Crash CTR

>coin system is a completely pointless fortnite-level time-gated piece of shit
>jumping mechanics like dingo's puddles, sewer speedway shortcut, mystery caves turtles etc are broken and don't work half the time
>relic race boxes have misleading, tiny hitboxes
fix these issues and it's a great game

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Where are my fucking egg heads at? Just 101’d adventure mode and beat all Tropy ghosts. I’m on a roll

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an egg roll?

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Why doesnt the story use all of the courses? Kind of disappointed that their arent ctr challenges and relic races for the nitro kart tracks.

Let's be serious here: do you guys believe the wumpa coins were going to have microtransactions if not for the recent lootbox /MT bill was announced?

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There actually are, they are just hidden away in the menu.

They should have been implemented in the story mode though, you are right.

DLC for the Nitro Kart story mode

I believe they will be added later. They werent added at launch so it wouldn't affect reviews

It's Activision in charge, of fucking course, and they may be planning on it still considering how much more of a grind it is with the recent update

There is no greater feeling than regularly bypassing someone who was trying to USF a whole race.

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It's activision. 100% guarantee they initially could be bought, or will be able to be bought in the future. there is no other reason for this garbage system to exist and for those stupid "daily deals"

I found em. Thanks i had no idea. Feels kind of weird to include them but not the story of the game they came from

Watch as they add them in to coincide with the first Grand Prix.
>what's that goyim? 50,000 coins is too much for the nitro girls. Don't worry, here's a fast access payment method for you.

I just lost the CTR challenge in Tiny Arena about 10 times in a row, most of those times, I got hit with a weapon right before the finish line. Why is this level so FUCKING impossible? I had no problems 101%ing the original game. What the fuck?


You were younger. You had way more time. Time just keeps on going and leaves us behind it seems

also, my last round, N Gin was in first and I hit him with a weapon shortly before the finish line, then he instantly shot me with a missile. This is so tiring.

true. Back then, I would play one game for months, and it helped that I didn't work. Now I work and have way too many games and barely any time to play them, but still. I think I'm driving great, yet I can't beat this fucking level.

Okay so it's not just me with the fucky relic box hitboxes. Shit is retarded.

new dailies in 15 minutes
crossing my fingers for raincoat polar

Anyone got any of pics of Coco in her fairy tail dress with her legs spread that she does when she jumps haha

Where the fuck is big guy Velo?

spats haha

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people are hoping for a CNK storymode for a future update.

All signs point to it.
>only way to get a significant amount of coins is to play online
>it's still not enough because skin and character rates are still really high
>no wumpa coin UI outside of the pit stop
>Daily Deals and Wumpa Time screws over people who want to get a new specific car or skin

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do we know the stats of tawna and the trophy girls?

They would have to bring back the old Ultra Spaceway if so.

the game finally let me win 45 tries later. (not really)

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>panty shots have now been replaced by spats in most games these days
When did everything go so right?

What if they make a Nitro Kart Grand Prix/DLC story mode with fake Velo and boss karts as unlockables? It feels wrong leaving him out

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Is there really much reason to keep playing online?
It's fun for a little while but whether you're online or doing time trials it's practically the same thing...
Might as well play a fighting game if you're looking for a competitive online experience because the items are too RNG.

People should stop hoping. If they were to put a CNK story mode, it should've been a NG+ already in the game.
It's likely that a CNK story mode would end up devaluing the CNK boss characters for Beenox because unlocking them casually would mean they couldn't squeeze players for wumpa coins.

>No all rounders


>Tawna is Accel
>Liz is Turn
fuck where is the balance girl

I’ve said this many times before but
>competitive kart racing

>not a single balanced
>just one speed
>four useless accel and turn


Are the shortcuts thing really that bad? One of the best things of CTR was how much skills some shortcuts took to use them, if now they're broken it kinda ruins it, I hope they can fix it later.

I could see activision yanking out the microtransations aspect of it last minute to lay low so to speak.

Everything about how wumpa coins are balanced is for an environment that would have them.

Pura mains report in

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Will Beenox be based enough to add Steph?

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THIS will be your new waifu all-rounder.

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nigga this bitch is counter coco, gonna be accel.

based Ami.

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oh they would be based as all holy hell.

Is he available?

>maining the wrong tiger

nigga please

I mean you're competing to win when playing online?
You don't get anything other than currency to unlock pointless cosmetics.
I really enjoyed the game but I don't see how CTR has any staying power if the only incentive for players is to unlock cosmetics and have Beenox drip feed new characters over the coming months.

It's really only Sewer Speedway which is now a lot harder to pull off.

How do I git gud?

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Cant I just leave my character in the online lobby and afk overnight for coins?

There are certain features of CNK that I wish were put in this game

>ability to choose which items are allowed in races
>optional boost counter, with challenges included
>team racing. You have a teammate, both of you receive free items when near each other, and both are immune to each others attacks

Seems to work fine as far as I've seen, though I did get btfo'd everytime I tried to do the blizzard buff shortcut with tiny

>megumi has the biggest eyes

The coin system is great I think. It just needs a larger output. Winning races that are only giving 30 coins, while characters like N Trance can only be purchased in a pack that costs 7000 is fucking unreal.

They better fix this in the future. I can understand having low output right now when there aren't a TON of unlockables, they don't want everybody to unlock everything in the first week afterall, but once we are a few updates in and the shop has enough stuff to constantly be flowing, first place should give you at LEAST 100 coins no matter what the track or gamemode is

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you can semi afk this way

>play a crystal challenge stage
>race the clock out
>15 coins
>rinse and repeat

I just wish they kept the zero gravity. They didn't even have to do anything special with it. Just let us drive on walls where we originally were able to

Stop fucking shilling your shitty twitch before I get reporting

why is coco not speed or balanced?

i don't wanna have a suboptimal waifu REEEEEEEE

Nope, it's Beach Coco for me now

On Switch. I need to grind coins for N. Trance and the Trophy Girls. Anyone want to grind in Electron Avenue (yields 400 coins for 1st and 360 for 2nd) in a private match with me?

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*blocks your path*

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Me too!

>nitro crate and super engines only race
Shit would be hilarious

i hope she doesn't look so plastic doll when she inevitably does make it on.

