Only one of those two is factual. the other is a lie

Only one of those two is factual. the other is a lie.
Pick one, Yea Forums

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Fallout 3 is fine, cRPG fans are autistic.

Fallout 3 Is Better Than You Think

FO3 isn't a shit game at all compared to the other 3D Fallout games, but it's in second place so far.

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They're both right
Fallout 3 is garbage but it's also better garbage than most people think it is

It's shit but not that shit. Still better than 4 and 76.

these guys make joseph anderson look like a professional.

Those two statements don't contradict each other.

I'm not listening to the dipshit who gave us Dark Souls 2 apologetics.

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Both of them make decent points.

MATN's vid is better though.

Fallout 3 is in a lot of aspects the best game in the series, it's now only seen as bad or mediocre beacause they had a chance of improving on it's foundations later on.

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I think F3 is an unholy abomination, so both statements can be true.

>second place
fallout 76 is in 1st
fallout 4 is in 2nd

every single Bethesda game is garbage, this is a fact

Top one because I will never agree with that absolute retard faggot hbomberguy

>improving on it's foundations
what foundations ?
the garbage shooting and the VATS who only exists as a way for the game to not be totally unplayable ?
the idiotic karma meter who was ditched in favor of a reputation system in NV ?
the retarded story who transformed the Enclave into generic vilain n°255-7 and the brotherhood into generic good-guys n°268-9 ?

i skimmed through the top video and it seems like he mostly just talks about story details and stuff. was hoping to see him defend the gameplay and shit. i mean, maybe he does, but every part of the video i see its just story shit.

what about skyrim

>garbage shooting
it was fine

It's a combination of them both desu


no it was not, when you have to give a timefreesing and autoaim mechanic to the player that means you fucked up hard the actual shooting

I dislike Fallout 3 but I hate HBomberguy with a burning passion.
What do?

Fallout 3 is a steaming pile of shit
Absolutely terrible writing
Bugged out the ass
Gameplay that aged like shit (try replaying it today)
Took a giant dump on a beloved franchise

If I could remove one videogame from existence, it would be Fallout 3 without a doubt

there's no autoaim in fallout 3

sorry, but want the fuck is the VATS then ?

the one on the bottom was made by bombertranny so it's automatically invalid

>timestop is autoaim

Obvious bait, literally no one in the world has this opinion.

This. It's a bad game but I still played around 80 hours at launch due to the games' many merits. The DLC also patched things up pretty well. It took until the release of New Vegas for most people to see FO3's flaws more readily.

i used to think this was the case but then i saw the /vg/ general

it's not just timestop you fucking dolt, you don't even have to aim
the game is just telling you "alright fuckwit if you can't be asked to aim then which limb do you want to shoot ? I'll roll the dice and you'll be free"

and that's not autoaim

why do people dislike hbomber? i vaguely recall seeing one of his videos years ago about refuting someone else's video or something

Based and redpilled

They're unapologetically leftist which triggers /pol/, that's pretty much it.

so what is it ?
if it removes from the player the simple task of aiming and it isn't autoaim thent what is it ?

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>if you dislike this leftist guy you must be a right winger!
his arguments are dogshit and he sounds pretentious as fuck. also his face makes me want to puke

Yeah I could KNOW Fallout 3 is garbage for various reasons but also the small facets that make it better than one would initially think

Don't tell me you hated oblivion

just /pol/ npcs. He makes good content, but no one here could actually tell you a reason to hate him other le cultural marxism.

>popular with normies = good
Tell us more about how avatar is the greatest kino ever made.

it's not autoaim because it doesn't aim automatically, it removes aim entirely, as you said.
it's as shit game but soldier's ult in overwatch is autoaim

idk what it's called but if I had to put a name on it i'd just say it it's an alterante way of attacking

I always assumed it was mostly just a way of working in a nod to the original games allowing you to target specific body parts.

Top is correct. F3 has a shitty ending and new vegas is better but it’s still a good game and worth playing.
Lots of good games have bad endings but that doesn’t make the entire experience horrible. Deus Ex has a pretty shitty ending but the game is still a masterpiece.
Fallout 3 does have some really good quests like pic related and it nailed exploration. It’s a genuine shame some people skip over it just because they get really autistic about where the towns grow their food.

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not him but i rewatched it and it was bretty gryaet

he makes /pol/ zoomers seethe like crazy

imagine samefagging this blatantly

>F3 has a shitty ending
yeah but it's still better than new vegas's

1st being worst

he supports trannies
fuck you

i would agree with this. if fallout 4 didnt exist. it retroactively proved the poison pilled autists right.