Videogames aren't fun anymore. What games do you recommend to rekindle my interest?

Videogames aren't fun anymore. What games do you recommend to rekindle my interest?

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Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix on Critical. I’m in the same boat as you but look fondly back on the time I spent playing that.

I will never cheat on my waifu.

making fun of south americans in f2p games with google translate

>rekindle my interest
Stop playing games that hold your hand through. Make your own fun.

okay now THIS is a good post



Based and waifu-pilled

Old games of course
I'd say THPS games and Burnout 3 can help you for now

I recommend that you get a job so you actually value your time and stop getting burnt out so easily

Teamfight tactics/Dota underlords.
Clicker heroes.


Wait, video games were fun?

Deus Ex

None. You're already broken. Until you can afford the distant technology of replacing all the fizzled synapses and dried up neural paths in your body with ones extracted from puppies and Indian orphans, you're already dead.

The best way to rekindle your interest is to go do LITERALLY anything else for a while. Take a fucking break.

Counter Strike

Find a game with a good grind that you can pick up whenever.
My go to was rocket league, now it's Monster Hunter World for the second time and I'm still pumping hours into it.

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Nier, Nier: Automata

Play a very complicated game so you have fun learning how to play it, the only downside is that once you fully comprehend it you will get bored and lose interest again, some examples of games you can try for this are:
Conquest of elysium
Dwarf fortress

Go play some shmups that are legit good.

Hit up a Genesis emulator and find a Rom of Thunder force 4.

Either that or hit up a jrpg you fondly remember enjoying. I just replaced the battery for my pokemon crystal cart

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Darkwood did it for me.

Thanks for the heads up user, almost had some hope there.
Who's your waifu?

play tf2 community servers

Starlight Glimmer, from MLP.

Allow me to share with you one of my life's mottos. Nobody who stays true to their waifu can be all bad.


You may be growing up

Whatever it is, make sure it's single player. Nothing can kill your interest faster than having to play with other subhumans. Hell just fucking download an emulator and play some old shit if you have to.