I hope this thing is on battlenet instead of steam.
I really wanna play but im not shelling out 40$.
I only buy games with wow bux

Better yet, why are the characters stat-based and not the cars?

I hate not being able to play as my favorite characters because I'm not comfortable with acceleration


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She and the rest of CTTR content is probably gonna be dead last.

Because then the devs could have min-maxed the Tropy and Oxide ghosts.

Those are some slow times user, step it up.

if the cars were stat based then it would be a nightmare figuring out the most optimal build, especially with wumpa coin unlocks.

I hope they give him a skin with his giant claw

They wouldn't have to go full mk8 with the stats. Just have each car base have different stats like the characters, and keep the wheels and characters cosmetic.

>I just wish they kept the zero gravity
Kill yourself nigger

sure, but if something like the Trance frame was better than the classic, i would have an autistic fit. so lol.

the online could do with some real fleshing out
grand prixs with podiums at the end
legitimate custom games with your post related + mirror mode option

Here. I always liked the robot and cyborg characters in this franchise.

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Yeah, I didn't see the pic two posts above mine. That sucks, he was available in the bottom slot during the previous rotation, but I prefer to keep my coins for the first grand prix anyway.

Reporting in
I also co-main/secondary-main Polar

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>Time Trial on Cortex Castle
>Bust my ass and make no mistakes, race the absolute hardest i ever have
>Pulse pounding trying to set perfect lap times
>Finally ready to race N.Tropy after a run im happy with
>Hes 0.01 faster than me

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Really? Have I gotten that bad over the last 20 years? Don't forget, it's a CTR challenge.

braver man than i
i cant deal with turning chars online

Was going to buy the Coco skin in hopes of having two slots for cars, but thanks to you I'll keep my coins.

God I wish it was like this. "Missiles only" races would be a fantastic mess of chaos.

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I could understand a slow first map to really make sure you get each token but you're about 10 seconds slower on each lap than me with the same character.

>check the new Digital Foundry video on this game
>check the comments
>everyone is shitting on it and calling beenox lazy because of 30fps
Fucking hell what a bunch of whiny cunts

Am I supposed to know who this dragon provocatively sitting on Cortex is?

Anyone know how much wumpas the trophy girls will cost?

damn. I used to be so good at the game too. I only have an hour a night to play it, but still. I have today off, so I'm gitting gud hopefully

>turbo track
What the hell is this?
I don't remember this.
Why are these corners so tight?
What the fuck?

Well lads, I did it. I beat Adventure Mode 101% with all Platinum relics on Hard Mode, but I feel like I lost much of myself in the process.
Send psychiatric help, I have a phobia of N. Gin Labs to get over... oh, and something for my fingers, too.

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Mk8 style. No added mechanics, just driving on walls where appropriate. You wouldn't even notice it's happening

Does the coin bonus after daily reset not exist anymore? I haven't gotten the 500 coin per race today or yesterday after reset.

They're honestly not bad at all online. I do much better with a turn-character than I do Crunch.

It's best that you don't.

All of them.

I finally got this game today
I never played the original CTR
Getting my ass handed to me even on the first race

How the fuck do I chain turbo boosts together
I don't understand how to play this game

Fuck off retard

I wasn't getting any but I thought maybe I didn't allow enough time for a reset.

Maybe there's a secret weekly max.

Kill yourself

yeah coin bonuses are dead

Same here.

get a job

They really should just let us know outright. I hate having to take guesses

Nobody knows yet. I'm expecting something like the Summer pack where you need to spend 7500 just to unlock N.Trance. Except they will cost 10000 each.

Kill yourself twitchfag

Hold one of the shoulder buttons to start drifting in a turn, and when the bar at the bottom right of the screen fills, press the other shoulder button for a boost. You can do this up to 3 times in a row per drift

hop with R1 and boost every time the wheels light up or the exhaust goes black with L1

>tfw 13k coins
>nothing to spend them on

At this point, does anyone doubt that microtransactions are going to be added before June is over?


don't give (you)s to the twatch

Great job user. Proud of you. Absolutely no way I could even come close to what you've achieved.

Did you not unlock all the Relics and Gems in the original?

Can someone who hasn't unlocked all the characters post a screenshot?

>zoomers won't know what is this

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You first nigger

I want to get the trophy girls day one but I also don't have every character unlocked so far and fear they will get in the way come July 3rd. What the fuck do I do?

In one way it's a good thing, it means people prefer 60 FPS over graphical flourishes. I don't care either way, it's the people who won't play a game because it's 30 who need to jump off a cliff.

you are now aware that meteor gorge does not appear online for some reason

Grind, boy

The more they keep cutting the amount that can be got it's looking pretty likely.

Fuck you. If I have to give up my roadster I riot.

i just feel like im gimping myself by picking one, i get hit by something and then i start wishing i was playing someone else
ill try again though because polar is probably my favourite character, and i ought to rep liz as the best trophy girl

Good job user, now get all the Oxide ghosts done, they're easier than platinum relics.

What the fuck user, how much have you been grinding? I played since launch day all day every day and I only managed to buy 3 karts, 1 skin and 2 tires.

>racing online
>only one in the lobby who consistently finishes in the top 3 along with one other racer
>they friend me and invite me to a lobby with other high level racers
Was a blast, I've never been good at an online game before and it feels great

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Well I'm doing volunteering at a museum at least, so that's something.
I get the feeling this isn't completely sincere for some reason, but maybe that's just paranoia.
Pic related, me to myself every time I missed a god damn motherfucking box AGAIN in a relic challenge.

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Is the pit stop not working for anyone else on Switch? I have 6,000 coins, and buying the electron aqua paintjob does nothing.

aw shit doomguy crunch is in stock

Fine, do it with the tires then

I can't get any matches online. I think it's fucked.

I've only bought two tires for 2500 each and scuba crash which I think was like 1500. Nothing else interested me. I certainly don't care about CNK characters and I don't play anyone else but Crash enough to care about their skins. I am waiting for the australian jeep car to come on though. I think the rest of the karts are ugly as sin.


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Oops meant for Also I've finished all Oxide ghosts so that's probably why I have so many

i don't object to this.

