It’s another “character is written to be as cryptic and unintelligible as possible in order to pass as “deep”...

>it’s another “character is written to be as cryptic and unintelligible as possible in order to pass as “deep” or “contemplative” to normies” episode

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Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe Kotor threads can be as fun as NV threads if the everyone wasn't so butthurt about sith mom

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Literally just go light side for her to consider you god, retard.

kreia may be cryptic but definitely not unintelligible

You finna heard them beats about Darth Rayvon the Woke,

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Imagine being so retarded that you can't understand what "Apathy is death" means.

>character is written to be as cryptic and unintelligible as possible in order to pass as “deep” or “contemplative” to normies
i honestly love this type of character. what are some other good examples?

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Knowledge is wasted on the ignorant. They are not worthy of teaching, only of service.

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She came to hate the sith

Kreia is cryptic at first but lays her ideology and intentions out for you rather clearly later on. She's very consistent too.

>his mother wasnt cryptic and unintelligible as possible in order to pass as “deep” or “contemplative”

fuck off this game is for people with mother's issues that will never be resolved

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I love this game and have a good relationship with my mom

Maybe I would hate her less if she wasn't such a nagging bitch and also a woman.

She was ultimately the truest embodiment of the Sith Code in principle.

She's not a nagging bitch if you have a brain and listen to her. She even praises you.

You can have a brain and not want to listen to condescending know-it-all cunts.

who hurt you user

>She's not a nagging bitch if you have a brain and listen to her.

whew lad, when's the last time you ever talked to a female? women will nag you even when, or especially when you already know.

No. She hated power for power's sake. Power was but a tool, a means to an end goal. Power without a directed, meaningful goal is nothing but a despot's dream.
She has a disdain for the needlessly cruel and for violent monsters. She even encourages you to help people if they also help you.
The force is but a tool to her. The Sith love the force, in a twisted sort of way, whereas she hates it. She sees the force for what it really is: a cruel cycle of needless destruction that manipulates the denizens of the galaxy to sate this destruction. A vile tool, but sometimes a tool must be destroyed through its own machinations.
Kreia is not a Sith. She is something new.

Yes, helping a beggar was so needlessly cruel!

>Obsidian game
>expecting anything more than teeny fan-fiction level writing

Did you even read my post?

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>if they also help you
Kreia disdains needless cruelty AND needless niceness, you gain nothing by helping a beggar

Doing things just for personal gain sounds sithy

You do realize that she chastises you for bitching him out and threatening him, and even praises you if you listen to her, right?

The Jedi do good things only if it benefits them all the time. It's why a lot of people don't trust them

thats not personal gain thats preventing needless personal loss

Oh, she chastises me? I never noticed!

See, this is the problem with how she's written. Even if she has a point or two how she interacts with you can make you ignore everything. The point, the good parts.

That seems more like mutual gain.

She and the sith use the force to meet their goals, so they are similar in a way. Sith rely on the force and feel liberated by it
>the force shall free me
where she hates the fact that she has to rely on it.

Dread to think what you think of Qui-Gon Jinn or Count Dooku if you think she's cryptic.

>kotor 2 threads
>always is someone bitching about kreia
Like clockwork. I swear it's the same guy every fucking time

>not liking Kreia
she's not even hard to understand. probably some of the best writing in a video game ever too.

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>you need to have explicitly experienced what a character has in order to understand it
you seriously might have autism

only when it makes sense. if you criticize her you can gain influence.

I know it's mostly the same guy. Because he will always without fail start posting about SWTOR.

He only does the bitching about Kriea to derail the thread and get people to talk about SWTOR instead because no one will talk about SWTOR outside of /vg/ otherwise.

did you even play the game? you missed the entire theme, the entire core of the game

>she and the sith use the force to meet their goals, so they are similar in a way
Using that logic, the Jedi are similar too
>the sith rely on the force and feel liberated by it
She may rely on it to see and such, but that's it. She even admires those who are not force sensitive, as they are stronger than force users in many ways, as they have to rely on themselves. Also, she feels enslaved by it, not liberated. The force is a cycle that enslaves all it touches to its will, ensuring one calamity after the next simply because the force demands it to be so.
>where she hates it is the fact that she has to rely on it
See above.

Where's SWTOR post?

user you do realize she quit the sith, right?

He'll start posting about it later on in the thread after he's exhuasted everyone who actually wants to talk about KotOR 2 for once without the endless Kreia bitching.

>Even if she has a point or two how she interacts with you can make you ignore everything.

At the end of the day, no matter how good the writing is it's still a Star Wars game, part of the largest sci-fi franchise in media, and most of the cleverer stuff will fly over the average normie's head. That's why her first spoken line of dialogue is a meta comment calling you out for looting corpses without a second thought in RPGs. To most players (who bought it because it said Star Wars on the cover), it's a small surprise and maybe even a little annoying considering you HAVE to loot the plasma torch to proceed so you can't avoid her bitching at you, so she starts off on the wrong foot. To the switched-on player, it's an immediate clue to the game's themes of cliche deconstruction (further reinforced by later dialogue, not all of it Kreia's), and causes you to pay a lot more attention from that point on.

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anyone play SWTOR recently

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> something new

she's basically a cat lady with a lightsaber.

At least type differently when you pretend to be someone else.

If Yea Forums can understand her base philosophy, then yes, she is.

Kreia spells out her entire plan at the end of the game in no uncertain terms. You would have to a be a gigantic enormous brainlet with a literal learning disability to misunderstand when someone says it all to you point blank with no cryptic undertones.


She got beaten and tortured by her old student, and went into hiding, but she really didn't stop being Darth Traya at her core. She's a liar and a manipulator at heart, and only loves the Exile because as a living wound in the force, they are proof that the thing she's come to despise for the results of her own choices can in fact be hurt in turn.

I've never played Fem Exile because the Disciple looked boring as shit compared to the handmaiden. I am wrong about him or I am not missing much by going male exile only?

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If they don't care about her ramblings during the rest of the game, they certainly don't care about her there. Except maybe for the joy of finally getting her to shut up.

I know I did.

You're not missing anything and Handmiaden is the better of the two.

Let me give you some bullet points on her
>Hates the Jedi for their do nothing bullshit
>Likes that the Sith actually use the force for something, but they're cruel and want power for the sake of power.
>She hates needless cruelty and charity
>Power is pointless when there is nothing to do with it.
>She knows that the reality is the force is using everyone, even the sith.
>She hates the force for having a will of it's own and causing suffering to achieve some arbitrary balance.
>She attempts to use the Force and the Player to destroy the Force.

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Not really, the Disciple throws more hints that Kreia is Arren Kae though

she's a childless old woman who despises the life creating force and wishes to turn the world barren, just like she is.

He's the very definition of boring. You know, the kind women seem to like for whatever reason.

OP wants a reluctant hero with a plain spoken old mentor who dies, and then the hero has to tough it out alone, before ultimately defeating the villain (who is inexplicably lusting for power) by using the power of friendship

>The Force still planned it all and didn't give two fucks about her one bit

She needs to get over it and herself, besides you left out that she herself had fallen to the dark side and didn't want Meetra/Exile to repeat her mistakes.

>muh subversion of expectations

brainlet detected

>probably some of the best writing in a video game ever too.
Can you people stop overblowing everything? It doesn't need the best ever. How much fucking videogame do you know to make such a statement. Fuck you.

disciple is boring as shit but also the easiest character to make a jedi. you can turn him into a jedi when he joins your party at level 6 through dialogue alone.

there's a mod for having a female exile AND the handmaiden which is incredible

She despises power for power's sake, a core tenet of the sith code. She feels enslaved by the force, not liberated by it, another core tenet of the sith. Being a liar and manipulator does not a sith make.

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That's why I said attempted and the fact that she doesn't want you to fuck up like her is obvious to anyone who has played the game, even if they somehow missed all the other stuff.

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How about that SWTOR? Do you like Kreia's appearance in that game? Did drew karpyshyn get it right?

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Yeah giving the beggar what he hasn't earned and taking his struggle away, preventing him from becoming stronger is such a great idea

you're the one who overblew it. what's so hyperbolic about 'some of the best'. the game plays like a book anyway. it's great writing. easily in the top 5% of writing in games. that's not even a high watermark.

the force is a natural part of the universe, it's like getting mad at gravity

this poster wants a reluctant hero with a plain spoken old mentor who dies, and then the hero has to tough it out alone, before ultimately defeating the villain (who is inexplicably lusting for power) by using the power of friendship

Gravity doesn't have a will

How does that relate to what I said?

