Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon
Now: Titanfall 2 finishing up
Next: Perfect Dark (Bonus Game 1)
Later: Borderlands 2 (3 hours btw)
Full Schedule:
Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon
Now: Titanfall 2 finishing up
Next: Perfect Dark (Bonus Game 1)
Later: Borderlands 2 (3 hours btw)
Full Schedule:
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I'm up next guys, wish me luck!
flash your pits on stream
Dea gay
any reason to stay up late tonight bros or should I pass out now
This is a great run
>perfect dark is actually gonna happen
really cranked up the fake donations, huh
We did it Digg!
>Titanfall 3 got cancelled for Apex Legends
I want BT to be my friend.
Perfect Dark confirmed
fortnite dances circa 2013
Reminder that MSF:
>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex
Let's break 2 million this GDQ!
>Shit-talking the female character
Holy shit I knew Spike put on weight but I never realized what a fucking unit he's become compared to that.
they look so happy ;_;
>prostituting for the saddest of all sad manchildren
gross slut to be frank
Any runs after this tonight that you're looking forward to?
>bitches exist solely to anchor down the men and bitch at the player constantly
Yea Forums reporting in
>That near-crash on the run that it survived on.
>All these neat tricks.
>Perfect Dark.
What a nice run.
Oh, good luck!
/f1/ reporting in
/cm/ here
its borderlands 2 and meteoroid prime 1/2 after this so depends if you like them
And Apex is fucking dead now.
woooo we did it bros I love perfect dark
>anime blocking all those shots with the sword
Lmao this game doesn't look so bad
I'm sure titan fall is a fun game to play but it sure is boring to watch
Reminder that Arab oil princes are donating to the event to support ISIS.
Yea Forums desu i used to browse /fit/ more before it got too samey
When is Perfect Dark run?
what are you lads eating during SGDQ? pic related is my patented peanut butter and doritos sandwich
No idea what it is, sorry. Have a spare.
le BASED and le WHOLESOME as FUARK desu!!!
/k/ reporting in
Who is ze Unterhund of GDQ?
remember when gdq was good?
Yea Forums here.
Nigri has a nice butt.
Not until Resi2, SH3
up next, user
USD for PMCs for MSF in DRC!
USD for PMCs for MSF in DRC!!!
God I love BTs animations so much. He's so fucking cool.
>peanut butter and doritos sandwich
Brother. That's airbrush.
did they?
Geez, when did they switch from cancer research, at least with that they could mask the money laundry without much backlash, now its just blatant
you okay?
/pol/ here, you fucking kike
Mitsuki-kun's Family is a Little Strange
/wsg/ here
WHO /Pozzed Pog Zog Andy Sixx's Log/ SQUAD?
/tg/ standing by
it's some hitch with the PC, devil may cry did the same thing yesterday. It probably will do that throughout the marathon but won't crash anything. I hope it does BSOD during a run or something though, would be funny
>Hard On
>by Mike Hunt
god peanut butter SUCKS
/pol/ here
>this dude consistently beating the shit out of the spacebar
These massive titan wars with the humans scowering around like ants is literally epic.
Are you trying to be ironic because it looks like hes actually lost weight?
Do you look like a twig?
Yea Forums here
r/the_donald reporting in.
go back
Daily reminder Yea Forums. /pol/ is here to stay
>he's coming up
You ready Yea Forums?
You anons better be eating healthily and stretching every now and then, or else.
>posting Hazebin Hotel or whatever
>not posting Satina
this is so gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
This is making me want to pop in TF2.
they never did cancer research
agdq (winter sgdq) does cancer "outreach" for burgers, a much more jewish charity.
>filename calling it 2018
>recorded at AGDQ 2019
Fix your shit.
Ironically he's in the worst level in the game for speedrunning
The butt still looks nice in photos, the only place I'll ever see it.
How was the Castlevania block?
It was her turn
fuck you. peanut butter goes great with EVERYTHING
me on the right
>Moon subs
>it's a tiktok 3dpd
Post Vipers.
I would fuck all three of them.
Trampled on by retards donating shitty, low effort puns.
