Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon
Now: Perfect Dark (Bonus Game 1) with PWAHAHAHAHA Edition
Next: Borderlands 2 (3 hours btw)
Later: Metroid Prime
Full Schedule:
Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon
Now: Perfect Dark (Bonus Game 1) with PWAHAHAHAHA Edition
Next: Borderlands 2 (3 hours btw)
Later: Metroid Prime
Full Schedule:
Other urls found in this thread:
post your GDQ approved dinners
suck my cock
>SS: Divinity OS2*
This was the most amusing run last time.
>3 hour """""speed run""""""
I hate trannies so god damn much.
when is AOC going to show up
I miss tier lists
That is so sad
Guy on the right needs to fix his teeth. He was very boring the past two or three times he's been which makes perfect sense why he's been asked to host.
The autismo in the front row of the crowd who's clapping and laughing at the crap jokes should be thrown out or at least taken to the back row.
Muffin is good actually
I want to play Perfect dark but my 360 broke
>help user, my zipper got stuck
$10 please.
Rare is dead and Perfect Dark will stay dead
How poor are you, user? I mean, I'd eat it. Doesn't look bad, but damn.
>twitch chat thinks WoW is good
>twitch chat thinks Japanese games are "Weeb"
>mfw I remember Americans don't have foreskin
thats fucked up bros
right here user
Yea Forums BTFO
PSA: Perfect Dark is a really fucking cheap game, why don't you have the cart in your collection?
Not first, ha-ha!
Megumi probably got banned
reposting cause i made another plate
What will he do during the run
this but unironically
They need to find something else between runs besides interview, I can confidently say nobody fucking likes them.
Needs a shave and a haircut
I had fried eggs, tomatillo+black bean salsa, with tortilla chips for dinner.
oh no no nononononono
>Americans don't have foreskin
What the absolute fuck
you're supposed to fry them first
Wheres the based chat?
g'night bros taking a nap
also fuck you jannies for always giving me warnings, I have a dynamic IP, you literally have no power over me cunts so cuck it and SUCK IT
Who else /hype/ for this upcoming trainwreck? 5 hours to go
Me, but only in movie theaters.
Mmmmm I love dumplings/pot stickers
But that's from AGDQ in the winter user
enjoy your dick cheese
Wow this is very sad user you should feed yourself better
Name of anime?
>he doesn't eat beans straight from the can
this thread
went to sleep last I checked these threads
baked beans are delicious
gonna bake some chicken thighs for dinner lads
can any /ck/ friends recommend me a good spice combination for the rub?
Transitioning has never ever cured anyone's depression.
That shit looks uncooked.
Don't bully you faggots. Also delete your anime avatar
Good luck!
Yeah stay jelly faggot
Whats your dipping sauce? I make pot stickers regularly, but i havent settled on a recipe for the dipping sauce yet.
Can't post what i made tonight, cause its all gone. Made texas style chili.
>that SGDQ where uyama had YSG forcibly ejected during SM64 because siglemic thought he was annoying as fuck and didn't want him around
>you could literally hear him pleading just off cam to be allowed in
the most based thing jewyama has ever done, these marathon threads were fun as fuck back in the day when shit like that went down
It's a problem 4 sure.
I'll be in bed when it happens and I'm glad. It'll be a shit run and these threads will hit rock bottom.
Does someone have a link to the runescape run? gdq trannies never uploaded a vod to youtube
Demon Slayer or Kimetsu No Yaiba
>dunking your food into boiling oil
no wonder americans are obese
The guy on the right looks like Gowron
Enjoy your cancer.
I'm literally eating spoonfuls of peanut butter waiting on dinner to finish cooking.
guys help a fly snuck into my bathroom while I'm pooping and it KEEPS ATTACKING ME
Zone of the Enders 2 run when
I need more god tier bro mecha AI game speedruns.
what game is it running?
Beans are usually are already a dish of their own by adding different sauces when canning them and are amazingly tasty when heated even inside the can "camp in the wild" style.
You can boil steam or fry gyoza my guy, i know this im chinese
I'd make ranks for him but I have absolutely no idea his system I'd just tally it up with my own system
I fucking love Perfect Dark.
