What's your dream musou, Yea Forums? I unironically want Mushroom Kingdom Warriors

What's your dream musou, Yea Forums? I unironically want Mushroom Kingdom Warriors

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Xenoblade if not Mario.

Taimanin musou

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Star Wars Musou with content from the first two trilogies + the Clone Wars and Force Awakens bare minimum to zero of Last Jedi content holy fuck, the franchise is going to be dead within a decade after that piece of shit

Yakuza musou

Lord of the Rings

Camelot Musou

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A Star Wars mosou would be awesome, although I doubt EA would relent their stranglehold on the franchise for anything remotely interesting.
Crait and Luke's island had a neat visual design. They might be fun maps but I'd rather nothing remind me of the absolute mindfuckery of TLJ.

LOL Someones mad.

The franchise is already dead man, TLJ was quite literally a bullet to the heart

>tfw love Arthurian mythology but will probably never get anything new that's interesting with good gameplay cause of Fate

At least Knights of the Round was cool.

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Rance Musou

Especially if it takes mostly from the tactical games

Especially especially if you can get tons of alternate costumes

Especially especially especially if you finish off some battles by pulling a Tulip weapon out of nowhere

Castlevania. With a roster of all the Belmonts whipping a bunch of skeletons and ghosts as you clear out parts of Dracula's Castle. They could even incorporate branching paths if you meet certain conditions, like in Rondo. Plus, the music would be fantastic.

Disgaea musou

Dragon quest or shin megami tensei

>all the Belmonts

Man I feel like you're gonna end up with the clone problem again. Maybe pick three or four, cause you also gotta worry about the two Morris boys, and probably Julius.
But once you get past that there's a lot of other great characters to work with


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Smash Bros. Musou.
Subspace Emissary v2.0

>What's your dream musou, Yea Forums?
A good one.

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Juste can be a hybrid whip/magic user that would be different enough from the others.

Donkey kong

I’m pretty sure a dragon quest musou already exists

Something similar to Project X Zone where it's a lot of franchises instead of just one.

Yeah, there's two DQ Musous already. I just don't think they use the "Warriors" subtitle in the West.

I've been satisfied, shame about the sequel tho

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So Warriors All Stars? But better?

Hyrule Warriors is a fucking great game

Cool, didn't know that existed. Haven't played many games that are included though, but yes this but grander.

This post reads like this:

Hoshi no Kirby Musou aka Kirby: Star Warriors

Just take the roster from Star Allies as of Wave 3, add in a few more characters (mostly villains, maybe DL3 buddies), and boom, there you go. Kirby will have multiple movesets based on his weapon abilities (Sword, Hammer, Spear, Staff, Archer) that you can imbue with different elements like in Star Allies by sucking in an enemy of that element. That way you still incorporate that aspect of Kirby without making dozens of movesets (Sword/Hammer/Spear would be variants on MK/D3/Dee anyway).

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I've been playing that on my Vita since that version finally got an english patch and i don't see why people hate that game so much.

Fate is honestly one of the more accurate and respectful media out there

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Don't you like the tale of a King (girl) who grew a magical penis to fuck his sister/wife and grow a copy homunculus out of it?

The belmonts could all play differently if they limit who they pick or dive deep enough mechanically. There are like 5 characters in Hyrule Warriors who use a spear of some kind and all of them play differently. Alternatively the Vampire Killer could be a "character" that levels and with multiple Belmont skins. Idk, throwing ideas out there.

Big Monster Hunting Genre Musou
Bring in characters from MonHun, God Eater, Freedom Wars, etc, all into one massive collab.

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capcom all star warriors

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Team Fortress 2.
> he doesn't even know Alucard
What are you, some kinda faggot? Don't pretend to know or care about Castlevania if you've obviously never even played one of its two defining games.

You could look at the Judgement cast as a references and then add a handful more characters to get a pretty nice roster.

Came to post this. I also wouldn't mind seeing Final Fantasy, since I want new 3D models and new Dissidia a shit. Earthbound would be plenty fun, though on a much smaller scale.

You guys are onto something.

Honestly just having the main heroes from all three games plus some supporting cast and villains would make a good musou. A lot of musous end up with clone characters just to keep pumping those numbers up, or you just end up with unfun gimmicky movesets like a lot of Hyrule Warriors' stuff.

Only if his musou attacks involve rape in some shape or form.

Touhou, probably.

Mega Man
Power Rangers?

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Sequel was a quick cash grab but had its own plus points. Most if not all of the new music was fucking banging and the quickened gameplay made it way less of a slog.

I know that people on here are really starting to get tired of everyone running the series into the ground with constant references, but I would love a JoJo Warriors game.

