Let's have a comfy Switch thread

Let's have a comfy Switch thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

gamestop.com/browse?nav=16k-3-cave story,28zu0
smile.amazon.com/Nintendo-Switch-Portable-Charging-Replacement-Connector/dp/B07P5M2595/ref=sr_1_20?keywords=switch dock&qid=1561425345&s=gateway&sr=8-20

Been playin Disgaea 1. I played 5 before, and thought 1 would be more of a step back, but it's pretty good so far. Also, how are liking Hollow Knight?

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The Switch isn't comfy, so a Switch thread can't be comfy either.

just been playing vesperia definitive and looking forward to starting either mario+rabbids or making an earnest attempt to finish the second half of octopath

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>Haven't touched mine in months

If only every single game wasn't a low quality port.

Been playing a lot of MHGenU it's probably my favorite in the series after Tri and Frontier. I tried World on PC and it was okay but not as good. But GenU is a lot of fun with Friends. I love that I can go to hand held mode when I don't wanna curl up and still play.

I started up Vesperia a week ago, but have only just got to that jail point. I have a habit of starting many things and finishing few.

how the fuck did you take that pic after the post and then post it?

oh shit I didn't notice it. What the fuck?

Mario Odyssey
Yoshi's Crafted World
Kirby Star Allies
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Mario Tennis Aces
Super Mario Party
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and it's expansion
There are plenty of good non port games if you take pull your head out your ass.

How comfy are we talking?

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asking him to pull his head out of his ass is like asking a dog to do multiplication.



still playing splatoon 2 but also now CTR which is super fun. i have ff7 and stardew valley to start for chill gaming whenever


Are you a time traveler?

i am just waiting for the cheaper handheld only switch :3

>tfw sunk 25 hours into Hollow Knight already
Been comfy as fuck my dudes. Only really getting frustrated now that I'm trying the Trial of the Fool. Now that's a pain and a half.

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The Switchless?

Playing FF9 mostly now. I'm trying to catch up to where I dropped it on PS4 since I don't really have time lately to sit in front of a tv and play my PS4 version. It's pretty good, hopefully it picks up a bit in disk 2. My biggest gripe is I hate games with ensemble casts that fucking refuse to let the whole cast be together at once. 9 is maybe the worst offender of this I've seen.

Other wise messing around on Crypt of the Necrodancer since I picked it up on sale and plan to play Cadence of Hyrule when it goes on sale.

Trial of the Fool & White Palace I think are just the two main aspects I have left. And I really think I'm not cut out for either.

yes sounds very comfy

Honestly at 25 hours you're still probably a little under powered for the Trial of the Fool. That shit was real tough even after I had 100% the game.

I'm also pretty shit at Vidya in general, so maybe you can take it on earlier, but it really helps to have a good charm setup/fully upgraded nail just enjoy the ride though user. One of my favorite games I've every played

I'll probably come back to the trial when I finish upgrading the Nail. Maybe get another health upgrade. It's pretty challenging. I've gotten fairly far into it until you just get absolutely swarmed with Mantis warriors. Have one Dreamer left, though I barely understand what's going on narrative. Still a lot of fun though.

I'm playing FFIX and I'm right at the end but goddamn does twister and meteor just wreck my party.

how many folks hacked their switch?
is n1nt3n3r still cracking down on those who hack de switch?

got mines a couple days ago. Debating if I should get odyssey or the new mario maker. I have crash racing and smash but honestly smash feels a bit underwhelming coming from mk 11. Do I just have shit taste?

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I'll hack it when it's dead.

I've completed all the upgrades, except for the last charms. I suppose I should include that I haven't finished with Grimm either (let alone NKG).

And if those are the Mantis Lord's mantises, fuck them.

this game is weird, feels like something from a game jam. granted ive only done the single player and not even all the side content, but it was all too easy, like the game was made to be a joke. also somehow has performance issues.

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>I'm playin a PC port, you guys! It's more expensive than the PC version and runs worse than the PC version but MAN am I retard for dem Nintendos!

What would you guys recommend if I enjoyed katamari damacy?

Yeah I still have a few charms left, haven't unlocked Grimm anything. Like I guess I'm just too early on. Just feels like I'm near the endgame with all this stuff with the Dreamers and unlocking the nest. I've made a point to not read on the game so I'm organically finding things, it's great.

As for the Mantises, it's not the Lords, they're some kind of other "evil" mantis that are mainly in the Colosseum .

i guess the hunt is still going on

any of you bros getting bloodstained for the switch?
it's currently somehow fucking discounted on steam, so it's really tempting to give up on the portability and get it there instead

Currently playing Final Fantasy 7 for the first time, hope it’s worth the hype.
Patiently waiting for Ultimate Alliance 3 and Astro chain

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Trade in Smash for a used copy of Odyssey, then pick up Mario Maker at the end of the week

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Damn, I wish I could play ff7 for the first time again..

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How is the Vesperia port? I heard there was some crashing and other issues.

Answer or fuck off

It's discounted on Amazon for Switch too

Play we love katamari

It's a game with an unfortunately unique atmosphere; unfortunate because, after you've played them all, there really is nothing like it, especially on the Switch (so far).
Play all the Katamari games. If you want more, and have a ps3/4/p/vita, check out Loco Roco. It has similarly charming music, and the bulk of the gameplay involves you eating and growing bigger every level.

Have some cringe

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I basically never use Amazon so maybe I'm just too retarded to find it, but I can only find physical copies, and I wanted to get it digital

Playing Tetris 99 at the moment. These contests are a clever way of reigniting interest in this game.

must suck to be such a worthless piece of shit as you user

>even while he's dying, his main concern is bonding and playing vidya with his daughter

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>bought Splatoon 2, Smash and Odyssey
>spent the weekend playing Wario’s Woods on the NES VC

This makes no sense whether you used that word the way internet children do or otherwise.
What the fuck do you mean?

