are you excited what class are you rolling and tell me what class you think is gonna be the absolute worst at launch
crystalfags not welcome
are you excited what class are you rolling and tell me what class you think is gonna be the absolute worst at launch
crystalfags not welcome
Other urls found in this thread:
where my dragoonbros at
Put xiv in your thread so people can find it.
>crystalfags not welcome
I'm going to post in this thread and you really can't stop me.
Based Roe Poster Dabbing On Trannies And Au Ra Furries.
Can't wait to skip all the cutscenes.
but then the jannies will know
I can find you and rape you you fucking trap poster.
gonna be running as a SAMchad, my poor MNK bros can sit back and let us do all the work while they cope in the corner
Last few threads have been fine so who knows.
I only post lewd things if other people do first, and I don't post trap shit.
>Senei nerfed to 900 potency
>Jinpu and Shifu 11% buff.
>Shoha unchanged
>Tsubame gayshi nerfed to 25%
MNK is fine.
I'm stuck between BERSERK DRK and dragoonchad
The amount of new players amd new tankers going GNB is going to bring down the general view of them. It's going to be great. I'm going PLD to try to balance and protect the new tanks tho.
where to find attractive gunbreaker bf
Your meme was never good.
Here, bro.
My fellow PLD bro.
>I would full out not respond to Arngrim
the fucks he got against my boy?
They grow tired of him.
>Finally get a tank that reminds me of DMC
>Bunch of idiots will play it
Man I can already see the memes.
>SAM and RDM just immediately start at 50
That seems pretty troublesome in terms of making sure the Player actually knows what the fuck they're doing in their new class
congrats you just jinxed Gunbreakers all around the world
They assume (mostly correctly, I'm not going to sell the community short because of a smaller percentage of retards) people who have leveled to 50 will actually know how to read the actions of a new job.
I'm a healer main for my static so I'll go through ShB with one of those. I'll level up another healer if I ended up leveling the shit healer. Then I'll take a tank, probably Gunbreaker, a Melee, and then probably dancer, though I could see waiting on dancer and doing a caster.
This but also add DRK to it. Too many autists will go DRK because it's the post-job
i'm glad, I'm a PLD main and I want WAR and GNB to suffer.
DRK just does it to itself.
Just read your actions and find a training dummy man
Every job is memes in this game, user.
There is no shit healer, just "not as amazing as the others" healer.
So like this?
Well, justice demands no less.
That pic only even made sense with MNK anyways because of Brotherhood turning the other melee into chakra slaves
>intellectual rapist
>tfw unironically watching Asmongold for educational purposes
Well this guy doesn't looks bad. At least he's self aware about how cancerous his "fanbase" is.
Remidner fellow Eurobros to stay hydrated during the coming heatwave on the launch week of ShB/
>Tomestones of phantasmagoria
what were THEY THINKING???
You caught me.
>hey players of unrelated game, this eceleb really is /ourguy/ and you should check him out!
global 11
PLD - palacuck memes
WAR - brainlet ungabunga memes
DRK - edgy memes
WHM - healslut memes
SCH - living walking cancer memes
AST - estrologian memes
MNK - forever in the cuckshed memes
DRG - dead memes
NIN - TA slut memes
SAM - weeb memes
BRD - spoony memes
MCH - boring memes
BLM - healers adjust memes
SMN - where are my egis memes
RDM - muh res raid utility memes
BLU - I want to become a real job memes.
What is supposed to be fun about XIV's tanks?
Tomes of fanta.
what does it mean?
Right here.
We touhou now.
using mitigation to cuck bosses out of their damage, taking tankbusters and being a dumbed down dps
>BRD - spoony memes
I've never once seen anyone meme on BRD.
>global 11
Yep. They don't make em like they used to.
I get to be melee dps without worrying about positionals and maybe use a tanking cooldown every now and then.
Only thing you can meme about on BRD is how many brainlets play that job.
It's like ranger in WoW.
faster queues
leading everyone else
being a cocky bastard who pulls everything and makes the healers work
Timing mitigation tools correctly
Shadowbringers is giving all the tanks a few more short duration, short cooldown mitigation buttons.
>They were added at the wrong time
What did this autist mean by this
>MNK is DNCs best partner
that they should've added viera of both sexes before fucking around with hrothgar of either sex
Probably that Viera and Hrothgar should have been added in different expansions so that both could have been complete races.
>best friend got banned until the end of early access for shouting "KILL ALL BOOMERS" in limsa
Do you know what advertising means?
>XIV general in Yea Forums
Against rules too. And 99% of posts in this threads against global rules. Your post is very low quality.
Yoshi wanted Hroth first, deal with it
>WoW shill coping
im explaining to the user what that guy meant ya dumb niggo
Wouldn't you want the DNC to buff up your highest damage dealer instead of the MNK?
get fucked zoomer
Get fucked.
SMN has the "ruin everything hurr" joke following them that never gets old for some people
Rate the top 5 FFXIV Influencers.
global rule 6
I'm not even WoW shill you retarded monkey
With the changes on pet jobs, you think they'll ever gives us back our Wyverns now that Ishgard made peace with the Dravanians and as a way to avoid action bloat?
Larryzaur is probably the best, even if he has a shitty voice and jokes.
I doubt it was just for that, he probably did some other shit and sperged out for it.
AoE skill spam. I'll miss you, Abyssal Drain.
>revealing your power level in social environments, even if it's on an mmo
Reading your friends tweets tell me it wasn't because of the boomer comment.
>Just got banned from FFXIV for shouting about triggering boomer PTSD in Limsa.