Avatardfags BTFO
Sincere question im not meaning to diss but is borderland so popular it guarantees 3 hours of the prime time net rush hour ?
It's steamed you daft nigger.
Metroid Prime 2
lmao they are seething
>t.american who got a loose and lucky cut
My cooking looks like slop but at least there's more variety and less preservatives than that
>CAPTCHA images are starting to get noisy
for me it's the mcchicken
no retard thats plastics
can gives you more iron :)
it does when Gearbox pays that slot since BL3 is coming out this year
the guy on the right looks like he's on Adderall xr.
Oh, it's a seasonal show and still airing. Might check it out, thanks.
choke and slap his head, then tweet about his trauma while not coming back out of his room for 3 days
garlic+onion powder
black pepper
bit of tumeric, coriander, cumin, and cardomom
The runs this year have been surprisingly good, didn't expect to enjoy it this much. Is SGDQ generally better than AGDQ? I don't remember.
I played 2D Metroids but I never played the Prime series until I saw it ran at AGDQ 2013. Great games. I credit Miles with that, what a shame what he turned into.
How feasible would it be to setup a GoFundMe and bait HRT/surgery money from trannies? Would I get in trouble if after I got the money I sent them all videos of me in Vegas with hookers and coke?
How was the Half Minute Hero run?
Ah, ok so you just cooked it like a mong. Gotcha.
Not only that but it's the reverse shitpost meme tier list.
When IS the Marvel vs Capcom run?
its a terrible practice. Should be ended, i will forever resent being mutilated as a baby.
goddam you, actually made me check the scedule
I only watched the first 2 so far, but it seems good. Really well animated with decent character designs.
i think it was just numbers for ranks from 10 to 1
I had a chicken curry and chips/fries.
Supposed to be on a diet but a lot happened today, no time to cook.
this is really gross but kinda appealing at the same time
Why don't you make one yourself?
>why are you crying
>thinknig of boobs
Move on holy fuck
SGDQ used to be more relaxed than AGDQ but when Uyama took over it became identical to AGDQ.
Are you cut or uncut?
Shaved trimmed or unkempt?
No precum or leaky precum?
>3 hours of shit before metorid prime
Fuck this gay earth
Reminder that if you say Caleb at GDQ to congratulate him on his FFVII WR
Bromance of the century, I wish I was this close with my friends.
are they boiled? they don't looked grilled or fried.
grab a decent hoisin, mine are duck, onion and a little potato shredded in, so hoisin is best and then i added scalion diced and a side of cucumber shredded on a grater, i think hoisin would work with pork too
The sexual tension between those 3. Holy shit.
It's pretty fucking good. I've been watching each new episode each week and I started watching it when episode 1 aired.
bout to make some spaghetti
It's always Mahvel time
You can see the middle guy's pubes through his shorts
>ywn meet up with cool guys at gdq and decide to move in together to get coop world records
why even live
Hoisin sauce makes me gag.
cut, trim, no
They suck one another’s dick. You want that bromance?
shit taste in every way
>Never had steam dumplings
Bet you americunt puts them in the oven
His 100% runs are so fucking stupid. He'll regularly forget the criteria, miss things, but still consider it a PB. And his retarded fanbase eats it up anyway because they have no idea what the fuck is going on in front of them.
how is this stuff? as good as coors banquet
Hope this one stays good for the whole week.
Cut, shaved, and sometimes leaky.
You know, I was just thinking about this stupid fucking "WHEN'S MAHVEL" stupid shit and how I haven't had my eyes suffer that cancer in a long time. Then you faggots just had to come along and ruin it.
Opinions of people who don't type proper English are meaningless to me. I know you don't care, and that's the problem.
I'm a brit, m8
this took a while to find
god damn
he's right
Got some good protein /fit/ here
I typically go with pork, and the family loves spicy food so i dice in some serrano along with the usual suspects.
I'd been going with a sugar/onions/sesame oil/green onion/ginger/garlic mix, but i could try a straight up hoisin instead.
The Jews wont let them.
good, imagine the smell
no we just get the chinese to make them for us, if a town in america has more than 1,000 people it has at least 2 chinese restaurants.