Do you guys think moonmoon has hooked up with 9/10s since he became a rich streamer? I'm jelly as af
This shit is amazing!
It was unironically. It's painfully clear America would have been much better off under Hillary, look at the mess Trump has made. He has permantly stained the office of President.
>want to play TF2 again
>don't want to reinstall origin
fuck origin and fuck EA
That’s gayer than the dudes making out in ops photo
/hgg2d/ reporting in
Great, Yea Forums got triggered over pun donations
Reminds me of Ron pearlman.
Proto meanwhiles reminds my morning shit.
Truly a match
i went to bed after user took all that adderal, what happened to him? did he died?
Why did the bald guy stop dancing?
Which kind of shit game design allows you to skip so much stuff in such way? Did they even playtests this game?
sexually threatened
They are all real woman.
Uh, where are all the enemies in this game? It's been 1% shooting. 99% walking simulator.
insecure bitch boy faggot cocksucker nigger lover beta bitch boy
You're gonna get some guaranteed replies
>they never did cancer research
wot game plz
>Turn to the back
>"Be brief it!"
What happened to all the trannies?
He's still jacking off
probably intended. runner said earlier a dev contacted him and gave him a hint on how to skip a section faster.
>h e double hockey sticks
he's skipping most of them
and then he became Leon
>this webm
I'm right here :3
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies? How can you call someone else mentally ill when you act this way?
>why isn't the runner completing the game in a slower way?
That pic is from like 2013 my dude. He's a landwhale now in comparison.
I'd rather install origin than EGS or Uplay tbhwyf
enough of this 3dpd whore
is that actually him? what the fuck he's literally a chad
he's going so fast he's skipping 90% of them
If this was played by the people of the streets of rage people last night people would call this forced.
>No whey, fag
cute boy
He is coming back for a run this year right?
This game looks fun, what is it called?
I want to laugh at something in this boring event
dilate tranny
Ya'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
Papers, Slut
What runs have been trainwrecks so far and what ones have been good?
a significant portion of Yea Forums wants to be girls but hate the fact that technology hasn't progressed far enough to do it convincingly so they sit and seethe at the people who try it
They fixed Sonic.
autism is linked with obsession over small insignificant things. Yea Forums obsesses over small insignificant things that don't affect them personally. Therefore, Yea Forums is autistic.
That's him alright.
So is this.
Who the fuck greenlit this game? Worst speed run so far.
In brackets here
it’s “you’ll” you fucking zoomer
Leon, are you okay?
how can one man be so based?
8/pol/ reporting in
Because the event is a soulless piece of shit now.
Haven't been able to watch much. Has this been a tranny infested event again?
>best run of the GDQ is soon over
holy shit this can't be real
the runner, bryonato, is friends with the gdq staff
More proof that you kikes want to spread degeneracy
That Outland game that the manlet ran was 100x worse.
>Trannies hate actual video games and speed
Yikes, don't you have some wrists to slit?
PCF is not a good charity.
there's been so few trannies that people here are literally complaining that there aren't trannies onscreen
kys already
This run is really impressive and there is hardly anything to nitpick about it.
bonejaw577 here
who the fuck isn't friends with the GDQ """staff"""?
im literally shaking rn
I hate trannies so god damn much.
wth it looks so eerie, like he got chin and cheek implants or really shooped his face into that face. It looks so unnatural.
He should wear 3D glasses 24/7
>letting mentally ill people run around freely is insignificant
/gif/ here
death to all homos
Why does watching this want to make you play Team Fortress?
/xeno/ here
Get the fuck out tranny
I've literally never read anything so transphobic in my life.
it's true, nigger. any time there's a tranny thread there's always five people who go "i want to be a girl but i'm not delusional enough to actually become one"
tonight we got a long tranny metroid run. should be fun!
it's eerie because he has no muscle
If medical science was at the point where you could be painlessly turned into an actual biological female, exactly the same as someone born that way and they could also make you a 9/10 would you do it Yea Forums?
cant tell if plastic surgery or extremely fucked up photoshopping
Rarely ask for sauce on a cartoon sex game, but I must ask
>"I will not lose another pilot."