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precure musou :(

You literally have a ballpark range of 100+ bosses to pick from for Mega Man, plus all the beloved main cast members of each individual sub-series. I dunno if the Musou style of gameplay's a fit for a jump-and-shoot kind of series, Musou with an emphasis on ranged attacks and a limited sub-set of melee characters sounds like a recipe for weird fuckery, but still.

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A number of franchises that I felt would make good musou games actually got games, but none of them turned out particularly good.

Not exactly related but why the fuck won't Koei port either one of these? I no longer have a PS3 or 360.

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There's a lot they can do with this
>Dedede army, Dark Matter forces, Sectonia's insect army, Another Dimension monsters, Halcandran army, Hyness cult, Haltmann Works
Big bosses
>Whispy, Dynablade, Kracko,
Some other characters that weren't in Star Allies
>Lololo and Lalala, Dark Matter Knight, Galacta knight, Yin Yarn, Prince Flulff, Fairy Queen, Drawcia, Dark Nebula
Stage Areas would be pretty self explanatory

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a Shonen Jump or a Capcom Warriors

That license has been historically finicky, that's why I already have 0 hope that the yakuza spin off gets a port as well.

>any musou

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It's true. The biggest sin HW commits is having a few worthless characters in a sea of legitimately enjoyable content.

Kill yourselves

The American Revolutionary War, or the American Civil War have been my dreams for years.

It's weird how everyone got in except for Vaati. A four swords moveset for Toon Link would have been pretty cool too


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It's a brainless button masher that has existed since the 2000's. It's nice that you like the Hyrule Warriors game but it's not a very good genre gameplay wise.

It's okay to say you've never played a Castlevania game before, user.

Anyone can dull anything down to the bare minimum to make it sound bad. like mashing a button on turn-based RPGs, or pointan and shootan on shooters. I'm not gonna argue that musou of all things are brain-taxing, but they're not bad. It's specific titles (Dynasty Warriors 9) that really fuck it up, but it's okay to turn your brain off every once in a while, and some musou actually do throw challenging enemies that require more than exploiting AI to mash them to death too.

Plus, you know, the Empires sub-games exist.

All I can think off is Benjamin Franklin summoning giant lighting bolts while George Washington is flying through the air with a giant axe when I hear about this.

>The American Revolutionary War
so basically The Patriot. I'd try it

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Pokemon. Instead of one fighter you pick three (with a shared HP bar) and swap.

>95% of the game is just the girls getting raped by Orc-chan

I'd be down to play it.

I want a sequel to Hyrule Warriors

Koei used to make a lot of strategy games around the Civil War and Revolution periods but they never made a warriors game sadly.

>Hyrule Warriors: Breath of the Wild Edition
>open world Hyrule Warriors musou except somehow it doesn't suck quite as much as DW9 fucked it up
no i don't like open world much


porno musou, instead of fighting hordes you fuck them. Get contemporary and "classic" porn whores to model and voice act their own characters. they wont care as long as they get paid and the possibilities are endless.

What characters are even left to add? Only thing that comes to mind is Vaati and whatever that evil mage chick's name was from the oracle games

I don't think they ever added Saria which i remember people complaining about.
But other than that yeah they'd really be scraping the bottom of the barrel

The Last Jedi> Force Awakens

TMNT has always been my dream.

on video game collabs, Suikoden.

Better example would be the Links actually, they're all the same character and all use a sword of some sort but they all use it in different ways. Especially the difference between Link and Toon Link where they both use the exact same weaponry but TL plays substantially different

I want a tri-Ace Musou so I can play Ashton, Maria, and Reanbell.

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I just want a kingdom hearts musou game.


Animation Domination, featuring characters from
>The Simpsons
>King of the Hill
>Family Guy
>American Dad
>Bob's Burgers
>whatever shit new cartoons they're peddling now, I havent watched FOX in ten years
>DLC for retrofags The Critic
>DLC for zoomers Cleveland Show

Advance Wars

Same even though it was lacking, playing as organization 13 in 358/2 days was really neat and a musou would be pretty sweet. Although I think this roster would be one of the 1st where the majority of it is made up of villains.

Please no.

>Dude what if it was Kingdom Hearts, but with even worse combat and boss fights
Your potential reasoning perplexes me

Oh fuck me. I've been meaning to get into this shit. What's this cutie's name?

I mean there is a general even amount of good guys you can play as. The seven heroes of light,the 13 darknesses,cloud leon,aerith,yuffie and then cid. Personally ide be ok with that small of a roster. Then you could also add some heartless and nobodies to play as also. Like the samurai,invisible and then also whatever disney heros and princesses they'd feel like peddling.

Musou series has always had floaty combat that is akin to the osaka team bullshit what do you even mean?

