You do know How to tie your shoes right user??

>You do know How to tie your shoes right user??

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i didn't learn until i was 14 lmao

Grandma taught me at 11 get fukt.

Just do the bunny ear method it's how dumb kids do it

>why, yes, of course...
>"then show it!"

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just get your gf to do it for you lmao

>he tied his shoes
nerd lmao

Okay OP.
You get the 2 ends, tie the simple knot once. Right? Then you make the lil
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'bunny ear' , with both of them.
Then you tie the ears together. You open the shoe by pulling on the end bit.
Post results once you got it.
[[Come on you fucking ince- robots I still believe in you.]]

i tried so fucking hard but never got past the learning curve so i try to just put them on without untying and if they come undone i call for my dad to help me. i'm turning 21 in a few months btw

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Not wearing the chad Velcro

Honestly do not believe you. Try as you might you can't convince me that's true.

I fucking hate that I have autism

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>not wearing cowboy boots
lmfaoing @ u

>you know your times tables right?
>you know how to write cursive right?

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I don't mean this in a bad way, but you guys might be genuinely autistic.

even you knew how to tie your shoes it can be fucking annoying that you have to stop and retie every time they get loose

my mom trained me to do it when i was 16. just start with the very simplest knot and move up from there, you'll get it eventually.

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>tfw I made my gf do my hair from when I was like 21-23

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There are literal autists who wear velcro shoes. My cousin included. He's an adult in his 20s. Odds are these guys are memeing but it is possible

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yes, learned it when i was 15.

this is the only way I ever learned to tie my shoes and I also wore diapers to bed until I was probably in second grade but I scored in like the 98th percentile on standardized tests in high school

>the manor servant doesn't tie his shoes for him
lmaoing @ ur lives

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the power of autism

Are there seriously people who don't know how to tie their shoes?

I only wear slip on shoes so no one knows.

>anons not learning to tie their shoes well into their teens and 20s
This is the first time I feel very out of place here. I knew I shared this board with literal spergs but holy fuck


I don't wear shoes.

>All these people learning when they were 15, 16, etc.
wtf? I didn't learn until I was 20. Please tell me this is a joke. Seriously.

i haven't been diagnosed, i think it's just bad anxiety or something

Buddy of mine couldn't until he was in his early 20s

just use the bunny ear method you fucking knucklebrains

they only know how to eat hamburgers

Are you being serious or just trolling?

You DO know how to tie a tie, right user? Four-In-Hand doesn't count

Literally the best episode of Spongebob