I only played arcade. My family was too poor for a PlayStation.

I'm not touching that mode until Tropy stops erasing people's saves.

Given the coin bonuses didn't seem to be resetting either earlier today, something is probably wrong.

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providing you bought coco summer dress already?
gay and not basedpilled

Works on my machine.

They should've removed them completely in ctr:nf instead of turning them into normal crates. Particularly the one in Out Of Time. With the worms gone, it has no reason to be there.

He will never rest, user.

Remember to rest those hands
They’re not what they use to be

he showed up for me after I bought her, yeah
don't know if rotation is the same for every player

There was something I wanted to buy on the store but I didn't have enough coins, now it's gone and there's nothing but shit there now. FUCK

>Last night
>Buy Smol Norm, Velo, and Zam
>Krunk is next in shop
>Wait for shop to change characters
>Still Krunk
I dont want to waste my coins give me Big Nigga Clownworld please

Maybe Beenox is just fucking up an update/patch for online and that's why the coin bonuses aren't working. I'd certainly prefer that to them activating the Activision option.

I don't want any of the garbage on the store today. Except maybe fisherman Polar. Who the fuck is Nash?

i bought big norm to get to geary and i dont even like him, id trade if i could

think Jabberjaw.

It'll be back tomorrow or the next day.

I wish Beenox would at least acknowledge the issue.

Nah I'm being honest with you. I'm like decent at the game, I place top 3 in almost every online Race and I've won a fair share but I already know I'm probably never going to be able to get plat relics or to get all the crystal challenges. Hell I might never be able to get N. Tropy. I'm just decent but I'll never be GREAT. But that's ok I like playing casually and having fun

for some reason, I'm better at this game while stoned and drunk. Strange.

Indeeed. I'm still waiting for him.

Nash is flippin great
Too good to take your bait

a fish taking the bait. I get it. But still, who the fuck is Nash?

Im this way with Rocket League. It's a strange sensation

Nash is one of the zoomer characters from the bad kart racer

Bros wtf I thought there were daily bonus coins...

I bet they will do it like R*
>Release ton of """"""""free""""""" DLC
>All the content has to be bought using in game currensy
>The prices are ridiculous and grinding would ta ke weeks if not months unless you play constantly
>You also have an option to buy in game currency with real money

Your Crash even looks like the grind has taken it out of him.

Nash is a shark-like alien from the planet Barin. He is one of Emperor Velo XXVII's champions that Team Bandicoot or Team Cortex must face in the Galactic Circuit to earn the 2nd Champion Key.

Nash is a cybernetically enhanced shark creature who is the champion of Barin. In the beginning of the cutscene, Nash is seen boxing with himself saying "Put em up, put em up!" He becomes antsy and begins yelling at Velo but backs down when Velo starts to lose his temper with him. At the end of Team Bandicoot's victory, he asks if he may have his key back, but gets denied. He gets angry but suddenly faints when Coco hacks his brain to put him to sleep. At the end of Team Cortex's victory, N. Gin talks to Cortex about having cybernetic sharks as slaves, but Cortex points out how easily they can be beat. Much like in Team Bandicoot's victory, Nash is a sore loser and demands his key back from the team. He is eventually scared off by Velo. On the track, Nash uses shark teeth and joke teeth as weapons.

oh. I rented those games once.

I miss renting games

i'd figure you'd be a zoomer

literally quote mines the cartoon character who in turn is a charactature of three Stooge's Curly.

Only roasties use Penta, Pura, or Polar

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Activision is readying the monitization button in preparation of the trophy girls next week.

I honestly have no idea.
I just pretend he's another Cortex experiment.

why did they have to add this garbage into this almost perfect remake
it was actishit wasnt it

>he doesn't cute

He (and all) the CNK bosses is from space.

i just like meme animals

zoomer? I'm 33 You're the fucking zoomer.
No one with any taste liked CNK. or that other complete piece of shit racer Tag Team Racing. CTR was the only good one. That clock level in CNK is one of the worst levels I've ever played.

I've figured out how to get the first boost, but doing multiple in a row (I've seen people do this in gameplay videos) is giving me a lot of trouble

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Probably wouldn’t work conceptually but would be cool. Apparently from leaks we’re getting a “wooden doll” N Trance which I feel is gonna be sick

Imagine being this bad lmao

Just keep the drift going and wait for the bar to refill

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lol you call me a zoomer and you don't know hanna barbara shit? way to be a fag over nothing.

I'm literally married to her

just keep practicing. I played the shit out of the original and it's like second nature to me now. I don't even look at the smoke or the bar, it's just natural now.


>33 years old and calling people "zoomer" on the internet

>everyone is shitting on it and calling beenox lazy because of 30fps
justified. they should've released a PC version but they were too fucking greedy and are looking to double dip on anyone that wants to play at silky smooth 144 fps

>144 fps
That sounds juicy


oh neat if you get all the characters you get 2 legendary skin slots instead

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is that possible on modern hardware? shit must look surreal as fuck.

Nah, if you play games on console you forfeit your right to complain about framerate unless it's an exclusive

So you're saying you DID play CNK, but don't know who sharkboy is? I smell bullshit.

Cute and wholesome!

Doing multiple in a row comes down to knowing track geometry and if you've started a powerslide where you can drag it out enough to reach a third powerslide or not. It is all practice in reality. I still fondly remember being a child and having it all click for me, then all click again when struggling to beat N Tropy ghosts, then a seriously major click when I went from thinking Oxide ghosts were impossible to nearly falling asleep doing them. CTR is one of the few games I've ever experienced that rewards you multiple times for sticking with it and gitting gud.

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I only did because he did. It's my day off and I'm drunk and stoned. give me a break. in b4 dude weed
was a long time ago, user. I completely forgot about him.

>past few days I've been able to get 400-650 coins per race
>today I've only gotten 30-150 per race

What happened?

I fucking knew it.
There is a little bit of her tummy exposed!
I was blatantly lied to in another thread. Fuck you, that user.

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Is this the bandicoot mating ritual?

Why is there only a single girl on the roster? As a waifu fag I'm content with Coco but I would've liked a little more choice god damn.

