This is your healer for tonight, say something nice to him

This is your healer for tonight, say something nice to him.

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Other urls found in this thread:

want some tea?

Part 5 is fucking garbage. Get some taste you faggot.

This but unironically.

I think Giorno's dream SUCKS.

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Your healing sucks, it fucking hurts, looks terrible and takes me ages to get back on my feet, where's the guy with the funny hair?


>lets Abbacchio and Narancia die
Shit healer.

I'm reading through part 7 right now and why the fuck did Araki make Funny Valentine's stand so complicated?
I was having a real hard time understanding what the fuck was going on until Johnny explained it

Is Giorno the most useless healer in the series? He let almost all of his DPS die.


>End goal is becoming the head of a criminal organization

Wow what a great hero.

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Because he wants them to stop selling drugs to kids. But selling it to adults is okay

It's not that hard to understand what D4C does, the whole Who Shot Johnny Joestar? arc is the most confusing thing in the entire series though, even if the Stand itself isn't hard to understand.

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>It took putting Mista in Trish's body to make her useful
Why does Araki hate women?

It's introduced pretty weirdly, but it's a really simple stand conceptually.

What's so hard to understand? He travels between dimensions, and when he gets Jesus he redirects suffering towards shitskins.

I'm pretty sure his favorite JJL character is Yasuho so he can't hate them that much, especially considering there are way better characters in JJL.

>he thinks this is Araki hating women
Wait'll you see part 8.
Being Yasuho is pure suffering.

Yeah, the who shot Johnny part is really what tripped me up. Did Johnny get shot 3 different times? Because he said he brought other versions of Diego and Wekapipo into the world, so was Johnny shot 3 different times and thats why the kids and artist saw different people?

It every protagonist needs to be a hero. At least he has morals about it

Please Giorno I dont want to go on the fucking boat

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Nice kissable lips, Homo.

he's pretty

bruno: dark knight
abbachio: bard
mista: machinist
narancia: summoner
fugo: black mage
giorno: scholar

Araki makes his favorites suffer the most, with the exception of Josuke, because it makes him feel bad to see it so he assumes the audience will feel bad to see it too. Same reason he makes villains hurt dogs all the time.

Its more like he is a summoner who managed to fug his way into the healer role
His skill is to give life to objects, what he does in P5 is taking random shit lie pens and pennies and giving them life like a body part that needs to be fixed
of course it hurts, its not true healing, he is fixing some one, not healing like josuke

>party member dies unexpectedly

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Get on the fucking boat, Fugo.

Ariba dirt cheap

Now I really wanna see Bruno dressed up as a FF14 dark knight
Or the whole party dressed up

Jojo is absolute garbage only supported by redditors and other ironic weebs.

that part was already animated, user, nobody will fall for that

>is the least charismatic and most insufferable member

I haven't read it in years so I don't quite remember but I think that he brought the kids and artist from other universes where other people shot Johnny into the base universe so they would all give different accounts. It's been so long and it was pretty hard to follow to begin with though, so I'm not confident that that's what happened.

You cant make me, faggot

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Just like bard players then.

I ain't clicking that spoiler unless it's for before part 7
That's a possibility but Diego and Wekapipo both remembered shooting Johnny too, which is what really confused me

he wrote this as he went weekly as he drew almost everything too
he legit forgets what characters do because he didnt have time to go re read a few weeks old chapter to remember what the fuck does trish does

it just werks


Looks like a major faggot ass bitch

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He technically let Bruno die too.

*blocks your path*

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He's my favorite JoJo and probably my favorite character for all the wrong reasons
>autistic as fuck
>son of Dio
>a chaotic asshole
>muda as a stand cry
>sillier, yet more regal hair than Josuke
>cutest of the JoJos second to Johnny and Gappy
>love his fashion sense to bits
>becomes God
>mob boss
He may have a lot of shit against him, but he ticks so many boxes he just occupies a special place in my heart

It'll be fun fugo please nothing bad will happen

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I love how Araki just forgets shit and writes it as he goes along
It honestly gives the series more charm because he still manages to do everything okay and not fuck everything up

>going with the meta pick

kinda erotic

>most powerful party member leaves at the middle of the game

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>get on the boat and get away from boss that thinks you're a traitor anyways
>stay on island with boss
What did Fugo mean by this?

horny for giorno, no homo

D4C is not that complicated, it's just that Araki's handling of mystery is on point and he first shows the unexplained event then slowly makes it understandable.