I don't understand.
the last time i saw him in-game he was shouting about sucking minfillia's toes but i don't know what he did leading up to the ban
when he was in GM jail they told him it was because of the boomer shit
>he's retard
The state of Yea Forums
Unless he posts a screenshot I will doubt it.
>they told him it was because of the boomer shit
This is bullshit. GMs in all cases will never ever give you an exact incident description or logs.
You're probably just underage retard who shitting epic memes in chat.
>mfw gonna need to deal with GNB shitters who don't know what cooldowns are
>mfw I'm inevitably going to rip aggro with the crossclass skills going away
Being BLM is both a blessing and a curse and the curse is dealing with people hopping onto the FOTM job with no idea how to fight.
Miqo'te girls don't look cute as a Gunbreaker
Give me a tl;dr of what each job is feeling like towards ShB
apparently aggro is so baby now that as long as you turn your stance on, you cant lose it
tanks adjust
he's 28 and he goes here
if he sees this
get fucked rui you stupid bastard lmao
Aggro has retardedly high multipliers now. Even 11111111111 tanks will keep aggro on single targets with tank stance.
good to know WAR mains are safe
the new thing will be both tanks don't switch it off and the mob is constantly spinning because they can't learn to shirk.
I have no idea why they removed Diversion.
>going this far for a meme
And people criticize koji.
If you could add one job from this entire list, who would you choose?
From how he talks I am sure he goes here and cannot tell the different between Yea Forums and sites that aren't Yea Forums.
anyone else finished with or working on relics before SHB?
Game is catered to shitters who never used it so they took it away
>he's 28 and he goes here
This is even worse.
>28 years old retard shitting epic memes in chat
>got banned
This is okay when you 16 or 18 years old.
Because they want aggro management to be entirely the responsability of tanks. They purged every single enmity management action, except Lucid Dreaming.
I still don't have a main job so I haven't started any relic.
It’s a real possibility. They’re going to have to do something a little different eventually because they have already escalated the Nidhogg stuff they can give to us to ultimate attack.
Rune Knight
Some of those are represented in XIV by other jobs, though.
Time Mage>AST
Viking and Berserker>WAR
I don't get it.
Morpher as a limited job
Holy Knight
AST lost all its 'time mage' skills though.
Mystic Knight, Corsair, Gambler.
Stop shilling yourself here Larry
Would have to be Oracle. They can do some interesting stuff with delayed damage and MP management. The way their spells depended on the last digit of your MP and you had spells costing 1, 3 and 7 MP to manipulate it was a pretty cool idea , and could definitely be adapted in XIV with a bit of work.
The mobs in the fate are called sorbet.
"Creatures that have proven naught but headaches"
Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia is the medical term for brain freeze.
>favorite class has been ruined since 4.0 launch
>they're ruining all the healers now too
>all of the tanks have been boring since they removed any need for aggro management
What the fuck am I even supposed to play now? Is black mage the only fun class left?
But it's a healer
Waiting to see how white mage turns out
That's dumb as fuck. Post more.
Chemist. Now that Astrologian is nothing but a Balance slut, proper mixing mechanic that gives varied buffs and effects can be implemented without clashing with another job.
Rune Fencer/Mystic Knight (Tank/Melee DPS, Double bladed swords? Some anime garbage idk)
Chemist (Healer, 2-handed guns)
Corsair (Melee/Ranged DPS, Pistols + Curved swords)
Templar (Healer, Hammers)
Trickster (Melee DPS, Quarterstaves)
The FATE where you fight a boss crab called Cancer is called "It's not Lupus."
Marathoning the 4.x content and just came back to DRG after playing SAM all Stormblood because I was under an iLVL check for a MSQ. I missed it bros, it just feels so good to play. I can't wait to play with the new additions. The level 80 skill looks incredible
RDM or SAM if you're a brainlet
Well, 6.0 will probably have a healer to calm the healtards down, and probably a magical damage dealer since that's the last role save for RDPS with 3 jobs in it, so I'm gonna say Geomancer as a healer and Necromancer as a DPS.
Astrologian = time mage
Assassin = Ninja
Warrior = berserker
Conjurer = geomancer
BLM = magus
WHM = devout
You're missing a lot of jobs in there that already exist in a way or another.
I finally got my Kaiser Knuckles Zeta done a few weeks after I resubbed, after not playing for years.
Rune Knight or actual Time Mage. I know that's what AST is supposed to be, but to me it feels more like a...Space Mage I guess. At least visually and thematically anyway
Working on a Cronus Lux for my DRK, got to the crystal sand stage, and realized theres no way in hell I'll finish before SHB. Oh well, guess thats what I get for avoiding crafter/gatherer jobs like the plague.
>tfw no Highlander gf
Geomancers and Time Mages both exist in the XIV setting though (despite CNJ and AST existing), just not as playable jobs (yet)
got the very first vanilla relics for BLM and WHM just yesterday
Still not sure if I want to take DRK or SMN through the MSQ.
Mystic Knight. Give it like a mace or something so it isn't another sword class.
Time Mage has always been part Time, part Space
That's not funny. I have lupus....
The joke works better when you say the FATE's name first.
I just do that Levequest outside of Idyllshire for the amber.
6.0 will have 2 dps because Yoshi already said that people don't change their main roles because of new jobs so it doesn't matter if they get new jobs or are fun to play. The only reason gunbreaker is a tank is because they will add a garlean gunblader as dps and didn't want it to be confusing
>tfw no roegadyn gf
Mystic Knight. A melee range magical DPS could be a very welcome change to the game.
Geomancer is just a weeb conjurer and AST is clearly getting the time mage treatment in ShB. Not to mention their whole heal power involves time.
Mystic Knight would be really cool, but I think its melee concept is a bit too close to what RDM already is, I guess.