>reading comprehension
>Perfect Dark
Is it just me or is there an unusual high amount of downtime between runs this year? Like they've done a lot of interviews and shit in the past few years but this year it feels particularly bad.
>deep frying is the only way of frying
spoken like a true american
It's ok.
I'll give you the third: none.
I trust you geniuses can figure out the rest.
I remember Romscout took over for SGDQ 2015 and then I think Coolmatty took over both GDQs in 2016 and here we are now.
That's fucking gross. He must not shave or it must be like a giant bush from the 70's.
>20k donation goal
Like that's any better when it comes to frying, fish and chips is the most well known non-curry brit food.
what about that wasnt proper english you sperg
just because you waste time and keystrokes with capitalization and punctuation doesn't mean anyone else has to, plus everyone immediately knows you're an autist when you do
Whens runescape?
He's rocking a pretty sick camel toe too.
Are you a brainlet?
Reminder that MSF:
>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex
Let's break 2 million this GDQ!
Hey anons you should get up and stretch your muscles!
who is this? anyone please
>as good as coors banquet
i mean theres a lot thats better than sewer water
>mfw i hear this fucken MSF globalist propaganda
uncut, unkept and dry
Here's your runner brethren
emergency aids
>tfw following GDQ around with my stream
>i just make my game whatever they are on
>EZ views
The runner got banned so it has been cancelled.
used to be more differentiated, but at this point its the same shit, just in minnesota instead of DC
Huh.. Neat.
>when Uyama took over
Uyama was original event runner you idiot.
>An Actual Jew
Hairy as fuck you midget bear
Why did Perfect Dark need expansion pak?
You put no effort into typing. It stands to reason you put no effort into anything. This includes your ignorant opinions. Nobody who types like you ever has anything worthwhile to say. Like I said, I know you don't care. That's the problem.
I'm about to stretch my penis in the shower.
I genuinely support any organization that helps to destroy Europe.
He delegated SGDQ because he caught the world's longest case of chronic mono.
Post hot cis-male speedrunners I can fap to during their runs
Shit this is a good idea I'm stealing it
kill the dancing father
This whole day has had great runs though
fuck "mahvel". Whens Tekken?
>it's been like 20 minutes of setup
shout outs to the tech crew
is everything okay at home user?
American Chinese food just doesn't compare to the real shit. Ever had chicken feet? They're surprisingly tender.
Also they have actually spicy food.
couldn't run without it
a traitor
fuck guys I havent wanted to watch a single run yet. what the fuck happened to gdq it used to be so fun
>donate to our global cause instead of your local communities goy
Good stuff there user.
How do you make these? Or are they store bought? I usually don't eat gook food but post recipe plox.
It actually used the additional memory, unlike DK64 that needed it because it was incredibly poorly coded. The carrington institute interior was pretty resource intensive.
they spend way too long reading these donations and shit
>sumo din din
N64 was an ancient system, Perfect Dark pushed the graphics of the N64 past what it could do without the expansion pack.
>Hoisin sauce
i was baking a shepperd's pie in the oven but forgot a plastic strainer i had in there
>still no game
fuck this, I'm going to go play some hentai games
are chicken feet really as exotic as you could think of
Everyone here says that MSF is a scam organization that profits off of smuggling refugees, but do you actually have any proof of that?
>inb4 they helped stop those boats in the Mediterranean from sinking
Yeah but it would be pretty hypocritical of their core purpose if they just willingly let people die on their watch so that doesn't indicate a profit motive.
It takes time to plug in a N64 and a cartridge. Cut them some slack.
who is this fuck and why do i see shots of his desk+hair dryer spammed on every board
what is doctor without borders means? like they have no qualms? help with everything? if you want suicide they kill you?
It's almost like they are trying to get more donations for charity or something.
It has to be done.
Because some of the levels don't fit into 4MB of RAM. You can still do the Combat Simulator modes w/o the expansion pak, but not the main game.
There are Gameshark codes which allow you to play w/ only 4MB of RAM but some levels crash from what I've read.
