Reminder that abnormalities are not your friends, no matter how cute or friendly they may seem

Reminder that abnormalities are not your friends, no matter how cute or friendly they may seem.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Damn, I guess slimegirls aren't popular on Yea Forums

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If I didn't know better I'd stick my body in it

I really, really like slimegirls. Still, they rarely get any decent art, especially gifs. It's infuriating.

No monster girls allowed here, it's an Ilias board

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Maybe I need to impregnate and reproduce with them until they're normal!

so if the boyfriend/girlfriend agent works on other abnos are they gonna get killed?

Praise the piss!

It's divine lemonade

How do you even have sex with a slime?

Slimes are the highest tier of monster girls.

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Fuck """"""""""supernatural creatures""""""""""
Fuck ghosts
Fuck vampires
Fuck spirits
Fuck demons
Fuck gods
And most importantly FUCK FAIRIES.

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The only thing I need is the Harkner test.

insert dick in slime

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I've had a newfound respect for slimes ever since I fapped to that one doujin where the slime girl makes the shota give birth to new slime cores through his urethra. I think I'll stick to hunting bandits.

Yes, i want to volunteer to fuck them all.


Fucking =/= friends

I love slime girls, but QoH is less likely to kill me.

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>can be any shape you want
>cool and gooey but also warm
>you can see your cum swimming inside of them
>very light and tender vore(non-lethal, optional)
>immune to feet fetish fags
So many pros.

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>Cum inside you're waifuh slime core
>now you have an army of millions of slimes from one night of love


So what are the different endings? Because I'm trying to 100% this shit, I need to finish day 50 for that, yes?

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>Like vore
>Diss feet lovers

On what high ground are you standing

I am only okay with slime vore because you don't die from it(unless extreme circumstances). Nobody likes feetfags because they are annoying.

I dont fucking care how you frame it, freischutz is my fucking bro. Never shot my agents even on meltdown, only clerks. Even cleared out a whole floor of clowns once when i was too busy chasing the fucking pink giraffe

and get codex to 100%

QoH breaches a lot to clear enemies for me

she still is a pretty good reason to stop everything to handle her but its nice when i can count with loli love beam to clear a corridor

red hood in the other hand, is a huge bitch that deserves the hate bunishing pird does

>be inside slimegirl
>dick is being gripped by her insides
>be inside normal digestive tract
>no dick pleasure it's just a fleshy tube for you to be inside
it's really no contest, slimegirls are superior

The patrician kino embodiment of an exploded core coming through.

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go back to /vg/ you lobotomized corporate faggots.

alright this fucking game runs like shit on toasters how the fuck do you optimize it
are there any config tweaks i can do? it looks like some fucking fallout shelter shit why does it require eight gigs of fucking ram and STILL memory leak

that's some wishful thinking user, she's only a tier down from the corrosive goo girl. This is more like 'Kiss her and she might get confused enough to go beast-mode and burn you alive'

I can't find that porn video where some space girl gets trapped and raped by a slime in some spaceship again, FUCK, it was even dubbed in English!

Attached: Gohan_crying.jpg (852x480, 43K)

She is not my friend you pleb, she is my cute wife and soon to be mother of my children.

theres no fix
the game is simply unoptimized and requires 16gb to run

one is the living embodyment of the hate child of rabies and rAIDS

the other one is radioactive

id take the one that will just give me cancer

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Damn Ross must be lonely huh

tfw no slime gf that likes wearing clothes

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I kind of want to play this game but my laptop is a toaster. No chance?

What's going on here guys

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Abnormality based on Chernobyl when )))))

You obviously haven't seen the art where the slime girls feet get penetrated. That's the joy of it all, everywhere is a hole.

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So is this thread now about Lobotomy Corporation or about monster girls?