So what's going on with healers
Conjurers aren't my Geomancer
>tfw no gf of any race, even lala please I just want someone
Yoshi couldn't trust dps to manage their aggro or push their aggro buttons, shadewalker and smoke screen are also gone, given how many dps were too inept to use them, its for the best
but they are FFXIV's.
I'm so fucking desparate but I still have standards. No cats, scalies or lalas.
>tfw doing books
WHM is staying largely the same
AST is staying largely the same with cards changing
SCH is losing more of it's damage dealing stuff, like Bio and Energy Drain and Shadowflare
>got to the light stage
how the fuck am i supposed to farm this when none of the instances are relevant anymore
I play a catgirl myself
give me any race gf
Era of Day 1 solo healing SCH is upon us.
The shed welcomes Astrologians back after 2 and a half years of separation.
White mage is still luke warm.
I doubt he wants a repeat of the "no healer" rage though. Especially since he has acknowledged that people were pissed at the lack of a new healer.
Besides, he wants to balance out the number of jobs per role, and healer, magic DPS and range DPS are the only roles with 3 jobs only, and range DPS just got DNC.
ARR light? unsync tam-tara deepcroft alone.
sch has the lowest dps and utility so it's shedded
>they will add a garlean gunblader as dps
Seems wierd for a ranged DPS though.
And it couldn't be a melee DPS, since Yoshi-p thinks there are already enough.
Maybe if that happens they will actually have to admit they fucked up.
>not being the guy that the boss is most focused on and want dead
what are you, gay?
Day 1 solo heals will probably be easier on WHM if more raw healing is needed.
Run stuff unsynced
so how long do I have to get Irregular Tomestones?
I was saying it would be a melee that jumps away for gunshot burst. Just opposite RDM.
I really want the solo healing meta to become actually viable even for prog. The panic backpedaling and frantic nerfing from SE would be fun to watch.
I saw a video talking about a levequest in Churning Mists for grinding the amber, but apparently that method got nerfed to shit a while back. Which levequest are you referring to?
I'd faster chalk it up to mana issues than raw healing, since the only thing WHM has over SCH in terms of healing is Medica II. On the other hand WHM has 12 seconds of free casting + Assize + Lucid while Scholar only has Aetherflow and lucid.
got Cronus Lux and Nirvana Zeta all done
3 days.
Lots of MCH love.
Templar that uses hammers could be cool. I'd kinda hope they'd be a DPS role, can take more hits like a Dragoon but they're focus is smacking them down. I hope they add a warhammer or mace using class next expansion.
Time mage mite be cool too.
I'd be okay with them not adding anymore classes though, I'm worried that FFXIV might get too much bloat one day
Yeah, but it would mainly be a Physical melee dps, and that's a role that already has 4 jobs, while there are three roles with 3 jobs, and Yoshi-p mentionned that the number of jobs in each role was a big deciding factor for the ShB jobs.
>bunny ears
>if more raw healing is needed.
Mitigation is useless if the incoming damage doesn't kill anyone in the party.
im 50 ninja is samurai 80 gonna be fun?
I personally think melee should remain as the most jobs, it's always been the sort of default FF way.
>I'd be okay with them not adding anymore classes though, I'm worried that FFXIV might get too much bloat one day
Agreed. They probably should stop adding any new ones once they reach 20 jobs (i.e. four in each role). Any more and it will probably be hard to differentiate between classes.
People got pissed in 4.0 and his response was that tanks and healers didn't matter because dps is the majority of the playerbase and nobody switches roles.They want to satisfy the majority of their playerbase so we will always get more dps.
SCH honestly had it coming. Great dps sustain, an on demand instant gcd to weave ogcds, insane raid utility, and the job scales exponentially the better the party is to the point it can solo heal endgame content. There's no way any reasonable person can defend that job remaining grossly overpowered going into 5.0.
AST's SB questline is literally all about how Geomancy and Astrology is the same shit
it only gets worse from there, user.
healers got a lot of healing abilities but their actual potencies have been nerfed quite a bit. This, combined with the fact that everyone got vitality as part of their accessories, tanks are now forced into tank stance, and healers didn't get that much more MND, makes me believe that a little bit more healing will be required than what is in Stormblood.
Good luck solo rez'ing without ED, manashift or ballad.
I'm fine with them taking away all the other damage stuff, but I think getting rid of energy drain was a bit too much
I just did what Mr Happy said, did this for DRK a week ago.
If you want to solo heal, you'll just need to have a set of gear with extra piety.
>Playing with people who die in the first place
>Unable to join Novice Network. The channel has reached the maximum number of users.
oh god oh fuck
>Not taking a RDM for the 5th dps slot for the sake of prog
>Playing with people who die to mechanics in the first place
>if more raw healing is needed
good one mate
>not dying on day 1 savage
Good thing the materia step is the last step for me, I dont give a fuck about the higher forms
>People dying on solo healing runs
SMN as your magic DPS and RDM as your fifth will help mitigate that problem. If you need more than three rezes in a fight, you are probably not clearing anyway.
For real though, they need to bring in Magic Burst L from Eureka and give it to the healers in the main game, so that they have something to pop during burst phases. They wouldn't want to use it all the time due to the massive MP drain though.
Sounds like not me and my gang.
Do AST and SCH just rely on lucid to regen mana now?
Regen based healing seems to have neem reworked for shorter duration but higher potency. Regen has shaved 3 seconds but has an higher overall potency, Medica II now has its duration halved and potency doubled. Similarly Diurnal AST got the same treatment on Aspected Benefic and Helios, but the numbers have been buffed to account for changes in sect buffs and then some.
sch also has aetherflow
SCH still has aetherflow, but other than that yes, it's lucid and regen based on their piety.