I understand the purpose of Fugo leaving, but having the guy with the most emotional baggage leave without any resolution was really sad

Ironic Weebs are cool and necessary to keep autistic otakus at bay

All she does is soften things, how brain damaged do you think he is that he can't remember that or even just look back at an older chapter that he's worked on to check it? He worked on putting out a chapter every week, he's hardly going to forget about a major character like Trish or the very simple detail that she can soften things. You both let the "Araki forgot" meme rot your brains, half the shit Araki "forgot" are actually just dropped plot points, not him forgetting that an entire character who had multiple chapters dedicated to them existed at all or anything like that. He has forgotten things but it's all been minor stuff like forgetting he put a throwaway line about Zeppeli having no family, not things that got a large focus and would require him to the memory of a goldfish to forget.

>characters Josuke let die
-his grandpa

>characters Giorno let die

>characters foo fighters let die

Is there any doubt as to best girl?

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>Le araki forgets meme
>brought back villain from the very start of jojolion
>many people unironically went "who's thia guy again?"


JoJo is chan culture you newfag cuck.

Just because you never heard of it until the anime, doesn’t negate how beloved HTTF is and the massive amount of ROAD ROLLER posting.

If Fugo just stayed in the turtle until now would it have been viable to just take him out and try to nuke diavolo with purple haze

>can't even rez
we all know star platinum's the best healer

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What are some games that feature 89 year olds?

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>releasing two stands that are essentially biological weapons in Rome in the same day

In anime


bruno didn't deserve his fate fuck this gay earth

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Given how bullshit Giorno's stand is, he could've made everyone immune to the poison and just nuked everyone with purple haze.

di molto

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It's not like purple haze has some huge radius they could have just sent fugo into the Colosseum for the arrow since diavolo has no way to approach him

Reminder Mista literally dies constantly yets survives not even Joseph near death bullshit
he actually is DEAD in these fucking fights
also Risotto won, fuck you Araki

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Couldn't Diavolo just erase the time when he inhaled purple haze?


I really like Mista but was pissed he didn't die on that train. Like come the fuck on if you're going to go that far at least follow through.

>closest to brick shithouse Jonathan by blood
>the only scrawnier JoJo is a literal cripple

the most insufferable member was giorno, abbacio is based because he's the only one who actually calls him out on his bullshit

Best healer is Hot Pants
He was already fated to die
Giorno himself is already immune to Purple Haze's virus, so it would be pretty easy to make the rest of the gang immune

Honestly, people bitch about Giorno, but nothing he does ever gets as bullshit as Star Platinum during DIO's World arc. It's time to stop.

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Sometimes a man is just too based to live so he dies to establish himself as a legend.

>Characters Foo Fighters let die
-Foo Fighters
Sounds like a shit healer to me.

>jojo parts 3 - 4
>any stand can phase through objects

>jojo part 5
>the stands ability is to phase through objects

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>"Main Character"
>most of the time he's just being the group?s background healslut
Bruno is more of a protagonist than Giorno is

GER is the biggest asspull in the series its ability is literally just "I win"

Stone Ocean anime will have a lot of shitpo2over how Jolyne is so much weaker than previous jojos

If the healer dies that's the tank's fault.

True, Mista and Bruno do all the fighting

>Shot in the head 3 times
>There's blood flowing out ON THE OTHER SIDE OF HIS FUCKING HEAD
>"lmao Mista I stopped the bullets beforie they pierced your skull, also I have that ice you need real bad right here"

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How would you rank the Jojos in terms of actual power?
I'm considering switching Jotaro and Johnny since Diego beat end-Johnny, but Diego also got the jump on him and knew how to beat him.

this is true. at least joseph managed to avoid the same fate somehow. he and bruno are based.

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Doesn't that stand also have a tracking ability similar to Lil' Bomber?

