Have you ever spent money on a f2p game goyem?

Have you ever spent money on a f2p game goyem?

Attached: 1557424188657.webm (1920x1080, 1.08M)

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no, but thinking about buying myself some champs for my second league account

I've never even played a f2p game

cute feet

shit porn bait thread, post birbs instead

Attached: 1549833005873.jpg (480x621, 26K)

what game?

Gone home

Attached: 1552476634500.jpg (768x1024, 141K)

Is feet thread the new cunny threads?


Now I ain't one of them foot fags or anything but those are some nice feet

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Attached: ot5mPluSKrfFPRrf0-WIhjtlaClKcBhjyRfmxlJ7Qtc[1].jpg (483x417, 41K)

Looks like the creator of OP's webm isn't too happy about his paywall videos getting leaked.

birbs are cool

Attached: upside_down_bird.webm (640x360, 2.13M)

Attached: birb.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

about $200 on TF2 and I kinda regret it because the config makes the skins I bought look like shit

Attached: 1561089386876.png (1440x1783, 2.55M)

I bought a bunch of dota items several years ago when i was still playing it. Now I'm selling them all to buy other games. Some of them are rare and fetch a decent price, so I am just shy of breaking even.

Woah, nice graphics!
I'd like to get my hands on that game!

There is literally nothing wrong with the free-to-play release model.

haha what a retard

Yeah like 10-20$ in classic Maple Story and I regret every cent.

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Attached: 14122117.jpg (1020x765, 344K)

Only once, on the best game in the genre there ever was. Path of Exile. I only gave 20€ or so about 4 years ago I think and it deserves a lot more.

i've spent hundreds of dollars on gachashit

miitomo, pokemori, and some trash game on Vita years ago

haha what a chad

neck yourself

No, there are no good f2p games

I've spent like $40 on Magic Arena but I'm pretty sure I have like 800 hours in the game so I'm not too upset with myself.