Looks like Japan wins again

Looks like Japan wins again.

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>western games

No fucking way that frog looking thing in the bottom left is a woman.

why do western games have so many ugly women?

It's a man baby!

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The black lady from wolfenstein and Jedi Fallen Order is appearing in everything now, she seems to be developers' token black lady.

they think ugliness is suggestive of "integrity" or something

The Beyond Good and Evil 2 one looks fine. This prevalent blaxploitation fetish is still odd though.

white and japanese girls tanned to a good dark brown
ugly sheboons barely distinct from monkeys

no wonder japan wins every time

because western game companies are infested with gender and race ideologues that will do everything in their power to make women in games unattractive to be more "realistic and culturally sensitive"

Sorry weebs, France has won this round.

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The Pokemon chick in particular that everyone is getting asshurt about at the moment straight up looks like a sci fi alien but brown, but no one's mentioning that for some reason.

what about non nintendo examples?

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How many of the characters on the right are intended to be black to begin with? Aside from Storm I dunno anything about any of them but I feel like Yea Forums's meming again

this just proves that niggers being depicted what they actually look like are ugly as fuck. there is a reason why black women are the least desired race

>Another fucking afro nigger
Fucking kikes I swear

But Japanese are pretty ugly and they're obsessed with cute aesthetics on top of having high achieving women. Why can they achieve so much despite having so little individual esteem?

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>tfw there isn't a single good game in that image

I never thought I'd see the day when Yea Forums would defend terrible games just because MUH SEXY CHOCOLATE WAIFU. Besides which, Valve already achieved black kino all the way in 2007.

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>How many of the characters on the right are intended to be black to begin with?
If you're American then all of them
If you're not then it's just Storm
Not an ironic or shitposting answer, it's the truth

The western ones actually look like black women.

The chick from Remember me was cute, so the ugly blaxploitation women trope seems to be an american only illness

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Third from the left on the top row, second from the left on the middle row and the last one on the bottom row are the only ones that look good.

>ugly blaxploitation women trope
same reason why there was the "chick with bow and arrow" and "regular guy in his 30's" memes in the first place
western devs more often relies too much on the same ideas, their characters become derivative and indistinguishable
if one of them was creative or at least had an actual fetish for black women, the result would have been different

so why do you retards use the same girls over and over again

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Twintele is proably black considering its France and black people actually live there

do weebs think storm is a Japanese character

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How do we fix the incel problem, Yea Forumsros?

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by hanging yourself

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the black women just need to stop being so ugly desuu

Why Americans hate sex

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at least 4 or so in the left seem to have similar design ideas/stereotypes
right has more memorable/distinct designs
almost like they design a character idea before deciding the race
although the inclusion of a marvel character is bullshit

Shinobu is mai waifu

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the west is lowkey racist

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>realistic women
You mean ugly bitter women that don’t make irl ugly and bitter women feel bad about themselves?. I fucking hate nihilists like you trying to destroy anything and everything that is transcendent and beautiful and drag it down to your miserable “reality”

because >masculinity bad >emancipation good

but splatoon is fun user. not because of waifu shit but the game itself is fun to play especially the salmon run horde mode

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>Whitoids can't design good black characters
>Japs can't write black characters
Reminder that Mark from Persona is the best of both worlds