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Nintendo Switch exclusive

Where is Diablo Immortal? I even went and bought a Phone.

How can one develop a game without having seen it?

It'll be shit, Activison Blizzard will never produce anything good, ever.

i'm sorry i ever brought blizz games

>a blizzard game has been shown to blizzard
Wow, very impressive.

Who the fuck did it if it has been shown to their own employees?

i can confirm It's true, they showed it to us in late April

what does that mean
were all the developers working with blindfolds on
what the fuck is this article

Is that an another poe clone like grim dawn or something?

Shitting out a game quickly after a PR nightmare doesn't mean much.

a chink third party company of monkey coders
its what most AAA game dev companies do
been working for ubisoft for 4 years now by handling a team of those chinks

Anyone have that image about diablo becoming a fantasy looter shooter to fill the gap that destiny left?

Chink slave laborers

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No, I will not apologize for complaining that a video game company refused to appeal to dedicated gaming enthusiasts. The fact they caved means my "incel get help please" complaining was fucking correct. Live with it people with political beliefs at all, company's pursue money, not ideals. Dedicated gamers have actual sway by being able to buy video games, get lost normie faggots.

let me guess
>looks just like diablo 3
>UI slightly changed
>same spell system using runes to switch how abilities function
>druid, assassin and amazon brought back with two classes removed(demon hunter and witch doctor)
>rifts, greater rifts, bounties, adventure mode and all the other RoS features are baseline
>trading brought back
>runewords brought back
>8 player mode
>open world pvp brought back w/ ear collections
>can now ride mounts similar to HoTs
>in-game store that sells wings, mounts, banners, portraits, pets and whatever else they can think of
>new character customization that lets you change skin tone, face and eye color
>emotes and dances
>new story that no one cares about

it will be diablo 3 with expansion content. not that i'm complaining because I wanted them to continue expanding 3, but 4 is not going to look or play different from the current game. it will just have shit that should've been added to 3, but repackaged and sold as 4.

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>I ton't like taking a dick in the butt


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It's an FPS to make a fantasy shooter looter.

Crunch is real

Would be better if you asked if they don't have prostates

>the people who are making diablo 4 showed it to themselves

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It will just be Diablo immortal but for PC


Its going to be fucking garbage. Diablo 3 sucked and the dev team is full of faggots now

This, you have to be incredibly naive to think that they took last year's backlash to heart and are learning the error of their ways. They're just going to rebrand Diablo Immortal as D4.

came to ask this. That's phrasing kinda implies something fucky going on. (although, according to my friend who used to be a GM at Blizz Ireland, Blizz keeps real fucking quiet about shit. Apparently it was not uncommon for them to learn about new stuff from MMO-Champ before getting a memo from above)

Why apologize? It isn't out, we don't know it's good, and even if it is, it's their fucking job to put out decent PC games and not mobile shlock. If anything, they'd need to apologize for the shit they've been pulling recently.

>First person looter shooter
>Or "shlooter" if you will

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>People working on the game, have already seen it

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>Diablo 4 has reportedly already been shown to Blizzard employees

Considering they are making the game, this must be the dumbest "reveal" I've ever read.

The whole company is pretty much done, there's no reason expect a good "Blizzard" game from them ever again, it's over.

Monkeys with typewriters

>he thinks they'll build on existing features

Breaking news: a director has seen parts of his own film!

This just in: That author you like? He's actually SEEN his latest book.

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>people working on the game already see the GAME THEY ARE WORKING ON


Diablo 4 should not be the one to change the core mechanics of the game, make this first person fantasy shooter a spinoff, keep the ARPG as the numbered series...

Who developed it then?

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Diablo 4 is just Immortal, the reason blizzard employees saw it was because it was being developed in China.

diablo 4 is being made by chinks. its why no one gives a shit about the game

I imagine they mean all the low level employees on other teams and shit. Some artist working on Hearthstone probably wouldn't know much about D4 due to leak concerns and shit.

for what?