*Also locking on and following targets with utmost precision and being practically a guaranteed kill once it latches on you

I also had a lack of enjoyment in part 5 and I even read the manga

Tris is not an important character, she is just a plot device
all you need to know for the first half she is in the story is that she is the boss daughter and the thing they have to deliver
then they betray the boss and she becomes the thing they must protect
She only got a stand because he needed a new power to bullshit his way out of the OP villain of the week he wrote by mistake

>Get out of the healer's heal range
>wtf where are my heals????
Everytime, stupid dps shitters

>establish arrow makes stands op
>giorno uses arrow
>stand turns op
wow, such an asspull. Meanwhile
>hey I can fly now lol
>oh neat I can 1 shot DIO's stand
>btw I also stop time
>Joseph's been dead for a few minutes and his soul left? lol nigga just massage his heart! Ahaha! Like, just give him some blood!

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Fuck cheese man he was only seen using his stand one time

So speedwatchers is a thing now.

>Part 5 is almost over
>Barely any new Narancia porn

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I'd bump Jonathan above Jolyne desu he never got a stand but survived a lot of physical punishment through sheer willpower and being built like a fucking truck, and it's safe to assume he's as physically capable of beating up people as the average stand is

Jojolion is not weekly like the other parts were
he is not under the same pressure to keep churning up new chapters so it allows him to actually set up something and do rechecks on his manuscript before publishing


It's more similar to GE's life tracking than Aerosmith's breath radar

He's to manly on the anime

That's what shocked me with Part 5. Bruno kinda accepts Giorno as the leader but until the very end, he is the leader and Giorno is his right hand

Part 7 was published monthly.

Because Rolling Stones.

>gave her own life to save Anasui so that he could keep protecting Jolyne, even when he told her to just let him die
>doesn’t even get to exist in the new universe

She didn’t deserve to suffer so goddamn much.

She is an important character, the plot wouldn't function without her and everybody in the main gang works to protect her. Even if you think she's lacking in character, she's still an important character and not one that the person writing the story would forget the existence of. Her getting a Stand was was foreshadowed anyway, and if Araki wrote an overpowered Stand I imagine he would just have someone bullshit their way around it anyway, he wouldn't resort to taking a character he had no intentions to do anything with otherwise and design a new Stand just for them while changing their role in the group. It was obviously planned, he wouldn't have put Giorno and the others out of commission for that fight otherwise.

>was expecting the bait to be taken
>just posts the original name
I suppose that makes sense though regarding GE.

What would requiem sex pistols do?

>Purple Haze Feedback OVA never ever

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Ahem Jotaro dies in part 6

One thing I never really got was if Crazy Diamond is stronger than Star Platinum, in raw-strength. Jotaro acted like he was, but It seems like SP damaged Kira a lot more than Crazy Diamond

To be fair hasn't it been literal years since Ojiro last appeared.
>Shot in the head 3 times
If it was 4 he would have died.

Give everyone split personalities

>Lil' Bomber

Destroy every fourth thing in the planet.

Mista gets #4


Everyone after Josuke has comparatively weak stands in terms of sheer power in exchange for utility. Jonathan is probably the strongest overall since he's built like a tank, but punching shit hard can only get you so far against reality warping powers. Josuke probably has the best stand if we don't take upgrades into account, since he's just as strong as Star Platinum with the addition of OP healing powers too.

Who knows? Requiem stands do whatever they want to do. I bet they would be even weirder than GER and CR since Sex Pistols is a sentient colony stand, unlike GE and Silver Chariot.

Josuke's kit is absolutely busted for direct heals though, it's kind of not fair


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His heals are powered by Gold Experience, right? We've seen that Giorno's transformations only last as long as he is actively maintaining them, does that mean that if Giorno ever dies Mista is completely fucked? Is he just going to turn into a giant pile of ballpoint pens and loose change? Guy is going to need to stay attached to Giorno's hip for the rest of his life.

Why the fuck is part 7 so boring? I’m forcing myself through the earlier volumes. The spin looks like an overcomplicated version of Hamon and there have been barely any stands so far. Also Gyro is very gay

>tfw narancia is the first main character to die for literally nothing

Zeppelins both die giving their jojo's hamon
Kakyoin dies to let them know the worlds power
Avdol and Iggy die to save Polnareff
None of the main crew in DiU die
Abbacchio dies to give them diavolos identity
Narancia just gets fucking spiked


I just assume she's back to being happy dumbass plankton.

your revive SUCKS

Giorno only has to live for like 7 years before mista replaces the GE cells in his body.