Don't ruin this for me

>if you play games on console you forfeit your right to complain about framerate unless it's an exclusive
oh please do point me towards the CTR version that doesnt run at 30 fps

I thought Tawna and the Trophy Girls were coming out soon. That's five hot furry girls for you, you fucking weirdo.

wait until July 3

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Is there anything more fucking infuriating than getting hit by some before a ramp jump that ends in you falling? Makes me want to smash my controller.

does it matter if you "perfect" boost right at the beginning of its window or at the very end of it?

Dude it's a kart racer. Relax.

I'd unironically pay for a CBR themed Grand Prix

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Why does Coco look cute but these look disgusting, I can't pinpoint what it is

I member when my version was only half downloaded, it was running at a PS1 framerate. But when it fully downloaded, it's pretty good

there's a weekly soft limit to coins

>That's five hot furry girls for you, you fucking weirdo.
only three of them are fuckable though

>sewer speedway shortcut

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You're supposed to rage in time trials when you lose your blue fire for the 50th time.

all you need to do is make it hit the space between good and fail. aim for early than late.

But user, Nash is Barin's Champion. Cortex couldn't have made a whole species of sharks on another planet, could he?

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Ami is the best. I wish women had natural green hair


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The wr holder's favourite button is restart. That's why they rarely play online.

Coco is a cute chibi/mascot type character while these have full grown human bodies.

I'm shit, and I got that on my first try. My second trophy. wtf?

here's the thing, you can clean up 500 coins if you place 1st with a fresh char, but single player has absolutely dogshit rewards

They've lowered the amount of coins everyone gets in preparation for adding microtransactions next week.

the lootbox bill makes it impossible for CTR to have a purchaseable in-game currency so until the bill fails they can't put anything in the game.

What? They can add whatever they want until the bill is passed.

All the better for her to stare at you with at inappropriate times.

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me thinks they are hoping the kinder egg excuse is a winner. yet they are still illegal in the US, but you have these Kinder Joy workarounds that people think is the same as eggs. hilarious mental gymnastics.

Apparently to earn coins offline, you still have to be connected to the internet?
What's the point of this? What happens after the servers go offline? Hopefully we have the ability to hack things in by that point. Everything is getting more suspicious.

Activision is a fan of patching in micro transactions after launch.

You get more boost by hitting it at the very end, but minimal perfect boosts should be enough to keep your fire going.

but shouldn't the asian character have the smallest eyes?

Actually but for the dialogue where Cortex and N. Gin clearly don't know him, Cortex making a species of sentient sharks and launching them into space after deeming them a failure isn't exactly out of character.

The PC version.

You can't even use the pit stop to buy skins and characters unless you're online, so at some point all of the CNK and all of the later event characters will likely be completely locked out of gaining.


Is this the first canon depiction of pale/hairless female bandicoot tummies?

CTR kind of skirts around all the things the bill talks about though. There are no loot crates, the items don't give any kind of inherent advantage over what you start off with, and everything you can buy is cosmetic. They could easily add MTX.

in SJW land yes.

>can't even reconnect in-game
The fuck is this

What is this?

I'm trying to buy the Electron Blue wheels from the pit stop and nothing is happening. It asks me "Are you sure you want to unlock this item?" and after hitting confirm nothing happens. I bought Beach Coco with no problem though. This happening to anyone else?

wat? How is thinking asians have smaller eyes an SJW thing? the fuck?

I swear to fuck if Activision adds microtransactions I'm selling my copy

False. My game reconnects automatically if it ever disconnects.

Welcome to the modern always online world. It sucks.

you got it BECAUSE youre shit. the shortcut is poorly coded and rewards jumping badly

he probably plays on the switch.

She's only Asian themed/named, she's still an Aussie at heart. 'sides, look at all that sclera visible both above and below her irises- she's got them crazy eyes. She'll cut yer dick off if she thinks you looked even once at that fucking Brit slag-whore Liz.

me, an intellectual: WEEKEND BONUS

Platinum Relic chad here.
This shortcut is strange in that the most consistent way to get it is to not boost in the immediate run up. You want to be going fast, sure, but not boosting - that seems to cause you to go forwards, rather than up.
It's the only shortcut like this in the whole game that I've found.
Also you want to approach head-on, straight into the hole, not angling from the side. That is a no-go.
Perhaps some other user knows a way to consistently get in there while boosting, which would be faster, but all I've found that's consistent is to stop the damn boost for a moment.

it's incredibly bad press doing it in a blatant kids game during the fiasco and could potentially be used as support and get it passed.

the wording of the bill more or less outright bans ANY digital currency that can be purchased with real money.

in fictional fantasy, only SJWs insist the asians look hidious instead of what asians do, ANIME.

been playing the game for 20 years, but I'm shit because I got one of the easiest shortcuts on my first try and subsequent tries.

It reconnects automatically regardless of console.

t. Switch player

>Apple coins earning rates halfed
>En Trophy deleting Save Files left and right
>Pit Garage prices inflated to enormous
When is Bean Knocks or Active Vision going to address the issues?

I think one of the later Coco designs had a short t-shirt on.

Haha, wouldn't it be funny if N. Tropy had a beach outfit with his tummy exposed?

Attached: 1.png (506x750, 592K)

Then they made it literally the only time to even bother playing is the weekend since otherwise you're getting like 80 coins at best.

They've already confirmed they aren't putting microtransactions if I recall.

However they do punish you if you don't have your console's online subscription, since you get like x10 more coins playing online vs playing offline.

As I'm not in a good money situation and I'm trying to save up for a switch on the side this sucks, since I don't want to get PSN+ yet.

You're right, they didn't, real shame. I was hoping for some cheeky bellybutton at least like in CNK but with the paleness. But for precious Coco I will take whatever tiny scraps they give me.

Attached: dd58ied-9cc284b3-470d-4062-884b-beec368caddb.png (439x986, 1.01M)


>it's incredibly bad press doing it in a blatant kids game during the fiasco and could potentially be used as support and get it passed.

So now we wait if Activision will allow a rebalance or if they'll leave it as is just in case.

The point of it is to make the coin mechanics so annoying people will be happy when they add the real money minibuys. And that's exactly what's happening if you read this thread.