I fucking love BT.
Imagine getting off to cuck porn
>even mofat transitioned
i never like him, but dam, for some reason that news hit me hard
I used to write fapfics for the /xeno/ and nightmare waifu threads. People used to like them too.
i think its the makeup
BT is unironically one of the coolest mechs the west has ever made.
>Everyone here is too poor to have their own monkey. Get dabbed on losers.
imagine not sharing your boyfriend
same, I'd guess both?
Let me guess...white stuff is the mayo and the red stuff is tomato sauce.
I bet it's good though.
Is that girl with boobs Claris there?
>implying its not kikes shilling their fantasies and trying to brain wash others.
Come on nigger. Use your brain
It's obviously a bait post.
>Believing them
Fucking newfags
It's a prosthetic you dips.
hell yes
Is it just me, or does the thing that Yea Forums gets mad about change every few years? I remember the 2011 and 2012 times when everyone on Yea Forums was getting mad about "LE EPIC MEME" stuff.
Yea Forums standing by
It's past midnight here in euroland. I'm just having a beer
Metroid Prime 2, in fact
not talking about his hair
It's amazing that you retards actually believe PCF is some sort of money laundering scam purely because you resent the trannies and popularity of one of it's fundraising events.
That's because they based BT off of the based Iron Giant
kill yourself kike
Samefag. Faggot nigger jewish psyops kike get off my board
Why do I care about fucking mech?
Are you cut or uncut?
Shaved trimmed or unkempt?
No precum or leaky precum?
i want a monkey friend
Yes she's running Metroid Prime 2 later as a girl with boobs.
Haha yeah of course you only save cuck porn as a joke haha it's just to trigger people
Post yfw.
>Objective: Survive. Evade. Resist. Escape.
hang yourself
>I will not lose another pilot
/y/ reporting in~
>objective: survive
uncut, little bit of hair but trimmed, no precum
>BT dies
like silicone cheek and chin implants? I mean I get it for cosplaying but bonesaw already had a decent chin.whatever floats his chin boat I guess. hope he's still funny
>"Girl" x 100
>telling, not showing
>posting a trump image
Only neocons support that kike puppet
can't seem to find it, sadly
Thanks for the help in any case
Yeah me neither. Facial prosthetics are a thing. They use them in movies all the time.
>objective: survive. evade. resist. escape
I went to SERE school once
I was being facetious. I don't know the name of the game, but it's Papers, Please mixed with eroge obviously.
only if i could also be painlessly turned back into an actual biological male
uncut unshaved and leaky my man
It's called Imperial Gatekeeper
The more someone talks about something the less they actually do it
It's not a money laundering scam as much as it is a non profit organization with employees (much like any other)
They choose their words carefully "All proceeds will go to PCF." AGDQ founders and upper people are technically now employees of PCF so they get a chunk of the pie, much like the president of PCF does. Mike Uyama only has to work once a year because of AGDQ
Cancer hospitals will be lucky to get 50% of all donations.
Yes, as long as I can switch between boy and girl with just water being splashed on me.
Why is speedrunning so popular among gays, furries and trans people? It is not the same in other niche video game genres.
No. It's like parts of a mask that he glued to his face and put makeup on to get a natural gradient from it to his real skintone. This has been done in movies for literal decades.
It's been really fluid, all the jumps and wallkicks have been really fun to watch, allthough I don't know how normal gameplay looks like. I need a second screen setup pretty badly
what music are you guys listening to while you have this shit muted?
Cut, I shave but don't often enough, a very small amount of precum. Enjoy my answers, data miner user.
If a wizard could turn you into a cute girl tommorow with a strong handsome bf to look after you, would you do it?
I wish I could have the music of you fucking killing yourself.
Just the worst kind of trans person
/vr/tg/v/vg/tv/an/tard standing by
Lack of girls, probably
t. GDQ Staff
Has any runners been banned so far?
what does that article have to do with anything?
no, give me a strong handsome gf
Can I leave the strong handsome bf and go find a cute lesbian girl to look after me?