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/d/ even has trouble maintaining a decent slime girl thread most of the time.
Why not go post there seeing as this thread isn't video games

Choose carefully, if someone says it's about video games the thread will get pruned

t. gay

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>sounds of train chugging on the distance
>some clerks furiously agitated because of a magical girl and [CENSORED] arguing over fapfic details
>a grandmother wonder how to use this new fangled device to send a message to her favorite clerk
>someone sitting on the corner of a small room, praying to a idol made of flesh and metal desperately hoping the fetishfags go away
>birds, gathering on a portal, telling a tale of a thread haunted by nothing and how nice that was
>man-eating fairies burst out of some unlucky's janitor eyes and stomach, fat with their thread pruning spoils
>a gigantic heart shaped black hole sweeps everyone inside every time the 500th posts come
>a strange mass of flesh drags itself towards panicked people, constantly muttering "i love you" while holding furry porn of the clerks
>a box, holding a mountain of identical boxes, griefs the "death" of "its" stepbrother and why did he decided to shut down after so much incest/SS porn
>somewhere somewhat safe, a manager looks distraught at his own reply, ready to have his head explode with shitposting
>right behind him, a most perfect AI furiously doubts its hability in solving all problems of humanity as a random user mutters
>"i wanna fuck that radioactive leak"
back to day 1, i guess.


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It better be about monster girls. There is never enough monster girl attention and I'm almost at the point of sculpting some figures to sell just so I can commission some artists.

>get fiery bird not knowing what it was
>Butterfly mememan keeps escaping and getting his shit fucked
>Mememan and Fiery escape together
>microing mememan and not notice Fiery bird running amok
>finally find it roasting my whole information team
>Mememan keeps escaping and triggering the bird

the fucking cactus gets me every time

Slime girls are ridiculously time consuming to animate

I just finished reading a 6 part doujin where a yandere slime girl? goes out of her way to melt and assimilate with any girl that her "boyfriend" looks at. The girls are terrified, and it looks like their consciousness is completely dissolved, with their memories and personality only existing as a kind of puppet that the slime can manipulate. We get lots of pages of girls begging for their life and I really hope the slime gets its comeuppance.


noice, but it's sad that peach is a shitty character

Slime Living Together

procession of dead butterflies has weird handling requirements, get his managerial tips first

i actually disliked him. he needed specific employees to handle and that sucked

but his weapon and suit and gift are all based

>checking the korean mod page for updates because some mod broke health/sp regen from departments and I can't find out what it is
>see new mod in the listing
>does nothing but remove clerks from the game

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>see a LobCo thread and expect LobCo related discussion
>thread is infested of pathetic nu-v waifufag virgins
>all this faggotry "do I fit in posts"
ill sit this one out, ill come back when we have proper LC thread
lets meet again as stars

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das cheating

coming to think of it why cant we feed them to we can change everything

If I get the chance, I WILL fuck a slimegirl. Even if it costs me my life

I don't care, I want to break into Wall Gazer's cell after hours when everyone's gone home, and do horrible things to her anus, give her a reason to scream and sob.

Try and stop me

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>binahfag calling others waifufags

yeah the gift is to tier and the suit is superb as well
i know the requirements but i don't have agents right now with such things and wasting attention on mememan was irrelevant until now, he just gets shit on by a level 4 agents with filler equipment, its the bird just keeps triggering

Can't be nu-v because everyone here is having a good time and nobody is spamming politics and buzzwords.

not that user but what how many endings are there, and how do you trigger them other than 100% for the true ending

>finally suppress gebura, binah, and hokma after my 7th reset
>day 46
>this is fine.jpeg
>day 47
>this is less fine
>day 48
Surely they don't expect me to do what I think they want me to do. I could BARELY scrape by with Gebura. The rabbits were absolutely useless for her, they bugged out the second I called them after Gebura did her rush move, and stood in the department doing nothing. Is there an optimal time to call them? Or are they useless for Gebura?

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>Why not go post there seeing as this thread isn't video games
This is a lobotomy corporation thread, you absolute mongoloid, kill yourself stupid nigger.

>Or are they useless for Gebura?
You might as well call Red Ribbon Hood, since she is less expensive and actually follows her target.

And this user just confessed to this thread being about video games, dooming it

Bunnies don't do dick when it comes to Gebura. Her final phase straight-up ignores the containment doors, I learned the hard way.
Fortunately she stopped in the elevator room directly adjacent to my newly trapped agents, so I was able to obliterate her without any deaths.
Day 49 is also exactly as bullshit as you think it is.

sauce, the art is cute.

>7th reset
unironically I admire your dedication

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What's your opinion on mermaids?

