfect in it
>Probably wont actually do them
>pictures taken moments before disaster
same user
Mate with anons
Reminder: Normally people run this by grinding RNG on individual levels so don't be too surprised if the runner dies every now and then
good bait
greetings from germany
isn't he a tetris player though? i don't care about him commentating a different game through fucking discord.
it's not a meme
iq is a pretty good indicator of how much you will earn later in life
5min till he shoots up the place.
>no precum and barely any cum
>he didn't leave him hanging
I know this is bait but MUH FOOD
Its a conspiracy by the jews to kill the white race
does it matter if it directly upgrades them?
kek, nice.
is this the guy making those painfully cringe comments?
So was shadman art actually posted up at games done quick?
You can be gay all you want but don't be a faggot. Chill out.
Runner's voice make's me want to die.
these graphics are trash. when are they going to speedrun games from this decade?
>going to miss Metroid Prime
discord dude needs to stfu
Not as long as they don't have kids
Metroid Prime runs almost always have the most boring runners and commentators possible.
imagine being a tool and posting garbage that everyone has seen a million times
did you miss the last run or something?
Not so much anymore he had a bunch of mental breakdowns and autistic rants on twitter that he's now obsessed with perfect dark and thinks he's an authority on the game despite being shit
what does "jq" mean here
>cut sadly
holy shit lost
I wonder how much a marathon for Torpedoes Without Borders would raise.
>3 hours of Borderlands 2
fucking why
complain about trannies
The game is sandwiched between two from this decade.
Kill yourself.
I just wanted everyone to know that when GDQ isn't happening, all I think about is when the next GDQ starts so I can take another week off of work and have fun talking to all of you while watching it. You are all living in my mind RENT FREE.
is this the original framerate?
Is that a little hat on top of the runner's head?
>this is a 2000 game
what the actual fuck
>implying i'm dumb enough to donate
Any highlights from the first two days?
hypospadias so half cut
Never really understood the issue with plastic surgery if it's not obvious things like fake tits and lips.
Realistically it'll make an extremely small difference, if you're worried about that don't date women who use heavy makeup.
this fucking commentator
Why is ixmike on the couch?
This is the improved framerate because of the memory expansion pack.
only games with SOUL are worth speedrunning, zoomer
Fill out my DnD character sheet
Stop trying to data mine my dong, chinaman.
Cut; freshly cut with stubble; I get leaky pretty quickly to be honest with you
jewish question
hello from germany
nope it's some guy on discord
real alien hours
So everyone who said that this was a good game is a liar huh
MGS2 came out one year after this game
you're both weak
this is a marathon
Hello fellow Germanon. Do you seriously oppose the immigration program? It gives a way to keep expanding the economy through cheap labor
>Implying anyone on here dates women
and what does that mean
alright. whats the backstory
Couch competitive multiplayer was unbeatable. The solo campaign is nothing to write home about.
>man I sure love showing everyone on a Chinese cartoon board how much dicks I love to suck
To make the other team mad.
i get that reference
Das Juden but he's a pussy so he won't say it on a personal discord in the company of his butt buddies.
Now my head hurts
I never said I wasn't weak user
>zoomers not liking Perfect Dark
Jesus christ, kill yourselves.
Uncut trimmed leaky.
Not all of us are mutts
The framerate is shit but not THAT shit during regular play, it's because he's skipping a million enemies on ezpz mode so they're still around lagging it out.
I have the cart so don't @ me.
What are your thoughts on Velocity the Raptor?
uncut phimosis
depends, I get really leaky if I don't fap for a few days
Can someone at the event disconnect discord guy
Ohhhh child things are going to get easier. Ohhhhh child things will get brighterrrrrr
Does this Discord dude ever cease? Like for even a moment?
I like the game, just want discord guy to stop fucking talking.
fucking liar
I'd hit it
She cute
you are a nigger
>N64 fags still pretending their failure of a console had more than five worthwhile games
there are people who don't have precum?
Fap fuel.
>15 frames per second
Friendly reminder that posting any version of wojak is outing your post as completely worthless.
Thanks umaru. Good luck
An observable phenomenon that gets you put in the no-no box if you talk about it.
So hows the run, friends?
Is it big or small?