>S-Stupid exile! It's not like I care about you or anything!

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>can't romance Mira
for what purpose?

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> implications are now facts

It's not tho, it's in a galaxy far far away and we don't have the Force so it doesn't encompass the entire universe

Neither does the force

Do you know what the mod is called and if it's on the workshop? I'm about to start another playthrough and am trying to do a canon-ish run (so female light side with Handmaiden)

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sure it does. it wills matter to be attracted to itself.

I pretend SWTOR never happened and unironically hope that the Disney movies will give a conclusion to Revan/Meetra's story

Someone didn't pay attention. Even Lucas thinks it does


You stupid nigger.

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Lead guy hated romances.

>SWTOR never happened
>still calls the exile meetra

>cryptic and unintelligible
>Dude, stop blindly following dogmas, think for yourself and the full consequences of your choices, stop using the force as a crutch

it's sadly not on the workshop. but it's pretty easy to find. you need TSLRCM installed though (not like that's a problem, turns the game into a 9.9/10 imo)

>Even Lucas thinks it does
You really wanna go with that?

Yea I agree and that's what I'm saying she hates the fact that without the force shes a frail old woman.

the force gives sith strength
>Through Strength I gain Power.
>Through Power I gain Victory.
Which ultimately leads to:
>Through Victory my chains are Broken.
So it's not power for power's sake, it gives sith freedom.

the entire crisis could've been resolved had Exile just given her the dick she's been missing all her life

I always enjoy that people say she's a hypocrite and that means she's badly written, when she explicitly notes that there is hypocrisy in her reliance on the Force - and that she greatly respects those that do not become reliant on it.

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>being a kotor2 fan and having hope for the Disney films
cmon man!

Avellone is a faggot whose name gets stapled to games to give them more legitimacy than they deserve

The Sith are all about breaking one's chains and gaining the strength to destroy that which is weaker than themselves, to free themselves from fear. Most just settle for an ornery former master, but she's set her sights on the Force itself. She wants to be the greatest Sith lord, and be powerful enough to unmake a part of life itself. She uses treachery and guile to that end, because she no longer has the physical might to reach that destructive zenith. The Exile is proof of concept for her plan, and nothing makes her happier than their continued existence, even as they stand opposed to her for the obvious reason.

Or she just let go of the jedi code and follow him/her to battle like she yearned.


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>it gives sith freedom
Okay. Still doesn't make her a sith. Did you miss
>she feels enslaved by the force, not liberated by it
Also, yes, she hates that about the force, but that is a minuscule part of her hatred for it. Stop focusing on that.

Whether you liked TLJ or not it's clear Johnson played Kotor2 and was able to influence his movie with it despite Disney wanting to shuttle the old canon and that's good enough for me

Think what you wish for ffs. If it ever happens it's going to be pure trainwreck you'll beg for SWTOR to be canon lol

Sion/FemExile is kino

>falling for the 'Kreia wants to destroy the Force' meme

Oh user. Did you even finish this game? She just says all that shit so that you chase her to Malachor V and fulfill your destiny. She doesn't truly give a shit about destroying the Force. She wants the Jedi and Sith that both betrayed her eliminated, to reset things back to tabula rasa and to allow you to complete your training by killing her and following Revan to face the True Sith in the Unknown Regions. The entire 'I want to destroy the Force' motivation is a ruse. She is a liar. She lies at every opportunity until the moment you stab a lightsaber through her heart.

>From the moment you awoke, I have used you. I have used you so that you might become strong, stronger than I. I used you to keep the Lords of the Sith from condemning the galaxy to death with their power unchecked. I used you to lure them to Telos, where they could be at last fought and killed. I used you to reveal Atris' corruption so that her teaching could be ended before it began. I used you to gather the Jedi so that they could be destroyed. And I used you to make those who wounded me reveal themselves, so they could be killed by the Republic.

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>she wants to be the greatest sith
Someone didn't pay attention

>normal written character
>hurrr deeep normies


>gets filtered by the fucking beggar

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bruh I agree with you. Similar is not the same.

Maybe it's a testament how STUPID that portion is.

>Click all the traffic lights until no more remain
>do it, no more traffic light pictures
>still thinks I botched it and gives me a new captcha
I hate google

this guy is the dumbest motherfucker alive.





it's a testament to how the majority of casuals get mindbroken by the simplest shit

I do really like Sion, but there's just something about how Nihilus is a photo negative of the exile that gets me. in a similar way, I love to play Atton battling Sion because their special abilities are mirrors of each other (keep on getting up after death, slippery mind)

I'm not sure if this is confirmed but I think each of the sith is meant to represent a different aspect of the exile?
>Nihilus: beast from malachor, the ultimate conclusion of exile's "force bond" consumption power
>Traya: betrayer of the jedi order, fellow exile
>Sion: what will happen to the exile if they follow Kreia's teachings

keen to hear more of this. I hated TLJ but what makes you say this? some of Luke's dialogue does stick out as Avellonian, I guess

Yet I can use capital letters properly. What's your excuse?

kreia got ya worked

It's a testament to the easiest way to buttfluster retards being to question whether the obvious good boy choice is actually a good choice.

You'd be surprised.
Technically that can't really be proven. The Force is more like God however.
Yes it does, and it always has even since original concepts in A New Hope when it was just called Star Wars.

that's because you're phoneposting you fucking retard

The entire Luke plotline in TLJ is about how the Jedi Order wasn't so much defeated by the dark side as they were too rigid and arrogant to see it coming and that both sides suck. The conclusion is that the light side is good but the Jedi need restructuring

dumb phoneposter

Even if I were I'd still put more effort into pushing one extra button once in a while.

you're an idiot if you think I can't use capital letters properly. I simply choose not to; it's a conscious decision and your failure to recognize that solidifies how much of a dumb fuck troll you are. You've overplayed the stupid part; that's what gave you away.

>pretending to not know how phone text formatting works to throw us off his scent
next time run a double IP check to make sure RBL forensics isn't in the thread

Disciple has the unpleasant issue of being one of the few characters who knows anything about what's going on while also being boring as fuck as a character. He's fairly important to actually understand the whole breadth of the plot but is entirely uninteresting both as a person and a party member.

>you have failed me, completely and utterly

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Will retards ever stop thinking this?

doesn't his jedi upgrade make him cross class too?

I also haven't seen TLJ either but there's literally nothing wrong with that conclusion besides the character assassination of Luke himself

I'm not sure if it's intuited or ironic that you're saying this on Yea Forums.

Sure but he's still just an unga bunga retard on the level of Hanharr without having the lore flavor that makes Hanharr being an unga bunga retard actually fun.

There is this fancy button on the keyboard called Shift user, also one called Caps Lock, you may have not of heard of them, but legends tell that they allow capital letters even on a PC.
The entire point of The Force is that neither the light or dark is bad. The Jedi are bad for their distaste of the dark and singular attitude, while the Sith are bad for their misuse of the dark side that does nothing but corrupt the very nature of the Force. The Force itself isn't actually bad, it's meant to be light and dark. They're both just dealing in absolutes.

I actually kinda like him simply because he is OP as shit and a tank healer if you just turn him into a jedi at level 6

I've played more than anyone I've ever met and more than nearly all professionals I've heard of and I'd agree with that claim. You shouldn't underestimate that there are a lot of autist NEETs with disposable free time and obsession on Yea Forums.

Reminder that there is no "Light Side" and anything that claims there is is fanfic. The Jedi's teachings are corruptions of the nature of the Force similarly to those of the Sith, but unlike with the Jedi the Dark Side is absolutely and entirely a warping of the Force. There's the Force and the Dark Side.

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Except that's wrong, there is very clearly two sides to the Force that combine to form a balance, which is just The Force. The separation of them is arbitrary bullshit made by the Jedi/Sith, but the two sides are inherently real. For instance Force Lightning is Dark Side, but it's still the Force, it's not warping anything, even those within balance or one with the force are capable of using it without corrupting things.

It’s not character assassination for a character to go through a struggle and develop and then learn to be his old self again

>For instance Force Lightning is Dark Side,
Yet LS users have utilized it as well.