Yes. LD has had its CD halved.
DNC gets resources from their Dance Partner executing on-GCD skills, for personal DPS you want to pair up with whoever has the fastest GCD.
>day 1 savage
>first run of the group
>hey look it's a new mechanic
>everyone performs mechanic flawlessly
Did you retards even read the post chain?
>replying to solo heal sched posters
kinda your fault
Which jobs are looking "safe" for Shadowbringers? I have no idea what to play.
>personal DPS
You're not gonna pair up with people based solely on personal dps though.
It also got its potency nerfed
Lolorito is the hot one
Yes, but DNC has relatively low pDPS, and it might be more partywide damage if you get someone like a BLM a permanent 5% buff instead of a MNK.
SCH, WAR after they buff it, RDM
Freelancer with Summon and Dualcast.
you're absolutely fucking delusional if you think SCH won't be meta again you salty WHM shitter
any, they are all in the shed and therefore equal more or less but WHM still has no utility and is therefore deeper in the shed due to parse-faggotry
Just play the job you enjoy the most though, in terms of complexity they "only" fucked healers, MNK and DRK. Other jobs got dumbed down as well but not to the extent these jobs have been. They're still gonna do fine in content, mostly.
RDM is always safe as long as verraise exists
BLM, RDM, PLD, WAR, DRG, SAM and WHM are pretty much the same as in SB, but with new skills to play with, so go for one of them.
>WAR is the most boring tank
>RDM is the most boring caster
>NIN is the shittiest melee to play
>healers are universally fucked
Guess having to choose between fun and effectiveness is the one universal truth of all games.
The new LD is stronger for WHM and SCH.
Current has 560 potency/2mins
New one has 700 potency/2mins
It only got nerfed to AST because of CO.
Current CO'd lucid has 826 potency/mins
New one has 700/2mins
>Day 1 savage
>First run of the group
>Hey look it's that mechanic from [Previous Raid With The Same Mechanic]
>Most of the group performs mechanic flawlessly
>RDM picks up that one loser who hasn't
>WAR is the most boring tank
Criminally bad taste.
>muh utility
Shadowbringers is going to be the age of big dick personal DPS.
The things that make jobs good are usually also what make them boring, so yes.
Can't get safer than that. Maining it will forever protect you from all parsefaggotry and raid bullshit.
Didn't CO get reworked
>less pdps than whm
>less rdps than ast
>b-but muh ogcd heals
usless with star/collectives/double essential/assize
Yes, CO is now assize wannabe. It no longer extends buffs.
It has the most braindead rotation and tools of all tanks after 4.2 with its sole stand out feature being BIG NUMBER FELL CLEAVE
I don't know if I should go piety heavy on my gear for savage prog. Seems like something we won't find out till we try it. Especially when healers will be last priority of gear upgrades if coffer changes are coming.
RDM is far more fun and engaging than fire4 mage
Got mine this morning even.
Well, if you want to get away from all the meta obsessed idiots, taking the Blue pill is your best option.
Of course, all I'm saying is it's not as clean cut as always partnering up with the highest DPS in an optimal group. There's more to take into account
>Higher personal dps
>When core healing is still tied to GCD
All of them. Just play what plays fun to you.
BLM at least has a learning curve and room for optimization. You've mastered RDM the moment you hit 70.
Which easily puts it above PLD in terms of fun. As PLD (before and after ShB) I'm just a far more boring cuckold WAR with a gay magical Fell Cleave.
>2 min CD for a dinky little shield/heal even worse than Aspected Helios
I know it's supposed to stack with your other stuff but seriously, what were they thinking?
I don't find jobs fun, I enjoy the raids and such but job wise I just play whatever is good
Any of them save for BLU are a safe option for endgame raiding, don't let the meta dictate what you play.
Where's my succor before raidwide damage?
Even if you don't let the meta dictate what you play, as long as everyone else still does you still won't get raid spots.
DNC has retarded utility, so good dancers are probably going to be as valuable as good ninjas, so if you want a safe job, here's your pick.
>didn't like how regen and shield became the healer identify for the two healer slots
>give everyone shield / barrier and regen
>fuck up potencies so certain jobs will have the superior version of a skill compared to other two
I don't get it.
>high pdps when it takes 3 gcds to use your big attack and all of your heals are tied to gcd
>sch still has chain strat and almost purely ogcd healing
lmfao you retarded cocksucker
enjoy being in the shed like always, mr 'pure healer'
Give me the honest review of the Dancer class
because you still have star and collective
Balance people ran the math and the increase in picking whoever is the "fastest" is negligible. In a raiding setting, just be smart and dance with whoever is about to go into a burst window.
How long until they do another big timeskip just like 1.0 to 2.0?
How can people play lalafell when we are forced to look at shit like this every day?
Can any of you post cute girls and your erp discord?
Then make your own groups.
Most of the meta-obsessed players tend to be complete shitters looking for a crutch anyway.
You are never going to use succor pre-raidwide damage when you have the buffed sacred soil available. The absolute best you can hope for is spread adlo crit, but since that was nerfed, critical boost from Recitation will exclusively go to Indomitability.
So it would have worked with old MCH but not with the new one since Wildfire's burst is neutered for consistency.
critlo spread is still crazy strong though
crit indom is almost always overhealing
RDM-tier ezmode, with NIN-tier utility.
And that's what makes RDM superior. It's comfy and lets you focus entirely on raid mechanics because its gameplay is so simple and intuitive.
Well, the trailer mentionned time fuckery between the First and the Source, so it is possible that ShB is the timeskip.
>wasting gcds to heal instead of doing damage
so this is the logic that shed players apply to endgame raiding
your ogcd healing is usless when ast/whm can cover damage with their own ogcds, while also providing overall higher damage
Just know you aren't welcome.