Damn it, did I miss a sick autistic fuck drumph "video game president" joke?
he shouldn't have done that
>people bitching about the framerate
let me introduce you to my friend, ExtremeG 2.
this bitch had terrible framerates in singleplayer alone, with even worse when playing it 4 player.
>oh I'm such a faggot, ohhh faggot things I will do
Some people you gotta work it out of them abit
>Friendly reminder that posting any version of wojak is outing your post as completely worthless.
It's all so very tiresome.
It's an autist on the phone with another autist talking about autism
My favorite piece is the Itsunknownanon sketch so far.
Whens runescape?
Why won't anyone respond? What are the best runs so far?
I dont
small white dick spotted
A little too Sonic-esque, but it's cute. Wish there was more porn.
somewhere between small and completely average and unremarkable
fucker on discord in japan wont shut thehell up
titanfall 2. streets of rage if you liked the fatbody sonic run. i heard tony hawk was good.
God this Discord audio quality is wonderful I can't tell the difference between that and the people really there wow
anything happen this run?
Based goose is just appeasing the bluepills while he increases his following on youtube
I miss this show
Americans are finally waking up to the genital cutting meme.
SHE is cute
i like HER fanart
>go into Goose’s twitch chat
>mention the JQ
>immediate perma ban
>interrupting 1,000 juicers donation
those infographics usually contain links to legit studies you know right?
not a jew just amerifat
how many Somalians can we get into Western civilization with 1,000$
Literal autism from everyone
how the fuck does a person like this live?
Did the one user who drew her with legs spread ever post an uncensored version?
I've read so many statements like this in the past few years. Someone should create an online apology generator for shit like this.
>wallhack gun
remember FUN guns
>Do you have time for a quick donation?
>Discord faggot: Oh yeah totally yeah
Motherfucker is acting like it's his run
did this guy have his tongue cut out or is this how he normally talks
>be antisemitic
>get branded antisemitic if you do it in public
>it's confirmed, this run is about to kill a man!
>wojak edit
>mobile filename
>using "child" as an insult
you have to go back.
Nowadays that gun would cost you at least $15.
what's wrong with what he is saying there?
Its been like 5 years are we still doing this /pol/?
that's good I guess just got home and sat my ass down
guy on the couch flexing his legs
>not knowing Kevin
You have to go back
>shitting on kevinddr
Are you even a GM in Tetris?
Literally has never shut up once even when the runner or couch tries to talk. It's him him him, "you can read a donation :)" him him him
If by some chance the runner manages to get out a sentence, he instantly needs to confirm its accuracy, condescending as all fuck to the guy actually running the game.
who are you quoting?
this runner sounds like a talking squeaky toy
complete manlet
xqc fag detected
Too many regardless of the number
Thats a slot for the bingo
Circumcision is a very important Judeo/ Christian religious ritual. I personally believe the uncircumcised cannot enter heaven
What's going on with the mics, it sounds like shit
This jew runner is kinda annoying.
Not gonna lie. That's bretty funny.
>people paid money for this run
"cute" isn't big or hot
people like to think places like /pol/ are half-jokey or w/e but t b h a lot of the posters on there are legit the same as that dude. neo-nazi propoganda really did a number on this place.
>believe in the JQ
>want to stream via PornHub
What a clown show.
Just notice that
i want to fuck him in her cloaca
thats what
wow he went from an annoying weeb to an annoying weeb named kevin
>talking about objective facts
>morally wrong
post it
Oh yeah dude, Kevin. It's Kevin, of course. Kevin.
>Waited ages for it to start
>It's boring
What a disappointment.
she cute, deal with it.
There was like 4 seconds of silence there and I was praying his call had dropped.
finally, the nonbinary representation gdq needed
>being this retarded
Did you even watch the video? These words, these names you call people dont mean anything, and certainly not to me.
Respect for his Tetris skill but holy shit he’s hijacking the event.
Pronoun: a word that can function by itself as a noun phrase and that refers either to the participants in the discourse (e.g., I, you ) or to someone or something mentioned elsewhere in the discourse (e.g., Velocity they/their raptor)
what if you just pull back the skin and pretend that it's cut?
back to /pol/ incel
go suck a tranny's front hole faggot
I have a fetish for dicks on the smaller side so it's hot and cute to me.
>Look mom I'm retarded and new
The gdq mascot is Johnny Test?