>kotor 1 discussion
>jolee circlejerk and bastila waifufaggotry
>kotor 2 discussion
>arguments over the nature of the Force, the Jedi and Sith, RPGs as a genre, and what Kreia's actual motivations were even over a decade later

KoToR 1 is actually a finished game though.

I thought the difference between light and dark side powers was simply that the light side ones require a calm state of mind to use and the dark ones, while not inherently evil, are destructive and can cause people to get drunk on the power. That's what I remember from the jk games at least.

Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

If only it was a good game though.

I finished on your mother and she told me kotor2 is better.

Which was my point, it's all the Force, it's just arbitrary separation by the two. The only difference in a "Dark Side" are the Sith, who use that side of the Force which is inherently more offensive and dangerous and twist and bind it to corrupt The Force.

The Light/Dark both exist, what you were more getting at is that there is The Force and then there is the Sith's usage of The Force, which just happens to be certain abilities in most cases.

even without tslrcm 2 is better
with tslrcm 2 is the best western RPG ever made

Obsidian's modus operandi is to release blatantly unfinished game only defended by cult faggots like yourself.

>2 is not finished
>2 is longer and has more content than 1

Doesn't change the fact that KOTOR is just the bioware formula with a stock standard star wars story slapped ontop.

KotOR2 actually isn't finished, it has a lot of cut content due to poor management and budget constraints. Both are fantastic games however.

Part of the reason is their induction of Kreia, originally Atris was meant to be the main villain, which is why there is tons of Artwork of her in the prime spot. So this took away from development time to some extent.

>due to poor management and budget constraints
And Lucasarts wanted it out for christmas

>even without tslrcm 2 is better
>with tslrcm 2 is the best western RPG ever made

Absolutely this - except the HK factory and M4-78.

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M4-78 is mostly fan content.

Yeah, not saying it was all Obsidian's fault of course. A lot of stuff went on. Like I said, they're still both fantastic games regardless.

>It's not our fault it's Bethesda's fault
>It's not our fault it's Lucasarts' fault
>It's not our fault it's Sega's fault
typical Obsidian

> people seriously discussing capeshit kino licensed games as the pinnacle of writing

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You missed Yea Forums a bit lad, might wanna turn around and head back.

Anyone play swtor

The game with the worst cliffhanger I've ever seen in my entire life. After leaving Malachor I'd though it was the time to finally follow Revan into the unknown regions. Imagine my disappointment

I did, you can make some thicc ass girls with huge tits in it and that's the best part.

Dark Side Trooper and Light Side Imperial are fantastic though, the rest have their moments, but are generally meh.

Reminder that /swgg/ is back up from the dead

>After leaving Malachor I'd though it was the time to finally follow Revan into the unknown regions

The entire game is leading up to Malachor V. You really think you were going to have a Pokemon style reunion with the protagonist of the previous game after it's made clear that he vanished like 4 years earlier?

>it’s another “character is written to be as cryptic and unintelligible as possible because the game, and subsequently its plot, is unfinished

At least you get closure in swtor

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Light Sith Warrior was top-tier
>constantly making Jedis SEETHE at your mastery of the light side despite being a filthy Sith
>cute twi'lek companion
>cucked some jedi fag out of his star student

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some of the best movies of all time are a sequels to garbage popcorn flicks

My sides. I hope this is OC.

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can't handle ambiguity? this is a kotor2 thread lol

I bet you didn't like the ending of planescape torment either.

Here is the thing as Lucas has stated, the dark side isn't bad, only the Sith are because of their usage of the Force.The Force Priestesses an Mortis Gods all confirm this, as well as the original concept of the Bendu from Lucas' old writings. The Force is Light/Dark, it's just again arbitrary separation. The only problem is the Sith's usage of the Force with corrupt things.

As for the Prequels, they were not complacent in their ability to combat evil in any way. They literally went to war and constantly put themselves as close to the dark side as possible in order to finally uncover the truth of it all. Yoda himself even does this. They were so clouded by Sidious' corruption of the Force ("Dark Side") that it made it nearly impossible for them, especially when he was always one step ahead of them and was able to work both sides. Again Lucas himself confirmed that the Sith are wrong only because corrupt the Force, otherwise there is nothing wrong with the Dark Side, Dark Jedi, etc. assuming they are not corrupting the Force. The Force just is, it's just separated into two spots arbitrarily.

And yes, Lucas himself mentions a Light Side of the Force in TCW.

how the fuck is Kreia cryptic? she explains everything to you except when she wants you to answer your own question

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I take it as, by that point, you are making your own keikaku and ditched hers, but before she finished using you, hence why she is so butthurt. So in a way you didnt fail her, you succeded her: like a true sith: the aprentice overtakes the master, and only the strongest remains.




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DS Sith Warrior is pretty funny though. You're basically snarky ass Obi-Wan most of the time, the murders are hilariously comical, and fucking with Vett is pretty funny.

yeah i deleted my post because i reread the conversation and realized i kind of agreed with your take

Ah fair enough, we can agree then. What a day for Yea Forums, agreement.

>playing generic moustache twirling Sith Lord wihout any sense of pragmatism

>not being an interchangeable practical villain/practical hero when it suits your needs


I bet you let Jaesa keep her jedi ways instead of warping her into your personal toy.

I mean I expected a bit more not for the game to end just there aghh.
Also I think for so much build up Nihilus was pretty anticlimactic boss, so it all stacks in the end.

Ouch. That hurts.



>ywn have gritty naked hand-to-hand combat with a sexy albino chick with great tits who is tsundere for you

It was one of the last on my list, it was more of a comedy if anything. DS Lady Trooper was my first, absolute tons of fun.
See above.


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i hate you lol

she's not albino you dummy

>warping her into your personal toy.
this is exactly why Sith always get shanked by their apprentices

>apathy is death

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>I take it as, by that point, you are making your own keikaku and ditched hers, but before she finished using you, hence why she is so butthurt.

I think more she's furious that you didn't have a keikaku. You slaughtered all the Jedi masters without learning anything from them. In Kreia's eyes the true victory is to convert, to teach and to demolish the worldview of others. To beat them with crude physical weapons, to kill them and silence them forever, is an absolute faillure. She wanted the Jedi to realise that she was right before their deaths. You cheated her out of that.

>Also I think for so much build up Nihilus was pretty anticlimactic boss

Nihilus is the most terrifying threat in the Galaxy. The issue is that he tries to devour you, and quickly discovers that it's the Force equivalent to trying to eat a Black Hole. It's the only reason he doesn't just kill you there and then. You are his mirror image.

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whatever she is I want her to sweat on me in the cargo hold.

>them, Atris, Bastilla, and Mission all in the same room
>May the Force be with you

get in user

we are going to exterminate the jedi

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>being a lifelong virgin just because you're sensitive to the force
Imagine not being a Gray Jedi.

She is too in love with you to ever really be a full sith that way.

Yeah, but do you have a Techno Union?

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Sarcastic mostly LS Sith inquisitor, this is where it's at.

>She is too in love with you to ever really be a full sith that way.
imagine believing this

mission's titties....

you're telling me she's 14 mate?

grey jedi a shit

It's 2019 for fucks sake and people still haven't figure out Kreia?

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The Jedi never said sex was bad or that love was bad, only attachment. There is a difference between the two.

Is she covering up a nasty vagina in the background?

Why does everyone want to fug the Exile? Even Sion wants to fug a female exile

Bow to Lord Nigga.

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yeah, but Atris is such a stickler for the rules it wouldn't be surprising if she was celibate. Also,
>love without attachment
fucking what

Yes, 14 year olds can have tits that big user, and she's also an alien, so different biology.

sexy 30something

Hahahahah how the fuck is The Force real hahahaha Exile just walk away from the Jedi like Exile kill the Sith Haha

whats the age of consent on Taris though

Back to discord, you little frick.

The force works in mysterious ways

Atris herself has feelings, if you play as a male, albeit non-canon, it's very clear she has feelings for the Exile.

Also that is the great lesson user, to let go. If you love something, let it go. They wouldn't want you to grieve, or to desperately hold onto them and fear losing them. Attachment leads to dark emotions, which leads to dark thoughts and you to begin to corrupt things around you in an effort to control things and bind them to your will. You can easily love something without attachment.

holy based

Kreia is misguided though, say she succeeded in deafening everyone to the force, you'd still have the noise die down many years later like it did for the exile.