This is not to be confused with DK64 where they required the expansion pak to hide the fact that they had a memory leak
Who is this semen demon
the entire point of typing and everything to do with computers is convenience you absolute fuck
when you put """effort""" into something specifically designed to be as easy as possible you're shitting all over technological advances while wasting your own time AND looking like a moron.
>i'm a squid kid now
This but unironically
>I get to see prime 1 and 2 this time
Now that's my kind of pie.
Because retards like you keep replying to it
I'm gonna go back to reading some more Frankenstein.
Damn bitch, this is what you eatting?
But seriously, is this the hot dog option I saw on the GDQ menu in another thread? If so, god fucking damn this is sad. I thought 10 American bucks got you more than this
There's a .webm that makes the rounds showing them supporting illegal immigration into European mainlands, supposedly kickbacks.
>humble bundle lets me send the profits from my purchases to an animal shelter in my town
feels good
slutty sanae
I'm giving this shit 3 more minutes. What is taking them so long?
>console FPS
yeah, nah
would someone please just stand between the camera and autism
The idea that you consider it effort tells me everything I need to know about how lazy you are. That's the point. You can't even be bothered to express yourself intelligently. Why should anyone give a shit about what you think when you talk like an uneducated moron on purpose?
shame how they stopped offering bundles
my mum makes them from scratch, she buys store dumpling rounds and fills them herself, if you got a chink store near you just get the round doughs and fill em with whatever, these are duck onion and potato with other herbs, then just steam or fry them, easy to freeze and store too, good uni food.
>GDQ menu
wut? someone post it
Should I play video games or watch this
Who is the biggest slut in anime?
Do you need some help?
>gotta take a shit
>"ok let me watch this shit while I take a shit"
>twitch faggot app won't let me open a stream without logging in
what the FUCK is this god awful faggotry
Everything is fine, user.
Just an example.
They don't have it in the States, that's for sure.
Play games during Borederlands.
Back in the day, they'd apologize if setup was taking longer than five minutes saying it was a tech problem. What are we at now, 30 minutes? It's just the fabricated norm now to shill shit.
What'll you have, Yea Forums?
that's a lot of meat
they do but it's always books or software instead of games and when it actually is games they're shit.
What happens to that guy who invited a girl to stay in his room for ‘cuddling to get to sleep’ then got kicked out of the event? Is he still about?
I've missed the last seven hours. Anything happen?
>they're sandbagging the setup to extract more money for the filename incentive
The staff is busy dilating.
Buffalo chicken wings please.
Umaru will fuck you for video games
let me just run over to mcdonalds across the street instead
Get the money but made a fake report of you going with it, post about the scam 5 years later and then you are free to laught in the 60% faces
Is that actually verified what's happening or is it just what you want to see? And if it is true, is it something endemic in the organization or just something some within it are doing to take advantage of the situation?
If you're gonna blame someone over the situation, blame your neoliberal government and their obsession with raising GDP at any cost.
Somewhere else
bidding to name a save file, who the fuck even cares
>no gluten free vegan option
Guess my girlfriend wouldn't be eating.
theres no way theyre gonna get 10k within the next half hour
yeah you look real fucking intelligent, the fedora tipped me off. no one gives a shit, especially not around here. go choke on some sauce
Hot dog with nothing on it.
chicken tendies
Buffalo chicken and... BBQ chicken?
Jesus I'd be depressed if I had to eat that shit
My vagina is now a waterfall, thx. 2beehonest His Leon cosplay is pretty hot.
Jesus fucking Christ, this is next level shilling
>Including gratuity
Is that shit legal?
It doesn't start until 4:32
I can't say that about any system from that generation, if it's a console that can draw polygons in hardware then that word belongs nowhere near it
How many tendies do you get?
so it seems like they upped their standard "insider" donation to $250.
you know, the donations manufactured and given by the people who run the event. there's too many of them to be coincidence. they need to up their final numbers from past events i guess.
what's your BMI, m8?
>Perfect Dark main character is a woman
>Main villain is a woman
>US President is a black man
This is my plan as well
>only one vegan and one gluten-free meal
>can't even get both in one meal
fucking bigots
>there will never be a Perfect Dark source
>buffalo chicken wings
>gluten free
wow really?
i think they mean you're spending exactly $10, because the price is 9.whatever plus the tax/gratuity = 10
>that balding fatty dancing in his chair
they had to search game shops for an expansion pak
given how much of a manlet bonesaw is, i'm guessing it would be jarring to see in person
>Knows Japanese
>Went to Japan and got some sweet jap pussy every single day
>Speedruns because it's fun, not for records and shit
Why is he such a chad?
