How often do you rely on cheap tactics in games?

How often do you rely on cheap tactics in games?

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Every time I need to fuck ur mom lol

Chess is turn based so it isn‘t comparable

until the opponent proves he can beat it

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Fighting games are "turn" based as well, in fact knowing "when it's your turn" is really common language when discussing fighting game strategy.

Never, it's boring. I'd rather play in a flashy varied style and lose, than do something I already used to see the writing "you win" again. When I'm playing fighting games with friends, I literally won't pick the same fighter until I've went around the entire roster, because playing a character for more than one match is already too boring for me.

There are no cheap tactics. If you're getting beat, you're the worse player.

Unless the the chess players play a full match it's RNG garbage.
Get this shit out of here.

Anytime I can, I just love the salt from "honorable" players who still can't figure out how to counter it.

>actually trying to argue semantics over this and saying fighting games are turn based.
Dude, this is why no one likes you.

>Player A spams hadokens until he kills player B
>Player B destroys player A at close range
>Player B is also able to spam hadokens until he kills player A
But player A is better because player B doesn‘t want to stalemate every game and dies trying to get in.
DON‘T move the goalposts

I bet you're fun at parties, constantly sucking your own cock in the corner

player A is better because he knows that player B is shit and can't get through his spam wall

That doesn't make sense.

Read it again

I love getting a Kirby that camps on the ledge and tries to swallow you, or the fucking Marth that spam counter. You can tell they think it works because they won doing it a couple times but to experienced players it's a free win

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People who think fighting games have “turns” reliably get bodied by my Xianghua

You’d better enforce your advantage good, faggot. Don’t get LH’ed.

Is this the LOL thread? Seems like the closest thing to one right now

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I read it the first time. Player A thinks he's hot shit, but isn't and loses because of it. If he can't get the timing to get past the spam wall then he damn sure wouldn't have it for a spam war

I really like this one

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Danke dok

Stupid scenario, I can't think of a situation in a relevant fighting game where the optimal play is to just "stalemate every game."

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>hard to counter in a casual game

>easy to counter and is typically useless because the counters fuck them instantly

he’s not boring? Would you rather a samefag doing the same moves over and over again?

better than that retarded self-suck of a post

>cheap tactics

No such thing. But then again, I meet people daily who go 4vs1 and find it necessary to do taunts. Not even just kids but their mindset certainly is.

I never understood what the fuck is wrong with bodyshotting

takk, doc

>Uses socal as an example
Everyone has abuseable shit in socal, thats exactly why spacing is so important because the only way to stop someone is to clip them for a counter before you eat a string that sets you up for guard crush

kinda this but also its because people don't understand why they lost so they do what most people do and make excuses for their failure rather than trying to understand why they failed. Like this seething comic Clearly displays. Each character has ways to get around fireball spam, but he's retarded and keeps getting hit by the same shit so he just gets mad instead of trying to do what OP's image suggests.

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Literally always. If it's in the game, why not use it? >inb4 muh metagaming
>inb4 muh "cheap"
There is no fucking difference whatsoever in these "cheap" faggots and the "YOU DIDN'T FIGHT WITH HONOUR" faggots

>why not use it
Because it might be a tactic I enjoy. Nothing wrong with using it to win, but you wouldn't use it if you personally didn't enjoy it.

So what happens if someone beats YOU using something you don't understand/think is unfair?

I absolutely understand your mindset, but you seem like a play to win fag.

Then play another cast member who has more of a kit you enjoy using instead of gimping yourself like a retard.

>something I don't understand
Then I realise I need to play more to learn what he just did
>think is unfair
If the above doesn't apply then I learn to do what he did only faster

Well it depends on the game, really. I'm specifically thinking of the likes of fighting games and what not, but the only reason-particularly in competitive games-that I can think of not using clearly exploitable mechanics is during some sort of roleplay thing.

You try to think about how and why it was effective and what you can do to beat it. Why the fuck would you just think it's unfair? How do people like you improve at anything?

people just getting mad at snipers and finding any reason they can to shit on them.

Headshots aim for the head which has a smaller hit box and also is much cooler, therefore by those standards a body shot sucks. I don’t get it either but I don’t make the rules.

Its a brain dead strategy that anyone can use, so the best thing to do is just replicate it.
None of your assumptions apply
Not a relevant reply

Mate, they are fireballs. The only brain dead aspect to it is how to counter them.

>Then I realise I need to play more to learn what he just did
>If the above doesn't apply then I learn to do what he did only faster
nvm suspicions deconfirmed you seem like a cool dude.
You misunderstand nigger. I have no problems with fighting games or taking a loss with respect. I posted this shit ffs I was just trying to figure out if he was a play to win fag who's only enjoyment is to make another miserable rather than enjoy the game.

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Cheezy spammers where we at?

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Oh, boy, is this a comic thread, now?

Attached: Untitled11.png (710x573, 79K) will we ever recover....

Pure garfkino if I do say so myself, this strip.

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>Comics thread
Don't mind if I do!

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Got me to laugh anons, thanks.

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name one situation where the story you weaved even applies, and that its not just a cope

yes, if player B doesn't have the patience to outzone player A or to get in on him without dying, he's the worse player


Thank you for the funny.

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A good team wouldn’t let a demo get into their back lines to spawn camp. It is a legit strategy to kill noobs.

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nice argument

The guy is retarded, just ignore him.

Daily reminder only like 1-2 fireball characters in SF games are even capable of doing it all game. One good reactions/read well playing a ground game and you'll take 6x as much damage with a reactionary/spaced jump in then they will from 6 fireballs on block or 3 on hit etc.

Also a lot of unga bunga characters that die to neutral are not impressive anyone. Rushdown isn't so impressive when its shit like Elphelt or Leo who don't have bad neutrals especially Elphelt but up close can be + as fuck and kill you in a few touches. Or in UNIST you have Wagner who is just plus for a long time well building bar. Its just one player execution test/reaction test waiting games in some cases. Versus slower but more methodical rushdown characters like Guy/Enkidu/Bang besides CS Bang.

Kids who run forward and thing being 2 feet away is fighting are sad. The whole stage in a fighting game is the fight. Its more impressive to see a unga retard spaced out then get to play their game. And before you throw some nonsense at me there are plenty of smart ass players who run unga characters but aren't unga mentally they just know what those characters can override others cannot. But you you're probably sir jumps a lot.

Just one more... because you guys are worth it!

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Post yours first

I literally did

I'm well aware

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i don'T get it

thanks doc

Okay, may 12 2008 I played street fighter 2 turbo with my cousin and that happened

Sounds like you both suck. Of all the fucked up shit you can complain about in ST and you picked fireballs. Fucking hell.

We both sucked but who was better?

the one who won

Neither of you, since a single night of play is not indicative of anything other then how good you where on that day at the that time. If he beat your ass for months on end then that's a different story.

Fuck *were. ESL level shit letting that slip past.

That's a cop out answer

Depends on how often they force me to. For example, if the game has magically spawning reinforcements that didn't exist in the level when it started, I have no qualms hiding around a corner, popping them in the face one by one, and stacking them 8ft high in the hallway.

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It's usually how it is though. Skill is not something that is static sadly. You can be on fire one day or hour making all the right reads but the next be out of sync and cant get anything started. It's why being able to play consistently for a long period is so valued at majors.
Losing a set just means the other person was better for that set.

I don't get a turn because I'm playing a low tier tho

jesus fucking christ