Who has the best Kart Racer on the market right now?

Who has the best Kart Racer on the market right now?

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Im hijacking this thread
whats going to be the best monster collecting/battling game this coming generation.

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Mario Kart. No competition.

Digimon Survive > YoKai Watch 4 >>>>>>>>>> trash >>>>>>>>> SwSh

im inclined to say
Yokai Watch 4 ≥ Digimon Survive >>>>>>>>>> trash >>>>>>>>> SwSh

pokemon. every other opinion just shows how much of a contrarian you are.

Sonic because you can still buy Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

all 3 look like shit

based for putting TSR at the top but I still think MK8D is better than trash

MK8 no contest. Sonic is good but not as good. CTR feels like a F2P knock off.

Yes, that could also be the case.

no competition

Why is CTR 720p 30fps on Switch (and other consoles) when MK8 is 1080p 60fps?

mario kart is more accessible but ctr is much more fun, although if 1st place gets a good lead they're pretty safe whilst the rest are stuck in the cluster fuck

Are we in 1999?


isn't 4 already out

This is the best comparison I could find

>Mario kart: brawl and sm4sh
>ctr: melee and ultimate
>sonic: PlayStation all stars

The original was 30 and the team was so autistic to keep everything as faithful as possible

it is
and it's part of this generation
they dont have to come out at the same time just within a year or so of each other and share certain qualities

>series about collecting monsters
>can't even collect all the monsters

I mean shouldn't some weeb already know the quality of the game?

So skill is actually rewarded instead of babbies coming in 8th winning solely because of items? What a shocker. That's why I could never get into MK games, they're so uninvolving compared to CTR, and even when they do get a tech that separates good players from bad (snaking) everyone complains and Nintendo removes it.

World of Final Fantasy

CTR NK has deeper and more satisfying mechanics
Mario Kart 8 is slick and accessable
Haven't played the new Sonic but I remember Transformed was the shit Not as slick as Mario or deep as CTR but unique and fun

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you can't collect all the monsters in any of those games

Well that's fine but if you're in second and gaining then you get hit with a load of shit and skid off the edge, there's no catching up to the guy in 1st even with good playing. There's nothing that you can hit them with besides a blue bolt which you won't even get in 2nd

you can, via trading.

something that was always part of the charme.

developer incompetence

I was referring to the Digimon and Yokai Watch games in that pic.

That's an issue with rubberbanding items not helping anyone but ironically the person coming in first place. Unfortunately you can't really do anything to fix the current items unless you change clock to only affect the person coming first. Or add new items that only target the first player and are more effective than the warp ball.

Was rather interesting last night I had a game where I was coming second against another skilled player, got a mask at exactly the same time someone dropped a clock. Pushed me way past the person coming first and made the gap between the skilled players and the unskilled even more dramatic.

What about SMTV?

that's just the nature of games like this. The 2 safest spots in the race are last and first because there's less chances of you getting fucked by other players. Without a "blue shell" you often get in situations where your lead snowballs because the other players are fucking each other over

Mario Kart DS > Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled > Sega & Sonic All Stars Racing: Transformed > MK8D > Mario Kart Wii > Team Sonic Racing > Other

I'm biased because I prefer Transformed to Mario Kart. Getting Crash on Friday with Mario Maker 2, wanted to wait to get both at once to save a trip

>Willing to completely overhaul the graphical aspect of the game
>Added new character features etc
>”Don’t wanna change the frame rate, we’re trying to be as faithful as possible ;)”

I sincerely hope you’re lying cause that the dumbest shit I’ve heard all month.

>MKDS at highest rank
What's wrong with you? You're an idiot.

>Mario kart
Which one?

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I'm assuming the first SEGA All Stars Racing falls in the "other" pile

Here's how we know you're underage.


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Super Mario still for the fact its still 60fps 1080p

Pokemon. I don't know why you retards keep trying this not fully understanding why people love pokemon outside of animation and graphics.

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This. and I was a huge Sonic fag

Not underage. MKDS isn't a better game because of drifting. It's akin to l-canceling where the effect on the gameplay is neglible. Besides that its worse than most other games in the series. I didn't think people were so dumb to really think because a mechanic unintentionally changes the gameplay, for the worse, the game should be praised for it. It would be one thing if Mario Kart DS excelled in other areas compared to the other Mario Kart games, but it doesn't.

Well, it's definitely not because of the gameplay, because that's hot garbage.

Must be because of the underage girls and furry fantasies, because Pokédorks are fucked.


CTR:NF and it's not even close.

Unbelievably it's Sonic

I don't see how DS is worse than most of the other games in series. It was the game that doubled the usual map choice, introduced online, had a great challenge section, a decent roster, etc. It is a very good game

Stop reaching, you sad manchild.

This by far

>had a friend who was a big Mario kart fan
>hes radiated incel personified
>tries CTR NF for the first
>returns the game because he can't beat normal adventure
>doesn't want to hear my tips on the game because he thinks the game should be easily be acceptable to all player bases

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Nah it's 60 on ps4pro. Also ctrnf takes a long time to load. Devs are just incompetent

He's a betacuck, user. Don't give the dignity of a response.

