What would a re:zero game be like?

What would a re:zero game be like?

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Terrible, just like the anime.

like dark souls, only with much more anime faggotry,a lame main character that can't really fight back and many, MANY scripted, unavoidable deaths.....so i'd be a pretty shitty game

I want to __BE Felix!


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can we just confirm the penis?

What's therr to confirm? Felix is male!

I'm a bifag and I'm not into traps at all.
What's up with me?

how is it gay if they look like girls i seriously don't get this

I'll bite.
If I told you pic related had a vagina would you be attracted to it? Because THAT'd be gay.

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I hate niggers
check my trips too

Season 2 when?

at this point I've probably stolen around 500 american dollars (this is a currency conversion) from my parents

I ate two convenience store hot dogs, two tubs of ben and jerries and drank two red bulls and now my tummy aches.

>if they look like girls
they don't

At work we're supposed to send silverware through the dishwasher twice. sometimes i only send them once

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a Re:zero game would just be a scrolling beatemup like that one freeware game made in hong kong, what was it called again, something fighter?

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Im addicted to masterbation

I regularly suck cock and like it

Dark Souls but with a lot more focus on the MC suffering and being humiliated.

I want to fuck loli Jesus

Rape is fine too I guess.

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traps threads used to be fun until lgbt got a hold of them.

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because you want the penis and they never look like girls anyway

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Uncannily accurate. I'm a neet with bad sleeping habits.

I want to rape this guy:

>traps used to be fun until they became gay

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I regret no transgressions towards the lord.
That motherfucker gave me free will, but..

Loli Jesus, let me rape this rapist-rapist.

In the light novel the green haired bitch comfirms she seen his dong whe n they were kids

Does she really love me

I don't know how to masturbate so I put a blanket over my chair and hump it. It actually feels pretty good. Only problem is my underwear gets wet fast.


you mean currently?

they're called traps because you mistake them for girls

shit like the show

by definition not traps


It would be a great world building game.

Shit taste kill yourself

Like a bad isekaishit game, but worse.