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do they have a fish pussy or a human pussy?

>immune to feet fetish fags

Attached: (trump) wrong.gif (466x480, 3.17M)

They have a mouth

Sensitive Dolpussy

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It's a Murakumo boatslut doujin.


Kinda boring. I'd place them on low tier overall.

I'm less scared of Binah & Hokma, since rabbits obliterated Binah in my run and all of my abbos are not time sensitive so I can take as much time as I want with the white ordeals and meltdowns
However Gebura I know will trip me up, her and the Claw at the same time, and Little Red's collateral damage, wew lad. I'm going in.
I would have reset more to have the optimal run and gift layout, but I had enough and I'm desperate to see the ending.

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Holy based.

I stand corrected. And erected. Picked up.

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>Worst girl who is also a Homura plaggio stole caro's gf
I will never not be mad

what is qliphoth overload and how do i prevent it?


Overload? Do you mean meltdown?

it's pure kino

WAWs and ALEPHs get a success chance reduction every time you work with then but they go away after a meltdown.

ok cool, thanks

Are slimes the Mary Sue of Monstergirls?

Why do monster girls do nothing for me ? I literally love ninjas though

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Overload is the success debuff ALEPH/WAW gets when you work on them too much

in 60 seconds the qliphoth counter on the highlighted abnormality will go to zero usually triggering whatever bad thing that abnormality does, if it does anything at all, i.e escaping. You stop it by having an employee work on that abnormality

oh, disregard my post then


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I completely agree with OP this time.

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Fuck you

It's all cool man, calm down

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>realize the reason WN is on a timer is because it's a fetus and needs constant attention

this applies to non tool WAWs and ALEPHs
everytime you finish a work, success rate reduces to an increment of 4% for WAW and 6% for ALEPH
this is to prevent spamming work and cheesing the game, however there are some abnos that benefit from this

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monster girls are board culture

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Who needs abnormalities, when you have boxes?

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Nope, i do not trust them either.

i would thrust Gevura tho if you catch my drift

How much energy would 682 give?

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2011 was prime slime time, they're old and busted now.

I'm gonna restart anyway because the death was kinda early, but huh, didn't know it was possible to work on Nothing There even after it ate someone.
Each time I tried resulted in him breaking out.

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it's not rocket science
anywhere on a slime girl's body could theoretically work as a hole

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I FUCKING hate nu-v and reddit so much they cant just stop bringing their cringe everywhere, this shithole site cant just disappear soon enough

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I prefer eldritch girls

You could just not respond. And please don't use Rudolta for your shitposting, use Punishing Bird or something less based like Mountain

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You guys seen my dog?

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>mountain eats the shitposters
>we cant suppress it anymore
Not the birghtest idea.


Laetitia is my friend! She likes to play funny pranks so everyone will laugh

laetitia is cute and funny!

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>still no gap moe abnormality that looks horrific but is completely peaceful and is willing to walk around and work as an employee
Shit game

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Reverse image search is such an amazing piece of technology. I can't believe I found it.

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You fucking jelly?

Just give it some love, manager

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Yes, he's cute!

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Yes i have a jar i keep beside my bed every morning.

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thats a cute doggo you got there
all I have is this pony

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bros I'm really disappointed in slime girl doujin output

its no queen is a pretty chill abno that wants to ship your employees
QoH has some schizo but she means good half the time
red mercenary will work for you! just pay her!

There is already a million slime girl porn and Melty Love porn woul barely differ from those

>le cring buzzword
you're part of the problem, lad

wow, she's sweating an awful lot!


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A - fail day 47 one way or the other
B - fail day 48 one way or the other
C - fail day 49 one way or the other
D - finish day 50 (also unlocks A+B+C)
Angela - 100% codex abnormality dissolution, true end that leads into LoR

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>7 resets for something really basic
you might aswell stop now or finally get gud, manager

I don't want Melting Love porn. I want Melting Love handholding and attachment work with her husbando

ok this is the thread then
I did it
I beat Hod with all ALEPHs in the game on day 33
zero deaths
Special thanks to Da Capo, who is da man when it comes to dealing with Army in Black's meltdown when combined with the Crazed Researcher's Note.
Also to Melting Love for being kind to her lover and giving her enough PE boxes not to decrease the counter
Also did Netzach in the meantime between threads and basically just Da Capo'd through it again, since he was immune to white damage and could work on Army in Black and Blue Star continuously, then get to meltdown with Wall Gazer.
Failed miserably at Apocalypse Bird

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>rabbits obliterated binah
>I can take as much time as I want
fuck please please please report back how it went once you get there, this sounds like 100% fun

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If you hate n-Yea Forums so much why haven't you killed yourself?

