What would you do in this situation?

Attached: 1561374262201.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

Pull the trigger and cleanse the gene pool of another goblina.

Let Mr. X anal vore her

dios mio

Are the animations supposed to look janky?

one of us one of us

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Fuck you!!!

Attached: 1561376381878.webm (1448x998, 2.97M)

This looks like a poorly made SFM. Also why is this girl so unattractive? You would think this is made by a western studio and not a Japanese one.

Are you retarded or something? I haven't played the game and even I know he's using a camera hack, which means when the character LOD is shifting the camera is looking at the opposite character.

yes, because usually there is a camera cut and you do not see her face during the part where her hands are being tied

Unlike you, I played the game. It still looks bad even without the hack.

Tell her: bring me Rebecca right fucking now or your head is bye bye.

...oh wait, that girl could be a good substitute for becca...

>t-the animations l-look janky
>n-no I didn't mean the a-animations, I meant t-the bad graphics!

Imagine being so bold about moving the goalpost to suite your narrative, you autist.


RE threads have officially been ruined by Claireposters. How are we going to battle against them and reclaim our comfy RE threads?

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No way fag.

RE3 or 8 with Jill is the only way

What the fuck? I never changed my words.

by posting the superior female

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Now you know how the FE fanbase feels

Not dark enough.

Attached: blacker.webm (1080x1080, 2.99M)

There you are Leon, I was looking for you.
We need to talk, about my sister and you.

Attached: Chris.gif (268x270, 1.31M)

First I would order Sherry to lift up Claire's tank top so I could see her jubblies

Attached: 1561359820817.jpg (1920x1080, 518K)

I shoot her ugly face.


strategical becky counterattack!

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rape her

Post more please

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I love Claire. I want to marry her and raise a big happy family with her.

Attached: 1549431767657.jpg (925x852, 140K)

Have sex

>RE threads have officially been ruined by waifufags

t. huge fags

men of culture

I would wait out the scene right up until he closes the door and then I'd shoot him through the gate.

claire or jordan?

Attached: clairesquid2.webm (640x900, 2.15M)

How did she even get free so fast

Claire, stop ruining these threads by posting r*al women.

Movie magic and so the player's gameplay wouldn't be changed when the cutscene ended.


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How did Capcom get away with this in the year of our Lord 2019?

Attached: oof.jpg (1920x1080, 526K)

Yeah, I noticed from all the (You)'s I got. We're Fucked.


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Why do they even do this? Why can't they just use the leve's lighting?

You're retarded if you believe RE threads weren't always 90% waifuposting

How can you be so sure it was 90%? Maybe it was 89% of 91%

Chris posting needs to come back.


No. Fuck off.

Evil white man who's also a cop? Gee I dunno.

Attached: CHRIS Claire19.png (1000x800, 1.1M)

Attached: Sherry Alert.png (240x855, 356K)

Re5 chris should get his own Yea Forums banner

Post em

She always saves these threads

Attached: becca_shootstyrant.webm (1280x720, 379K)

>This is Sherry
>Uh... ok? Whatever bitch
What did Leon mean by this?

Attached: 1561363954994.jpg (1920x1080, 493K)

every cut they can do basically anything they want since it's hidden

It's interesting, they fully animated their faces talking to eachother at the end as they walk down the road even though the player only sees them walking away in the distance. Except Sherry, her face was blank

Attached: ending.jpg (1920x1080, 444K)

He's not ready for a family

Attached: clairexleonxsherry3.jpg (2030x1084, 280K)

you're right!

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Of course he is.

Attached: family.png (1920x1080, 1.64M)

>re0 face

Attached: becca_face_unimpressed5.jpg (354x390, 25K)

Nice tummy

Attached: take responsibility.jpg (1920x1080, 128K)

they gave her this face

Attached: greet.jpg (539x527, 28K)

This makes me think of that Marie Rose in the cell block sfm. Why is there never any official crossover between DOA and RE? They put the RE girls in DOA swimsuits all the time.

Because Capcom doesn't support such sexualization, that's just modders

Attached: YABBA DABBA DOO.jpg (1560x2158, 1.44M)

Why didn't 777 ever do an Ada nude model? Makes me mad.

That nametag better not say M. BRANAGH on it

Attached: zombie.jpg (1598x1080, 621K)

>Capcom doesn't support sexualization

Attached: 1533564081343.jpg (2891x2137, 1.84M)

Start playing resident evil 0

Attached: becca_scold.gif (340x231, 2.66M)

futa mod when

Please post more of her big nice ass

i already did! multiple times!

Attached: 1519551732122.png (669x783, 787K)

Were talking about sexualization of Claire, not some African roastie

Attached: claire_cheeks4.jpg (898x900, 138K)

why does she look so shitty in game but Ada looks so good? What the fuck was Capcom thinking?

Attached: 1555367697564.jpg (969x750, 77K)

That's not sexual, it's just what African tribal girls wear around. It's like National Geographic footage

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>literally participate in orgies

>African roastie

Attached: 1526317830302.gif (275x330, 1.95M)

I would skin that goblins face

Attached: Goblin Slayer.jpg (1500x1500, 317K)

>Not sexual
I'm sure the heels are standard evening wear in the jungle

Attached: 1509333580454.webm (900x506, 2.89M)

Does anyone have screenshots of the very thicc mod of her where she has a cute belly and FAT ass?

Attached: 1529461232637.jpg (662x632, 56K)

No, you wouldn't. You'd sit there and watch as it rapes your sister, you limp dick faggot.

where's your proof?

Attached: 1484549357596.png (413x620, 280K)

she said it

proof, not he said she said!

Attached: 1484648357576.png (528x894, 1009K)

Give me better enemies and enemy variety. Insects and leechman are men. The tyrant was pretty kino though just like your stinky boots ms chambers

Are pretty meh*

Shoot the zombie obviously

Your cocks now!

Am I the only one who thinks they are both hot? It's always one or the other with you guys

Attached: Ada.jpg (1920x1080, 314K)

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Sherry could have just pretended to cuff her the moment her hands were hidden.

Attached: frodo.jpg (600x599, 45K)

I love Claire

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Claire is for love

Attached: 5861209563.png (1920x1080, 2.88M)


He's wrong and right. She was at an event where it was basically an orgy but didn't participate herself, she only fucked her boyfriend while she got to watch others fuck and others got to watch her.
Source is Kevin Pereira's podcast

Force her at gunpoint into my well stocked van, wait for her to calm down and come to her senses. Then I bring them both home and cook a nice boiled egg meal for them. A zombie infestation is no place for 2 young women.

Attached: 194-318-883-107-12283516.jpg (2320x3088, 939K)

just post what you want and don't be salty about what other people like? if leon is your husbandfu whatever bro, you'll find enough people to talk about whatever you want to talk about, waifu posting just keeps the thread bumped and alive

Attached: Zombie Claire.jpg (1920x1080, 307K)

ay mi dios

Attached: RE4 melee.jpg (1920x1080, 272K)