D4 has been in dev hell forever it seems there was rumours that it was meant to be a dark souls knock off but that got axed. Why is this meant to be news. Blizzard is circling the toilet and the only IP they can iterate on at this point is basically Diablo so of course its getting developed.

It's usually assets that are outsourced, not the coding.

>believing that shit

Why are there so many retards like this in this thread?

Did you people never have a job in your life?
Blizzard is a huge company. One team was working on Diablo, and I guess they finished a vertical slice or something and showed it to the rest of the company.
I used to think all the retards were just kidding, but these days I feel like zoomers really are running our board.

So how much of a Saturday morning cartoon trainwreck will the plot be this time?

let's be honest

PoE is so far ahead of anything Blizzard would budget for a Diablo title, it isn't going to be good

>beg a corporation for a game to be made so you can buy it
>they start making it
>"t-they caved!!!!!!!!!!"
imagine being this cucked and brainwashed

The first one had 10 times the charm of the others. Way better atmosphere. It was a dark dungeon crawler, loot was a means to an end.

I did like 2.

3 was shit. I beat it once.

4 will only be good if they try to get it back to be like 1.

But it'll be a microtransactions lootfest with more fucking cartoony art and a shit story.

At this point I'd rather they reboot it.

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for what, do you think for a second nublizz will be able to put out anything even close to d2/poe?

>Diablo 4
For what reason? This genre has pretty much run its course. Between Diablo 3, PoE, Grim Dawn, Torchlight 2, etc. You've pretty much done all there is to do in this kind of gameplay framework.

There are only so many ways you can come up to blow monsters up on the screen. I mean PoE and D3 are already so ridiculous that you're just spamming skills that AoE an entire screen.

Seriously how is that even fun or interesting at that point? There is zero depth or subtlety in the gameplay.

This genre needs a radical change

>How can one develop a game without having seen it?

Diablo 3 is proof that can happen.

Why can they show it to employees but not customers.

You underestimate the dev. They are more alien minded then the shuggoth and 6 times less fuckable.

Tristram in Diablo 1 was actually nostalgic for me, it reminded me of the nights when my grandmother used to tell us scary tales of devils and creatures around the fire inside the old stone house in the mountains where she and my grandfather lived without electricity.

positive feedback only, to avoid pic related

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iktf, pajeet/chingchong codemonkey wrangling is a terrible job

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>For what reason? This genre has pretty much run its course

go play something else if you don't like it then?

>it will be diablo 3 with expansion content

you forgot to mention that Diablo 3 was already expansion content for Diablo 2 as no new zones were introduced and all the parts of the story that weren't directly ripped from Diablo were bad. The Shadow can't create, it can only distort.

>But it'll be a microtransactions lootfest with more fucking cartoony art and a shit story.

The golden rule of modern RPGs is Everything Needs To Look Like WoW.

They should apologise to me user. They should apologise for ruining Diablo 4. You know they'll do it.

it was the best of times it was AN OUT OF SEASON APRIL FOOL JOKE?

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>go play something else if you don't like it then?

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if you think a genre is dead maybe you don't like the genre therefore you should play some other game?

not everything is made specifically for you.

Diablo III is hot garbage and given the track record of Pozzard Diablo IV will be an abject shitfest.

the genre isn't dead, it's just bad.

why are you posting about it then? go play some other genre that you don't find bad then you idiot...

>don't criticize anything just consume and be a drone like me

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>yfw you bought reaper of souls and the necromancer dlc and diablo 4 will get its own new game

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The fact you even made this post. user, i wish I knew you personally so I could put the money on the the table and say that "Not only would blizzard never fucking ever make a game anything like diablo 1 ever again but nor will any other company"

They literally said they were not working on Diablo 4 last year on Blizzcon. How the fuck did they have one materialized in almost a year later?

This is 100% damage control and cash-grab, not a labor of love

you're literally consuming something you don't like, mongoloid.

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>How the fuck did they have one materialized in almost a year later?