I like that idea
>You have time for a donation :)
shut the fuck up and they'd have time for more
You don’t just pretend to be racist and jaded. It’s coming from somewhere, even if your in denial about it.
cringe redditor post
Yea Forums always joked about people killing others or suicide
we even had livestream suicides that people cheered on
>swap black for white
i cant tell if this is a joke or not
>defending some random NEET from posters on Yea Forums
toe lookin ass nigga
Why is this so cringey!?
Why does the guy laugh like he does??
Am I the bad guy??
just let trannies teach your kids to do anal sex, subhuman rat
I get more top shelf ass than you can possibly imagine, subhuman
>all that commie shit
>rides first class
but its not a him, and its not a her, and its not even a bird
i don't think this semen slurping sport is for me...
I never really played this game, but this is neat, it's like the Egypt level in Goldeneye
>If someone swapped the black for white
Are you shitting me!?
>run's so boring that everyone's talking about jews and memes
Circumcision is a sacrifice. You sacrifice part of your dick to show you are part of the covenant of God.
>putting anything on a laptop
>completely covering the back of it
No precum
Since I started watching this I've come down with a sudden malady. I feel like I'm dying, friends. If I die, I leave this last request. Be strong.
Awesome run
why are golden eye and perfect dark speedrunners such fags
im sorry i didnt know kevin user :(
that looks too cramped to be first class
how much deditated wam do i need for my perfect dahk speedwun
How has the run been so far?
>are you going for the skip?
>are you going for the boost?
Literal autism.
Rate this run!
Nu-Rare sucks and Perfect Dark should stay dead
>revealing personal information on discord
chose one and only one
When you're such a sperg someone has to Skype from Japan so you can't talk
not loving wojak
t. the absolute state of v
>being this new
BASED tyrone! I love black people yaaaaas
Who are you quoting?
Thank fucking god this is over I’ve cummed like fucking 4 times my dick is on fucking fire
Even during interesting runs the discussion here will be exactly the same.
g-good job even though it wasn't......
>constantly interrupting each other
he said fuck in the first 2 minutes of the run so hes banend
>No commentary
>Frequent Commentary
That what? Oh right...
This fucking autism
Does the runner have downsyndrome?
that sounds nice, at least then I would know it would make someone happy
>guy who plays it wants to read through and talk
>other fucker will not shut up
Holy SHIT this guy
I agree with you but
>reddit memes
you wish you had bros
i sleep/10
Dilate trannie.
this. normal people embrace diversity.
if you don't have 3 good black friends and at least one transgender... you deserve a frickin firing line.
videogames ain't for bigots.
I didn't even know Perfect Dark was about aliens. I just thought it was some sci-fi FPS shit.
What else do you expect from people playing N64 FPS over and over?
Solid B. Would be a C without Dyke.
Rate the run
What could have been a nice run was shit on by some low quality mic spam on Skype or discord or what the fuck ever.
Holy shit the runner is so fucking autistic lmao
perfectly dyke/69
its sad
i know a lot of people from both "sides" that ended up like goose
they buy into anything just to feel like part of a community
Boring and wasn't worth the money nor wait.
Every time I see this picture I remember the first time I met my wife. My girl has wider hips but smaller tits. Thanks for reminding me to fuck my wife tonight!
you sound very angry
>Guy calling in on discord giving shoutouts
jesus the discord guy is a dick for not shutting trhe fuck up
This dude won't shut up, holy shit
what I thought so too
Solid 7/10, close 8/10. Perfect Dyke is pretty comfy and really good commentary.
Its Deus Ex for dummies.
but why
9/10, Kevin should shut up but it was a good run
It's basically stupid Deus Ex
How can you tell, he barely got the chance to say a fucking word over the faggot chatting the whole time.
As one of the 4 Anons that watched it, about 6/10 or a C.
Taking a second look you're right. I remember the dark blue seats being in first class though. They must have changed the interior design since I've last been in an ICE.
Discord Japan was actually the runner. Everyone else were meat sacks.
The video was pre-recorded.
runner not allowed to talk/10
>borderlands 2 coop up next
bye guys
>sci-fi fps game with aliens
>wtf bros i thought it was a sci-fi fps game
Frequent commentary is fine if it's good and not some Discord fag acting like it's his run.