Are Time Relics effected by what difficulty you choose?

yea, but then again we still don't know everything about GP mode and something tells me challenges won't just give nitro but also coins

It did not reconnect automatically.

yeah, it was in one of the tattooed Crash games

this disturbs my peeper out of sleep.

no, that'd be weird

but user, n tropy is a head screwed onto a machine

Git gud

yes, less time added to the clock depending on difficulty

do you even know what's the topic of discussion here?

Relics? Normal and Hard have the same time, Easy is easier

Post THAT Tiny Tiger
You know the one

Slightly, the platinum times are slightly lower.

Post em

Attached: IMG_20190624_210633~2.jpg (714x620, 110K)

can you get the all platinum trophy on easy? Asking for a friend

tiny arena was a one go beat. same with oxide(1st time) and every gem cup

>Hit guy in 1st place with a beaker I threw at the very top of a turbo ramp
I’m not sorry.

Attached: 2F8BF141-709A-4832-A22E-7307C8E71A17.gif (360x295, 1.3M)

Fuck off redditor scum.

who was the absolute god damn imbecile mentally challenged nigger faggot who put this fucking box up here holy fucking shit I want to crucify him

Attached: asdawfawrfq2dfnjiozhfjiwsihjsejklnbghjksdhgfgjjaeshgfkjaewgfrhjkq rfhkewafghh3jqa w.png (1920x1080, 2.06M)


I think you're being a bit too hopefully given the company involved.

Attached: monocrunch.jpg (722x718, 98K)

weird. Tiny Arena is the only level I had problems with. Got the time trial on first try though. The crystal levels seem harder than the original though.

>weekend ends
>suddenly get 1/2 coins
nah, it's a weekend bonus
what's a reddit?

>1/2 coins

Try 1/10 coins.

>CTR outsold Team Sonic Racing, sold 4x more than the game in it's first week.
>3rd biggest launch of the year, next to days gone and resident evil 2.
>Sold more than the next biggest game FIFA 19, 8x as many copies
>Second biggest launch in franchise history.

Attached: dabcrash.png (894x894, 247K)

U-turn in mid air bro

Attached: Capture.png (565x426, 598K)

actually, I wouldn't feel right playing on easy. I'm doing classic mode still. Haven't tried the new mode yet.

You get 5 more seconds on easy.

Based and gothpilled.

Potentially. Its Activision after all.

it's the same but with customization and being able to change character

Attached: 1560549707109.jpg (650x600, 98K)

Plat relics were the biggest ballbuster in this game. Oxide ghosts are fucking nothing compared to them. Too bad you gotta do so many tracks though.

Attached: 1560386652396.png (652x600, 293K)

I feel you
that shit-ass fucking box was the bane of my existence in my Tiny run on the PSX version

It is indeed a fucking bullshit placement. This level took me twice as long as it should've just for this one box more or less.
There are literally none in the entire rest of the CTR tracks that are this bad user, so you have that to look forward to.

|Because of this, Crash will definitely be in Smash. Hopefully Spyro too. I don't understand why they weren't in Playstation All Stars, which was a fucking great game btw. Gex needed to be in there too.


Coin grinding is tedious. Just lowering the prices a bit would help more than anything.

The packs should be 1500, the characters should be between 300 and 500.

Stickers and shit shouldn't be more than 100 - carts can vary.

>sold less than Days Gone
I swear to God when will people stop buying shitty generic zombie games

>Earlier today
>Have about 600 coins
>Played Adventure mode for a bit, went from Papu Papu to beating Komodo Moe
>Did some time trials, beat N. Tropy to Turbo Track
>Check coins
>6971 coins
what the fuck

Attached: 1530094486575.jpg (348x333, 39K)

Do anyone else's wrists hurt after playing this game heavily for the past few days? I don't know if I just have too tight of a grip on the controller or what.

Can you play as unlockable characters? That's what I wanted the most in the original, but unfortunately, you could only play as them in arcade and mutliplayer.

asking zombies to not like zombie games? lol

Unless youre worried about literally choking on Ami's cock the reason kinder eggs are illegal is completely unrelated

cute but beach coco should be barefoot.

Not my wrists, but I had an ache in my hand from playing fucking dingodile all the time. I was U-turning a lot which requires a lot of jerk motions.


yeah but the lobbyists on EA used Kinder eggs as an example of how good "surprise mechanics" are. they did this in the UK, if they did that here that wouldn't fly at all.

It's a PlayStation first party third person story driven "action" game, it was gonna top the charts regardless of zombies

Literally had a hearty kek

That's not a lot user.

Whoever the retard is saying you still get coins for a DNF is wrong. Just tested it myself. So you better get good Yea Forums or your races are going to start being even more meaningless

you can choose absolutely anyone
bosses, CNK lads, anyone

rd biggest launch of the year, next to days gone and resident evil 2
what happened to mk11?

Latino Heat

Attached: pura.png (491x405, 381K)

>Musketeer outfit
stupid mutt

Oh no my 80 coins. How will I ever afford the 7000 skin packs now.

Coco won't show her cute feets to just anyone.

Nice. Is Pinstripe still as useless as he was in the original? I want to play through adventure with him. I remember he would always get last place in every race in that one gem cup where you play against the bosses.

This looks great

>wanted to buy the Puss 'N Boots Pura skin.
>couldn't afford it
>it's gone now


it's the same playbook they've been using for call of duty, no way to buy the loot boxes/ingame currency at first so retards defend the game claiming it isn't MTX and add them in later so when people do get pissed about it it doesn't matter since they already bought the game.

Attached: 1561370244699.png (1630x1222, 199K)

Trump meme and no titties

>guy is ahead the entire race
>be in 3rd place
>get rockets
>know if I use them now me and 2nd will fight the whole time while 1st place gets farther
>decide to horde them until someone throws a blue orb and missile him after he got hit by that
>he ends up getting 3rd while j get first
Strategy bros

>Latino thinks they're spain

It'll come back eventually. About when Activision adds the cash shop.

Is there some kind of input delay on the hop or something? There's a bunch of times where I could have sworn I pressed the fucking button but no hop in sight. Tried with two other controllers so I don't think it's a bad controller.