Some precum
what of it why do you wanna now about my tiny cock?
Hot to be
/k/ reporting in
Be nice to bald women please.
Jesus christ
I just feel like things have changed on Yea Forums, since I remember all the shitposting from the early 2010s being anti-meme stuff like "COULD THIS BE THE BIRTH OF AN EPIC NEW MEME? LE MONKEY FACE! LE EBIN MAYMAY XDDDD".
Just get a cheap used one. You only need 1 good monitor in a dual setup IMO.
This is reminding me how much I fucking love robots.
Recommend me a good 12~ episode mech anime to just start.
ofcourse not, I'm not mentally ill. I'm very CIS
Speedrunning is the most degenerate act man has ever come up with.
The Sonic Movie took a weird turn eh.
The official AGDQ theme, of course
Maybe I should stay up for the tranny drama.
>Strong handsome bf
>Not a strong hot gf
Egao no daika
Hahahaha fucking amazing ending.
Oi, oi I'm been asleep/busy for the last 12 hrs and the last thing I saw was Contra and literal discord tranny post his discord. Have I missed anything worth while?
This shit is just painful.
I don't even post on Yea Forums anymore, this is my first time posting here in about a year.
PCF through GDQ is objectively terrible.
GDQ take a huge chunk out of it and PCF in general only devotes a tiny fraction of donations toward research.
Majority of money goes towards flyers and other stupid "awareness programs" man. It's a joke.
But anyways Greetings from germany, my grandfather is battling cancer, can I get a HOYP to kick cancers butt!!
feed him more
>non profit org provides comfy salary to executives
>It's your lucky day hero
f/o/rza run when
>nigger comes out to monologue
>you open fire with a minigun
>kill the villain during the cutscene
More games should have this
Uh, yeah. That's how all charities operate. If they gave ALL the money they raise away they wouldn't have any left to fund their continued existence. It's not unusual for a charity organization to spend half what they raise on fundraising alone, never mind operational costs. PCF is actually pretty good in this regard. They spend less than 20% of what they raise on fundraising.
Big O season 1
Is this fag ever not obsessing over his mantits or having a panic attack?
most people on this board do not understand what money laundering even means, it's just a meme from underage retards
>It's your lucky day he-
You know what cracks me up with TF2 runs?
>People whining the entire time
>Time for ratings
>Load of good ratings all at once and a few bad ones
This shit happens all the time and I bet it'll happen again here.
Well shit, guess I'll watch it tomorrow
What the fuck? Holy shit. I actually sort of know mofat since he helped run smash events here in the northwest. That just seems so unlikely.
>Comfy salary for an exec
You poor child
>"Goodbye, Jack."
>goodbye, jack
Not good enough.
PS: she isn't the only confirmed transperson running in the event
Want a prize, retard? Get the fuck out of here, faggot.
Thank god its over
Rate this run!
Press F
Why is Titanfall 2 so great?
Fucking BT. It didn't have to be this way.
Based snekposter.
SS tier.
These runs are always great.
I really enjoyed that
It's almost like Yea Forums is filled with retarded shitposters that don't actually watch any of the runs and just want to piss people off!
What's up my fellow /k/omrade
spectacular run
Wheres the trannies?
Also fuck i missed the phase watch mission.
>go to
>it's real
2/10 generic modern fps snorefest
That's some real fucking good shit
You know what's REALLY cool.
Oaths. I fucking love Oaths.
runner screwed up quite a few times, but overall really enjoyable
10/10 Very fun run, great job showing shit off and explaining mechanics, extremely solid
A solid 9/10
9/10 - fun, fast and genuinely entertaining.
fuck off. snakes are disgusting
made me wanna play it/10
9/10 bretty gud
almost makes me want to give Titanfall 2 a go.
9/10 run
It got a lot better over the course of the run.
Should I go back and watch this run?
>shad ryan
he's older than we thought
tengusuten tengsten no imperial gatekeeper
10/10 - fast and good commentary. What more do you want?
didn't even realise some random ass faggot speedrunner died
is this the first time a speedrunner has died before agdq/sgdq
9/10 legit good
It's about as good as you are going to get. They didn't get an A rating for nothing. As far as charities go they are pretty good and that's all there is to it.