7/10 Discord guy gave me a laugh, interrupting as much as he could. Was decent.
>won't shut the fuck up
>tries to call time despite watching the run through a delay
>makes a bunch of shoutouts when he wasn't even the runner
what a fucking faggot holy shit
here's a (you) for your bait
its not outstanding enough but I appreciate it
>3 hours of Bordermemes
I'll see you fuckers for Metroid Prime.
>B O O B S in 3 runs
You're all going to be here to shitpost about it, aren't you?
And now the head of my dick is constantly dry and dehydrated no matter how much I moisturize it. Thanks, jeezus.
>3 hours of basedlands
Based. You plow that fantastic piece of ass!
4/10 shit game, awkward runner and obnoxious couch
>3 hours for borderlands 2
Normally it's trannies, charities and ERP
>dude wojak with an open mouth
>dude wojak with a caved in head
>dude wojak with a bad haircut
>dont you feel silly now
guy kept it from being an awkward spergfest fuckoff
This is why I don't use Discord. It's full of faggots like that guy.
So what should I do for three hours of memelands?
The run itself was decent, but the japan guy talked non-stop
context of the walkout?
>forced laugh dude
>3 hours
shoot me
>Borderlands 2
goodnight everyone
>getting gassed at 25 pushups
>glitch showcase
please no
can I donate so this doesn't happen?
>Announcer: good job jew runner
>Skype guy: Thanks!
Skype guy is based.
KevinDDR cost it points for not shutting the fuck up
>these attention whores on screen.
Oh fuck why did you have to remind us
I can't wait! Let's go!
I like how chat freaks out whenever a UT song comes on.
This remix is a fucking absolute bastardization
Fuck Borderlands 2 and fuck 3 hour speed runs
fuck off
All of the people talking in the chat are people who paid. Think about it. You have to pay to be allowed to talk.
Am I too old to understand this crap or is it really another jewish shit that is accepted by cretinous gamers, normies and trannies?
Fuck agdq.
Play a bad video game
Is anyone looking forward to the Uncharted run?
funny script on the card asking him to dab and sent refused doing it and walked out on it
If you are not effeminate or a zoomer.
Poor lad never got his Wii U back.
>people unironically pretend Perfect Dark is a classic
>hat scrotum
Anyone else thought it was fucked up they kept interrupting the discord guy?
listen here you little bitch, you know what I meant
imagine the smell
>shilling themselves for no reason
lmao that screencap posting nigger got banned
>boring run makes the /pol/fags crawl out of the woodwork.
How hard is it to get accepted to GDQ as a girl (female) ? I swear if I get in I’ll show feet on camera.
>Do I fit in yet, guys?
>timer for transition
fuck that guy
Its just your dick. Grow the fuck up and think about spirituality
>levels broken up into shorter missions with multiple objectives
>both games have been so optimized to hell and back people are unsure if they can squeeze out a second without perfect play, complicated strategies, and rng
>records go 15 years without being broken
Yeah pretty much as good as it gets
Was the walkout scripted? Did he seriously get in trouble for not dabbing or some shit?
mm mist me
I see you are a man of culture.
show them now slut
I don't really know at this point. It's just something I ended up liking and it stuck.
I'm sure someone else will like it too.
Reminder that Doctors Without Borders is a corrupt organization that heals ISIS fighters when they are a convenient tool for globalists to push their Agendas of winning influence over unstable regions in the world.
go back.
you don't fit in.
you are not funny.
you are not clever
you are cancer.
you are scum.
you are underage.
you are not among friends.
go back to where you crawled from.
Those pushups were embarrassing.
7/10. I just like Perfect Dark a lot. It's cool that KevinDDR has gotten into PD speedrunning, but he needs to not talk over people. He did that quite a bit during the Tetris TGM showcases before.
new thread
>the highest quality possible
>has audience noise playing in background over video
Sup randy.
Why do fat people insist on wearing shirts that hug their form? I'm fat and wouldn't be caught dead wearing such a tight shirt, it looks like shit.
Wow this is riveting fuck dude im finna squirt
You can literally seen a grey's face on the cover art.
bet you wished you fit into 8 year olds, don't you randy?
This is more entertaining than most runs
Finally some decent cringe.
who here remembers lange from tf2?