Buy all the characters and you'll get two skins in the shop.

Gaining 5K coins in a few hours of single player, not-online gameplay seems weird though

Crash is the only one that gets to see em

Attached: 1561048679452.webm (480x254, 777K)

I'll use the Joe alt once I get it

>got a world record in time trial
so this is what it feels like to git gud...

Crash and Coco feel like different characters in the remakes, I can't really put my finger on it

i'm curious what replaces it when you finish the skins. cars are out of the question.

Buy some shit and it will return, I hate it, but the more shit you buy, the more the item will be likely to appear back in the menu, i missed out on the electron blue wheels, both red and yellow and I got blue again.

a mastery of motion capture animation?

its like the remakes were made to fit more in this decade, innit?

You unlocked some good shit that you can only unlock once and you got paid for it. It seems a lot but you can't get it again.

Whoever decided that the clock item was a good idea needs to take Big Norms clown dick

Coco actually has a character now outside of Crash's sister like in the originals. Crash is a little more retarded now.

crash feels more like an autist than a taz-like zany figure.

coco seems more like a teenager

Maybe paint, wheels and decals.

Shit happens, not even mario feels the same from 1985 to now.

>and you got paid for it

Crash was always a pretty goofy dude, but it seems like they tried putting a bit of his retard personality into the character.

Coco was originally the straight man to Crash's funny man, but the remakes changed her to being some what goofy like Crash. It gives the impression that she also looks up to Crash a lot to the point of trying to copy how he acts.

I get what you mean. It almost feels like Crash is younger than Coco now, when before it was clear which one was older

Attached: Challenge.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

stupid fucking mutt

but an article said mk11 was the best selling game of the year

i like somewhat dorky/goofy coco though, she's cute.


Please someone for the love of god
Me please, how do I combo my turbo slides past 3, I feel so useless, I cant keep my sacred fired for more than a few seconds, I blow it prematurely, help me.

jump again fag.

I do too, its an improvement in my honest opinion, I was just making an observation.

Not them, but Mortal Kombat can sell on name alone.

>the spanish army never used muskets

Sometimes I go straight into powerslide without hopping when going downhill.

>As you post a scene from a game where Crash is a confused baffoon and Coco is the smart capable girl who hacks Nash's brain

Crash outright feels like a straight up autist rather than a somewhat zany idiot.

Crash still looks older than Coco but It looks like they lowered the age gap between them

just drift again after you're done with the first 3, the number on the boost meter just tells you how many boosts you landed during that particular powerslide

as a kid i saw crash as a badass with a lazy side that just liked to chill and nap a lot

nsane crash is very "lol so funny" and stupid, not much badassery going on

>go back and beat Adventure mode in OG CTR as Cortex
>learn the mechanics all over again and destroy Pinstripe and Oxide once I get to them
Time for the Platinum relics and Tropy ghosts, any advice? Keep missing the huge skip in Polar Pass which I lucked into as Cortex once, don't want to be a scrub and rely on Coco.

He has the same exact stats as Coco and N. Gin.

the thing about puss in boots is that everyone remember the Shrek one and his VA(Antonio Banderas)
but yep, the Musketeer skin is a reference to the books
the skin is a reference to Dumas' Musketeers, dude

practice, you fucking zoomer

where the fuck did you find 'badass' from him?

>as a kid i saw crash as a badass with a lazy side that just liked to chill and nap a lot

that's basically Donkey Kong so maybe they changed Crash so he wouldn't be as similar

if you're telling me you don't think crash riding a motorcycle with a leather jacket and sunglasses WITH coco on the back isn't badass to a kid you're a fucking moron

Attached: Crash_Bandicoot_3_1065.jpg (313x320, 36K)

does he still always get last place in that boss gem cup?

I like new Crash, he's more of a blissful but heroic idiot, rather than the over the top blabbering retard like in Tag Team

Stop playing retarded, you know full well what this skin is referencing.
Then again, maybe you aren't pretending after all.

Attached: Fleur de Lis.jpg (422x550, 63K)

He rides motorcycles, shoots bazookas, hurls himself into danger and has a mohawk

>any advice?
Yea. MAKE BACK UP SAVES. You don't want to get Tropy'd

As a kid I saw Crash as a lazy and goofy idiot with a good heart who saved the day basically half by accident and half because he is good at running and jumping.
How did you look at the obvious Daffy Duck tier character and go "Wow, so badass..."?


Imagine Coco tightly holding on to you

>bar at the bottom
>not just looking at the smoke

I'm playing PS1 CTR user, too poor for NF on PS4 at the moment, w-what do you mean?

Don't know why, but I kek'd pretty hard at this

>blue Geary
>red kart
Do I go blue or red trails, lads?

The ultimate question Yea Forums

PS1 Coco or NSane Coco?

I don't remember the original having coins, so yes.

PS1 Coco has a head like a fockin' orange

Blue, my fellow Geary nigga

Genki girl (nsane) Coco

You must have been one dumb fucking kid if you didn't get that the Warped cover was meant to be funny. Even if a kid doesn't know what the word "irony" means, he can still understand that the picture of a usually loveable goofy idiot posing like some kind of hardass is obviously meant to be amusing.

Enjoy your "good" boosts

>used to completely dominate this game
>my friend would come over and it was basically just who could get second because I would over lap them
>play this game
>getting my ass kicked, even having trouble with classic adventure mode
Getting old, friends

Just look at that shiteating grin, you just know he's ready to fuck shit up

Attached: MeaslyKeyFieldmouse-size_restricted.gif (455x262, 3.51M)

Nsane, mostly because she doesn't have those dead inside doll eyes

>N. Tropy has always been my favorite character
>Finally unlock him
>Afraid I'll get targeted if I use him online

wat do?

>I get in first
>Get absolutely ass-fucked by every single god damned warp orb
>Someone else gets in first
>They're half a track away in two seconds
>I'm still the one getting orbed sometimes

Nitro Kart Coco.

responding to myself here
As much as I love this game, it seems to be nothing but a painful reminder.

Or, you know, look 'cool' to sell more copies to kids that were a little older after Crash 1's release. Remember the Spyro cover with him skateboarding?