You answered it yourself

>This is 100% damage control and cash-grab, not a labor of love

D4 is not going to make any meaningful changes fro D3. It'll be reskinned with new graphics/art style and new monetization methods. That's pretty much it.

Games that actually bring substantial new gameplay features take a long time to plan and develop. D4 has already been scrapped TWICE and now all of a sudden they are showing the game to people less than a year after the last blizzcon.

Diablo 4 is going to be a giant cash grab

>Diablo 4 has reportedly already been shown to Blizzard employees
As opposed to who, a pajeet code farm Activision contracted to make it?

>trying a game and then stopping once you realize it's is the same as mindlessly consuming and being a drone

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Diablo 3 and the expansion was shit. No way D4 is gonna be good.

i want the RMAH back, easy money from grinding was cool and it was the only good aspect of diablo 3.

Path of Exile is Diablo 3. Blizzard should just make their lame ass storybook arpg if they don't like Gothic shit.

>were still supposed to go get phones user

if you try the game it means you bought it therefore it means you're consuming it mindlessly.

also stop posting your selfies.


this is the kind of person who watches quartering, yongyea, oneangrygamer

>A game being developed by the employees of a company was shown to the employees of the company
What kind of retard fucking news is this?

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PoE is a garbage janky chink game that took literally the better part of a decade to get a halfway working melee system.

the skills are all braindead screen clears and it has zero difficulty.

>therefore it means you're consuming it mindlessly.

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>Path of Exile is Diablo 3.

delusional as fuck, PoE is a boring shitfest with no personality, no good soundtrack, the maps are dull and lack any type of ambience, none of the NPCs have any personality, they all feel and sound like place holders of a game in alpha stage, the skill system is... stupid, to put it nicely.

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Still not fucking news worthy which is why it's fucking retarded. A company showed their employees a game being developed by other employees of the company. Wow, I'm hyped. Are we going to be told which employees fart the loudest next?

Honestly I personally prefer the relative lack of narrative in Path of Exile than the abominations that were Diablo 3's story and characters.

yeah, don't give a shit unless they go back to dark fantasy artwork, not this cartoony WoW bullshit

they're both equally shit in different ways, the best option is to simply play none of them.

It scared the shit out of me. Fuck Blizzard. I remember when they made fun of fans who were calling out the Diablo 3 graphics and that it looked too cartoony

hey guys, i made diablo great, no need to thank me!

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I wouldn't put it past them, it's like everyone over there went full retard.

How about you go watch Sargon with the rest of the radical centrists.

And melee will still never be worth a shit unless damage formulas are altered to make armor mean something vs map mobs so you don't get insta-gibbed for CQC, and they outright build melee splash's effect into every melee ability so you're not permanently down a linked gem compared to any magical attack.

what are you even talking about?

Wojaks aren't an argument retard

I can smell your penis, and frankly I'm getting tired of it.

no one forced you to suck it to begin with.

>wastes everyone's time and money at a convention, teasing a diablo announcement, that wasn't this
They can shove it up their ugly ass.

Fuck that loser.
It's by design.

My mind is blown, holy shit.

>resources for a Starcraft shooter moved to Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4
>resources for a shooter moved to another shooter and Diablo 4

When everything turns out to be true, I'm going to post the smuggest goddamn anime girl I have.

Look at the date of the posts. We've known about diablo 4 and the sc shooter since before then.

>the studio has now put up two new job adverts for a Diablo title – a lead character artist and a lead concept artist
>no character artist yet
>no concept artist yet
Did they finalize the game logo and showed to studio?

>no stat distribution
>no proper skill distribution
>no trading
who is blizzards target audience for this video game?

It will be a dark souls / nioh clone game. With loot boxes and D3 infinite difficulty levels. Third person. First person doesn't give good opportunities for selling transmog armor.

so you mean, hellgate london 2

this seems like it would be more difficult than just making proper stairs

Yes. But with overly hammy dialogue and humor everywhere that ruins the once God tier atmosphere.


would come as zero surprise to me if that shit turned out to be true to be honest. absolutely zero surprise at this point.