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>319 minutes
did you go afk in the middle of it or something? what is this?

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did you fucking fall asleep?

yes, twice


this is how long Netzach took in comparison

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Still on my first run and suppressed gebura and I'm planning to go all in.

>that time for Hod

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She's only abnormal on the outside.

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Holy fuck that pic

I can't stop. I learned that I am godawful at this type of game as it's my first time with a management sim game, but Project Moon has done such a great job with the lore and story via game play that I have to finish. So I'm gitting as gud as I can.
Still stuck on 48. Little Red did such a piss poor job that I had to put her down. I have played for 6 hours today so I'm wiped, unless the thread is still up later tonight, I think I will revisit this tomorrow.

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Please be patient, the birb has autism.

I left it on fast forward and went to make dinner bruv, nothing I have cares about times so it was fine
I had to be super cautious because basically only 3 people could do work on anything.
Netzach here on the other hand is simply because I really had only one guy doing ALL the work, the agent with Da Capo.
He circumvents Netzach's gimmick entirely.

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Stop getting used to not leaving the game on pause, it's a miracle your shit didn't crash

>get this cunt
>have no good gear to deal with her
>no agent ever survives going into her chamber
>any breach is pretty much an instant loss
So this is the face of Lobotomy

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here's a little hint
literally one person is enough to put Gebura down, if you do it right
I'd help you some more if you explain how/why you're stuck. Honestly, 48 is easier than her suppression since by then you know more about mechanics/have better geared employees
I finished her suppression with several people dead (I don't like to restart really), but on 48 I only lost 1-2 I believe, and only to working on abnormalities if I recall correctly
your ram is gonna kill you, or are you running this on a supercomputer?

It did once before (was running other stuff though), but my computer's fan is already fucked because of McAfee a few weeks ago (suddenly took 6000 MB of memory and hovered there even though McAfee was never activated). Makes a rattling sound.
It hovers at roughly 2100 MB even if left for a long time, as long as nothing breaches.

> Geb time
> Get to 4th phase
> She made strawberry smoothie out of my 9 agents hiding in a elevator I forgot about
> Retry
> 2nd time I get to phase 3
> Literally two hits away from phase 4 when the game decides to crash on me
I haven't felt this much heartbreak since darkest dungeon.

An HP laptop

That's just how it is with your early ALEPHs, pic related was my first ALEPH with TETH gear being my best bet for it. At the time I didn't read the manual, knowing that KoD's armor would've been infinitely better would've helped a lot.

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So A is an Abnormality as well, right?

I used QoH armor with a V agent and survived, and I think QoH B resist is .7. how do you not have gear with at least a .7 resist?

I got Nothing There really early and he was super touchy, my only guy who even had a slight chance of finishing work alive was one EX guy with Laetitia's set.
Half the time he died and it was basically gameover from there, the other half he barely lived and it was fine.

Attached: best archangel.png (512x476, 474K)

no A only exists in your mind and your real name is Hugo
Angela is also a fragment of your mind
nothing is real

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Keeping track of her Aleph fist rush move to push the meltdown meter to shield people, while also killing the Black fixers and dealing with the meltdowns as I had the pleasure of getting him in Central twice, and I have 3 people to fight Gebura so I can get her out of the way faster, but I need them also for the Pale Fixer (and I save Rabbits for the Claw) I think it's nothing more than gitting gud which I need a fresh mind for. It's tough with Chesed also fucking shit up especially if he turns on the Pale and Red damage. In my two runs of Day 48 she skipped over all the fixers and didn't touch them so I don't know if they deal damage to her the same way abbos do.

my first run I got funeral of dead butterflies early and pretty much the same thing happened since I didn't have any good gear or agents with enough justice