This guy fucking gets it.

go full power and don't hold back even for a second, 2nd place weapon box are shit so they will never touch ya

Being smart is not the same as being mature. Crash saw that Krunk was a good sport even though he lost. It really upset Krunk and Crash being a simple-minded creature said fuck it, take my yoyo. I'm stuck here forever anyway so here's something to play with in your cell.

This is after Crash getting his house sucked into space and dropped into an alien gladiator ring to race for the rest of his life. I think it's safe to say that Crash is a bit more mature in CNK than you're giving him credit for.

Attached: cr12p345670.gif (500x281, 3.71M)

>afraid to get targeted
dude, I'm the worst online player and I'm constantly getting missiles up the ass.
Don't worry about it.

Upgraded warp orb targets everyone, up to and including first place

You didn't even mention the bazooka. It's impossible to deny they have changed him over the years.

yeah man look at this badass
it reminds me of American Sonic in the 90s where the marketing department had a very different idea of the character than the developers

Attached: CRBA_114.jpg (1200x1553, 190K)

you don't have to worry about that if the 8th placed guy is a bot

Yeah but by the time they launch it first is already within spitting distance of the finish line

N-Sane Coco by a mile.

Attached: 1498827599815.webm (1920x1080, 1.89M)


Attached: 1407501029038.png (698x658, 75K)

Looks pretty cool to me.

Alright, I'll just go all in.


Attached: hqdefault (2).jpg (480x360, 14K)

post coco's spats

Attached: 1559854996858.png (2459x2312, 1.28M)

he's basically a variant of Taz, who was cool marketing anyway. Crash came at the right time to become iconic.

make sure to delay the boosts until the last possible moment to build enough reserves to carry you over to the next batch of boosts

Has anyone done the needful and looked under the beach outfit yet?

The real ultimate question is does Yea Forums like
>The more serious Cortex from the original trilogy
>or the more comedic Cortex from twinsanity/titan games

You're gonna go all in with a bunch of empty lobbies buddy.

small norm has some nice eyebrows

Attached: D9tikvrXsAYHb0J.jpg (316x316, 15K)

Attached: 1561301323619.webm (1920x1080, 2.87M)

This game has been good for my heart. I never knew I needed this after so much time playing shooters and rpg’s and moba’s.

umm a mix of both?

cortex was serious? i thought he was always meant to be kind of an idiot. even at his most threatening he was campy and entertaining, like dr robotnik

leaves more to the imagination

People who got the save corruption, did you
- play on PS4
- complete the bonus track time trial last
I'm thinking the bonus track must be the cause.

Hes called Tiny for a reason you know.

actually, you're totally right, when I think of what Crash truly represents, this image is the first thing that comes to mind

Attached: Cringe Bandicoot.jpg (203x248, 9K)

good lord those teeth at her tongue

Attached: 1558149428897.png (377x300, 92K)

she is perfect

Attached: 1561416625048.jpg (371x467, 57K)

>get DNF
>the "you earned x wumpa coins" notification pops up
Sonychads can't stop winning

Based webm friend, get the beach outfit and make another one for us.


He's a handsome motherfucker. Based as all hell.

Ironic naming convention


> Publisher: Activision
supply drops when?

Attached: IMG_20190623_193819.jpg (1920x1261, 345K)

I just played this level online. Ran straight into the wall after the first speed jump. Got seventh place. Is this a CNK level? I'm only familiar with CTR levels.

How the fuck do you guys make this ridiculous turn?

Attached: videoplayback.webm (853x480, 2.75M)

hello darkness my old friend

I know you're being obtuse to prove a point, but Crash was clearly designed to embody both 'cool' and 'goofy' at once.

That's why he generally is seen doing both cool and goofy shit in the original games.

Attached: Zooks2.png (2000x1818, 1.52M)

yes, buy a PS2 please

Yeah, reminds me of DK and Banjo in that regard. Then the tryhard mascots came in for the generation after and platformers just kinda died.

try to pull a 180 degree turn with braking, look at some electron avenue vids, they tend to bounce back after braking

They would've been in PlayStation All-Stars if it came out today, considering Activision now considers both Crash and Spyro to be their main franchises only behind CoD.

Attached: 1436653417545.png (99x100, 2K)

Lots of japanese girls have bigger eyes then whites. They're just shaped differently.

Attached: 1561338522119.jpg (2400x1180, 1.81M)

Serious, I never found bumbling mad scientists funny.

Twinsanity is the only one I ever liked or found memorable.

we're getting old, friends. Especially when zoomers can beat us at CTR.

Attached: hello-darkness-my-old-friend-gob-arrested-development.gif (500x281, 955K)

I still have my PS2 hooked up.
I rented CNK and it was terrible. Especially that clock level.

>even at his most threatening he was campy and entertaining, like dr robotnik
Dr. Robotnik was kind of conceptualized as an unfeeling industrial force which made him kinda scary. Just look at his blank face with the glasses and mustache that hide his expression in the old games along with pretty much every Bad Future scenario in Sonic CD. He also literally threatens to blow Amy's brains out with a fucking gun over the intercom in Sonic Adventure 2

Anyone having trouble finding games on Switch? Been trying to find one for around 10 minutes now.

Oh, did I do that?

Attached: Untitled-2.png (1120x762, 61K)

>want to try turn characters because shit at drifting/airbraking/turning in general
>none of them are that interesting to me
>mfw seeing pura's tabby and white tiger alts
not quite as used as summer dingo or fake crash, but he's up there

Attached: 1543854635580.png (276x259, 40K)

>playing this game on switch

Attached: bugs.png (864x1059, 144K)

not trying to come across as hostile or anything
all I'm trying to say is that it always seemed to me that most of the "cool" was in the marketing, and most of the "goofy" was in the games themselves
his bazooka shoots fruit for god's sake
in Crash 1 he always looks more worried than anything, and in the sequels he has a neutral, curious expression
and in the end I think the innocent, slightly goofy aspects of Crash aged a lot better than 90s mascot ideas of "badass"

just exit and retry, I get the same issue sometimes

it felts more floaty than CTR i guess


Beaten all my times, have you? Not on my watch!

