ITT: cunts

ITT: cunts

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what the FUCK was her problem?

what the fuck

How many dicks she pleased with those lips?

Not even the best cunt in the game

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Pete had the gall to tell her not to go into places where she might get raped and murdered by people who are literally bulletproof just to find out information he could have. None of her arguments in the game make any sense and outside of one event where she's the one who helps it out she's just putting herself in mortal danger for no reason. It would be like me walking into a gang hideout where everyone has electrical powers that can fry me in half a second to steal a folder from their boss when I know a guy immune to electricity, and then when he saves me from them because I got seen I yell at him for thinking I can't handle myself.

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I found it funny how I hadn't all done the Demon bases, and then she keeps talking to you like it's nothing

>MJ is shit
>"Black Cat is good though! She's the 'best girl! for Spider-Man"
>Black Cat is shit too
Why does Spider-Man even bother if all his love interests are fucking terrible? The only woman in the game worth a damn is Yuri and Spider-Man won't bone her for some fucking reason.

Jesus christ, do girls actually like these games?

>and Spider-Man won't bone her for some fucking reason.
Considering she hates him now and is on the train to become Wraith that's never going to happen even though she was definitely the best girl for him in PS4.

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girl here, not really

T-there's still Sabre...

One can only hope.

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Maybe I should play the DLC after all

Spiderman never had any luck with love, even in the comics.

Tell me about it. He was married to the worst possible partner for years until the reset and they are back again trying to hook them up again.


>Has no superpowers
>Is still able to be the only person in the entire game to come close to beating Spooderboy
Really activated the ol' almonds, doesn't it?

You meme, but Mr. Ditkovich's daughter Ursula would have been perfect for Spider-Man in those movies.

nobody remembers why MJ was good for Peter anymore, she used to be strong and independent but kinda damaged and came to Peter after realizing they both had it rougher than the other thought. She never wanted a part of his spiderman shit and kept as far away from it as she could aside from helping him keep his gear checked, she even tried to get him to stop. It's jsut these retarded liberals and their retarded "muh stron independant womyn" bullshit forget that they were strong in different ways. It also doesn't help they removed Pete's marriage in comics so manbabies in charge could rape Pete's corpse.

>Never got to beat the shit out of her
>Couldn't get back together with Black Cat
>Mary Jane is a goblina
The women in this game were so disappointing except for May

but not Peter, her father would never have approved

Was her boss fight cut or something? Disappointing

More like ITT: oversensitive nu-males

Good news for you guys, play Silver Lining.

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tits or gtfo

I played Silver Lining, she still was a cunt who got away scot-free for the majority of it

no rose
no yennefer
fucking zoomer shits

In Spider-Man 3, Mr. Ditkovich himself says Peter is a good man. She's a good woman, and because Peter is a good man it would have worked.

I still can't get over how fucking ugly they made her in game lol

no :3

I meant for the fight with her. She doesn't get away scot-free though, all her jets are destroyed, most of her gear is destroyed or stolen, everyone in New York hates her even more except Spidey, she chose to stay with the worst name for the Digboy, Jameson completely lambasts her and so does the Daily Bugle, and all she really comes home with is the humanitarian aid that Spidey collected with one of her officers. If anything she actually lost stuff during the DLC unless those shipments you save in the random crimes actually did get saved.

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>Couldn't get back together with Black Cat
>Literally White MJ
Good thing too. Black Cat needs to fuck off because she's terrible and I hope they don't bother with her for the sequel.

Sorry to remind you about her, but I win

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Your mom

>4k display device required to view in 4k
no shit? what a revelation? i though i could take any old plain TV and do 4k

question is is that there because some absolute clown sued them or are they just trying to cut said clown off at the pass
people who re that stupid piss me off and should be shot its there fault i have to see signs and warnings made for pure idiots

did you not play the game or something

>Considering she hates him now
no she dont you idiot she just wants to take out badguys

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Pretty much, same reason why they put 'not actual gameplay' at the bottom of trailers, to cover their own asses from stupid consumers who might want to file a lawsuit

Okay, it's more like she's disappointed Spider-man doesn't see justice her way, but it's just something that will never be or will ever return to the same way it was because of what she's done. She very clearly was mad and disappointed at the end of the phone call that he disagreed with her though.

then to head said clown off at the pass

i have never played any of the dragon age games, but I consistently see this face in threads about insufferable characters. quickrun down on her?