SS tier. good speedgame, good run, good commentary
B tier. Or whatever that is in gaming journalist ratings, 8/10 I guess. Annoying clicking stopped it being absolutely top-tier.
Why couldn't you save him Yea Forums?/10 SS
Great Run.
Post your donation message
im 12 and what is this?
I enjoyed watching this. The runner was enjoyable to listen to in terms of explaining shit.
SS tier enjoyed it a lot
no pits/10
Considering the work they do (ie nothing at all) it's free money. And yes, 80k+
12345/10 - best run this event.
9/10, was nice. Runner was decent.
9/10 Interesting and fun
This doesn't make them immune from criticism which you are suggesting they should be by responding to people who are criticizing it.
What the fuck.
This is fucking dark.
>bonus game
It better be good following that run.
I'm about to go shower and fap. I've been having such amazing orgasms in the shower and using my imagination compared to sitting in the chair watching porn.
nice game
nice run
nice guy
dude seriously fuck these streamers plugging their shit
this entire event is seriously pissing me off, it's just a platform for plugging their shit and donation begging
it used to be about technical perfection, now it's just a soulless corporate machine
why the fuck are there 3 rate the run posts
why are you fags 12345/10ing
Have mercy on them, why would you do that?
wonder how he died
>AGDQ founders and upper people are technically now employees of PCF
Literally untrue. They are employees of GDQ LLC, they are not a subsidiary of PCF in any way.
>they get a chunk of the pie
They get compensation for services rendered.
>much like the president of PCF does
He gets a salary for his job just like any other president/manager of anything ever.
>Mike Uyama only has to work once a year because of AGDQ
Complete bullshit, organizing a week long event for an international charity organization is not a one-man-one-day job. I'm sure he doesn't pull 40 hour weeks but there's a lot more to it than renting a hotel room and clicking go live in OBS.
>Cancer hospitals will be lucky to get 50% of all donations.
Cancer hospitals get 0% of the donations because cancer PREVENTION does not happen in hospitals.
You can literally look up how PCF distributes their yearly income, this is all publicly available information. IIRC their president gets 400k a year, which is a lot, but it's piss poor compared to say, the CEO of a for-profit organization of similar size.
When I last checked, PCF was one of the highest rated charities on charity watchdog sites.
If you wish to believe that all their books are doctored and the watchdogs are all in on it, we're entering unfalsifiable conspiracy theory territory and any further discussion will be pointless.
based game
based commentary
based speed
based 12345 time
>covertmuffin on mic next
i sleep
>Another great day of SGDQ. Love working my childhood animal get destroyed. Money goes to kill the Germany, view the viewer.
great game gud run blessed time sig / 10
Welcome to 4 years ago
Don't worry, Kojak. He's more than hinted to be alive after the credits.
Because he got the time 1:23:45. Which is fun.
Well the thread was nice while it lasted
tfw run was going to be 1:23:40 but then God stuttered the PC.
oh no i missed robots
>its a streamer shills twitch prime episode
whats the bonusgame bros?
>Had to kill during this run. Put my money towards view the frames. Lets kick Germany's butt!
Probably while dilating
Guess the runner for PD.
I'm guessing Clemens just because KevinDDR would be too obvious
>making fun of his own retarded laugh
based desu
Greetings from games. Long time viewer, fourth time donator. I am donating because my Germany has died from frames.
Are they running Perfect Dark on N64 or 360?
nowadays streaming is a fulltime job for many, by going to GDQ they're literally losing money but they hope to make up for it by plugging their channels
Great game, great execution, great explanations.
RIP Titanfall though.
>when you laugh like a One Piece villain of the week
>hanging out in the thread and not watching the run
>when its a fucking great run
Look at this dumb fucking cunt
Based GOD
Any must-watch runs so far?
I missed it, why did Duke lose his shit on the mic?
Buddy, you better get the FWAHAHAHAHAHAHA outta here if you don't like the muffin.