>Why does everyone want to fug the Exile? Even Sion wants to fug a female exile

It is explicitly stated that they have a magnetic personality that attracts others into following you. I'd think being a good looking MILF/DILF and General that has spent years wandering the Outer Rim would be attractive too.
>mfw listening to Sion

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That's funny, I haven't played kotor in 10 years or so but I still remember the beggar part. I remember how retarded kreia was for even suggesting that's my fault if the faggot got robbed and I didn't any actual intelligent choice available for my character. Well written my ass.Kkreia has the IQ of a warm oyster and only brainlets could possibly think she's a well written character. She's dumb as fuck.

Taris doesn't give a shit about nonhumans.
Ever wondered why she needs a wookiee to protect her?

Well for a time it was 0, because everyone was dead.

who cares dude they're gonna blow it up anyways its not like she hasn't let the wookiee smash like be real lmao she doesn't love BIG GUY for no reason

AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAH, what the hell is that? What is he wearing?

Those promised land dudes weren't, in fact they rebuild it.

>You can easily love something without attachment.
take your pseudo-intellectualism the fuck outta here, humans don't work like that

I thought this was a face plastered onto an N64/PS1 NHL game at first.

>The entire point of The Force is that neither the light or dark is bad.
Wow imagine being that retarded.

>be me
>play KOTOR2
>recite jedi code evryday
>only do light side things
>always ask WWJD
>fully committed in mind body nd soul to jedi
>get to end of game
>beat mummy
>"You are not a jedi, not truly"

>cryptic and unintelligible
How are you this dumb?

Well your timeline is very different than mine was. I killed them all, the women and the children too.

>the force is responsible for all the conflict in the world
>kills the force
>wtf why are people still fighting over shit

Your entire post is bait, but i'll humour you.

Kreia believes that assisting others for short sighted goals is a bad thing as it weakens them and causes them to fall prey to others. Going full batshit cruel on the other hand is also idiotic.

Kreia only respects long-term manipulation, planning and thoughtfulness. The only times you EVER gain any influence with her is when you display those traits - that and one instance where she is seemingly happy that you suggest even someone like Kreia is not beyond redemption.

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Your pride and arrogance are where you have failed us user, completely and utterly.

>chim pala mulle numiraa

He's being stylish as fuck.

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>Based Bindo
>speaking like some nigger

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Chick wants to die by your hands or be by your side.

she in love, bruh

Except that is exactly how it works in Star Wars, and yes some humans actually do work that way, not a large amount, but it is definitely a thing.
Imagine not continuing to read the rest of the discussion and conversation and then popping on to say someone else is retarded, despite the creator of Star Wars himself confirming said thing. Man, imagine.

>You cheated her out of that.
Exactly. Then after i threw her into a pit, i reformed the academy she hated so much too, to train the next generation of niggas who are antithetical to her teachings. I undone her entire lifes work.

>the force is responsible for all the conflict in the world

she's not saying that, she's saying that the force has a will of it's own and manipulates others to do it's bidding, she wants everyone to choose by themselves (hell, all her fucking lessons are about this) if they want to kill each other or not

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>people still dont understand kreia
dont know if willfull ignorance or just stupidity

Honestly that's actually pretty damn intimidating.

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The Force here, fuck you, I'll do what I want and how I want. Bitch ass Kreia ain't gonna do shit about it.

>implying her dying wish wasn't for you to reform the academy

>it's a "character who acts as the author's mouthpiece forces you to follow their plan while lecturing you along the way episode"

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Is this some rule34 futa I have missed?

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>leaving how the one where he throws that wife's husband against the wall like a ragdoll, shits on her, and walks out.

Good god, I can FEEL the aura of self-importance on him from that pic

>and then tries to kill you even if you're nice to her, so what's the fucking point of making her happy anyway

>not playing Space Jesus

fuck the force

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Got you senpai.

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>I undone her entire lifes work.

No user. Her life's work was to replace the Jedi master's flawed teachings with her own. She was your master, and you were the niggas' master. Her teachings live on.

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user, don't

>tfw you're actually the normie who thinks this shit is "deep" and not just regular philosophy incorporated into a story

>the force has a will of it's own and manipulates others to do it's bidding
when has it ever done that, ever? Kreia's just full of shit and a product of Avellone's retarded writing

>be atris
>recite jedi code evryday
>only do light side things
>always ask WWJD
>fully committed in mind body and soul to jedi
>get to end of game
>meet mummy
>"You are not a jedi, not truly"

You wish.
Based. SW is such a parody.

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>fully committed in mind body and soul to jedi
lmao she was fucking pissed at the exile's trial. she literally called for his death

I like how he just casually force pushes that Jedi.
Warrior is comedy gold on dark side.

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It really is, everyone should play it just to see how much of a joke it is at times.

I feel like a lot of people that have issues with Kreia just have a GILF fetish that they can't seem to process.

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I got you, dawg.

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rip /swgg/
it was a shitty ded general but it was my shitty ded general

S-silence! I kill you.

It'll come back when expansion hits.

Its a shame mods flipped out on /swg/ on Yea Forums as well, those were comfy as well. Yea Forums SW threads are a fucking joke like most things there.

If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you could ever imagine.

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i'm saying that you can't kill it you can only drown it out for some time before it comes back

Oh fuck, why is it alive?

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well how about that
next thing you'll tell me /ddg/, /meg/ and /dag/ is up and running too

Because of Jedi Fallen Order most likely.

The will of the force

>albeit non-canon
I'm still trying to wrap my head around changing the 'canon' genders of Revan and The Exile respectively.

why would anyone be excited over uncharted: star wars edition?

What happens if you just ignore Kreia and don't bring her along in your party? Been a while since I played KOTOR2 at all, and admittedly I never bothered getting past Telos, so I don't know.

>still has this pic from looog ago after i finally figured out you can have your own padawans and shit

Man, playing this as my first D&D style RPG game, barely knowing english, whit a half done, half assed, inconsistent fan translation on a toaster powered by an intel celeron at 10fps (at best) was pure kino.
The best part is whenever i replayed it ever since, every 1-2 years, i discovered/understood new things due to my improved english, knowledge of the D&D ruelset, and the evolving restoration project.

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>cryptic or unintelligble
she wants humanity to stand on its own without interference from external forces like the force. to that end, she wants to end the force.
she values self-reliance and self-interest. she believes you act solely to further your own interests, whether short or long term ones, and that you should expect others to do the same.
she doesn't like things that are fucking stupid and would not realistically benefit you, like going around butchering people and drawing tons of attention or giving away your money for good boy points.
she doesn't particularly care about light or dark side. people mistakenly think she hates one or the other or associates with one or the other; the truth is that she considers either side a means to an end.
she recognizes that the real threat to the galaxy is the true sith threat on the outer rim. she spends a lot of the game guiding you to do things that make you realize that the best way to combat this threat is to spread these ideas, either light side by teaching your followers to rebuild the jedi predicated on these ideas or dark side by reopening the academy on malachor. either way, you yourself ultimately go off to fight the threat on the outer rim with revan, the only other person capable and perceptive enough to realize that's where he needed to be.

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Haha, wouldn't that be great...

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>she believes you act
you should act*


oddly enough /meg/ did have a revival for a couple months for no apparent reason

It's more PoP SW at the speed/animations of Uncharted/AC, either way it doesn't look terrible and it's an excuse to get back more Star Wars game discussion that isn't just surprise mechanics.

>What happens if you just ignore Kreia
Not possible

About to play these games for the first time. How is KOTOR 1 compared to KOTOR 2? Any mods I should use?

>turns the game off
The Force works in mysterious ways.

Hol' on, let me make a call first.

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the game forces you to take her as one of your two companions?

It's more traditional SW story with some twists, whereas 2 is more EU/Legends SW story with some twists.

1 does some things better, 2 does some things better.

both are good, don't let preconceptions ruin any experience for you
probably some widescreen mods and content unlockers for kotor 2 nowadays

>do good things to be a good person
>kreia advises you to recognize that being a good person makes you stronger, and that in a way you are drawing strength from another's weakness
>think that this makes some sense and agree
>get bad boy points and become weaker as a result


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She'll also be there telepathically.