He has shitty defense though. Jotaro can avoid damage with time stop, Giorno can just heal himself, Jolyne can turn into strings to dodge. Josuke gets hit and CD tells him to suck it. He's ultimately still just a support

Who would you choose
Josuke but you don't get a stand
Giorno but he fails to heal you at the end
Foo Fighters but everyone dies

>dire would have unironically beat dio if he was a second faster

Keep reading. At some point it becomes absolutely kino, but the start is pretty rough.

Like this, but with bullets.

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Shit taste detected
Anime only fags can suck a dick

Even Shigekiyo died for a reason

>Jonathan above Joseph
>When Joseph took on elder vampires who were well beyond Dio in terms of ability
>When Joseph has the whole dual Harmon bloodlines thing going for him

Josuke cause I'm guaranteed to survive and he would be best bro.

>wow, such an asspull.
it is, especially since dio had several of them, there's literally no way he wouldn't research them to get even more power
GER is the most bullshit asspull in the serie because Araki wrote himself in a corner with king crimson able to delete any threat
Star Platinum was made bullshit because it was the trendy trope to have the final boss and the main character have the same power, and the power of the world was hinted to be in the joestar bloodline, the true asspull is jotaro's ability to just stop time longer with no effort

The first chapters of part 7 are really slow paced, it gets a lot better later on though.

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This death was so lame, at least in the anime. narancia deserved better than that.

Narancia was like 5 feet away from him.

>Going from the solid gold that was Part 4 to this garbage
The only good characters are Bucciarati and Doppio/Diavolo. Everybody else is paper thin and fucking boring.

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no you

why didn't he just send hamon through his feet?

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I actually skipped part 6 because I have already read enough spoilers of it to know the short summary of things. Should I read it first? Is it better than part 7?

Erase the number 4 from existence

I think Josuke is arguably stronger than Gappy, but otherwise I agree. I'm just not sure if Gappy's ability is the same as it was when it was introduced, because he has only put actual physical objects in bubbles for a good while now, he hasn't been sounds or friction or anything like that in them, if it is still that then I'd say he's stronger than Josuke, but just putting physical objects in bubbles is a lot weaker so I'd probably put him below Josuke in that case.

My gut says S&W has less raw strength than Crazy Diamond too, but I don't know if they ever actually say S&W is on the weaker side. It can't be that weak anyway if it can do this.

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It's way better in the manga since they at least made it more emotional with fugo references

this, from my understanding the new universe is the same as the original but with pucci and all of his actions entirely removed. Without him, foo fighters is just plankton

Infinite ammo

Also give him that Hol Horse thing where he can just pull his gun out of his body

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Only japs read manga user. get with the times and watch anime like the rest of us.

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I always assumed CD had a lot of raw power behind it, but not as much else past raw healing and couldn't stand to the sheer ability of SC, plus Araki sucked off SP a lot in Part 6 so I figured he thought it was the best as well.
I thought of this in terms of some one-on-one fight, so Josuke's healing is way less useful in that context, though in a general sense Josuke's probably the best even considering God Giorno.
Jonathan's definitely built like a brick shit house, but I can't see him beating virtually any punch ghost, even SF.

It picks up a lot at Scary Monsters and then it pretty much keeps up the quality from there.




>anywhere near "good"
And Doppio is kind good tho. Very vulnerable kid who need to figure shit out.

>Why the fuck is part 7 so boring? I’m forcing myself through the earlier volumes.
it starts with advol being thrown in a cactus, what the hell do you need
>The spin looks like an overcomplicated version of Hamon
instead of breathing, you just spin balls, it's not hard to understand
>and there have been barely any stands so far.
pacing, this time araki doesn't show dozens of stands just to cut the story to explain their power
>Also Gyro is very gay
and everyone is gay for gyro, your point ?

Yes you should read it. No, its not better than Part 7.

Is Kars still in space in the SBR universe?

Because the Thunder Cross Split Attack sends Hamon through the arms, if he sent it through the legs it wouldn't be the Thunder Cross Split Attack's victory anymore and at that point there's no point in victory.

Diavolo isn't that good either. His schtick with Doppio is entertaining a little, but his motivations make no fucking sense and he looks absolutely retarded, even compared to everyone else in part 5.