>they just got 1000 prime subs from that
super f
Honestly? The runs haven't been this bad this year
>glorious non-remixed PD music
My ears are havin' a ball
>Announcer makes a shitty joke about Twitch prime
>Flood of zoomer subscribe with Twitch prime
Fuck I hate the Twitch community.
Don't fucking (you) me you filthy casual
Don't wake up.
The game that was just on
Congrats Claris for passing as a 4/10 girl from the shoulders up.
Fast and jumpy / 10, and the commentation was pretty good. So, overall good.
Oh I like him just fine, his Jedi Outcast run was great. But its gonna be retards spamming CRINGE CRINGE OH ITS CRINGE next thread, I guarantee it.
It's not for another like six hours....and I'm sad because I'll miss it since I have work in the morning. I can't stay up till midnight or one in the morning watching it.
covertmuffin did a really dry "fwahaha" making fun of his own laugh
>3dpd shitters have shit taste in speedruns too
He started sucking ass and missing every trick in Prime as soon as he put on the dress.
What a blunder.
Your criticisms are unreasonable. They aren't based on reality. They are based on ignorance and petty resentment. Why should anyone give any response other than "Fuck off"?
I'm not even meme'ing here. Ever since they lowered the amount of tr*nnies there and Proto stopped showing up it's been a huge improvement, last AGDQ was good as well
Light palate cleanser.
Based poorfag can't into modernity
No, why would i do that. Whats wrong with you?
BT develops a personality during your time together and sacrifices himself for you of his own volition.
god i love metriod prime so much bros
Alright this captcha is starting to piss me off, it's making the pictures move slow now. Should I just bite the bullet and pay for Yea Forums pass?
Titanfall 2
I've been restoring so I have lots of loose skin now. Feels really good especially sliding up and down when everything gets wet
Very hairy, like 70's style bush.
You're not the arbiter of what is reasonable or not. You don't dictate what other people determine is worth their money. Keep your opinions about where my money should go to yourself.
why are girls in flats so attractive bros
Don't give moot shit
Jessica Nigri is hot as fuck.
That's generous, user
turn on force noscript captcha if you use Yea Forums x.
NEVERMIND ''''''''''''''''''CLARIS''''''''''''' IS RUNNING IT
>3 hours of borderlands 2
god why
is dance dad back or is this from winter
Welp, I guessed wrong, looks like it's Alkamaass. Should be good.
+SSS: '07 RuneScape* // Himouto! Umaru-chan Himouto Ikusei Keikaku* // Rabi-Ribi*
SSS: DotA* // KabpoyORB!: The Splooshy Hyping Charmed Game* // Metal Gear 2: N-Word*
SS: Divinity OS2*
S: FĂ©rias Frustradas do Pica-Pau* // PKMN Gold* // FFIX Eiffel 65* // FFIV Race* // WinWaker* // LttP* // RapeLay* // Katawa Shoujo* // Kamila 2 BTFO*
A: Aria of Sorrow* // MoH:Airborne // Lightfall // Megaman 10 // Megaman DOS* // Trio The Punch* // Dead Cells* // Mario Kart DS // Castlevania SOTN // Crash 2 // Sonic Rush // THPS2x // Halo Reach // Gordo 106 // Dragon's Lair // Monkey King // Prey DLC
B: Earthworm Jim 2 // Kirby Amazing Mirror // Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts // Serious Sam Co-Op // Near Tomato // Bastion // Momodora // SMRPG // Octopath Traveler // Avoid the Noid
C: Bloody Wolf // Shadow of the Colossus // Portal Race // Castlevania Chronicles // Simon's Curse // Tomb Raider II // Sonic Mania Race // Mario 3Mix Race // Timesplitters 2 // Warcraft 3 // LoZ: TP // Semblance // Metal Gear // Ultimate Doom // Klonoa // Metroid Fusion // Overload // Overestimate!* // Neopets*
D: Spoon2: Octo // Majora's Mask // Hollow Knight // DKC Race // Bloodstained // Tomb Raider: AoD // SMB2JP // Sonic Forces // Mario Kart 64 // Moonwalker // Megaman Unlimited // Urban Yeti // Sword of Sodan // Garfield // Dishonored: DotO // Doom 2 // Negrodancer // The Messenger // Diablo 2: LoD // T-Rex Demo*
E: MGS2 // ActRaiser 2 // Pocky & Rocky // Megaman Zero 2 // Castlevania III // Silent Hill 2 // Rayman 2 // Sanicball // Trauma Center 2 // Guacamelee! 2 // N++ // Virtual Hydlide // Mohawk & Headphone Jack // Celeste // Ratchet & Clank: UYA
F: Tropical Freeze Race // Jak 3 // DS3 // Bladderborb
-F: Resident Evil // MMX 1-3 // Phantom Menace // Home Alone 2 // Chex Quest // Cuphead
Z: Sonic the Hedgehomie 1 // GTA:VC // TASBot & Dead Lions
*Watch for very good time
Oh shit, a woman!!!