>good news you can give them more money for their shallow dlc episode for a boss fight that shouldve been in the base game!


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are we the villains?

In Inquisition you play the head of a religious inquisition/paramilitary organization that grows in power to confront the big bad
As a Red Jenny shes supposed to be a representative of the common people and a reminder that your efforts are for them even as you make alliances and curry favor noblemen and empresses
In practice she has a lolsorandum character and talks everything in a way thats supposed to be quirky and endearing but is just annoying.
Furthermore her poor impulse control can fuck up her personal mission if you make the mistake of spending too much time picking every dialogue option.
She's a lesbian but thanks to Biowares poor handling of Frostbite she looks as if shes permanently covered in a layer of grease which coupled with her awkward romance makes her unpalatable. And worst of all shes an elf

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Not going to deny the DLCs are way overpriced and definitely content that should have been in the base game. Cat's was honestly the longest one with Sable's being the second longest but even then the Screwball challenges bring them down significantly.

spider-man talked her out of killing in the comics and teams up with her what makes you thinks he cant in the games

>she very clearly was mad
She'll stop being mad eventually.
If Spider-Man can play cards with the Punisher he can and should give Yuri some hot steamy wall crawling sex.

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>And worst of all shes an elf
Whoah, hey! Back up a bit. There's nothing wrong with that.

>Speaks of the DLC
>""""""""""""""""DID YOU NOT THE PLAY THE GAME OR SOMETHING""""""""""""""""
kys, you dipshit Reddit fuck.

She's vomite inducing

Well, it it's going to happen it's going to take a while because there's a massive amount of baggage. He's basically destroyed her trust in him and her respect for him thrice over. The first was him stopping her from shooting Hammerhead, the second was everyone dying because of him falling for a trap, and the third with him not agreeing with her at the end. On top of this she's already obscenely stressed, the entire city blamed her multiple times for things as seen with the Daily Bugle newspapers, she's obsessed with making sure she doesn't end up like her father, and that "therapist" was her last straw.

I can see it happening with a lot of time and appeals to how much good they did, but even if it happens Peter's going to want her to atone in jail for sure. If she denies that then alright, but it's definitely going to be a rough friendship, especially since he's experienced Black Cat's betrayal already.

How the fuck does daredevil play cards

Textured symbols and numbers? Or it has Braille on the corner of the cards.

>supporting games with accessibility features

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It’s not that hard to beat him. Just use some bug spray or electrocute him.

I hope he has those but is also just naturally bad at cards

That game is fucking ultra based.

>nothing wrong with elves
Fuck off you disgusting subhuman, this a human-only board.

DareDevil calls your retarded bluff.
He's got heightened senses, he could bluff his way to victory.

They can make a really pretty game but they can't even make one character look pretty

He can sense anybody trying to lie or bluff by listening to their heartbeat and smelling their sweat or whatever crazy bullshit Daredevil does.


Daredevil is a cheater who looks at people's cards.

There's a bunch of fags that I know that like this kind of "game". This shit is tough to watch.


Of course, he's a lawyer.

BASED humanbro.

MJ always looked a little goblin in most of her appearances.

yuricucks loved it.

what the balls

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you sound stupid as fuck

>she used to be strong and independent but kinda damaged and came to Peter after realizing they both had it rougher than the other thought.
She had it rough? I'll admit I know fuck all about her character. All I know is she's a hot redhead who was a model but apparently they made her a reporter now?

yeah she was originally a model from an abuses family in an abusive relationship while also being in an abusive industry she originally meets peter when she goes to stay with her aunt(because of her father) who is friends with peter's aunt

>Be poor mutt elf child
>Old sickly human noble chick who can't have kids saves you from getting punished for stealing
>Live together for a bit, she asks noblewomen about making cookies, since she sees it as a thing mom's do
>makes her some
>Finds out later she never actually made them and bought them from the local bakery, because her mother never thought her
>Ensured elf didn't find out by saying baker didn't like elves
>Because of this she used to pull shitty pranks on the baker
>This one lie causes her to hate the noblewomen from then on despite taking her off the street and giving her a chance at life

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Why did they make her a journalist? I supose they wanted to insert her into the story without being a "damsel in distress".