Not everyone becomes a Force Ghost, it's extremely rare and you need to have proper training for it. Anakin and Kanan are the sole exceptions due to Chosen One status and the Force still needing Kanan for a brief moment of time.

Kotor 1 is simpler and more straight forward. doesn't really need a lot of mods, maybe if you want some improved resolution etc it doesn't have as much mod or QoL update support as 2 does.
Its a perfectly fine 8 out of 10. don't spoil yourself on the story if you haven't already.

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>proper training for it

she has a force bond with you and can call you up any time.

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You have to make basically a spiritual journey and train under the Whils/Force Priestesses and go through incredibly trials, and even then it still takes years of training. Qui-Gon only ever managed to learn how to keep his voice/consciousness alive rather than a ghost before he died for instance and had been training for years.

You have less opportunities to influence her. same as any other party time.

Although she will chime in telepathically sometimes like the beggar on nar shadaa

why does she get pissed off whenever I dark side my way through shit? she never gets angry when I white knight everything except the begger

>Kreia believes that assisting others for short sighted goals is a bad thing as it weakens them and causes them to fall prey to others

No that's not what she says, she says you're bringing pain and suffering to that beggar because you gave him money and that it's better to help with a clenched fist than with open arms (you made me watch that shit again). Which is beyond fucking retarded as giving him money is completely inconsequential in whatever happens to him next. You literally play no part in the entire situation, he's a god damn beggar in fucking Nar Shadaa and you're basically a random tourist. That's like saying it's the fault of whoever crossed a falling broken bridge last if the bridge fell apart. This double digit IQ cunt is using stupid sophisms to push her simplistic views and you can't even call her on her fucking bullshit.

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Qui-Gon found it out from where-the-fuck-ever, and taught Yoda (and Qu Rahn, who taught it to Kyle Katarn), who taught it to Obi-Wan.

the mental gymnastics she pulls to shift the blame/consequences on the player is absolutely absurd

good boy/bad boy points should either be linked to intent or action, not both
whether intent or result should matter is actually a major flash point in moral philosophy

I am replaying kotor right now, I tried to ditch her but it seems like she will chime in too share her wisdom through the force bond anyways.

Played as an Intelligence Agent. Had a pretty good time and was surprised to see some divergence based on my choices. Apparently it's the best content the game has to offer, though.

>give the beggar money
>some other beggar beats him up/kills him for it
>Kreia: Y U DO DAT
>tell him to fuck off
>he gets pissed and beats up/kills some other guy
>Kreia: Y U DO DAT

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the lesson is to kill beggars on sight so they don't cause any problems

I don't think it's the destruction or the harmony that she hated. She hated the force for what it does to people. She treats it like a drug and always tells you to think for yourself and don't be a slave to it.

>ignores it and lets the Force deal with it

She is LITERALLY the dark lord of the sith

I fucking hate shit like this in video games where they force you into a false dilemma and then shit on you no matter what decision you make.

We control everything, free-will only exists thanks to us.

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>missing the point
Shes teaching you that every action has an opposite reaction dumbass
She's not telling you off just teaching you to be mindful of your actions

She's not shifting blame she's trying to make you understand that every action, no matter how many light side or dark side points it earns you, has a fucking affect on the world and those around you
Shes trying to teach you not to blindly follow one path
Oh my god how fucking retarded can you be

> it's better to help with a clenched fist than with open arms
Nah she says "think shit through or you can do more harm what an open hand, than with a clenched fist).

And the entire point is that no thing is inconsequential, with the dude being beaten up given as an example.
>you're basically a random tourist
and that random tourist decides the fate of the fucking galaxy by the end

Who is going to be the Kreia in Fallen Order, since he's helping write that game?


The Inquisitor Sister despite them having been trained as an absolute joke by Sheev and Vader so they wouldn't become Jedi one day instead.

are you even passingly familiar with the lore, user.

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is he the lead or is just helping?

No shit, faggot. I get precisely what they were trying to accomplish, but that doesn't make their hamfisted aesop bullshit any better.

the kreiafag is salty that the pseudo-intellectual old lady isn't considered a 200 IQ goddess ITT.

So the only course to follow is to ignore Kreia's bullshit and follow your own morality and do what you were gonna do anyway.
Of what use is Kreia, then?

the most annoying thing about kreia is that the game forces you to respect her. you never have the option to tell her to eat shit or fuck off.

people are used to having companions worship their every action and to have their self insert character be 100% right in 100% of every single interaction so when a situation occurs where the player is taught a lesson a lot of people sperg out
it is quite literally idiot filtering

She's alright. Has a lot of interesting things to say. Several playthroughs later she gets kind of old though, not just in the literal sense.

she's Avellone's soapbox, you expect he would allow the player to tell her to go fuck yourself.

There's really no getting through you simplistic fucks. I guess you simply can't grasp complex situations. Yes user, you're right. That beggar truly got beaten because someone gave him money. What a truly well written and deep scene.

truly made me think

It loses its affect when she tells you to make your own choices at the end, despite shitting on you for said choices and then blames everything on the force controlling lives.

Yeah, cause and effect is a thing, she needs to get over it, her asinine philosophy of free will while still trying to control things shows just how lost in the corruption of the Sith she has become despite her hatred of them.


I think he's just writing some parts.

>Avellone's soapbox characters are always villains
Why does he do this?

Jolee Bindo is not some BLM nigger. He would probably tell everyone to shut the fuck up and mind their own fucking business.

Because then you're forced to interact with them at the very end.

>give some change to a beggar
>immediately starting autistic screeching and analysing every possible hypothetical situation that could happen with said beggar
that's no way to live

ok, i am a retard, i cant even figure out if this post is with or agaisn't the beggar scene

>hope for Disney
Such a lack of pattern recognition is both intriguing and highly disturbing.

She isnt teaching you to follow anything
She isnt telling you off for doing shit, shes just making you AWARE of your actions
That you're not just playing a game you are making real decisions
How did you miss this point so hard
She doesnt teach you any particular ideology she just teaches you to question things
Light side or dark side is irrelevant, its understanding them that matters

You quite clearly don't

Because she ISNT shitting on you dumbfuck
You just assume she is
Whatever choices you make ARE the right ones, all answers lead to the same destination like she says at the fucking beginning
All she wants you to do is to control your own will and understand your actions

>space jesus
>not space charles barkley

oh my god he's actually angry
Kreia's entire presence is pointless, she offers zero true insight whatsover considering she ends up right back to being Darth Traya. She herself learn sweet fuck all.

>All she wants you to do is to control your own will and understand your actions
...which we've been doing just fine until now

>having low CHA in the KOTOR series

>see beggar
>"Can i use it to further my goals somehow?"
>No: ignore it
>Yes: use it to further my goals

>exile getting piped by atton
>kreia is criticizing his dick game

>not doing shit unless you personally profit from it
filthy jew

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it's a deconstruction of kotor1 because in that game your choices ultimately have no meaning

Avellone's gimmick is hating the setting he's writing a game for, so his mouthpiece character always has an axe to grind and an extremist plan to fix things, hence filling a villain role best.

atton is a eunuch

she praises you for disrespecting her 33% of the time

>Avellone's gimmick is hating the setting he's writing a game for
Why is he even in the business?

People that can't create fuck all usually tend to rely on subversion to write their stories.

SW and SI are almost comparable.

>avellone hates star wars
the biggest meme of them all
there is literally zero evidence for this

She does shit on you, because she brings up every potential hypothetical on the planet as if it matters. Hell the planet could explode tomorrow if I give the beggar a coin, who cares, stop living in the future and accept the present, things are the way they are, especially in the SW universe. I understand her reasoning and dislike of things, but that isn't how it works. Be one with the Universe and just accept things for what they are, good or bad, only then can you truly find peace within yourself. She failed to understand that and her teachings on the way to go about it will also cause the Exile to fail in it.

The choices you make are not the right ones, there are very clear good and bad choices, because that's life, the consequences of those actions are irrelevant as things are going to be how they're going to be, you are nothing more than a catalyst towards that. Besides if they all lead to the same destination then your choices don't really matter now does it, and if that is the case then why should you be concerned over your actions and which choices you make? She is a blind old fool consumed in her own ways with failed teachings, she has the ideas there, but she herself is not the one to teach them, and neither is the Exile or Revan because they carry on her teachings and her will in some aspects.