>MORE fucking ads
That's been THREE fucking times now.
Fuck you get this shit started already god dammit and put the fucking PD music back on you fucking cock suckers.
Remember when people didnt get mad for no fucking reason about things in their vidya?
What a magical time.
>3 hours of boringlands 2
Who greenlighted this?
Thats dancing dad
>I donate to the FSF through my work
lmao, imagine being so cucked you donate part of your wage someone who eats toe cheese for a living
>10 plus tip for 2 hotdogs and fries
What the FUCK?!
Buffalo chi....
Wasn't this supposed to start 20 minutes ago? Also holy fuck that fag dancing in his chair is autistic
hi /ck/
Dancing autist is killing it with this CotN music. Was sad seeing him yesterday dancing to ambient music.
I was just thinking of watching Perfect Dark anyway.
Is the runner not a faggot for once ?
She might be a vegan but I have some meat for her to eat.
No animals will be harmed.
When's 2019
>boringblands 2
bless zfg for streaming
>Other M art
you are a nigger
>covert has to keep stalling for time
what the fuck is going on with the tech crew? are they going on strike?
>Diversity or bullying speach
I remember before 2008 too
imagine watching twitch streams in browser
There is also a gay AI.
>fractal design
Back when SJW niggers and, /pol/ incels weren't around, and no one important cared.
Do you use that hair dryer to reheat the pizza?
how fucking fat are you you worthless fuck
This. Co-op speedruns are surprisingly boring.
came here to post this
Why does he look like Iris from FFXV?
Ahem...don't you mean DANCING CHAD?!
>cops show up
Has this ever happened/been close to happening
>enjoy your onion and pickle bro
>10 dollar salad
Better have actual torn grilled chicken, not that Tyson pre-processed shit.
>half the audience staring at their phones like zombies
fuck i hate zoomers.
>hair dryer
>league of legends
>diet creamsoda
You one of them so called fags or something
>hair dryer
body mass index, it allows us to imagine how disgusting your body looks without having to actually see it
yo shout out to the tech crew
>doesn't remember Bubblesdelfuego
(s)he got game
It's ok he clearly drinks diet cream skda
The Twitch subs made them delay the game for more shekels
Taking so much time we literally ran out of PD music and have Dustforce now.
100 dorrer donation
we're gonna reach bump limit until game starts, lads
What the fuck? I dont have time for this shit.
They play the ads right in the stream now you ain't avoiding shit. I used my own player and it does nothing anymore.
>diet soda
I wish your b8 didnt work so well on me
How was the frame fatale FEMALE only marathon? I missed it because I was working.
They stream the ads you fucking retard. You can watch it with anything you want but you will see those ads.
FIRE SCARY TECHNOLOGY BAD. fuck you zoomer, don’t attempt to pose as a boomer
Who gives a fuck? Those people are suffering and Europe has room for them. Borders are just lines on a map user.
>memelands 2
I don't understand what people find fun about that game.
This is the guy who posted his fat hand, everyone
>watching stream about 12 hours ago
>dancing bald guy there
>come back just now
>dancing bald guy there
wtf does this guy sleep
>that guy is still dancing
It's not like there's anything else fucking going on
Technology is fine. Social media addiction is the problem.
You dont like my dance kid?
>shilling the audio tech crew
>music intensifies 300%
We had a rape scare last time. Also loads of awkward retards getting drunk.
Why the fuck am I wasting my time just posting on Yea Forums for the past 20 minutes while waiting for this shit to happen
Also you're going to be lagging behind more than the browser does these days after Twitch lowered the delay.
>honorary team member
lol that guy doesn't get a cut of the tips
tech crew
BLECH crew!
Not only is it coop run, it's fucking all quests run for 3 hours.