I can't tell if Bioware actually expected people to like this character or not.
Being a model is demeaning to women goyim. She's a stronk independent womyn now.

Well at least she gets cucked in the end. Bitch deserved it.

in comics she career hops but I don't think she ever becomes a reporter so you're probably right. I don't know why they did it though all reporters suffer lois lane syndrome which is basically damsel in distress

It goes a little deeper than what user said, honestly she’s the best kind of comic book character because everything writers added to her story expanded on what was written before rather than ignoring or worse retconning.

Best way to put it is peter is a person who uses the mundanity of normal life to cover the adventures he has and MJ uses the cover of the attention of everyone following her adventures to cover the mundanity of her abuse. They paired very well together and turning her into Lois lane was at a detriment to her character

You'll get your (You) when you fix this damn door!

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>Have an interesting take on Peter where he finally has his Spider-Man on point, is seen as a hero and working with the police but it comes at the cost of his human life being in complete shambles
>Goes days without sleeping
>Barely eats
>Untreated injuries
>Homeless after not paying rent
>End with him getting a happy ending despite never actually trying to balance his two lives and never learned anything

Doesnt she have redeeming features?

no, ironically male virgins, betas and waifuposters who use words like 'cute', and of course, trannys.

even women think this shit is too gay.

It is amazing how triggered this makes incels.

>gets nearly raped and shot by a guy with a gun

Like this scene happens the same day as that.

>outrage /pol/tards
>play games
ahahah ohohoho

Not really, the experience doesn't compare to vanilla base game.

MJ was good in the comics, she is a shit in almost every adaption since because modern day writers dont understand why her being the party girl originally was good for significance and thematic relevance.

I'm willing to bet Superior Spider-man MJ would have been prime waifu material if season 2 happened because they followed the comic MJ very faithfully.

>the left doesn’t play video games
>the right doesn’t play video games

Does anyone anymore?

Centrists and non-extremists. Extreme left and right barely make up 5% of the population

I'd shove my dick inside her cunt if you catch my drift.

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>Extreme left and right barely make up 5% of the population
According to some shit, far left is about 8% of the population. Far right is probably less than that.

Every boss from Metal Gear Revengeance

What shit? What defines extreme? What a worthless post

It's Metal Gear Rising Revengeance to YOU, SIR

I want chloe to hypnotize me

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Hey, no more worthless than the post I was replying too.

I think someone is in desperate need of some Todd McFarlane MJ

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>Just use some bug spray
Just hit him with a rolled up newspaper or a slipper.

Penis(superpower) envy

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Sorry I mean Spectacular Spider-man, which is the best Spider-man cartoon

Ok that went poorly but maybe the first moment that MJ opened up as a person and not as life of the party

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pedophiles like the one that made the game
there is underage sex in the newest game being damage controlled as "art"

Remember that time Black Cat threw up because she realized Spiderman was a kid?

ok guys here me out:
Australian Spider-Man based of a huntsman spider

>oscorp makes the magic spider
>Peter has been given ample opportunity to be hired by oscorp
>he uses nepotism to work his way up and become CEO
>As a billionaire he investigates the spiders and improved the effects on himself
>Begins to train initiate Spiderman to work in other cities around the world
>This becomes an international phenomenon where wealthy cities invest in Spiderman crime stoppers
>Peter wants to make more money so he secretly unleashes villains into cities across the world
>Wealthier cities can afford more than 1 Spiderman
>Eventually Spidermen are culteral icon around the world and are revered everywhere
>Criminals are now universally called insects
>Peter still enjoys playing Spiderman but most of the serious threats are taken care of by his apprentices while he becomes a Bruce Wayne.


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