>get butterflies late game
>ignore him when he melts down and leave my single paradise lost employee to wanpan him back into his cell
>make army in "pink" happy
ez mode

nigger why
uninstall that cancer and use malwarebytes

>that abnormality that was terrifying at first and impossible to deal with/wiped your team, but is now a total pushover
What's her name?

wait why are you doing all of it at once? she won't move out of her room, so just deal with the ongoing ordeal first. are you still working stuff? only reason would be if you have whitenight and need to clear his overload - and even then you just have to be quick and beat her quicker than he gets unhappy and -30
seriously, take your time. also, your employees are safe in elevators for the first 3 phases - keep them there, they won't ever get hit by the fist rush. if she starts it up while you're currently fighting her - pause the game and move past her/corridor command away preemptively. actually, your A team employees should be able to survive it anyway
I'm also not really sure about that whole Chesed dmg soon as she spawns, she disables his debuffs. I don't know if she reenables it if you keep pushing meltdowns, but then it's your own fault.

> I didn't read the manual
A common mistake for beginners

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I did, the thing's refusal to let me end it in services pissed me off, but by the time I did it was too late, the damage was done. The memory it used was so high it makes LC's memory leaks look like a joke. I think I have to open this thing up and see what the fuck is wrong with the fan to make it rattle so much.

Melting Love
If I don't want to deal with quarantining slimeheart agent now I just beat her up instead, I'd rather take the eventual breakout than have her WAW slime my best agent.

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Why does Yin does little damage when i send 1 of my employees to suppress but instakills if i send more?

Nothing There, now that everyone has WAW gear at minimum (with two using HE for more sources of pale damage) it's just a matter of swarming him and shielding the melees, or swarming his egg

I don't have WN, I specifically avoided him because he made shit impossible with the Hokma suppression. As for why I'm working, my game crashes if I reach around 40 minutes of gameplay and I'm a slow player especially with Gebura. So I'm trying to kill two birds with one stone.
>Chesed dmg
That may be my own fault in remembering wrong, like I said I've been playing for way too long so things are starting to slip past my attention.

How big is the install folder for Lobotomy Corporation?

what's it like being this much of a faggot?

1.76mhz armor can be used on her
the real deal is the cleanup crew. if you dont have exec bullets shes a facility kill if you touch her
and of course if you want her stuff you gotta pimp for her with your finest manmeat

Why does WN even tolerate being in containment anyway? He's immortal and can only suffer temporary defeat, why doesn't he just constantly bust out until he gets his way?

>first time he breaches
>get him to half health
>mfw he fucking sucked the brains out of some random clerk walking by him and restored back to full HP
>mfw he kept repeating this shit until every employee was either lobotomised or panicking
Also Nothing There
>fuck up initial extraction and guy just dies in containment
>Nothing There isn't there and its just my Employee
>send another person in
>insta-killed and the screen fills up with intestines
>panick shot some random clerk and watch Nothing There tear through my entire Facility with Goodbye's

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>the game crashes if I take too long
>I'm taking too long
>I'm a slow player
>keep working
wtf are you doing dude, as soon as she spawns, kill the ordeals and fucking fight her. send your scrubs to elevators, and the rest towards her, you can even just wait outside her department

he's a fetus, he doesn't know any better

>1.76mhz armor

abnos are you
they come from facettes of human psyche. dominating them would dominate human psychologial issues

but he has a doctorate

I need the fucking bullets dude, and it's too late to memrepo and grind better gear, I didn't know you can't go back after 46.

He reflects damage back, use ranged weapons if you have it and your agents won't fuck themselves over

Do I need to manually get the bad end to unlock it on the home screen or does it unlock to watch when I get the good end?

He appreciates seeing agents visit him, probably.
If he gets lonely he starts throwing a temper tantrum. I appreciate the dope wings though, just wish the weapon wasn't as big of a pain in the dick to get.

afaik you get all endings if you push to the good end

you need bullets to survive her attacks, do I get that right?
if that's the case you might as well restart from 1 now. 49 will destroy your anus and leave nothing intact in your body.
You can dodge 99% of her attacks btw, learn to pause
Do you have no aleph gear at all?

