Game forces you to be a father

>Game forces you to be a father

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*Insert joke about black people here*

Give me my (You)s, please.

>tfw no Satina game

You will get (one) you.
Don't spend it all in one place.

>Fathering is a gameplay mechanic

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>No qt demon daughteru with bonus demon milf gf
just end me now

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Name 5 games that do this so I can buy them

Why would it be a bastard if it’s your child? Is the artist autistic?


Someone post that fantasy bard who fucks all the beast women and shows all his bastard children.

>Why would it be a bastard if it’s your child?

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>Why would it be a bastard if it’s your child? Is the artist autistic?
Do you not know what the word "bastard" means

>Game forces you to be a virgin IRL forever

Whats the name of this comic?

Back to trash with all of you

>ywn marry a rage demon from the very depths of the crawling inferno and make her into a proper wife
why live

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Conception 1 & 2.

Do you? A bastard is one that doesn't have a father around. That's it

Princess Makers

I always thought it was a kid who the father was unknown. Guess I’m wrong

>fuck roleplaying

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Out of wedlock. You can't exactly be married in the eyes of God to a demon.

>Tfw you want to be a father but no woman wants to be with you

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Dead Rising 2 to an extent

>Game lets you fuck your daughter.
Based Princess Maker 2

the word "bastard" means a child whose parents are not married.

>71% of blacks are bastards

vidya really lacks games featuring multi-generational families all in one game. DQ5 is one of the few that actually does it

A bastard child is one born out of wedlock, you uncultured swines.

I mean, he as picture of her his desk on work so guess he doesn't really regret having her.

So if your parents get a divorce you become a bastard?

>you don't mind anyways

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at the time of conception/birth, that's when it matters.

>uncultured swines
Reddit phrase

No you dumbass.

Born. Out of wedlock. If they get divorced right before ur born tho, then yes

you have to go back

that's a man, nigga


You'd know, Redditor.

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Would you Yea Forums?

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>I father is a depressed loser because muh demon pussy
Doesn't deserver her/10

Anyways, Dragon's Dogma is the best dad simulator. Run around wrangling your retarded child until they start to mimic your habits and come into their own as full fledged monster killing machines.

Never been to Reddit champ been here since 2006

This show sucks ass
>Inb4 t. vivzie


God, I want to impregnate hundreds of women.

im not a father for the child sake, poor kid if i get to be a father

>play the last of us
>focus on my daughters bare feet
>feel no guilt
>cry because they modelled feet really well and nobody was ever barefoot again


There's more than 1 episode?

Fable 2

Are you trying to insinuate I'm some sort of fucking queer? Because that is literally my dream woman and I'd attempt to marry that shit in a heartbeat.

It's fine, she knows dick enlargement spells.

I always understood that a bastard child was one with no father, or one who doesn’t know his/her father. How you gonna try to make fun of a kid and call him a bastard if his dad is sitting right there, hanging with him everyday? Kinda lessens the impact and just makes you look like a moron, no?

>calls others uncultured
It's swine. It's already plural. Swines isn't a word.

Based English teacher btfo redditors

Just get a pagan wedding ot something lol

if you know reddit mannerisms and he doesn't, that means you're a bigger redditor than he is

Without a doubt

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I’m playing this right now. I got the GOTY (loool) on PS4 for $29.99. I then looked up the price digitally.....

Ho-lee shit. The game by itself is 40, and then you can SAVE money over buying the DLC piece meal by getting the Season pass, which is $55. I bring this up because I once again have to die a little inside whenever I see companies trying to gas video game players heads with an all digital, subscription based future.

who cares about marriage, fuck that piece of paper.

No child of mine will be a bastard, If I love her mother and we have a stable hearth then I dont care for nothing more.

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>n-no you’re reddit!!
Lmao based redditor getting worked up

Isn’t divorce a sin punishable by death for the woman, or at the very least a lifetime shunning from her community?