36 of them

6 blows but skipping parts is for fags.

36 Kars on Mars

Bruno may not be a MILF but he's still the best mom in the series.

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He comes back to be a good guy.

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>That ARRIVEDERCI on Secco when Bucciarati jumped down and flanked him
Best part of the whole anime so far. VA really elevated that shit.

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6 is one of the weaker parts but it still has some great moments.

I do watch anime, I just read manga often because every time when I have thought that "hmm, perhaps the original manga version was superior" , it fucking was.

Read the superior art form, not your casualized wagie fast food animation for retards.

100% canon

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>Still no Daft Punk stand
honestly suprised

All those would be valid if he had any fucking character. All the things you listed are either to do with appearance or basic background info that's never developed. He's more basic and far less interesting than someone like fucking Jonathon.

bros I don't know if I'll be able to handle the end of part 6

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Magenta Magenta is the new universe equivalent to Kars.

Even with Hamon Johnathan could never beat a Stand, it's simply impossible outside of him getting in a lucky cheap shot (which he's way too honorable to do). How would he even get close to Jotaro, for instance, without getting a dozen holes in his torso? Not even taking powers into account, just the stand's physical capability would wreck him.
Joseph might be an even fight, Hermit Purple doesn't really contribute much to a stand-up fight that Johnathon couldn't replicate with Hamon.

>every time Bruno says STIIIIICK FINGAAAS

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6 has a great villain like 4 but without the rest of the good cast

part 6 is filled with so many bullshit crazy stuff it doesn't even matter, in your case it's worth just to see how the characters react to the madness.
most people agree that part 6 has the weakest start of any part, but it's still worth a read

Spice Girl has some nice tiddies in the ED.

But she saved their lives already before

>Read the superior art form
But user i'm not a jap. i'm not obligated to read the manga. the anime has better music and better colors anyway and it's easier to stomach.

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It's more sudden than anything, really. Not that big of a shock.

Bruh look at this dude

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gappy is so fucking merciless through the whole part, he doesn't need raw power since he always hit where it hurts

best SBR boy right here

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That's some bitchin' manga taste, even if mine slightly varies.

In anime

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My favorite is still wannabe, its just sassy and satisfying to hear

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What a wonderful world...

His death was fucking bullshit, fuck you Hackraki

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The Jojo anime is unironically better than the manga

I like his balls.

>people unironically pretend that this adaptation looks good
fucking retarded anime onlys

>justifying being anime only when it comes to pure Arakino
Just read the manga you baby

I think they're pretty comparable in terms of raw power (Gappy took down a wall pretty early on), but in a general battle Gappy has bombs and bubble cushions, not even taking into account his original abilities. Josuke can make shields and could probably asspull something, but I think Gappy would win generally.
I'll switch Joseph and Jonathan actually. The simple fact that Joseph can see stands means he has a huge advantage.

>cubed hair
>cubed death

Why do you need to be Japanese to read comics

No, the art is fucking phenomenal, the anime cannot even compete.
I'm of course speaking past part 2 and maybe part 3.

David Productions had way too much fun with Red Ruler

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The whole "don't show the villain untill the end" thing only works if you met the villain in the story before or know him from older parts, there was no pay off at all.

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Is Bruno the best Jobro?

I'm on part 4 right now and it's boring. Is Part 5 better or worse?

Would Damo have gotten a 9 page beatdown if it were pre-SBR Araki?

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Those are Inbetweens you see for one frame, you faggot.

Is there a reason why there's so many stand users in Japan for Jojolion?

I know part 7 had the whole traveling crater, corpse parts, and the spin for stand creation and evolutions, but what's part 8's shtick for them, is it the rock fruit?

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I think the only people who really like it are raging homosexuals that masturbate to it furiously.
Anyone else will tell you it's mediocre at best.

I've already forgotten, did we ever see Chocolatte ever elbow drop a dog or was driving the elderly to suicide and getting off on it the worst thing he did?

>rivals comes out of fucking nowhere
>he's actually good
I think everyone expected him to be a generic mook that will be sacrificed to give a new power up, it was a pleasant surprise

Does somebody have the list of all the funny alternate names for D4C?

anybody have the whirrr edit with coco jumbo sucking up diavolo and kc?