Nearly unmatched utility, while being designed to be as retard-proof as possible. Probably a lock for every serious raiding group.
Not post-raidwide damage, it isn't. Critical Deployed Adlo gives your group 562 potency shield which is only better than Recitation Indomitability if anyone in your group would be guaranteed to die even at full hp. If that's not the case, 750 potency instant speed raid-wide heal should be your go-to choice.
>BLM at least has a learning curve and room for optimization. You've mastered RDM the moment you hit 70.
Lol total bullshit. There's a huge difference between a bad RDM and a great one.
lol no they fucking cannot you actual dipshit
you barely have any ogcds and they're fucking garbage
SCH will ALWAYS put out the most dps because we almost never have to hardcast anything, the single exception being adlo
WHM is for girls, faggots, and people who can't raid
>Entire argument relies on ASTs choosing to heal alongside WHM than SCH
>When SCH has both higher actual personal dps thanks to oGCD healing AND higher raid dps increase thanks to Chain Strategem
Ah, I get it, 6 years in the shed left you with severe brain damage.
>good dancers
A literal fucking ape could play DNC at its peak potential. Most braindead and most boring job ever created, so of course it's also a 100% must have so someone in your static never gets to have fun.
They're just losing Energy Drain and Shadow Flare
Miasma and Bio's potencies have been combined into the new Biolysis
You're a bit cuter in this image than the last, so maybe. convince me to.
Haha janny won't find this one though.
>A literal fucking ape could play DNC at its peak potential.
Yes, but apes probably compare favorably to a large segment of the playerbase in terms of intellect.
I'm going to cock vore your cute girl.
the mod's coming for us bros
Man I cant believe FF14 might be in smash! This is a smash thread now so we can stay.
Mods are a part of Yea Forums society.
But they must be fed with threads.
Shadowbringers threads!
I'm convinced that DNC is an intentional effort to sabotage the raiding community.
Dont worry they only gave SCH 4 more ogcd spells. They will definitely have to hardcast heals this time.
looks like a mod this time, it's going to be stealth threads all over again, the mahjong one was funny as hell.
Por gratis
I'm out of the loop, DNC are DPS or healers?
why does alphinaud look like a girl
Wew, do it to mine PLEASE.
Did anybody get the namazu earrings?
Threads are being deleted because they made by falseflagger.
>create thread
>spam tranny shit
>report your own thread
Same pattern every day. Same guy crossposting same shit in WoW threads, Yea Forums XIV threads and /xivg/. He doesn't even change filenames
So why would anyone want to play this job? You're just someone else's parse fluffing bitch, and you don't even get somewhat fun gameplay to make up for it like NIN does.
DNC players are literal cucks.
But I use f-list.
Ranged physical DPS.
Healers are stuck in a state of never being balanced enough to allow for a new job.
Last thread was deleted because there were two up at once
Give pics.
I really can't be assed to grind that much for a set of earrings, especially when I spent ~100 on shit I actually wanted from the mount and two minions.
Can I get the scaevan shellac with poetics once ShB it's up?
Same thing as RDM, it's designed for the ultra-causal players, only now it's got insane utility so that even complete shitters have a chance at a raid spot.
How does anyone do Syrcus Tower repeatedly? I'm literally falling asleep here
>Dancer isnt a dogde based tank
>Gunbreaker isnt a support debuff based healer
Flop expansion
Play Mahjong.
please i've been waiting 30 minutes in-game
um actually I'm a slut and I'm only going to dance with the nicest glam in the party, even if it's a tank or healer
>Aether and Primal are still permanently locked
I don't have any but I play a Miqo'te...
Not him, but here's the thing.
Unlike the current SCH vs WHM, ShB WHM does have a fuckton more potency/min over SCH than the current one. Not to mention the dps loss for healing is lessened by using afflatus skills to heal instead of conventional ones.
Plus, ShB WHM actually has mobility tools to keep dpsing while moving unlike the current which has either 0 or has to rely on aero II initial dot potency to do some chip damage.
>sch has more ogcds
Ah yes, that 175 potency aoe heal from the fairy will surely not require further healing to top people up. A lot of the fairy ogcds have really low potencies making them more a reinforcement to a gcd than something you can rely on it's own. Unless you want to blow up multiple of.
Yes. All the upgrade mats should be 100 each. Spend as much of your Genesis as you can though, it will convert to poetics 2 to 1 at best.
Just hit lvl 50 on BLM. When do I use Flare exactly? Seems like a worse version of Fire 2 because it doesn't let me go into Umbral Ice 3.
>Sticky Tongue
>1000 Needles
psh, nothing personnel kid
RDM didn't also cuck every other member of its role out of viability for an entire expansion so it's a lot easier to forgive.
Moogle Knight=lolno
Onion Knight=that ain't happening, chief
Sentinel=Invalid by Gladiator/Paladin
You=silly bitch.
it's mostly congestion based softlocks, try it at dead hours.
Majhong is hell on FFXIV everyone is always doing open tanyao and riichi as their only yaku
Wait seriously? That's the last thing I expected from DNC.
That last statement is a kick in the gut, though. I want a new healer class.
No one cares. Knock off this DC flame shit, it's fucking obnoxious.
miqo girls were made to dissolve in my lala's big fat sack
My nigga.
I'd want them to wield a twinblade that can split into a pair of swords like Gabranth.
Is 5.0 DRK going to be fun?
>CGI trailer WoL gets decent stubble
>can't pick it in CC
Just play hrothgar.
>It get's 100000 needles in 5.1
>this "RDM is a low-key hard class guys!" bullshit again
>Enemy has more than 1K HP
What now?