I loled irl

Anyone hating on Diablo4 was jumping on the blizzard-hate train last year without even wanting to play a good diablo, so your opinions don't matter. Every diablo fans wants a new game and not being stuck with the old games while all other franchises get constant updates.

No fucking duh it would be shown to blizzard employees. They are making the fucking game.

What exactly is wrong with D3's story and characters?

No stat distribution would be a downside if diablo2 ever gave real choices like D&D games, but they are all just spreadsheet combat stats. Everyone knows you just out enough points in strength to wear your gear and put the rest in vitality and never ever points in energy.

What the fuck is that title?
>the people making the game have seen the game

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Its pretty dumb. All of the demons are like Saturday morning cartoon bad guys. They talk to you way too fucking much.
>"You will never beat me!"
>"I did not need that thing anyways I will still win!"

Act 4 is just the zerg have invaded the world of Warcraft and you need to help!

>Blizzard outsources entire game so they can show it to their own employees

Remember when Blizzard scoffed at all the fans SLIGHTLY TINTING SCREENSHOTS OF DIABLO 3 to make it look more like D1 and D2?

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How much does that pay and what qualifications do you need to be a chink wrangler?

what is this headline supposed to mean
not reading your blog

they were pretty good through frozen throne

>My stomach feels funny!
>Did you remember to eat?
>Yes, I actually knocked out all of the days eating in one go!
>I guess you ate too much then
Pretty much sums up Diablo 3.

my goodness i hope lisa in hr enjoyed the demonstration

The story is just uninteresting despite Blizzard's pretty cinematics.
Most characters are just plain annoying and the fact that they constantly communicate with you via magical intercomm like it's Borderlands 2 is gay and homo sex.

poe is a mess of redundant variations on the same mechanics from its seasonal development cycle, and it's not the kind of game blizzard would make anyway

It's shit.
Women make incompetent work and people don't call them out on it because RESPEC WAHMN, so instead of making your employees actually do a good job, they get away with producing trash.

Yea bliz doesn't make good games anymore

I think most people don't realize that diablo3 is the only current blizzard game that does not have heavy micro transactions or lootboxes.
The only thing you can buy is the necromancer that got added way later as dlc and that's a one time thing. Diablo isn't making much money at all and that's why they were holding back with a real new title.

Another thing not particularly discussed are the characters of classes. In previous Diablo games, they might make a short comment or two when entering a new area but in D3 this devolves into full-on conversations with other people and takes out the feeling of personal involvement

>"This place feels rotten"

Now this is definitely an out of season April fools joke

Oh so it's a Vermintide clone? Neat.
Hopefully they don't shit it up with Press X to Awesome or any other associated shit where a central part of gameplay is interrupting gameplay to show a cutscene.

Yeah because 3 was so good.
People wanted diablo 4 to pretend the shit show that was 3 never happened.
The reality is that blizzard is dead.

Honestly don't know what makes me angrier, that people are gonna claim blizzard is "saved" when it's announced or the fact that it's gonna be shit and they're still gonna purchase it, then proceed to yell about how shit it is when the signs were all over the place and then start asking their overlords blizzard for diablo 5, just like it happened with diablo 3.

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Diablo 2 had a lot of variety in atmosphere, every act felt different from one another and if you actually do a lore run where you chat with every NPC whenever the quest log updates, really feels like a complete world

diablo 3 is one of the best-selling pc games of all time, despite being shit


I actually liked hellgate London despite the game freezing every time I used an ability

Sounds comfy.

leaving real-time rogue behind to embrace a good arpg format would be a big improvement, so there's almost no chance it will happen

Weeks ahead of you senpai. 2 years ago on /tg/ I said the upcoming white wolf vampire game would be pure SJW shit because White Wolf are pure jewish puppets and so are paradox.
I got mocked for believing in the "SJW conspiracy".
For a week, I did nothing but post that one fucking page of Rudi and his trans activism or whatever it was.
Max smug.