Attached: 1560295438539.png (344x373, 152K)

I remember every time I rented it, I would stop playing after the clock level. Is that garbage in this game?

Anons, is it worth it to buy shit from the pit stop, or are the Grand Prix characters only going to be available for coins? I was tempted by Six Pipes and didn't decide in time.

Fuck 'em, I say. Either git gud or go back to Fortnite.

trophy girls are pit stop
tawna is nitro points or whatever its called

eh, i love fenomena tracks

they can't beat your times if they have no save data

Attached: VLHrj4b.jpg (296x308, 11K)

Lads, it fucking worked, instantly got the achievement for maintaining a boost for the entire lap and I’m getting below 30 second laps in certain laps.


we know pinstripe

>pit stop refreshed
>still getting base coins from online

there you go lad
you're officially on the road to gitting gud, all you have to do now is keep going

I want to n. seminate Nina

Attached: 1560714838060.png (957x1334, 47K)

So many Coco’s online...

i want the pipes too, just save your dosh and keep playin for it when it comes back

>Especially that clock level.
Which one? There's two of them

good job young lad. I don't even have that trophy yet. But when I go for it, it will probably be in Roo's Tubes. Is that the level you got it on?

I'm also really tempted by the buggy. that and pipes are the only two karts I really want. Kraken decal looks fucking sick too.

well, I always stop playing after the first one, so that one.

>Oh, uh... hi user. Me and my boyfriend Dingodile were just out for a nice relaxing drive. So, if you'd excuse us...

Attached: Beach Coco Dingodile.jpg (1920x1080, 471K)

>not getting it by naturally playing on Cortex Castle
What are you, casul?


Attached: 1560294408138.png (1280x1266, 763K)

thx user

fuck yeah, can't think of a better kart for Nash

i want it!

Attached: devilish.jpg (360x270, 13K)


I want that vaporwave decal

You shut your whore mouth
Coco is only into deranged weirdos. Dingo is too pure for her.

Attached: hello_there_by_kempferzero-davisdw.png (832x765, 67K)

>Original Coco
Barely on my waifu radar.
Is up there with Rouge on the "Not a furry, but i'll make an exception" list.

WTF happened!?

I work 60 hours a week and I'm only halfway through Classic mode. So yeah, I guess I'm Casual.

Attached: 1561245306028.jpg (812x984, 106K)

She has a wide fanbase. Girls, waifufags AND tryhards all play with her.

Personality goes a long way user

>Not a furry, but
Famous last words

press down

Personally I come at the wall at an angle so that you don't need to turn as much. The real part I haven't figured out yet is how to take that downwards spiral with USF without hitting the outer wall.

we know crash

he better not dive into the /trash/ or all hope for him is lost.

>crash team loadingtimes
>30fps team racing

Attached: shitposting time.png (969x749, 881K)

press square mid air.

>Implying Coco isn't thirsty for Trophy girl pussy.

Attached: Dingodile giving Coco the Australian Sausage.png (855x610, 398K)

oh look, a jealous PC faggot

Attached: 1555987285348.png (520x482, 211K)


My Nigga. As much as I like her CTR voice, I like a lot more her voicelines from CNK
>Ooops, did I do that?
>Haha look at that...
>Hot Coco!
>From Coco with Love

Attached: 1560291392326.gif (320x240, 1.66M)

problem solved

she might be degenerate but she's not into carpet

Attached: 1497540060858.png (1160x963, 840K)

i bought it on switch. you can not deny the fact that this game would be better if it wasn't for the technical limitations of consoles.

>not THE CTTR line

You're a poser faggot that's what happened. When I was a kid I had a mad crush on Coco but now I'm turned off by her rip personality and the influx of new waifufags latching onto her

Coco was more upset about Tawna leaving than Crash was.

>zoomers don't even know you can press square while in the air to turn sharply

anyone else rockin the captchas?

Attached: trump.jpg (1100x619, 54K)

shitposting aside, N.Gin is Coco's Cortex and has more connection to him than Dingo

>Every positive energy girl is a Dva ripoff
Overqueers fuck off forever
Your shitty babby shooter didn't invent character archetypes

those are some big wumpas

Is there a gallery somewhere for this artist (assuming these are reposts)

can you imagine being a male and jumping like this

tomboy is a thing faggot

shit is going to get real.

Attached: 2019062419192700-AD808EFD2C53DCD6F8380113B64A0DD4.jpg (1280x720, 277K)

Damn straight Donald

Attached: 1499466716456.png (698x527, 658K)

why are her teeth so fucked up?

I felt that the original Coco was for hug, not fug. NuCoco is for hug AND fug!

>Trying to Platinum Sewer Speedway
This is fucking torture.

Attached: 1549422138966.png (336x329, 16K)


>saw some jap do the shortcut
>decide to try it online
>nail it 3 times in a row
felt like a god among snakesss

hell is real and it is Papu's pyramid

What is this and is there more? I want to laugh.

New thread where?
Name a more based track

Attached: 03465786790.jpg (1024x682, 130K)

I actually figured that out myself accidentally

British Princess

*Cortex's Coco
but yes I agree.

Dingo and Coco have never even interacted.

Attached: you_re_wrong_by_mitssch-d9jvtue.png (800x783, 801K)

I fucking hate OW but it's all there in N. Sane and CTRNF retard
>Takes selfies
>Streams and games on her laptop
>Pouts like a sore loser
She's literally just diet, probably marketing by Activision themselves

Coco is not a tomboy she's straight up teenage girl

Enjoy your 80 coins.

>not dragon mine

Hey retard I was holding square in that webm, why don't you go do it


based Falco

>Coco is not a tomboy
Be honest, how many girls in the 90's wore overalls and were into gadgets?

bigthicc is that you?

Attached: 2019062419250600-AD808EFD2C53DCD6F8380113B64A0DD4.jpg (1280x720, 215K)
It's incredibly soothing

thought that was pic related in the thumbnail.

Attached: andrew dice clay.jpg (911x1192, 79K)

Part of me thinks that might be in-part due to THAT fancomic of Coco and Dingodile. But at the same time I had that thought in my head when I was younger just because Dingodile was the best

>not Tiny Arena

Attached: 1518710047797.gif (262x200, 498K)