Quick rundown on what to expect from this run?
A shame..
are the borderlands runners amusing or are we in for a big bore
Pure autism, oh look something common among all those groups too
>I've been restoring so I have lots of loose skin now
what, can you restore foreskin?
at least one dilation break
You can see when something was recorded by the filename or webm title. This just happened.
>ronin tactics
I doubt you're even airborne qualified let alone a 11x/0311 you armchair operator. Fight me.
Based Muffin!
>That Samus statue
She's also a massive whore.
>T H R E E hours
I'm out
beam switching
Watch Perfect Dark first though
>is dance dad back
he never left
wheres the dwarf, he was literally the only good interviewer they had
new thread
he's only there for perfect dark
Why did they kill Rare bros
who is this chinese titty demon? anyone?
>That being said
I could never handle listening to this guy more than twice a year but I genuinely enjoy his enthusiasm here
No. You can stretch existing skin, but you'll never recover the lost nerve endings which is the most crucial part.
im both ashamed and proud of myself for getting off to robo-curie porn
If you don't want to donate then fine but when you start spreading utter bullshit about what makes a charity "good" and how PCF operates when you don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about then people are well justified in telling you you are a fucking retard and should fuck off.
Not foreskin, just expanding the skin you already have
Yes it works, it's just slow for most people. Going on 7+ years now.
>07 RuneScape*
Oh and thx for posting the list, been busy for most of the event.
reddit run after boomer run
it's ruined user
you don't UNDERSTAND
Can they hire someone with some actual charisma to be one of the gdq hosts? spike and the midget are good but under utilized (i'm not even sure blechy is here). jhobbs is annoying but serviceable. all the rest of them are ass, Darkman and Feasel interviews are absolute snorefests
Don't ignore what I just fucking told you. Keep your fucking opinions about what I should do with my god damned money to yourself, you retarded piece of shit. What you think is worth your money is your business. Keep it to yourself.
That's an old event tier list.
Link to the +SSS tier runs? Google couldn't find the runescape one
yeah it's for agdq 2019
>7 years
nice, ive been restoring for almost 2 years now and definitely wish i had started earlier.
Not really surprised that it exists, yet to have seen it though.
Different user here.
Pointing out that the criticisms are based on demonstrable falsehoods and ignorance does not mean that user thinks they should be immune from criticism.
If you're gonna criticize PCF, criticize that handing out flyers for millions of dollars and there are much better charities GDQ could be supporting instead. Don't criticize their business model or structure based on shitposts and conspiracy theories when people who actually concern themselves with these things day in and day out rate their transparency and ethics highly. It just makes you look like a bit of a nutter.
You could go
now but let's be real, nobody here knows remotely as much about the way a charity is run as the dedicated watchdog organizations that literally do nothing but evaluate the ways different charities are run.
Step aside for Yea Forums chumps, for I, THE MIGHTY MONARCH will show you how a real pro goes to work.
Well okay then, thanks for the talk. Don't forget your tinfoil hat at the door.
Its all a joke tier list. They dont exist.
kill speedonvhs kill adamantium kill jimmy
these discordfags need to be fucking murdered
fuck trannies
guys I think those three fuck