They could still add a good number of characters, and there are a number of Zelda games I haven't played. The soldier group in Twilight Princess, the rest of the OOT sages, Groose, the BOTW champions, Linebeck. There are other characters out there, even if KT keeps their hate boner for the Capcom involved Zelda games. They could also split up some of Link's weapons and distribute them to other people, make more OCs, or even base new characters on enemies. There are tons of options if you stay open minded.

You make a good point, but I just wanted to illustrate that the number of similar weapon types doesn't seem to matter if the dev team cares about the property they're making a game about. This really becomes clear when comparing HW and FEW.

freakin' sweet!

Nep musou

You mean Lost Paradise? Not too worried about that one since I have a PS4. Just gotta get around to it since just got the console. Demo was real good though.

A Pokemon Musou

A Persona musou, so I'm happy, well I'll be happy as long as it isn't just P5 characters, that would seriously be a downer

But user

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this. it just fits too perfectly

You know, my gut instinct is to say "Mushroom Kingdom Warriors" is a stupid fucking idea, but I said the same thing about "Mushroom Kingdom XCOM" a few years ago, so that might actually be a good idea.

I didn't count the FF characters cause I figured if square ever does want to use their ips in a musou, then their 1st choice would be an ff musou. I would like to think they'd add characters like eraqus and the 5 keyblade masters from the phone game. But then you'd have to take into account that almost all the good guys use keyblades.

>cause I figured if square ever does want to use their ips in a musou, then their 1st choice would be an ff musou.
There's literally two DQ musous

Mario, Nintendo, Kirby.

Bleach Musou

Its perfect for it. Shitloads of unique characters, plenty of dumb mook types to fight off.

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They all have keyblades but all of them use it differently. Yeah sora,roxas,and ven all look the same but obviously they all have different ways of using the keyblade,you know?

A Dragon Ball or Naruto musou would be fun as fuck.

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Game of Thrones Musou

>Young Bran Stark and Third Eyed Raven separate characters
>fighting white walkers/Lannister’s/wildlings
>OC story that discards deaths/time differences that is united by an OC GoT character that is a cute girl created only for Game of Thrones musou
>mysterious white walker villain girl and it’s a “twist” she is connected to good OC girl in some way
>pre-order bonus character is either Ned Stark or Ghost

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Warhammer 40K Musou

user, I....

Star Fox Musou, why? Because Koei Tecmo wanted to make one before Hyrule Warriors. That and I'm sick and TIRED of Star Fox characters being represented as Stupid Talking Heads With No Bodies. Fuck Nintendo. If they won't give the cast of Star Fox bodies, then I'll take Koei Tecmo's Musou to get to see what the fuck do they look like with full bodies.

If Persona 4 Arena could have P3 characters than the P5 musou can have earlier characters

A new Kamen Rider Battride War.

>you lived long enough for contrarianism to make people hate Jojo, God Hand, New Vegas, Deus Ex, and basically everything that was once universally accepted as good

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Smash Musou just so we can have neverending Yea Forums threads all over again about who is IN

>I just want a kingdom hearts musou game.

As a Kingdom Hearts fan I'll be the firs to tell you that a big part of musou games that sell them is popular characters. Kingdom Hearts? I can think of maybe 4-5 characters top who are decently like but I wouldn't consider them actually popular. Crash Bandicoot alone is more popular than EVERY SINGLE KH character put together. You're asking for a flop.

Oh yeah I forgot those existed lol
Yeah I know Roxas, Terra, and aqua fight differently. Sora and ven fight kinda similar though. And I don't know how they would try and make the other keyblade wielders feel unique cause they haven't really fought too much or were in gameplay. Another idea, which I know would probably annoy some people, would be to separate some of soras forms into characters. Some of them have potential to be their own separate character. Especially anti form sora.

Transformers will be a great fit for a musou game.

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Zelda characters outside of the big 3 aren't that popular yet it got a musou

KH is way more popular than Persona 5 and that got a Musou

Seinfeld Warriors

Ise actually love that the forms be different characters themselves. That way valor form finally has some love to it.
I think you are underselling the series as a whole.

E-Celeb / Youtuber Musou

But those big 3 from Zelda are again from Zelda a franchise that outright revolutionizes the gaming industry. Legend of Zelda is iconic. That's why it's brand name alone is what sold Hyrule Warriors, it also sold like 2 million units which is DAMN good for selling just on brand alone because musou aren't good games.

Instead of a new Battride War or a completely new Warriors series we instead got
Super Hero Taisen Warriors.
Kamen Riders, Super Sentais and Metal Heroes all in one.

You know they made an FE musou right?


As long as I can play as Revali and fly around.

