Why yes. I don't buy games featuring dark skinned characters, how did you know?

Why yes. I don't buy games featuring dark skinned characters, how did you know?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Your black boyfriend told me he gets jealous easily; that's very sweet of you, user.







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because your mom is black

Angry Goy 3 when?

This thread is still around, but the thread of fat 3d ass is gone.
No justice.

I always associated moon man with vaporwave. How do you faggots make everything related to /pol/ shit?

Try saying that irl and see what happens whiteboi

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>Why yes. I don't buy games featuring dark skinned characters, how did you know?

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Racist moon man shit is from YTMND era

>newfag zoomers

>wah how come you don't like my race!
>I demand access to white people!
How about you stop licking our balls and go back to your continent?


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I just love your racists ways.

>how did you know?
I saw you in the corner eating paste while rocking back and forth and muttering to yourself.

I did it 14 times today. What was supposed to happen?

Keep crying bitchboy
You're race gon get cucked out of existence soon anyway

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I love how the Moonman song is a parody of a song by a black guy.
I wonder how many people realize that.

racist moonman is fucking ancient

They splatter.

That thieving nigger Biggie stole that beat from Brian Eno.




>implying earth will somehow survive in future
Don't worry, everyone will get fucked.


Nigga yall brought us here.

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b-bro, climate change!

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Utterly fucking based

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you will always be a nigger

Keep deluding yourself.

>pollution is climate change

at least he tried :)

They're worth less than fecal matter

Now clap your hands.
Like this.

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so you play the witcher games?

i'm not racist but i unironically like Moonman, White pill is the best song.

Great video games thread Yea Forums. You absolute dumbfucks.

It's called sampling.
You might as well call Vanilla Ice a thief.

Moon man moon man, black lives matter



1980: acid rain! No drinkable water by 1990!

1985: greenhouses! Flooded world by 2000!

1990: global cooling! Frozen wasteland by 2010!

2000: global warming! Desert world by 2020!

2019: climate change! end the world in 2031!

>Yea Forums is now so underage and soft they can no longer understand or appreciate ancient ironic memes

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Ah yes, that tired old excuse. Notice how it's only black rappers who tend to "sample" music like that without crediting the original white creators..

I'm not racist you fucking nigger!

best doom game for the moonman mod?

same but also women too

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Ah yes because the glaciers certainly aren't melting at the moment and the sea level is rising.
Jfc you are retarded.

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Vanilla Ice is white...

The hidden gem
I'm more bothered by the fact that casual joke racism is considered "/pol/"


>the science is a liar sometimes argument

My favorite, short but actually have good rythm soundcloud.com/moonman-667966768/moonman-white-pills

Yet the beach I went to for 20 years is the same level as always, kys for falling for Jewish propaganda

>being this obsessed that he’s triggered by melanin

based user sinking the ship with everyone on board
can't get more based than this

Where can I download the Moonman collection?

Well what is it gonna be now? Can't say global warming, that was supposed to kill us off decades ago. Did we move the goalposts from climate change yet? This shit is natural for the earth to go through. So instead of being a little whiny bitch, you go be an activist in India or China, you know, the countries who are putting out more than double the emissions of any other countries? Or do we just continue to ignore those pee oh cees and tax the ever living shit out of 1st worlders while claiming you're helping with all those tax dollars going to 3rd world refugees?

try searching for "moonman archive"

>I always associated moon man with vaporwave.
That’s because you’re a stupid newfag. This, but unironically.

>storm warning comes on tv just now
>uses the same tts as moonman

It's gonna take more then 20 years for them to melt and be a problem you stupid fuck. Jesus christ imagine being this retarded.
You get all your climate change bullshit from stupid journalists who make bullshit timeslines, every reputable scientific source says it will be around the end of the century. Stop reading literal fake news and taking it for fact. As for your bitching about 3rd worlders, you dumb ass will be thinking otherwise when they end up coming to 1st world countrys to avoid the destruction.