Sounds hot as fuck.
I can't make a Male character I'm satisfied with.
I know it's a little bit close to Bard with how it uses instruments, but I wanna call animals and stuff to rough up enemies, even if it's just fancy animations for the usual spell-caster stuff.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. 100K Needles is for the next expac, ShB is only 10K Needles.
How do I play Mahjong?
Why isn't there Poker?
1000 needles again
I dunno, I'm still running around ARR areas and leveling
Trust when?
I actually wish the scions weren't coming to the First. I would prefer either lesser characters like HB or completely alone and have to meet new people.
After it starts making sense, sure
guys are hard
yours would be cute if he didn't have the facepaint
It replaces your last fire 1 before a swap.
Flare > Convert > Flare > Transpose.
You assemble a Yakuman and cry because that son of a bitch next to you sniped a win with a 1-han hand.
And what if the enemy has more than 2K hp?
I like him.
Middle doesn't look good but the other two do.
Chocobo finishes it.
I thought so too. He spends a lot of time thinning the thot population.
That's what the last two expansions did, it's nice to actually have the whole Scions be our main party and crew for once
am I ever going to need gil for anything if I give zero fucks about fashion or housing and only care about the story and raids?
Fuck it.
What do you even mean by safe?
RDM, WHM and PLD are best for carrying pugs and avoiding wipes, if that's what you mean
Except HW was almost entirely new people. Only Alphinaud and Yshtola had any role in the MSQ, and Yshtola was towards the end.
You'll need money for pots, food, and crafted raid gear at the start of each tier
Otherwise nah you don't need much.
Buying a full hq crafted set along with potions, food, and materia on day 1 of a raid tier will cost you around 20m every even patch.
I meant guaranteed to be relevant and desirable.
>Queue for Mahjong
>No one in queue
Me next please
his cock and balls must be even bigger than he is...
Don't worry the SAM class quests are a most grinder. And unless they farm poetics the 60 quest is near impossible.
well fuck
how the fuck do I do that
grug match tiles till grug wins
grug never wins
>this thread has a clear topic instead of "xiv thread"
it's not a general then
>Decided to try out Majong
>End up sitting there for over an hour
Gee I wonder why
Feel free to enforce this rule then you absolute fucking retard (not you sweety but the janny you're quoting c: )
Every job will probably be relevant and 95% of pugs wont give a fuck about what you play as long as you parse blue or higher
waste away your life grinding out DoL/DoH until you want to fucking kill yourself.
I don't know how to play mahjong, and neither does anybody else in the west
This is not a general.
More importantly where's Black Jack and Old Maid
I report you.
Why do Namazu squeak?
I learned thanks to the mahjong soul threads that used to get spammed on Yea Forums
so lalafell get to see this all day?
That sounds great
>we were cucked out of another hotboy race
It's not fucking fair
Not him but explain how I can be a better WHM with this
The last one is just Larry's cat with makeup
I play WHM, but apparently SCH is more desirable (for now)?
Will AST be the new healer 'meta' or does it really not matter?
>want the Aymeric hair
>it's 15 fucking dollars and is only for one character
This is some next level jewing right here
Why is it that when I look at high tier BLM logs there is always a few Scathe used? Isn't this spell fucking shit?
F-fuck, my peepee is hard...
I love shoes so fucking much.
Eight new character creation columns. They're all but confirmed.
instant cast for movement
Same but with the Y'shtola hair
It just looks really cute on femlalas
If you have to heal use ogcds first/afflatus skills first and gcds last.
If you have to move use dia to keep dpsing since the new 120 initial potency is actually decent compared to the current aero II.
Make sure to combo +healing shit like temperance or asylum with afflatus rapture to increase its shitty 300 potency when it's needed. This is personal opinion of mine but absolutely avoid using afflatus solace.
Just remember that afflatus misery is a dps loss compared to outright using 4 glares but if it's a dps gain in situations where you'd need to use, lets say, cure III since you're now charging up the blood lily instead of not getting jack shit from it.
>Switching from ranged dps to dancer
>Fucking up constantly because I've never given a shit about playing melee classes
>Being begged in rando parties for buffs
>tfw I give it to the tank
Gonna be a fun expac
it has no cast time so if you have to move for some reason you can just throw it out.
If triple/swiftcast isn't up and you'll be moving it keeps dps up.
Imagine being a bitch nigga au ra.
Assuming their numbers don't increase from the Media build AST is in the shed. They have awful mana, the weakest heals, and their new cards are too low of a damage buff.
are you retarded
Whats the best way to level in stormblood so I can rush the msq
>do normal Seiryu for the first time as sch
>ninja in full 380 crafted
>does zero trick attacks
>gets hit by every mechanic and dies 7 times
>tank, healer, and dps die at same time
>I raise the healer
>healer raises the tank
>red mage that's still alive refuses to raise anyone
This was a fun run
To be fair they are pretty sexy.
There is going to be tuning before raids anyway during 5.01 most likely for miscalculations with the new 5.x skills and further stuff during 5.05 after more people are doing extreme primals and normal raid.
>Dancers are melee
I wish but I do play a Miqo'te girl in game.
Shoes are just great.
Sometimes you need to move, or want something with little go dead, and don't want to use something with cast times/waste swiftcast
wait, what? nooo waaay
MSQ :^)
Oh what. I thought SCH was in the shed. Is it the other way around?
Are all healers in the shed?
>BRD and NIN
SCH was never in the shed it just became boring as fuck to play.
That's just SCH's bitching. SCH is still the strongest healer, they just made the job less fun to play.
SCH shoe doesn't really work with a heel that high. It still looks cute though.
Give it to me straight, bros. How bad did they fuck up SCH and WHM?