As the Force wills, let go, and stop caring. Let it be.

>20 years later based Kreia still working forcelets into a tizzy

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what the HECK is his problem?

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I'm angry because you are utterly mentally inept and you're blaming the writing of the game because its too difficult for your small pea-brain to understand
>Kreia's entire presence is pointless, she offers zero true insight whatsover considering she ends up right back to being Darth Traya.
Holy shit. You are actually the dumbest person on Yea Forums.
She's literally the entire plot, everything that happens in the game is her machinations. She is manipulating you for the entire game to bring the Jedi and Sith out of hiding so she can kill them. Then she faces you at Malachor, she fails to end the force but you surpass her and she succeeds in creating her apprentice.
You are dimwitted as fuck my dude.

No you dont, not in universe. Thats the entire point of the game. The force has a will, light side and dark side are two halves of a whole, and the force is constantly seeking "balance" which is tje cause of all these repeated wars between the Jedi and Sith. She's trying to help you understand that light or dark is irrelevant if you can subordinate it to YOUR own will.
You, the player, is almost certainly maxing out light side or dark side points, you do it for gameplay reasons and you dont even really think about it. This is the same thing as falling to the dark side or blindly following the Jedi code. Instead of you just blindly aquiring stats and expecting your companions to suck you off for it Kreia instead tells you to hold the fuck up and consider what you're actually doing and how these decisions would affect the world if this was real.
Its brilliantly written. The problem is you, not the writing. You're conditioned by video games.

I think you mean dark side

>lmao she was fucking pissed at the exile's trial. she literally called for his death
And the truth is that Atris is projecting. Deep down in places she doesn't talk about, Atris wished that she had the strength to do what Jedi Jesus did and defy the Council to go to war to save others.
Its this deep guilt that results in her actions in game.

It's entirely possible he's chilled out since KOTOR 2, but he's on record that the way he prepared to write KOTOR 2 was to autisticly seek out every single piece of Star Wars media including books, comics, and even the fucking holiday special, all so he could have a complete understanding of the setting.

Considering his literal mouthpiece character has the opinion of "the way this world operates is completely fucked", I think it's safe to say at least at the time he came away unimpressed with the series.

>if you can subordinate it to YOUR own will.
That's called being a Sith and corrupting the very nature of The Force. It is probably the most wrong choice one could even begin to potentially make.

>she fails to end the force but you surpass her and she succeeds in creating her apprentice.
and the cycle of the Light Side and Dark Side warring lasts another couple thousand years, she's a complete failure that was barely remembered. The Sith come back with a vengeance and the Jedi end up ruling the galaxy until Sheev comes along. She accomplished literally nothing in the long run.

atton would've fucked her if no one would find out.

wants a gold star from teacher Kreia but can't grasp that Kreia values independence from the force and Sion clings to it.

The Sith were always there, only Anakin finally gets rid of them so the Force stops getting buttfucked by their stupidity.

the idea was to parody the kinds of choices you'd get in games like kotor 1 and show the effects that your actions can have
it's frustrating not to have any options with a good outcome but i don't know how they could have done it better without screwing over the intent of the scene

>Considering his literal mouthpiece character has the opinion of "the way this world operates is completely fucked", I think it's safe to say at least at the time he came away unimpressed with the series.
You can love a fictional universe, but have really big problems with it.
I hate how everything boils down to Jedi and Sith. Like, is there no other force groups out there?

>hates star wars
it's a shit franchise

>I value independence from my Atoms ree!

That's Kreia.

>She does shit on you
Stop right there, you're fucking daft and you missed the point
>I understand her reasoning and dislike of things, but that isn't how it works. Be one with the Universe and just accept things for what they are, good or bad, only then can you truly find peace within yourself.
Holy shit user its like you didnt even play the game
Are you actually this fucking dumb or did you just not play it and you're making shit up as you go?
Predestiny is the ENTIRE fucking central plot of the game. Its why Kreia is repeatedly teaching you to NOT submit to the will of the force and instead master it. Just like Revan. Just like her. How did you miss this when she repeatedly tells you this?
>She failed to understand that and her teachings on the way to go about it will also cause the Exile to fail in it.
No user. You failed to understand the entire point of the game. She doesn't fail, she succeeds.
>The choices you make are not the right ones, there are very clear good and bad choices, because that's life
I think you should read Nietzsche user and stop reading those american comic books
>the consequences of those actions are irrelevant as things are going to be how they're going to be, you are nothing more than a catalyst towards that. Besides if they all lead to the same destination then your choices don't really matter now does it, and if that is the case then why should you be concerned over your actions and which choices you make?
PShe is a blind old fool consumed in her own ways with failed teachings, she has the ideas there, but she herself is not the one to teach them, and neither is the Exile or Revan because they carry on her teachings and her will in some aspects.
>As the Force wills, let go, and stop caring. Let it be.

There are, there are plenty of them. The Sith are the only actual real problem in Universe.

Fence sitting cowards who do fuck all to fix the issues of either the Jedi or the Sith

Wow user its almost like its a prequel!

Holy shit you are fucking STUPID
The whole point of the dark side corrupting you is that you fall to ITS will
You're not subordinating the force to your own will you're being compelled to do dark side things because it has its own will
Overcoming that is the WHOLE POINT OF THE GAME

i think you need to chill out a bit

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What about the Hutts?


This thread just proved to me Yea Forums is full of the stupidest people on this entire site
Embarassing as fuck
Kreia isnt even difficult to understand, its basic Nietzschian shit, imagine how you fags would fare reading actual philosophy!
Scary thought.

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i'm 99% certain people are so caught up on kreia and beggar is because it reminds them of the first time irl their mom taught them not to give to beggars.

same thing for when kreia says you have failed me completely and utterly.

Absolutely based.
How can other classes ever compete?

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>NOT submit to the will of the force and instead master it
Which is a corruption of The Force and is not natural, it is canonically a Sith way which makes her a hypocrite.
>You failed to understand the entire point of the game. She doesn't fail, she succeeds.
Must be why the Jedi and Sith Wars are still existent and The Force still controls everything right?
>I think you should read Nietzsche user and stop reading those american comic books
This is Star Wars, not Nietzsche, there are very clear good and bad choices whether you or Kreia like it or not.
The Force will not allow it, that's the entire point of the Force and what Kreia fails to understand, and no the Exile does not do this as the Exile continues her teachings on in a Jedi light, which causes just as many problems down the road as before. Again, the Force will do what it wants regardless of people trying to fuck it over. If the point is pre-destination, then Kreia and the Exile are pre-destined to fail, no matter what.
Which again is a Sith teaching to corrupt the very nature of the Universe. It's basically the equivalent of saying "I don't like Physics, Atoms, God, etc. How about I destroy those things and watch the Universe collapse upon itself." It's beyond stupid and ignorant, especially when the thing you are fighting is literally an all-powerful force that can do whatever the fuck it wants. Kreia is a fool whose teachings only lead to corruption of the Force and Sith teachings. It's amazing you fail to realize this despite it being blatantly obvious, she isn't meant to be listened to, because that's now how the SW Universe works.

>The whole point of the dark side corrupting you is that you fall to ITS will
Wrong again, canonically the Dark Side is not evil. There is just The Force, the Sith just use that particular side of the Force to try to bend things to THEIR WILL, ie; What Kreia wants to do and wants the Exile to do.

It is canonically a Sith teaching, trying to subvert the force is corruption, get over it. This is canon straight from Lucas.

>can’t understand more than surface level details
Checks out

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sorry if I don't give a shit about entertaining countless hypotheticals, if I want to tell a beggar to fuck off I will

but then who would be our meat shields against the true sith

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>being a fateshitter in general

>where they force you into a false dilemma a
What false dilemma? The point that shit is trying to convey is that actions have consequences. Good or badly intention every action has a reaction. The world is also unpredictable so if shit happens that one could not fathom well tough shit and learn to at least live with.
Like god damn that shit was ultra heavy handed as fuck. Fucking saddens me to see such shallow and dumb fags so many fucking years later still not fucking getting shit simply cause shit chose to be at least not as fucking shallow as your usual star wars story.