>Kramer's crowd control move is a forward dash ending in swinging a door open
>Elaine's combo is the dance and ends with GET OUT
>George runs like a girl and his Musou mode is when he gave up sex and hit home runs with his bat

And Nintendo Fanboys bought that. The power of Nintendo's cult.

I think they're really only peddling live action shows for new shit on FOX like brooklyn nine-nine.

But people didn't really buy it and nobody likes it. It's not even close to the levels of fanservice in Hyrule Warriors.

Okay but only if it gets Curb Your Enthusiasm dlc.

>But people didn't really buy it
Why do I keep reading this, it's literally sold more than a million which for a musou and a spinoff and even compared to the vast majority of FE games is really fucking good

Oh I heard it sold a million. Fair enough then.

I think P5S has a good chance at being mine.

Elaine's special
>starts a wind up
>yadda yadda yadda
>everything dead

Merlin! What trickery is this?!?


>starting characters are tetrominoes
>eventually unlock antagonist pentomino characters
>pick a team of pieces and send them out to a battlefield where you can clear thousands of lines quickly

Yoshikage Kira and Killer Queen would be broken.

>people suggesting anime

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Treasure Warriors

I thought of this literally about five seconds before I made this post. My brain has yet to finish registering whether or not it's a terrible idea.

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Incredibly dumb one but Undertale Warriors

Fuck that, go further: Full on historical musou from key people from various time periods and cultures. Given the actual musou games have a ton of chinese people, there's plenty to pull from.

>Lu Bu
>Ghengis Kahn
>Joan De Arc
>Alexander the Great
>Charles V
>Rhameses II
>Cyrus the Great
>Jasaw Chan K'awiil
>Huayna Capac

That's 3 from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America respectively.

Mushroom Kingdom warriors could be a lot of fun if they're willing to experiment with the more obscure characters of the Mario universe.

This is for all of you.

A lot of their original games aren't even from the same publisher, so yeah, kind of a bad idea.

>We will never get what is essentially Mario Bros. Z: The Game

phantasy star musou

There are 3 Marios, and the 3rd Mario is Captain Lou Albano.

I'd love a Touhou musou. Tons of potential characters, lots of mooks to kill off, and the story doesn't have to even try because Touhou never tries in the story department. Only potentially bad thing about it would be the inevitable oversaturation of EoSD characters.

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Mosuo games are weeb bait get over it you stupid frog poster. Dont you have a tfw no gf to post about?

Super Robot Wars, even if they are limited to using only the Original Generations cast they've got more than enough.

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The Persona musou thats coming soon should have included 3 and 4s cast. It would have been nice to see both casts grown up by afew extra years.

Yeah like naoto growing a penis and having her voice deepened somehow.

A better Tales of Musou than the shit that was released on the PSP

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I'm Brazilian and still can't figure out your image

we need more crossover Tales games
or at least less japan-only ones, goddammit

wasn't the ps3 one a musou? or was it just an anime arena fighter? i remember seeing gameplay of it and someone fighting a bunch of mob enemies

Would be cool if there was a guest mech maybe, like throwing in GokaiOh or Rysoulger's KishiRyuOh

A musou with just OG would be awesome.

It's okay to say you only know the Belmonts from Smash, user.

Marvel vs capcom musou

Dreamland Warriors
MegaMan Warriors, where you control various MM iterations and robot masters.
Pikmin Warriors where you can play as any of the captains or some monsters.

I think they're just done with those and sticking to mobile games for Tales series crossovers. I mean the last one was on the 3DS, was an SRPG, and i barely heard anything about it after release.

Those aren't really musou games, they're kind of their own thing.

one with actual good combat.

Rumble Blast was the only good one

Ooh, or a Time Mazine from Zi-O

Theres others? I thought the one on the wii was the only one.

>forgetting that Precure was #1 most wanted musou on the polls

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This. DQ got a musou, FE got a musou, Tales needs one too.

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I would play the shit out of that. There's a lot of variety even just with the OG people. The robot weapon lists already look like combo lists a lot of the time too.
>pick R-1
>C1: Steel Knife
>C2: Giant Revolver, knocks enemy into the air
>C3: transform into R-Wing and shoot missiles over an area
>C4: Boosted Rifle
>C5: T-Link Knuckle
>C6: T-Link Sword
>Special: T-Link Double Knuckle
>Focus: Combine into SRX and get a stronger move list. At the end of the duration, SRX separates and they attack using R-Formation.

But...that would a be a boring Musou.

Entire armies fall to a normal Falcon Punch, and that is a love tap.

For me, I'd like an X-Men Musou But I know fucking Disney will just turn it into an Avengers game :(

A TMNT Muse might finally give the world the closest 3D game they got to the Konami games while still keeping gameplay variety.