Those are the first 2 i'm leveling from 70-80, because I've never trusted braindead morons to handle wipe prevention.
>delete xiv threads
>leave the 20 different etika and smush threads up
How many of you have actually cleared a Savage raid? Are most of you just casual players? I'm not making fun of, I'm just genuinely curious.
Nobody knows till we actually see the content.
I'm going in hard as BLM. My thought process is that since it's the producers class it'll never be bad
Never really been an interest for me because I never wanted to join a static, planning on pug raiding this expansion though.
WHM got more tools but is still the same WHM it's always has been.
SCH lost its dps tools but got massive healing buffs it didn't need. Again.
WHM is better than the current WHM
SCH is simpler than the current SCH.
That's pretty much it.
Check the datamine for SHB, eight new character columns for Mount sizes were added.
Usually if it was just four spots it could be brushed off. As they would just be place holders for MViera and Fhrothgar, a similar thing happened with HW where au ra had two slots.
But there were an extra four columns there that doesn't add up as every race has only two.
This probably means we'll get them sometime this expansion since as stated Au ra had the columns but SB didn't.
Only about a foot long, but gets much much bigger as he's hard and getting himself ready to shove someone into it, until it's as long as he is tall and his sack is bigger than he is, and wriggling with a girl inside.
Yup cleared all savage content before it got added to the pf, been working on ultimate reclears with my lads now before SHB
Hardest stuff i've done is ex primals. Even then not all of them. Didn't do nidhogg or knights in HW and only done Susano and Lakshmi in SB. Did all the ARR ones at least.
I have a shitty schedule, so I can't get a static. I pugged through O5S,O6S and O9S.
Please, now I'm imagining pounding against the walls of it, begging to be let out.
Started in SB, saw how chill normal raid and O1S was. Cleared O1S-O4S with a static, got burned out during Ultimate Coil and I never got back to it since I had so many things to do like hunts / crafting.
Finished all ARR, 1st and 3rd alex, but only sigmascape because I've had to work nights.
I want to try raiding again in Shadowbringers but I don't know what to main.
fuck off Larry
Damn, those datamines hint at a lot of shit. No wonder Yoshi-p is pissed at leakers.
I raided back in ARR, I cleared Nael pre-nerf. Back before they split raids into charity mode and normal ("savage") mode.
I stopped caring about raids when they removed trash mobs and made them indistinguishable from single-queue primal trials. It's literally just queueing for 4 bosses one at a time and collecting your good boy books each week (see: Alphascape et al). And it'll be no different in ShB.
I might join Classic WoW for the boomer raid experience, but for now I want some comfy 14 expansion.
had a static with some irl friends, drama happened and we disbanded before we ever beat kefka
exdeath was fun
but if I can't raid with friends I won't really bother
I haven't raided much over the years but I did raid this past tier and did clear o12s with 10% echo. Going into 5.0 with the same static and hoping to clear the tier sooner this time.
Why do i feel so neutered on healing switching from White mage to scholar? Maybe I should just switch to magic DPS or Bard
Started with Stormblood and cleared all savage fights while they were current except Neo Exdeath because I was a shitter then.
where was this
I think one of the things that pissed him off the most about leakers is how they ruined the Blue Mage announcement by having leaked it months prior, leading to a lot of people expecting a new full job in the vein of NIN, which inevitably fuelled the backlash it recieved.
Cleared all of stormblood and a double legend.
I haven't really bothered to do savage raids, I mainly go in, catch up the story and make money then take a break for a month or two when a new patch drops.
Because you're a brainlet.
First they came for cleric stance dancing, now they removed even MORE dps from scholar?
Fucking hell, it ain't easy. At least I can play WHM if I want to nuke.
The meme about BRD is that only females and trannies play it
Kinda disappointed about tanking changes. Sure holding aggro wasnt hard nor was stance swapping, but it was something interactive to keep in mind. Now tanking is just like dark side. Keep the shit on and never turn it off.
off tanking? Oh then yeah turn it off I guess. I'm guessing the emnity increase is on insane levels, like BLUs tank stance. Hell whats the point. I liked buffs with consequences. Even
>ESUNA ME IN 5..4..
Is long gone.
8 man content is not raiding.
People would have loved Blue Mage if those leaks wouldn't have happened. It would be one of the most popular jobs in the game.
Only done O1, O2 and A9. My static disbanded when we were gonna start O3, I pugged A9 with a friend when it was relevant. So no not really.
Its even more than BLU. You pretty much don't even see a pixel of enmity on the bars after 30 seconds of being in combat with a boss.
>off tanking? Oh then yeah turn it off I guess.
Not even that. All the off tank will do is turn his on a few GCDs later, and keep it on for the whole fight.
SCHfags deserve to be shoved in the shed
it recieved backlash because nobody wants limited jobs. The leaks had fuck all to do with it.
MountCustomize is a sheet they use to determine the scaling and positioning for male and female characters of every race with regards to the mount, the camera, etc. Each race/gender combo is another column. With the addition of Male Hrothgar and Female Viera, there should be 2 extra columns. But, let's just say they need to make their code consistent and add in placeholders for FH and MV. That would be four columns. Instead, there are eight new columns.
I don't think we're getting two extra races but probably what we'll get are unique subraces.
Is his name Kyle?
>stance swapping
I'd agree that this being gone sucked if it wasn't basically exclusive to warrior.
Not so sure about "loved", but it would have recieved a bit less backlash for sure.
But that's not a bad thing, we don't want the dev team getting complacent over their success.
But why?
SCH used to have a higher skill ceiling than WHM in ARR by controlling your own heals and manual fairy separately in addition to cleric dot dancing. You were healing 2 different targets of your choice at once and having your dots tick. It used to be top fucking tier.