What's meshify? Not sure if that's related to my PC case or not, but thanks for the kind comment, stranger!
they're just waiting around for the show to start, user, that seems like a very acceptable time to mess around with your phone. it's one thing to rage at people for going out to a restaurant/social gathering and just looking at their phone the whole time, but this is literally a boring intermission
That guy is fucking ROLLING, I guarantee it.
you're only half right, they're piping sponsor adds directly into the stream, but they're also dumping plenty of avoidable twitch adds in the downtime
Its the MLP of videogames
yeah they do, even in grocery stores
At first it was cringe but due to his dedication yeah I'm thinking he's based.
This event would be at least half as shitty with Blechy there.
>Perfect Dyke
How do I get invited at agdq ? I want to pull a stunt there. I've got a world record on a game.
>perfect dyke
>Perfect Dyke
He does a lot of sleeping
Ship them to the US. More room and they're the ones constantly meddling in ME.
perfect dyke
>perfect dyke
This event is only moderately interesting because of everyone freaking out here over a delay
>Perfect Dyke
Nice Freudian slip.
Fucking finally, idle cunts.
Did the announcer just say Perfect Dyke?
Oh man oh man, they're touching benises tonight!
>Perfect dyke.
About fucking time. God I HATE power Up Audio so much.
w-what did he mean by that
CovertMuffin finally BANNED
pull my finger
> Perfect Dyke
Man PD looks like shit
>perfect dike
Perfect Dyke vs Crackhead
Yeah who cares they’ll bring their hostile religion and not integrate with the host nation?
>Perfect Dyke
How did he get away with it?
>Perfect Dyke
Oh my god
>perfect dyke storms out of room
Quit LARPing as that one esportsnigger, faggot.
damn i didnt know covert muffin was our guy
>perfect dyke
You can see the guy on the couch's scrote through his shorts too
>Perfect Dyke
>That second of delay as soon as he realized what he just said.
based kevin ddr on skype
also fuck him, setting his audio up probably is what took so goddam long
you submit a run and they decide whether they want you or not
wow, this board is so predictable. newsflash: none of you are funny, original, nor creative
Who are these soiboiz? Why isn't Karl Jobst running?
I was watching Doom run
I ordered mcdonalds on my way home from work but then when I got home I opened my burger and it was literally just a bun
>Perfect Dyke
R.I.P his ass.
KevinDDR, Destroyer of trannies.
>tfw live in the UK
>tfw sleep during the best runs every single time because they're at like 2am my time
>drinking diet drinks
>eats whole pizzas and ice cream
haha get dabbed on
I did not expect that couch, is most of The Elite banned from GDQ?
The runner should be pretty good though.
Here's his times page:
That’s going in my YouTube cringe compilation
>stop having fun
how'd macdonalds fuck that one up
>it took them 40 minutes to get a discord stream audio up
Incredible tech crew.
Do you just eat fucking pizza every goddamn day?
Neither are you
>something funny happens on stream
>people in the thread point it out
why does this trigger you? why do you even come to these threads
fuck I missed it
Here's your (you), Discord tranny~!
watch his legs
he looks so uncomfortable
What if KevinDDR has a seizure during the run?
Never seen a PD run, hoping for the best!
What's with this guy's voice?
install ublock origin
>tell drive thru fag i want a burger
>"u want the meal nigga"
>no just the burger
>get home and it's just a fucking burger patty in the paper
>Perfect Dyke
who let kermit the frog here
If you're not coming here specifically to see the reactions, you're not using the site correctly
buttmad dyke alert
Agent difficulty?
go complain and get free shit
Where's the Magipoka poster?
Holy shit the runner and the couch look like such giant S O I bois and faggot nerds. It's like stereotypical nerd from the 80's.
Fuck outta here, lgbtfags have their own board.
Go dialate yourself
Thats what you get for ordering Mcdonalds
Oh god no...
Just opened the stream, why is there some faggot on skype?
They want to go to Europe which has a declining population and will need the labor to grow.
> hostile religion
Beats ignorant Christianity
>how you want your everything, senpai?
I went and got a fuckin burrito. How's the run been
Goddamn. The dude has legs of steel, like he must work on nothing but his legs. He could kick you into next year.
Holy shit is that ixmikes lightskinned younger brother?