>“i spit on her remains”
>has to say it because the animators are too incompetent to show it

whew lads

I gave to the beggar, if someone else happens to kill him that's not on me, that's their choice. She needs to lighten up, I made my choice, if it was the Force's will so be it, if it wasn't, so be it, it doesn't matter to me, I'm not a God, I don't understand a God's logic and being, just as I don't understand why The Force does what it does. Trying to understand it is pointless, I'm human, I never will.

>giving him money is completely inconsequential in whatever happens to him next
Giving bums money makes them less likely to seek self-sufficiency, it's not really complicated.

i agree with him, see i just think he needs to calm down before he undergoes explosive arterial decompression secondary to acute hypertension

What if they just wander around and try to do what they think is good their way unlike fags like Jolee who sits on his ass all day? Plus how are they suppose to change the the jedi or sith by themselves?

>"helping" lazy junkies by giving them money for their next hit

Kreia takes this shit to mean that the Force is God and God is evil, so we should kill God, ironically enough she refuses to consider the consequences of killing the spiritual energy binding the galaxy together

Every single light side choice makes you lose influence with her. The sole exception is on Korriban, if you tell her that no one is beyond redemption. That was unexpected.

>Which is a corruption of The Force and is not natural, it is canonically a Sith way which makes her a hypocrite.
>Must be why the Jedi and Sith Wars are still existent and The Force still controls everything right?
>This is Star Wars, not Nietzsche, there are very clear good and bad choices whether you or Kreia like it or not.
>The Force will not allow it, that's the entire point of the Force and what Kreia fails to understand
>and no the Exile does not do this as the Exile continues her teachings on in a Jedi light
>which causes just as many problems down the road as before. Again, the Force will do what it wants regardless of people trying to fuck it over. If the point is pre-destination, then Kreia and the Exile are pre-destined to fail, no matter what.
>Which again is a Sith teaching
>It's basically the equivalent of saying "I don't like Physics, Atoms, God, etc. How about I destroy those things and watch the Universe collapse upon itself."
>It's beyond stupid and ignorant

Did you really pay no attention whatsoever to the entirety of the dialogue? Jeezus.

As long as EU-Star Wars clings to Lucas's infantile
>hurr dark bad light good durr
shit it will never be good. That only worked for the original because it was a simple and fun little space adventure with no deeper thought and philosophy behind it.
Don't @ me btw you all know I'm right.

jesus christ user, you need to relax.



>You're not subordinating the force to your own will you're being compelled to do dark side things because it has its own will
Which is a result of YOUR CHOICES, Kreia made hers. She needs to accept responsibility and stop blaming the Force. The Force just exists, it was very rare even in EU that it actually took direct control and did things, it let things be and play out and only intervened when itself was being corrupted by Sith's usage of itself, which is the case with Anakin, or forcefully keeping certain people alive, or in some very very rare cases such as Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume having him die to save others who would be more important down the line.

The Force actually rarely intervened, it just existed and let people live their own lives. The most times it intervened was during the Galactic Republic/Empire and surrounding years before and after that. Otherwise it didn't do much of anything and let the creatures and objects within it be.

I don't really understand how this is a hard concept to grasp by anybody, it's always been this way .You might as well be Traya yourself.

>Kreia is not a Sith. She is something new.
Yeah, she's a fucking idiot.



George Lucas himself proved Kreia's philosophy's on The Force wrong. In fact he did so prior to KotOR2 as well. End of story.

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>itt. brainlets
Kreia just wants you to not focus on any of force sides just for the sake of aligment
Force should have been a tool, not a way of life

Is this the guy from the other day who was getting upset because people were telling him kreia wasn't trying to destroy the force?

How so?

I'll @ you because I know you're wrong.

most Sith are very exceptional individuals to be fair, they meme a lot about muh freedom, but they all end up a slave to their vices

>he doesn't skip all dialogue
never gonna make it

>george lucas in charge of knowing anything about his own universe
my email chain with Lawrence Kasdan says otherwise

She literally is trying to destroy the force though
Thats pretty much the main plot point of the whole game

>giving a fish instead of fishing rod

>Force should have been a tool, not a way of life
space magic that can spawn black holes and collapse planets is far beyond a mere tool

Yes they do or else they wouldn't be able to corrupt The Force, which it clearly fights back against.
Who is also a failure.
Except they don't as even in old EU the Exile failed and kept on the traditional teachings of the Jedi and Revan fucked up loads.
The fact that the Jedi Order exists and TOR.
I don't know user, how is ripping apart the very fabric of the Universe a Sith Teaching, hmm.
It's not, it's actually a good thing, but her way of going about it would never accomplish such a thing.
In Star Wars they do, that's what The Force is, nor does the Force actually control people in most cases.

>the villain (who is inexplicably lusting for power)
What's so inexplicable about a lust for power?

George lucas also thought midichlorians were a good idea. He also doesn't own the franchise anymore. Trying to use lucas as a qualifier for your opinion is very fucking stupid.

Just stop posting you absolute fucktard
Get back in the oven you clearly aren't done yet

nah she isnt

imagine playing KOTOR and not skipping all the dialogue

Vader literally joined of his own will because of Padme, what the fuck are you talking about.

The Living and Cosmic Force are still canon within Disney Star Wars, as is everything Lucas ever stated or said.
Still canon whether Kasdan likes it or not. Kasdan also thought a lot of good ideas by Lucas were stupid too, neither of them are perfect, but what is canon is canon. There is no arguing it.

>how are they supposed to change things by themselves
One competent man can move the galaxy

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Despite how many threads about Kotor are made, kreiafag remains as the undisputed champion.

Visas best girl btw

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>. You cheated her out of that.
Based exile cucking kreia out of her victory

does Avellone hate every setting in existence, he doesn't give a shit about doing anything but subverting the core values of the series.

>bunch of user's rip apart Kreia's teachings with actual knowledge of Star Wars
>user has an autistic shit fit over it

Avellone is that you? Either way, this made me day reading this weaponized autism, thanks.

Lucas thinks the Force is a bunch of microscopic parasites.

sounds more interesting when you put it like that desu

Guys, GUYS, what if, now what if, bare with me now, WHAT IF...we destroyed the fabric of the Universe so we could decide imagine it bros, just wow, bros, it'd be like The Force let us do that,, we had free will all along...destroy and subvert everything, fuck the Universe, like...WHAT IF BROS.

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And yet he put stuff in KOTOR 2 that hints at romances but never goes anywhere. Was he just trying to piss people off? I don't care if he doesn't want to put romances in the game, but teasing people with them and then not delivering is just shitty.

Light Side is nice. Especially when you can troll Jedis with it by actually being reasonable, then poiting their logic holes as they go into meltdown.

What a shit opinion, good thing I know you’re not serious or I would have an aneurysm right now.

Because Star Wars is stupid
He said that if the Force has a will and predetermined all destiny then what's the point of making an RPG?
You have no freedom and everything ends up the same regardless of your choices so whats the point? Thats why he made a villain who questioned predestiny and sought to, in his own words, "destroy that which binds all things"

>actual knowledge of star wars
>thinks the dark side doesnt corrupt
nice samefag brainlet

>Unless thinking for yourself means you decide to act with compassion and charity instead of self-serving callousness, in which case, fuck you

>He said that if the Force has a will and predetermined all destiny then what's the point of making an RPG
not every RPG needs to be built around muh choice matters autism

No, Lucas has the Force in two aspects, the Cosmic and Living Force, they are distinct. One is basically an all powerful God that co-exists in it's entirety with the physics and atoms of the Universe (the other half) to exist in tandem, while letting the Universe play out and only intervening in extreme circumstances when the Universe/The Force itself is being corrupted beyond repair of itself, which is a result of the Sith and their corruption and misuse of The Force.

You lads need to read up some more.

Now you just gave me an idea: a story where EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER is written like Kreia.
From the janitor cleaning the halls to even the animals. Everybody gets to be Enigmatic while spouting crap that doesn't make sense.

>400 replies and nobody could give him one example Kreiafags BTFO

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yeah just like he killed those younglings out of free will
and after he learned that sidious was the reason padme died and still submitted to sidious, yeah that was his free will
that mysterious force holding sion together? his own will
force? never heard of it


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He's actually right, there is no Dark Side. It's just The Force with arbitrary separation by its populace and usage, the Sith just misuse it and corrupt things. That user is entirely right, that's canon.

giving that beggar money could've enabled him to survive for another week, then that next week of survival could've given him the chance to turn his life around and do some good for Nar Shaddaa, but Kreia doesn't even consider that hypothetical out of the millions of little bullshit nitpicks she has to infuriate the Exile.