I wouldn't be surprised if WHM is more difficult now. To many casuals came to scholar with their fairies on auto-follow and auto-heal, then whined that they had a hard time.
What a blunder of a post reply.
I think it's a pussy move to blacklist or report someone.
t. shitter
Once we stop Garlemald, can we remove Sharlayan next?
'Meta' these days is whatever contributes the most to fast clears, which means whatever offers the most DPS. That usually only matters in coordinated groups going for speed kills. As a healer who pugs a lot, WHM is simply more reliable because of strong raw healing, benediction and good personal DPS.
What? AST is losing the only two skills it had involving Time Magic in Shadowbringers. They're very clearly keeping it more in line with Divination and Astrology than Time Magic at this point.
It would not have had less backlash, people wanted to play as a blue mage long before the leaks and they wanted it as a full class.
Why though? Some people cant be reasoned with and are actually insane.
Look at the fucking picture.
You're right I'm autistic.
it recieved backlash because nobody wants limited jobs. The leaks had fuck all to do with it.
MountCustomize is a sheet they use to determine the scaling and positioning for male and female characters of every race with regards to the mount, the camera, etc. Each race/gender combo is another column. With the addition of Male Hrothgar and Female Viera, there should be 2 extra columns. But, let's just say they need to make their code consistent and add in placeholders for FH and MV. That would be four columns. Instead, there are eight new columns.
I don't think we're getting two extra races but probably what we'll get are unique subraces.
If you're spamming 30 emote messages in chat while I'm trying to talk with someone, your 2 int ass is getting blacklisted
>It would be one of the most popular jobs in the game.
All it would have done is delay the hype backlash by a week or so. BLU still is shallow content, with its keystone spells being as rare as mounts, and with its endgame content being pathetic compared to what's available to everyone else, making said keystones completely useless.
I thought Sharlayan was like an old thing already in ruin.
Okay, what brought this on?
t. thin skinned
Go back to shitposting the mViera thread. I need a new batch of screenshots on the double.
The Sharlayan colony on the mainland is the one in ruins and abandoned, Old Sharlayan (their homeland) is on an island far to the north of Eorzea.
I just love making retards lose hundreds of hours and dollars
There a picture of the 2nd ShB primal?
I have encountered autism/aspie rage so fierce that the only way to shut them up was with a firm goodbye blacklist. Some truly mentally screwed-up people share this stupid game with me.
Also, people who come visit my world and spam their shitty fc/event/twitch stream messages. My chat box is not your advertising space, retard. Party Finder exists. You're a glorified gold spammer as far as my log is concerned.
>You're right I'm autistic.
Wasn't saying that at all, just kind of funny looking.
New Sharlayan in the Hinterlands, sure. Old Sharlayan is completely fine on their own island.
>the moment of starting up SHB for the first time with a new menu is almost upon us
I MISS HWs menu. I used to get so excited logging in
Only their colony, the smug bastards still live and breathe though in the mainland
Green Apple>Mango>Pineapple>Orange>everything else
Fight me
>one of the most popular jobs in the game.
For all of a week, maybe two for slow people. The Carnivale is nowhere near as interesting as the endgame of every other job, gatherers and crafters included, and the primal spell grind is just plain boring, especially with the reward being so shit.
Nice fanfiction retard
Do you have autism? I get excited every time I log in still.
I don't want BLU to be another normal job. I want it to be hard single player content.
I don't even want any new jobs after ShB.
An internet gf doesn't fill that void user trust me
t. subhuman who grew up without affection
Why hate them? What did they do?
Yoshi already said the only reason Garlean gunblades exist because he didn't work on 1.0. He also wants us to hate Garleans. He is NEVER putting one of their gunblades in our hands retard.
>raid with complete moron who refuses to play better or admit their mistakes
>blacklist so I don't get into a group with them in the future
Wow such thin skin I must have to want to play with non-retards.
I beat Twintania when it was current and up to Coil Turn 7 in general before HW was out, but then I had to stop playing before Alex Savage was out so the last thing I did was Ravana Extreme
Other way around, fire 2 is trash. Use t2 > f3 > f2 > flare > transpose on repeat until 68. Use b4 > f3 > flare > flare > transpose at 68-70.
I finished my BRD's the other day. I don't plan on playing it seriously but I like the relic. I wish BLM had a really cool relic.
Do YOU have autism? Sure no one gets excited looking at stormbloods menu after finishing 4.0
>I want it to be hard single player content.
Too bad SE seems to think grind=hard.
Well I loved it just as much as HW so I don't know what your problem is.
They think the rest of the world is nothing but niggers whose lives mean nothing. They're worse than Garleans. You get to meet one personally in the Astrologian quest.
It's a good thing square doesn't give a fuck about your opinion and a majority of the community hate BLU then.
I can't imagine how fucked up your life must be having such terrible onions.
I did it guys. Cutting real close there, 3 days to SHB but I did it.
I pugged the entire Delta and Sigma, but I was too burned out in Alpha to keep going, specially after almost an entire week of wipes on Chaos because of incompetent healers and sub 5K DPS
I started playing pretty late, so I've only cleared O9-O12 (plus O4 and O8 to unlock Ultimates), and I've dabbled in UWU progression. Hoping to be more serious about both Savage and Ultimate in ShB though
Remember when Square cared about seasonal events? Anyone remember the comfy fate grinds to grab all the past summer gear sets?
Remember actually talking to people in game?
>Nobody wants limited jobs
Speak for yourself parserat
I want a unique job that isn't limited by raidrat balance, I don't care if that means I'm a couple years behind on raid content, and duty finder is for faggots anyway