>i know more about science then actual scientists
top kek

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Anecdotal evidence is not valid.

whiteys and insecure white-larping incels seething

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Moonman's dad >Moonman

cause you're a retard incel

have sex

>race is only defined by the amount of melanin

>tfw the madman did it youtube.com/watch?v=c5AFHu8Xrw4

Yeah white women sometimes fuck animals. We live in degenerate times. What’s your point?

Good old Benny G

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I mean, pretty much. There's other differences, like hair texture and facial features, but it pretty much stops at genetics.

There are more differences between a great dane and a chihuahua (which are both the same species AND the same subspecies) than there are between human races.

My theory is that when Moonman blew up in 2015 was due to Terraria's 1.3 update,some people called Moon Lord, Moonman. It picked up, and peeps rediscovered Moonman from there

Nah it was because of the elections

that you're a seething incel

the best song, you have shit taste if you don't say it.

White people are also animals.
All humans are animals.
You're retarded.

Moonman is big since far before the election.

but there was boom of new songs around that time

Imagine getting cucked by this

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And in time you shall join us in the melanin user

>please white people, accept me!
>I'm just like you people, one race!
Imagine being that thing, oh wait you can't, you already are!

>tfw type moonman song on youtube
>only have this
what a bunch of sensitive cunts.

Imagine being such a coward to your race your racism needs to be a joke

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Nah, I'll always be white and you'll always be a nigger.

>t. la creatura

Damn those are some nice pubes what a shame.

stop thinking about niggers the whole damn time

Why can't we all just get along. Why must we hate eachother.

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To be fair, having icecaps and glaciers on earth is a rarity on the geological timescale.
That shit's gonna all melt whether or not were here

>paid shills
>actual scientists

Literally every beach is the same level as always retard

>I kinda panicked
what a sissy faggot

Fuck you nigger

complacence is death tolerance is suicide

>Literally every beach is the same level as always retard
Okay, now prove it. I don't trust anything that anyone or anything tells me without concrete evidence.

Kek, brain size, IQ, different reaction to stimuli, impulsiveness, etc...
Humans share 99% of genes with apes but that 1% draws the line in the different races, the devil is in the details. It doesn't matter how minuscule is the genetic difference between whites and blacks. That tiny amount clearly makes a huge difference.

It's 2019. You can't act like shit like this is okay anymore.

Face it Yea Forums, you lost the culture war.

I wish they would stop commiting crime all the damn time

/pol/ was a mistake

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*commits 52% of violent crime despite being 13% of the population*
Wachu gonna do bouitit wyboi?

I'm white user

I get along with anyone who isn't a left-right fringetard and can handle jokes and banter

Unironically trying too hard to fit in. This whole
shit didn't exist before 2016. San Andreas is one of Yea Forums's most beloved games.

2/10, r/eddit tourist made me reply
>dilate, have sex, NIGGER, etc generic Yea Forums retard reply
Fuck you.

Burden of proof is on you faggot, you claimed sea levels are rising

Makes you arguably worse then for being a race traitor

Cool, now prove each of those points with peer-reviewed studies.
PS: Brain size means nothing. In fact, having a bigger brain is a sign of autism and PDD-NOS. People with smaller brains tend to be smarter, believe it or not.

>thread has been up for almost an hour

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I guess that hate comes from a love for your race and the fear of it's death. Love can't exist without hate. If races were safe in their own spaces, racism wouldn't exist.

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>Makes you arguably worse then for being a race traitor
You're a race traitor and always will be based on your stupid logic because you'll never have children with a white woman and contribute to your "race". So what's the fucking point?

Nice thread, you fucking faglords

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>race traitor
Lmao, the fuck? How do you betray a race? Super cringe, bro.

No I didn't. I only ever claimed that your arguments aren't valid. "Anecdotal evidence is not valid." was my first reply to you.

fucking based!