Alisha was robbed

Alisha was robbed.

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Don't remind me.

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who cares zestiria is shit and the worst game in the series besides symphonia 2

i got her english va's signature on the case though she was really really nice

Very standard normalfag opinion.

robbed of what, exactly?

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I hope Baba dies of the japanese cold

Didn't the guy who made that decision leave the company?

>who cares, Tales games are shit
Fixed that for you, turbonigger

Robbed I tell you

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>best Tales girl ever designed
>gets cucked by a mary su because Baba wanted to fuck her VA
>the VA ends up cucking Baba
>we all get cucked

Didn’t she cry on stage and beg the fans to stop hating her?

>best Tales girl ever designed
>there are people here that actually believe this
Shes a generic as fuck princess character, nothing about her was memorable or interesting.

Based Cless putting the faggot in his place

Baba blamed her and made her apologize publically for the forced Rose.

What exactly was stolen from her? The spot as main girl? How was it stolen? Is there evidence that she was sidelined last minute for some reason?

Isn't he a homosexual too?

Didn’t he just get fired from square?

How new are you?

Tales of Zestiria anime was good. It made Alisha lesbian, so it that literally saved her.

Literally until the game released she was advertised as the main heroine

She had nothing of value worth robbing in the first place

I hope her kingdom hanged her for being a dyke

that's really fucked up
an AMERICAN like me would have walked up on stage and FLEXED my MUSCLES in his face and stared at him until he realized what a bitchpants he was, and apologized himself, and begged ME to forgive him
and i would say "i will only forgive you if SIKE i will never forgive you lol"

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>Alishafags still crying

Been here since 2008. I don’t usually go into tales threads and I had very little interest in zestiria when to care out. I don’t follow e-drama, sorry for not knowing the latest gossip faggot.

naw, he has mint

Mint belongs to Abicion

This drama has been around for quite a while now and it's been discussed to death

>I don’t follow e-drama, sorry for not knowing the latest gossip faggot.
The development decisions that affected the whole series isn't e-drama and this isn't "latest". Also funny how you complain about gossip when you joined the thread and didn't try to research anything on your own. Stupid newfag lapring as an oldfag

>your life

>best Tales girl ever designed

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You wouldn't be able to do that because he wasn't there himself because he was already in hiding which is why he had Komatsu apologize for him in the first place.

>Which girl stays in your party is a massive change to games functionality
>Zestiria would have been good if only Rose wasn’t there to take away the spot like
Stay diluted retard, the game sucked shit becuase the combat was awful and the camera would clip into out of bounds objects midfight so you couldn’t see anything. This is e-drama and the only people that would unironicly say this affects the game in a meaningful way are faggots that judge a games quality by if you fell in love with a the main girl.

what an asshole, i bet he's some kind of minecrap nerd, and i hate nerds more than i hate mad agents

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Will Tales of Arise be good?

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The results of what Baba did directly resulted in the decisions behind Tales of Berseria.

If it has plenty of waifushit, it will.

whoops that wasn't meant to be posted

The new chick is guaranteed to be the MC's bitch by the end of the game

Alphen is shaping up to be pretty gud
>Tomizawa says he's straightforwardly manly
Yeah I'm thinking he's based

He can basically charge in without giving a fuck about getting injured since he can't feel pain.

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alphen reminds me of veigue for some reason

It better have a proper world map. Getting sick of their shit.

The characters and their interactions with each other are half the reason to even play a Tales game. The combat was fun enough in Zestiria.

What made Rose's inclusion such a mess was how last minute it was. The entire game's story after a certain point had to be re-written to include her as the main heroine, and new skits thrown together to include Rose. There was nowhere near enough time to do this properly, and it fucking shows. When the characters and interactions suffer, the whole game suffers.

>Tanned skin
>White hair
>Seemingly stoic
All that's left is for Alphen to scream SHIONEEEE 24/7

Alisha design hits all the right notes for a female knight for me. Still girly but has utility. She would be 10/10 with a helm

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It sucks that Zavied had to come from Zestiria

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More like Tales was a mistake

I knew something was wrong when Tales of Xillia ended seemingly out of nowhere. It would be like Tales of Symphonia ending shortly after you get to the other world.

Good thing he's gone now. Let's hope Arise is good

>hate Zestiria
>still put over 500 hours into leveling equipment for the characters just to see if it would make the game more fun

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The story looks pretty kino so far.

>not just using CE to save yourself the hassle
It's honestly way more enjoyable when you don't need to worry about playing tic-tac-toe with your skill board.

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>I don't follow the thing everyone is talking about in this thread and therefor do not understand any of the context to the points everyone else is trying to make

Really at this point its our own fault for responding to this fucker.

>the one chad character in Zesteria comes back to Berseria, albeit as a boss & side char
It’s honestly better than nothing, I’m glad Zaveid got to show up though with his chad Ian Sinclair voice & a pretty cool disco getup.

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>not posting the chaddest of them all

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/ss/fags should be shot

>gets swapped into Velvet’s body while she’s naked
>covers his eyes the entire time
Why is Laphicet so pure & wonderful?

I finished and enjoyed Zestiria. It was my first tales game and I got it on a steam sale. I would probably hate the game if I played it now, just like I hated Berseria, I was just in the mood for any weeb shit back then

its pretty crazy how much you can break the game with the right skill set up
>x8 element damage + 100% increase in element damage + Seraph partner having x4 element damage + stunned enemy
nothing can stop you

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Meanwhile velvet tells him straight out that she looked at his dick

I hope Arise feels more like a team symphonia game rather than a team destiny game

I remember breaking the game using the reduce casting 40%x2, it melted the superbosses in seconds

>the worst game in the series besides symphonia 2
blocks your path

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Meh Alisha wasn't that great i just hope the new game has enough waifus and no faggots.

Arise already looks like it's based on Berseria with free camera.
If you want a Symphonia-style game, you'll have to learn jp and play the Rays because I doubt they're gonna go backwards in design except in side games.

That’s not exactly what happened. At one the the Tales festas there was going to be a Q&A panel. This was following the release of Zestiria and it being a flop. Baba was supposed to be answering questions which no doubt would have been about Zestiria’s development and things turned out like they did. She was just a special guest. Except Baba never showed up, leaving the VA on the stage by herself. She apologized for his absence and not being able to answer questions.

Baba is still scum but people like to spin this story like the VA was begging for forgiveness over Rose’s inclusion and “ruining” the game when in reality she was just a VA and had nothing to do with the actual development and really no reason to care that much outside of her job.

I really hope he is not as dickless as last Tales protagonists and will actually hit on the main heroine.

Well he's literally the only one who can dick her down

Let's all pretend Tempest doesn't exist

But I'm still hoping for Tempest R to finish the Triverse plot.

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>But I'm still hoping for Tempest R

Don't worry, it will come after the localized Innocense R