Why is this game apparently immune to criticism, especially when compared to the rest of the series?

Why is this game apparently immune to criticism, especially when compared to the rest of the series?
>1 (ONE) weapon and zero customization except getting to just 1-4 bonus moves in the form of prosthetic tools or skills
>90% of enemies are just samurai with swords
>zero replayability
>combat boils down to mashing R1 for the same basic combo over and over and occasionally parrying or using a prosthetic, Bloodborne weapons had 3 times as many moves at least
>most basic enemies are just fodder where you simply mash R1 until their poise breaks
People laud this game for having way more complex combat, and the defense is better (having to parry, dodge with less I-Frames, or jump for different attacks is better than just spamming dodge) but the offense is way inferior to Bloodborne and possibly even Dark Souls 1. This game is tied with DaS3 for worst in the series for me.
>inb4 casual filtered
I beat the game just fine.

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>rest of the series
Stopped reading there

>immune to criticism
>not Bloodborne

Whatever, rest of the modern FROM games. It's already an unofficial series as DeS and BB are technically unrelated, so you're just splitting hairs.

The difference is that DeS and BB actually play like Souls. The only similarity here is bonfires.

>rest of the series
What series? there are no prequels or sequels to Sekiro. It's a completely standalone game.

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Bloodborne was shit on 24/7 for at least the first year after release, and before announcement and still gets swamped with console war faggotry. I wish it was on PC too because I hate my PS4. My main criticisms of Bloodborne, if we consider the DLC as part of the game, would be
>Chalice dungeons suck, especially the way they are paced and how chalice materials work
>dodge is too strong
>Yahar'Ghul sucks, reusing the yharnam villagers and yharnam city setting feels very tired at that point and it runs like shit
>some main bosses like Witch of Hemwick, One Reborn, and Wet Nurse are thoroughly underwhelming
The core combat in Sekiro feels exactly like using a Katana in any of the other games, just with different parrying. They should have added alternate moves and combos like Ninja Gaiden. As it stands, the amount they added to the formula does not make up for the amount they stripped.

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>They should have added alternate moves and combos like Ninja Gaiden

Except they did. Honestly it sounds like you're lying about having finished it because I had the same complaints as you for the first three or four hours and hated it but once the game actually properly gets going almost nothing you've said remains valid.

I acknowledged the additional skills but they are so minor and only situationally useful that they are worth almost nothing, and the same goes for the ninjutsu. For example, I can think of exactly one time that the puppeteer ninjutsu was actually useful but a hundred where it was bullshit. For instance, in the poison swamp I was getting hit by mortar fire from two cannons that basically OHKO. I stealth and possess one cannon guy, and he starts firing at the other from afar, but now that he is on my team he does piss damage, AND somehow his firing lets the enemies know exactly where I am.

I also forgot to mention the fact that the game reuses nearly every miniboss and some full bosses two times, which is pretty heinous. I fought the ape and then almost immediately have to fight two, which was somehow far easier, and I have to fight corrupted monk right after his phantom version.

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Did you play the new Mario? Why is no one talking about the fact that it doesn't have any guns? The other James Bond games had all sorts of guns and people I could shoot. In Mario it only lets me throw my hat at little fantasy creatures!

This is you, OP. Sekiro is not a Dark Souls game, faggot. I like Dark Souls and Bloodborne more as well, but it isn't a criticism to say Sekiro is different than a totally unrelated series.

Because it’s a legitimate masterpiece if you get good at it and it’s From’s best work yet. Then to top it off it’s not an exclusive which automatically makes it better.

It is a criticism when it shares so many elements but strips away so much, even if you consider them different series' but just look at them in the scope of the developers past work. If Nintendo suddenly released a new 3D platformer that was a step back from Odyssey in almost every regard, it would be rightfully compared to Odyssey and criticized for it.

It's not. But you retards always bring the same "criticism" when talking about it.

It's 10/10 and the only complaints are "it's not a different game"

Nobody asked.

same here

It's not part of any series, you drooling retard.

Literally every point you listed is objectively and factually wrong. I highly doubt you even played this game longer than 10 minutes.

As a standalone action game, what is so good about Sekiro that sets it above something like Ninja Gaiden or DMC? The combat is extremely basic.
>stop discussing video games!

Its new OP. Thats it.

Because everybody immediately know what it was and wrote it off.

>It is a criticism when it shares so many elements but strips away so much
in grand theft auto you can drive cars but also shoot people and get prostitutes. in forza you can only drive cars. fuck forza, what a downgrade

This isn't a discussion. This is you throwing a tantrum because you dislike a game.