>you can, via trading.
yeah ok

>trading to get or even being able to get a limited time rare event pokemon thats in another state or apart of program


>not even mentioning the best feature

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Not that user but I just can't get into the gameplay anymore, loved it when I was younger, but nowadays if I boot up a Mario Kart it's 7 or 8, and on occasion Wii.
By comparison I can switch between all the entries of the Sonic Racing trilogy no sweat, because despite how archaic the driving in the first one feels when compared to the sequel and the new entry, it's still easy to pick up

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I think people that complain about a kart racer not being more competitively balanced is missing the point of a kart racer game. They are unironically supposed to be casual with a low skill floor so any normalfag and play them, they're party games and are not meant to be taken remotely seriously.

This. Play RACING games if you want muh serious e sports shit. It's like Meleefags all over again.

Crash right now due to the hype of CTR but once that dies down it will go back to Mario

This should be obvious but there are a lot of unreasonable people that come here.

MKDS is the better game because the focus is simple; it you and the track. Everything is refined to where you are your own master and the only thing that could fuck you is a blue shell or yourself.

The issue with CTR is that there are multiple layers you have to keep track of and that you aren't you're own master the vast majority of the time as you are second to the faults of the game itself. A majority of your fuck-ups will be on you, for sure, but the game has it's issues, irrefutably.

Other Mario Karts since haven't captured that bridle sense of control that DS initiated and the closest they'd get was with Wii.

Kart racers with items are different from regular racers.

I’d have more fun with a competitively oriented item kart racer than I would with a normal racing game.

I play games to have fun, this approach is most fun to me. If you have fun differently I hope you continue to play how you enjoy and have a good time.

I want you to take a moment and consider that even compared to me, someone who likes competitive goofy kart racing games, you are coming off as a sperg. So long as nobody is trying to get you to play a certian way, you’ve got no reason to care about how others have fun in a videogame.

that insult seemed entirely uncalled for honestly

Mario: Brawl
CTR: Melee
Sonic: sm4sh
Sega: Ultimate

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People aren't necessarily trying to get others to play a certain way, but people shit on each others taste all the time on Yea Forums. They obviously care. Also, that user was right that kart racers are made to be pick up and play party games. You're the one who's sperging because your retort is nonsensical.

I hope you aren't implying Ultimate is good.

Digimon Survive is the only one that looks like a genuinely good game

>Digimon Survive

Yeah maybe their SRPG wont be as horrid as their other forays into genres they have no business with.

crash and it's not close.

Mario kart hasn't been good since the DS installment.

Why don't people like 8 Deluxe?

Based. I can fuck with this list

easily the best mario kart game without a doubt.

Don’t cut yourself on that edge

Mario kart DS had a great roster with lots of different kart combinations, a challenge mode for some single player fun, all of the grand-prix stuff you come to expect with time trials. also great online play for it's time.

None of those ones as long as pic related hopefully still exists

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>digimon survive
corporate soulless cashgrab

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Switchlets are forced to play CTR at 480p, so it's unsurprising they'll choose Mario Shart.

Supposedly the roster isn't satisfying. But really, it's just nostalgiafag hate.

>next Mario Kart will be Mario Kart ft. many iconic Nintendo characters because of what 8 started
>it'll be Smash but racing
>it'll also probably just be called Nintendo Kart because Mario Kart 9 is offputting like Mario Party 11

>tfw no smt kart racer

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Honestly mk8.
Transformed was so good that tsr just feels bad. Should have just ported transformed desu.
Crash nitro fueled is a pile of shit that keeps getting errors and corrupting people's save files. Honestly FUCK ctr. Had 101% and had nearly every time trial beat then it decides to crash and erase my file. Worst game of the year for me so far.

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CTR by a landslide. Transformed coasted off being better than Mario Kart simply because there was no competition. Mario Kart as a series stagnated and has been a dull walking beast for years now. Transformed was the closest thing to a "skill" based racer, but now that CTR is back with actual depth to its mechanics, it's just laughable to go back to. One thing Mario easily has over Sanic racing (Transformed and Team) is the amount of content. The list of available tracks, which is the real meat of these games, is pathetically small. You can claim that the Transformation gimmick increases the amount of tracks in Teansformes but that list still felt pitifully low. Team Racing suffered even more because a good chunk of its selection is recycled from the previous games, and the variety of location was dull as fuck because they decided to do a 1 location per 3 tracks system. Some had a nice variety like Sandhill, but then you have shit like Planet Wisp, Casinos, Holoska and Death Egg Zone where the stage design just blends together.

In terms of gameplay
Crash > Sanic > Shit > Mario

In terms of content
Crash > Mario > Shit > Sanic

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Tapping L1 while drifting doesn't count as depth, dumbass.
And all the fire, sacred fire stuff is literally just boost stacking which plenty racing games have as well. Why are such basic mechanics treated as super complex techniques with you retards?

Is the Switch version of Sanic ok? I know it's something like 30fps, which sucks, but I really don't want to get it on my PS4.

>Tapping L1 while drifting doesn't count as depth, dumbass.
Holding R doesn't count as depth retard

This. What about World of Final Fantasy?

Unironically exactly how I feel.

Yeah but I'm not the one writing essays on how a furry go kart game is deep and complex.


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Is not currently on the market tho