*btfos Cyberpunk 2077*
*btfos Cyberpunk 2077*
said no one ever
Zero chance, even with "based" killer grandma.
>french leftist simulator
It genuinely is though for working class and middle class people...
>we t l3jian
wtf Ubisoft are making new Saints Row
why are people calling it cyberpunk
London is one of the top orwellian shitholes on the planet. In that way, it's say its even worse than cyberpunk.
Because people can't distinguish between aesthetics and motifs and modern day tech already has a lot of cyberpunk aesthetics.
It is, I think even the most hardcore supporters have realized that now.
how do you know its bad
Because I watch the BBC
Oh, zut alors!! We moost strike beck at zose peski rosbifs!
Piss off you mankey, arse-licking Zoomers.
The fact we get two Cyberpunk themed games is a Christmas miracle. God bless us everyone.
/pol/ only cares about their mega rich conservative overlords
>it has drones so its cyberpunk
so spider-man ps4 is Cyberpunk now?
Cyberpunk 2077 isn't a Cyberpunk game.
>/pol/ worships the orange-haired shabbos goy
How the mighty have fallen
eh it's all candyland in britain so who cares even middle class swim in money and tea and welsh dogs and teletubbies and cool brown buildings and have a nice accent and chocolate and eric clapton/mccartney and free education and god bless the queen and harry potter and oh blimey!
That pig head is offensive to muslims
>You use your phone therefore it's cyberpunk
>I watched Blade Runner today so I happen to be an expert on everything cyberpunk
this is gonna sell less than watchdogs 2, and that sold like shit
hurr so wacky and randumb, cringe inducing
Why are there Black people at the bottom right?
who tf are these nogs
Black people exist in London.
>slums and poor people cannot exist in a cyberpunk timeline
Cry harder sun-nigger
This is the most antifa and teenage libshit game I've ever seen.
Hicks living in abandoned urban decay is classic in cyberpunk. Mona Lisa Overdrive, which also depicts bright daytime cities, is very cyberpunk.