Have you never played the previous games? The tone and delivery is completely different

no but there are many varieties of bad games, and blizzard isn't in the "find an item that changes the nodes of your skill tree in area around it" business

>why are you posting about it then? go play some other genre that you don't find bad then you idiot...
Oki doki I'm gonna play a good game.
too late lol

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>still caring about Diablo

When will you fags ever learn?

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/tg/ is a hive mind of fence sitting fags who stick their heads in the sand and say people like the quartering deserved to be banned from mtg because it's the company rules

I want to believe

i bet itll be just as shit as d3

realistically speaking, how much damage did this man caused to blizzard?

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>it's not an argument because i say so

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No, should I?

>tfw I really hope it's a dark souls style remake of the series
Please god no more adding to the story, if it's year 1700 Diablo next and everyone is wearing powdered wigs I will never buy anything from blizzard ever again

blizzard basically imploded after that blizzcon

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That was cancelled

> I really hope it's a dark souls style remake of the series

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>Character is gay because they made other ones gay before.
Try to be more believable.

Jeremy did deserve it because the gullible retard trusted Wizards of the Coast.
Anyone who trusts WotC or Games Workshop deserves their back stabbed.

They will feel a bit clunkier to play but you'll notice immediately how much of a letdown D3 was in atmosphere

>What exactly is wrong with D3's story and characters?

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What kind of mongoloid would read this on the plans and think that it works this way?

blizzard's harm was self-inflicted
they thought because people will pay them money to watch their commercial that ending their song and dance with a chink mobile cash-in game would receive a positive response. there is undoubtedly a market for diablo chink mobile garbage, but it's not the traditional diablo autismo

They're going to take all the shitty elements from Diablo 3 because they think taking a bad game and making it to a boring game is some huge achievement, thats why they implemented all the shitty diablo 3 mechanics into WoW in an attempt to salvage it too. Be prepared for personal loot and no trading

user, it's not brand new information that Blizz employees have probably already seen Path of Exile.

You really expect them to make a good vintage ARPG?
What planet are you living on, it will be mobile shit, just produced for the PC first so it doesn't spark outrage

>game shown to the people that should be making it
that's never a good sign

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nothing, only actual retards care about story in videogames anyways
the gameplay was fun with the expansion

nothing of value comes from video game economies

Every single user on /tg/ has said or done something that'd get them banned from wizards of the coasts, but they do nothing to counter the takeover of tabletop by people who dont care about them

what exactly do you expect people to do over something they have no control

The male wizard has great dialogue though it's not all bad.

biggest point this is just made up is he never touched HotS or Immortal, you would note what was going on there too if you were going this in depth about the company.

I thought this sounded weird, but I just realized they might have outsourced Diablo 4, hence showing it to Blizz employees

This is not good

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Hots is dead you mongoloid

based and no friendspilled

not after they got me to buy diablo 3 and quit playing the game
fuck them and fuck you pretending that your forum gold business is legitimate

Damn, he almost cried...

they just stated a new summer event and it still gets a solid amount of players. Also when they killed that games esport scene it rocked the Blizzard offices in a extreme way. Team lead was moved top other project without warning, etc. If this guy work there he go into detail about it. But he didn't because he dosn't work there, it's just another reddit tier post to roll play as something they are not for (You)s

Who gives a shit? Diablo 3 killed the franchise

I couldn't even imagine the stress of being harassed because you were paid to shill out a shitty product.

do we even care?
the last remnants of Blizzards fandom are 30 something losers that play WoW as a placeholder for where their life should be.

Is Diablo 3 even worth checking out? Classes like demon hunter and witch doctor sounds good on paper

Diablo 3 was awful. Why should I be excited for Diablo 4?

I think "don't you guys have phones?" did a lot more damage
when you get condescending with your buying audience, they will tune you out.