If you get the good/best ending, you unlock all of the other ones. Would kinda suck to miss out on the other endings because you did gud

anybody taste metal all of a sudden?

nice I'll just try and get it then

it's been said in this very thread before
once you clear 50, you also clear A to C in your codex screen to watch later on

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i want to drown in a cute slimegirls tits

Can't have a proper video-game related thread because that would get deleted so it has to be a waifufag-shitpost-do-I-fit-in thread because according to the mods (piss be upon them) that's the only kind of thread we can have.

The snow queen is such a nice abno.

she shouldn't smoke she's young

Me too user

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>t. pic related

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I appreciate how relatively easy it is to get the gift compared to how strong it is, +6 hp/sp for free is really nice. Getting Apocalypse wings on top of that is just shit ton of free stat buffs

is there a slice of life manga where the main character is a cute slime girl and does not fuck nigger

Doubles of Blue star, Army in Zayin, and Justitia. Army's gun is annoying due to the laying down animation so I don't bring that to Gebura. I have also Censored but I've been ignoring him because of the Day 46 and onwards shenanigans.
fug I don't want to. But I probably will if this is tripping me up so much.

Oh, and the fist from KoG, but that one has very short range so I also leave that out of my A team.

Not even a restart can fix this if you can't do it with the gear currently available to you. Justitia is one of the best well rounded suits you can get, you could solo her with one employee wearing that + the weapon.
Also, please, someone post the .webm of the guy shooting her with PINKS all the while she's doing nothing and just looking at him

Ilias is shit. SHIT.

Shut up, faggot.

Well my other thread died, but at least we have one going now.
Has anybody been making any actual oc for this game? The same pictures keep showing up and it feels like I'm the only one making new stuff. Not complaining, this was fun to draw, but still.

Attached: Blue Star.jpg (1000x1000, 163K)

>he said as he posts five nights at freddy's zoomer cringe

That's a homeless man who has been skinned, cut up, and sewed into the shape of a reindeer bro
No furfag robots there.

why are you in a lobotomy corporation thread if you can't even recognize the abnormalities

not even gonna give you a (You), obvious baitposter

Attached: 1561146644112.png (332x650, 284K)

i make a few, but the jokes are a bit obscure for them to take notice

I'm not seeing it mate
It is a shitty massreply that says nothing but buzzwords but there's no fnaf shit in there
For future reference, this is what that's a picture of.

Attached: RudolTahubismalCropRevise.png (1200x919, 698K)

were here to talk about LobCo if you want to be a turbo virgin your thread is right here

Another danger level when? I want something more terrifying than ALEPHs.


>do Malkuth and Yesod
>Malkuth is fun but not too bad
>Yesod is lame and just kind of makes the game ugly
>do Hod
>everything is fucked because I started too late and some meltdowns are just an instakill/gameover with her gimmick active
why is she such a little shit, she looks like such a good girl

Attached: 1556547730742.png (900x635, 577K)

>when you notice that Hod is just sabotaging you, the same as she was sabotaging the facility by giving away its location
there's so much soul in each and every one of these core suppressions

Attached: 1560472203800.png (548x666, 361K)

You need to go back.

>had 100 in all stats gigachads when doing Hod suppression because grinding 'tism
>tfw Blue Star only melted down once
Where are your gigachads, manager?

except Gebura
only because her AI was retarded and you can get away with shelter cheese, without those it would be pretty kino

Attached: 132365c34f9e782424f70e5513f73857.jpg (800x800, 69K)

Bruh she's so easy, just do the hard Abbies early for some energy, then don't farm them unless they get a meltdown. Work on TETHs a whole bunch and you should reach tier 6 ezpz. She only took 2 tries, first was because I didn't get the gimmick and my dude got instagibbed by Blue Star.
I kind of assumed that it was just the fact that your agents weren't getting their appropriate training or whatever, but that makes a lot of sense.

I thought it was just because she's the training captain. I'd say it more connects to her inner resentment of how the employees treated her before she began her meltdown, and how even when she tried to help she made it worse despite her efforts, like with Tiffany
They all sabotage you
Netzach's had a better theming, because the lack of healing connected better to him overdosing on Enkephalin intentionally in an attempt to override any recovery from it and pass away

they were trying to gamble with you must be happy