>Has the most unique movset of all fe characters
>Said moveset is true to the game they originated from
>Final smash isn’t just some copy pasted lazy critical hit (it could be argued that its too similar to cloud/ikes but robins added different effects and even had a chrom model implemented into it)
>”duuuuuhhhhh cut robin I hate boring anime sword characters”
I hate you roster/cut fags.
How is it that marth/lucina/roy/chrom/ike have gotten away with reusing the same melee/brawl generic attack/specials but the second Joker and Hero were revealed fags were crying about reused animations. Atleast corrin had new attacks and specials for fuck sake. Robin doesn’t deserve to be lumped in with those other fags
Has the most unique movset of all fe characters
Rosterfags are just insecure that Fire Emblem doesn't have to have high sales or some cultural impact to earn a character in each game.
people complain about corrin way more than robin, op
Because nobody actually cares, they just want to bitch. If they wanted to cut for sensible reasons, they could get rid of Marth and Roy since the former's a faggot and the latter's irrelevant - and of course, both are lazy anime swordsmen with more relevant replacements.
Roy (original fe smash cross over)
Ike (give him an axe since he can use axes in game)
Add a lance user who's B set is a bow.
Cut the rest
I've never seen anybody advocating for cutting Robin. I mainly see it for Corrin and the many Marths. Robin ruins FFAs for me though. Never have I seen a character have such a consistently degenerate playstyle.
You forgot to add Black Knight.
FE has a pretty big legacy in Nintendo though (16 main games and 3 spinoff games now).
There, the rest of the FE fuckers should be cut, maybe add Lyn or something if we need a 4th one
Cutfags are dumb as fuck. The only reason cuts happened in Brawl was because of Subspace taking up so much resources and Sonic getting approved at the last minute. The only major cuts in Smash 4 were due to the 3DS being too weak to handle certain characters plus Konami publically trying to drop out of vidya.
I can guarantee you 90% of the current roster will make the jump to Smash 6 with the only real cuts happening because they're either redundant (young link/toon link) or rights issues (snake).
Ike echo fighter HMMMM
>Urvan added to Ike's moveset
I need this
Yeah, I don't get why anyone would want to cut Robin. Even if you did want to shave off FE characters, he's too unique to want to get rid.
No, fuck roy and all the other marth clones that aren't marth, they literally destroy the great concept of marth's moveset and transform it into unga bunga me swing sword
These three shouldn't be in smash with that moveset
I just want him gone because the MUs are all cancer on this franchise.
Nah man, keep all of those you mentioned + Roy, albeit only slightly, he plays differently, then also keep Chrom, but put Ike's moves on him and give Ike an Axe and a new move set.
>it's fine when Fire Emblem does it
fuck off faggot
fuck roy
The definitive FE representation that if anyone says other wise they're literally retarded is:
Marth, with lucina as a costume
But here's how you make it better
You take Ike's move set and strip put it in Chrom. Then with Ike being a blank slate you give him an axe and a new move set.
Maybe Corrin, though I'm not a fan of them I wouldn't take a unique character out of the game because of it.
t. Seething rosterfag
Tell me which character got shafted for Lucina and Chrom? Isaac perhaps? Maybe you're a stinky Genocuck?
That's all you need and they all play very different
No. Don't fuck Roy, he was one of the two first ones, so he should stay because he does play different from Marth, if you're retarded you may think he doesn't but with a very different Neutral special, forward special, and tilts he has a different playstyle. And if you think he should be cut, go play Brawl/Smash 64 so you don't have to think about him.
>not Hector
fucking secondary
>Lucina as a costume
Marth has to lose out on another color because of waifufags
Fuck off and delete that bitch.