I too have a dad that works at Nintendo

It’s mildly entertaining to go through the story once but I wouldn’t pay more than 10bux for it


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this is a good brainlet and accurately describes my thought process when I read the article title

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already an improvement over d3

I think the journalist defense force didn't help either. These people spent hundreds going to blizzcon and were shown a shitty mobile game, not even fucking made by blizzard, and then were called entitled when they voiced their opinion, a truly controversial one that pc gamers don't want mobile games

Pfft, I bet you think this doesn't make sense either. Idiot.

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Why isn't diablo 2 on consoles ?

if i were an order of magnitude richer it would be fun to make a idiot house as art

who cares

How many fools will go to the next Blizzcon because of this article? Even with the new app scam they're forcing?

Was this done as a joke, or do chinks have zero fucking foresight and refuse to spend money to correct their fuckups?

>This year Blizzard made sure they all had phones
Also doesn't the app require access to basically everything on your phone?

blizzdrones aren't going to miss their yearly wow commercial

Anyone who thought D4 wasn't indev at LEAST after that atrocious diablo immortals showing is a fucking idiot. That was horrible, the worst press blizzard has ever had. unironically worse than the people blowing their brains out because of WoW nonsense.

Yes sir, everything for their take out overlords. I'm sure that fat landwhale that defended immortal will gladly part with his info.

Camera (because it has stuff to scan) files (because it unlocks shitty phone wallpapers) and I think mic. Didn't seem out of the ordinary to me.

Write down instances of your hated companies doing shit you don't like.
When they try to advertise, copy and paste your information on why you don't like that company, and sources on what they did.
For the time being, at least on Yea Forums, you have enough free speech to disagree with corporations shilling by pointing out their kikeshit.
The freedom to say what you don't like, why you don't like it, and to support your dislike with evidence, is really fucking good at deterring potential buyers and making companies think twice about pulling some bullshit.
Why do you think the Epic store doesn't allow public user comments and reviews? Because of exactly this reason, users might be able to convince other users to not buy things.
>but users might convince other users to buy things too
What, in the current vidya climate that treats the customer's agency as bugs in the system and the customer's thoughts as an annoying hurdle on the way to getting paid?
The user's ability to communicate to other potential buyers about scummy business practices is a hardcounter to scummy business practices.
Why do you think there's such an effort to block, throttle, downvote and censor it as being "hate speech" or "toxic" or whatever? Because it costs sales, man!
So spread that shit.
Tell people why bad thing is bad, and why they shouldn't like bad thing.

What the fuck?

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Do you mind quoting what he said? I just can't watch the video with him

Something like "on behalf of all Diablo fans, I apologize for red shirts behaviour the other day".

If it's that big of a deal, don't download the app. Or block those things from being accessed with a root, like any normal person. Again, not that it matters, because it's not anything abnormal. Every game, every music app, every app in general requests these permissions nowadays because everyone HAS to have retarded qr scanning functionality (for camera), they HAVE to have voice recognition (muh siri/alexa compatibility!) and they HAVE to have file access because people demand SD storage.

Afraid that was PoE they were shown. You know, language barrier and all.

As someone who is in the late stages of becoming an Architect, I'd say that the idiots probably built the building and then realized that the awning was too heavy. The brick wall probably couldn't hold the weight and drilling through it might not have been immediately feasible, so the cheapest/most retarded solution was to make a supporting beam go through the window and into the ground floor. I'd nee a better picture to know for certain though.

just like the Starcraft Ghost was shown

You're not allowed into the event without it.

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The damage was more a symptom of Blizzard being out of touch, but if you want to give him credit here's how you figure it out.
Look up Activision's stock price before it happened. Then look up the stock price after this man said those beautiful words. Take the difference between those two prices, and then multiply by the total number of existing Activision shares. Pretty sure that should give you a decent approximation.

>shown to Blizzard employees
>this implies Blizzard employees are not the ones working on Diablo 4

>Blizzard so butthurt about do you guys not have phones that they forced people to have phones
L e l

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So don't buy a ticket to the event. I'm not defending it, just saying it's not uncommon, and there's easy ways to avoid having to use it.