Literally nothing you said was wrong

I don't get it. KOTOR had some decent animations. How did they get so much worse?

>which it clearly fights back against
there is no evidence of this in kotor 2 and i can't think of any evidence in early canon or media, don't know about the newer shit
>Who is also a failure.
if her goal was to kill the force then yes, if her goal was to inspire her basic ideals of self-reliance and recognition of the true threat on the outer rim, then no
>Except they don't as even in old EU the Exile failed and kept on the traditional teachings of the Jedi and Revan fucked up loads.
the entire light side ending of kotor 2 establishes that the jedi order is recreated predicated on the basic ideals kreia espoused. if there's other media later that retcons this, it's not relevant because we're discussing kotor 2 and not how it was molested later on by works like
>the Jedi Order exists
kreia didn't hate the idea of a jedi order, she hated the previous jedi order for being fart-huffing feel good pacifists who allowed the galaxy to go to hell around them, helping to prop up weak, parasitic institutions like the old republic. if anything, the idea of a proper jedi order is perfectly fine with her, because she recognizes that the core needs to be strong to fight the threat on the outer rim. a strong, non-retarded jedi order is one way to prepare the galaxy for that threat.
>I don't know user, how is ripping apart the very fabric of the Universe a Sith Teaching, hmm.
the sith teach serving self-interest by using the force, which is an ideology similar but not identical to what kreia espouses. it's why she fit so well as a sith lord. however, the sith teachings rely on the existence of the force; killing it entirely is not sith and most sith would see it as wasteful. and as the other person mentioned, their over-reliance on the force usually ends up twisting them to serve the force's ends rather than their own.
and yes, at least in kotor 2, the force does have its own will and uses both light/dark to further it.

It’s not made by the same people for one

>yeah just like he killed those younglings out of free will
Yep, because again, it was his choice and he believed the Jedi to be in the wrong.
>and after he learned that sidious was the reason padme died and still submitted to sidious, yeah that was his free will
Again Vader himself in novelizations and comics confirms that it was his choice, that Palpatine was all he had left so he chose to remain at his side and bide his time until he could possible muster up some of strength back.
>that mysterious force holding sion together? his own will
Sion is binding the Force to his will (ie: A Kreia Teaching) in order to hold himself together.

Then its not an RPG dimwit

>He's actually right, there is no Dark Side. It's just The Force with arbitrary separation by its populace and usage, the Sith just misuse it and corrupt things.
>corrupt things
What do they corrupt and what does corrupt mean? Did you just BTFO yourself retard?
>That user is entirely right, that's canon.
Literally the exact opposite is canon actually.
And I quote:
>The dark side of the Force was considered highly corrupting. The JediGrand MasterYoda, for example, believed that a Force adept who had embraced the dark side would be fated to forever continue down the path of evil,[5]a view he espoused despite having personally witnessed the redemption of at least two individuals who were at one time deeply steeped in the dark side.[9]Anakin Skywalker also proved an exception, as he overcame his past actions to save his son,Luke, andkillthe Sith Lord Darth Sidious.[14]

>don't know about the newer shit
Then if you don't know the entirety of the lore of Star Wars stop arguing because you're straight up wrong and many have proven it thus far.

It's been this way since TCW back when Lucas owned it and it continues to be this way. Get over it, Kreia is wrong.

Probably because she is/was in that situation and appreciates that you might forgive her if she tells you her past

You are astoundingly fucking retarded
Not even going to bother arguing with people who pretend the force doesnt exist
Go watch the movies

good luck making a direct sequel to an RPG then if every choice is equally valid.

After experiencing his writing, seeing his name attached to a game would actually make me think less of it, or at least make me think that it probably wouldn't be something I'd like.

Meme status for being the only western writer who isn't complete garbage, just mostly garbage with some good bits.

>Luke's praise when you balance out your dark side powers with light side one's in Jedi academy
I really need to grab it on pc and mod the shit out if it

Damn no sequel to any RPG has ever been made before!

Based as fuck

You can’t blame all you bad decisions on the force dude. Sure, the dark side is addicting and influences its users, but ultimately it’s their decision to do the things they do.

the newer shit, e.g. the clone wars, is not relevant because we are discussing kotor 2, the writers of that game can't account for anything that comes after it
kotor 2 was written by a guy who went through the existing star wars material at the time and wrote a story that integrated some of his own ideas about ethics and self-reliance into what he understood of the star wars universe
you can't say "well she's wrong" because of a retcon. i mean you can, but it's not a good argument against the understanding of the universe that the writers had at the time.

>completely misunderstand the entire game
>reply to yourself
Stop embarassing yourself further user.

This. Kreia's response to the injustices of the Star Wars world is to flip the table and sulk instead of adapt to it and prosper.

>the dark side is addicting and influences its users
And there we have it
End of discussion
Thank you for admitting you are wrong

stop replying to yourself retard lmao

based denial user

>ignoring things that don't fit your argument

Whether you like them or not is irrelevant, they are relevant to this discussion and they prove otherwise.
>What do they corrupt and what does corrupt mean? Did you just BTFO yourself retard?
They use the Force against itself to corrupt it and bind it to its will, didn't BTFO out of me in any way, just further confirmed my point.
>Literally the exact opposite is canon actually.
Oh did you forget the entire purpose of Dagobah in ESB with Yoda and a NATURAL Dark Side Cave and the purpose was not to be fall prey to emotions and give in to darker thoughts and turn to control and power? The purpose of the Force as stated by Lucas is selflessness vs. selfishness, one of which turns to control over matter and begins to corrupt things which goes in tandem with the Dark Side, which just happens to be a natural occurrence, the other side of a coin. It's not controlling you, you're succumbing to your own bullshit just like Kreia.

All the dark side powers are pretty shit though.

Demented retard


Influences don’t rob you of free will dumbass.

I had similar thoughts. At the end, if you offer to save her, she says that she hoped you would say that, but still refuses. If you offer her mercy after the first phase of her boss fight, she *angrily* refuses it. It seems like she might hate herself too much to believe she deserves forgiveness. As much as I disagree with pretty much everything she ever said, those moments did make her a bit more sympathetic. I have some experience with feeling like you're too far gone to ever be redeemed. I still think she's wrong about everything, but those moments made me think that maybe she could have been convinced she was wrong and persuaded to change her perspective.

Kreia is just Avellone's self-righteous mouthpiece and Avellone is known godless hedonist (and shit writer) who hates the concept of objective morality (and therefore the Force) as a baseline.

if you're going to argue that a retcon makes a character wrong in the context of the game, then it's not worth arguing with you because you're just being silly.

Avellone also didn't account for the years of interviews and material by both Lucas and Kasdan prior to KotOR2 either.

Avellone had no understanding of the actual universe, he read a bunch of shit and took everything at a face value and assumed it was all wrong and wanted to subvert it and did so poorly. I understand his reasoning behind it, but there is still loads of material prior to KotOR2 that shits on Kreia's ideologies entirely.

>Empire Strikes Back retcons KotOR2

You've gone full retard.

These threads are fucking awful lately
Why are there so many retards on this website?
Its like you just desperately try to find reasons to hate something popular even if its completely illogical

Lightning is flashy but inefficient, same with grip, you can just use speed instead of rage and perform better. Drain is mediocre.

what part of esb retcons kotor 2? the guy referenced clone wars, not esb

that's entirely possible

But Luke doesn't become his old self again.

Empire Strikes Back literally proves that the Dark Side is a naturally occurring thing and its more about personal thoughts and emotions that cause a fall than anything, also the entire concept of Dark Jedi, those who let their emotions get the better of them without becoming Sith and corrupting the very nature of The Force to the point it actually has to intervene beyond free will.


>force crushes you to death in one hit
Heh...Nothin personnel Jedifag

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>he guy referenced clone wars, not esb

You clearly didn't even read the post.

The only good thing about SWTOR is playing as Light Side sith and being a walking jedi trigger

Avellone said he doesn't like how simple and limited romance tends to be in games due to the lack of actual nuances and having obvious discrete unnatural states to mark it, especially with how it pretty much enters a limbo state once you achieved.
Hence he felt the only romance he was comfortable writing was the unrequited romances or the tragic romance.