Its to expensive to fly from Auuuustraaaylia!
What do you guys do in between runs
perfect DORK
Stop eating you fat fuck you're killing yourself
Is it just me or is this year extra cringy? The constant giggling is making it worse.
Ayooo who let this future any% run
>missed perfect dyke
does twitch bad people for saying dyke? I honestly don't know
I feel like they'd ban someone for having a slip of the tongue and saying fag or some racial slur
This game looks like shit.
Why's it so popular?
Well he's banned now lol.
>he is really good at this
Is Miles SMB not running Prime anymore?
Based nerdy dude is banned
Have it, it doesn't work it.
I don't work near my house by the time I went back it wouldn't have been worth it
I'm a wagecuck and there's nothing else near my job, I didn't want to waste the little time I have when I get home before I have to go to my other job on cooking
>That slow down
serves you right for eating shit
It's really not healthy to be this much of a salty bitch.
did they skip the first level? wtf?
>Said fuck on stream
>Choking on stream
>Game was introduced as Perfect Dyke
Buckle up, boys
His legs are actually perfect
A ton of fatasses usually have shitty thin legs
Then call them jiaozi, Chang.
I play videogames.
what did he say?
you don't deserve it my dude thats fucked up
who the fuck is talking, do they have someone on call?
Letting a dipshit that you can't physically control or gesture to shut his fucking lips on stream was a terrible, awful idea.
Nobody can shut this faggot up. He's loud as fuck, he's literally not even playing the game, and he's not providing anything of value other than delaying the stream.
desu this run is pretty good so far!
>mouthbreather momo
>perfect dyke
>F slur
I'm glad you have more choices than me user
im so sorry
its a frame perfect move shut the fuck up
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
This makes me want to try re-playing it emulated but with a mouse.
just say you don't know how to cook
he missed the laser skip and said a fuck
Who do you like better?
Which ones?
How long until people can use their "autism" or numerous other "disabilities" to justify and get away with no-no words?
Cause thats ALOT of fun to be had
he said "fuck" when he missed to do a skip like 5 times lol
What the actual fuck is this run?
Just shut the fuck up. You are a terrible commentator that should learn how to speak like a human.
Why arent you watching GDQ with your dad Yea Forums?
>My wife's son is watching Perfect Dark with me.
oh shit, that honestly didnt even register with me
wtf where did you get this video of me
Live from Japan, it's some white dude.
Motherfuckers, the same shit happened to me before. Ask for nothing on a burg and get no patty, just the buns.
Imagine actually watching this shit with your son
No man's sky, no irony.
her iq is small
she's clearly a homo
you guessed right
it is twice's momo
new thread
Someone unplug this cunts connection
Spoonfeed me
any drama/new chibi//wives getting fucked?
he would disown me
>Trusting a Jew
Silky smooth 5 FPS
[X] Bun
[ ] Lettuce
[X] Pickle
[ ] Onion
[ ] Ketchup
[ ] Burger
Yeah what happened? Too fast.
>Ask for nothing on a burg
You deserve it you tasteless fuck.
Whoa! I never knew that! If you play on special agent difficulty, you actually start out on that pier instead of looking out at it with a sniper. This game is rad.
Is he crying because he is the last trannie and got sent to the shadow realm hours?
he said fuck
wanna hang out and play some games?
Gotta find him first
Dammit he didn't do any of the Villa clips
- There was one found on the X360 version which eventually was found to be feasible on the N64
- Prior to that the fastest way was to clip through a dishwasher
Where do you get that pizza from?
Pull my peepee to korean hotties.
You sound like a proper idiot. I hope your head gets lopped off by some crazed sandnigger because you didn't address their god correctly.
They've fucked my order up so much before I thought asking for nothing on it wouldn't be too hard for them to fuck up, but they did anyway.
that's about the same as me but not these kind of koreans
>checks notes
I want to put my penis in Velocity's non-binary cloaca
are you european yourself?
>It's fine
Is wanting to fuck literal plastic people a fetish or do you just have shit taste?
>i'm gay
last post
last post
This is last post
no it isn't
fuck no
yes it is
eat shit
Shut the fuck up, losers.