ME CONSUMER, ME NOT LIKE WHEN NOT BUY THINGS!!!! RRRUUUUAAAAOOORRR *flips over a table with my massive wallet*

I love this shit

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nice game lolbabs

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Oh no ... imagine the smell! Haha

Is there a reason the support beam couldn't have just gone straight down?

Someone took their home design inspiration from rust

>t. Dad works at Blizzard

>somewhere out there, there is a timeline that got a proper Diablo 3 that is now on its second expansion and still thriving
>And you aren't living in it

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Soooooooooooooo... would this mean one dev team on say: Heroes of the storm have been let in on this because otherwise I'm quite confuzzled on the headline... or even the nature of the interaction to begin with.

yeah, its called minecraft dungeons


d3 sold well but people are never going to devote years of constant play to loot grinders when there are so many multiplayer games to play
poe has to add a new gimmick 4 times a year to get people to keep playing it

guys what's the best system to play this on? apple or android?

It'd have been unsightly to have a beam going into the ground right in front of the window.

best played on google stevia

As someone who did a stint at Blizz in the late 90's, what they do is that once a year in the summer they have a big internal thing where everyone in the company gets together and shares what they've been up to. Everyone piles up into a big room and games in development get shown off.

I sit down when i pee, there aint nothing wrong about me, just taking a whizz, mind your own biz! Why's everybody always staring at me!


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Isn't that the sweetener?

>all the thread is shitting on diablo 3 except for this faggot
>he thinks he is tricking literally anyone
lmao eat seven hundred cocks, shill

i would never ever make light of the name of a google product
you must be mistaken, sir

But having it go straight through the window wasn't?

millions of people liked diablo 3 they just don't post here

i played over 500 hours of d3 and it's a shit game i want my money back

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I apologize for that, must have misread. It's is near midnight and I should proceed to my quarters to rest.
Sorry about the confusion, good sir.

That makes somewhat more sense. Everyone's walled off in their own corners on their own projects. It's a big place with multiple teams.

Then there's this and if there's a granule of truth to it then things at Blizzard are outright bleak and I feel like in spite of my aspirations being shoved aside for a stable menial job I feel like I've dodged a bullet.

It's this timeline, just with a different name

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4.0 is coming

i hate poe.. all items look trash. i wound sell that shit cheap.

>only 2 resists on chest piece
>life regen lmao
>only 2 sockets lmao

now go ahead and tell me how that piece of shit's probably worth 10 exalts or something. fucking gay game

>not getting the joke
fucktards, "late april" implies it is an out of season april fools joke, I will leave you to figure out the rest

>Anyone who trusts Games Workshop deserves their back stabbed.
I trusted that they wouldn't fuck Chaos Marines any further and here we are.

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I wanted to like PoE, but their netcode is utter shit.
>Be in PNW
>Connect to a server in California
>350 ping constantly, game is unplayable.
Other games give me no problems like that. This game however, I could troubleshoot all day and still not come within remote danger of 100 ping let alone anything below that.

your ping being shit has nothing to do with their net code

You PoE fags need to be shot on sight

Your fucking 1 ability AoE spam shit pile of a game is not good. It never fucking was.

its no d2 but it's the best we can get for now
I can't speak for your ping, but it's always fun to have to log into the game 3 times before I can play every day

It was too manly for consolets.

>Diablo 4 is just Risk of Rain 2 with a Diablo skin
I mean

It could be fun

Play Grim Dawn.

>believing some grunt employee has access to information on every title at blizzard
this whole thing couldn't be any more bullshit. if the diablo 4 being first person thing wasn't enough.

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It'll be like diablo 3 but somehow dumbed down even more.

so it'll be pve heroes of the storm

>mccree is solid snake style clones
>diablo 4 first person
>overwatch 2 is 60$ Mann vs Machine
If any of these is true it's gun be hilarious

Shows how out of touch from reality they really are. Literally people who live in their own bubbles.

Who are you to tell where their life should be.


Feed me the Grim Dawn pill