This game is pure shit

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>better waste my time on playing video games and posting on reddit for upboats and karma
I hope he is dead by now

>ugly balding soýcuck playing bing bing while dying
It’s extremely cringe

This post is pure attention seeking.
Here have some little guy.

>Xenoblade Chronicles 2

that's the only good game on your list

Seriously dude what do you think that word means?

>being so cynical

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If I need some attention is because I've been locked away retracing ask my steps for the last week in this game constantly

playing disgaea 5 right now, my first disgaea. The comfort level is insane. As someone who enjoyed FE, tactics ogre, etc., and is also autistic for stats, grinding and numbers, this has been really fun.

really excited to play 1 and eventually 4 when it comes to switch.

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nobody reply to the shitposting faggots

I look at that picture and cringe hard, what is so hard to understand?

Git gud

To the anons who are picking up Mario Maker this week, what will you do first:
>play the new pre-made levels
>immediately dive in and start making your own

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Im looking for a good time sink right now, problem is Nintendos prices are near extortionate. I had my eye on Dead Cells as it seems to have a lot of replayability but I would really like a good RPG with some story too.

Any suggestions? Im planning to get Xenoblade if it goes on sale soon. Is Nintendos summer sale near the end of July?

Odyssey for whatever reason is on a discount rn at Walmart. Switch games in general actually. I got ctr for 35 bucks.

Not only is he posting pictures of his daughter on a website like Reddit filled with pedophiles, he is also a huge libtard.
Doesn’t he deserve death?

Been playing Diablo on mine lately while watching netflix shows

Tempted to buy Bloodstained, but I wanna finish hollow knight first.

Also tempted to get botw, but I've already got it on the wiiu so uh, maybe it'll go on sale one day huh

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>tfw got Mario Odyssey today but I'm still playing Wasteland 2

Two I'd put out to recommend would be Wonder Boy and the Dragon's Trap, and Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom. The latter is a longer venture for sure.

Get another platform then

Here are my games, I only played 3 of them haha

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Im just too used to PC games being dirt cheap, there was a lot announced at e3 that im looking forward to on switch too. Consoles don't interest me.
Thanks, I'll look into them.

>All that visible shrink wrapping
Are you me?

Literally just bought Kamiko off the e-shop, was on sale so really really cheap!

Last week somebody told me to update the comfy Switch thread once I'd played through Resident Evil 4 for the first time.

I liked:
>the opening sequences in the game, especially the first big set-piece in the village
>Leon's cheesy quips
>the boss fights against El Gigante and the lake monster
>most of the castle section was alright
>the merchant's funny accent
>shooting Ganados in the knee and then kicking them/suplexing them to death

I disliked:
>the island section at the end of the game was a bit of a let down. Fighting enemies with guns isn't really "Resident Evil".
>lack of any real puzzles (I think there was a very brief one during the section where you play as Ashley)
>controls took a while to get used to
>the last boss fight was a bit shit

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Playing Grim Fandango Remastered

Its super comfy and a lot of fun
when it isnt being complete bullshit at least

That’s what I meant by another platform, play RPGs on PC instead as the Switch honestly doesn’t have many of worth

So in Trials of Mana can I just go to any of those 4 other spirits in any order or does the game want me to go to undine first followed by some specific order?

>Getting the switch version of RE4

You're better off emulating the wii version of the game.

cute but not funny

Ah right, sorry. There's a few JRPGs out there but I've never really touched them before. I'm just on a bit of a single player binge lately and have been enjoying story games, figured there might be a few hidden gems out there on switch

Is 2 the only Xenoblade on Switch? I've been gaining a passive interest in the series but got no way to go back to earlier entries if I tried to play them. Aside from that DLC I think I heard relates to the first Xenoblade, am I going to lose a lot jumping straight in from 2?

Why haven't Sega released Shenmue 1 + 2 HD on the Switch?

They're perfectly suited to this comfy console

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Even at its base price it's a very affordable title. Great value, in my opinion.

I've tried several times to get into the series before, it seems really fun but once the grind kicks in I feel like I'm never doing it right. Am I missing something that should let me grind better than repeating the same one stage three times in order to level up a few units one level?

Muse Dash is fun.

Is your attempt to be edgy what I'm supposed to be cringing at? I don't get it.

Been playing mostly Monster Hunter GenU and a bit of Smash. My Friend Pedro's been pretty fun so far but some levels are a bitch to get S rank on
Barioth can eat a dick I hope this fucker doesn't come back in World.
Holy fuck I forgot it comes out this week.
Probably gonna play story mode until I get bored then make some levels.

W-what did everyone spend their NSO vouchers on?

More comfy cringe

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before i get

i just googled this now, but this seems pretty accurate.


all of those are either for 12 year Olds or weebs

Nigga maybe you shouldn’t have bought a toy for children and weebs then.

>every single non port is automatically good
Imagine being this braindead

I hacked, it was worth it.

Playing new games day one, not paying for overpriced shit like RE4 is really nice.

Makes me think of the ports highly than another person who has to buy it may think of them.

I just bought a physical copy of Runner3 on clearance. Do all the physical copies come with goodies inside?

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Poorfags post pictures of your empty switch library with timestamp and I’ll post game codes.

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Are you goys going to visit Nintendo's 2nd ever brick and m-mortar store?

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Bought XC2 off Ebay and am going to be playing that, I also bought shantae and the pirates curse, and also cadence of hyrule but I haven't played much of either because of CTR on PS4.

I've yet to run into any crashing. Occasionally some longer load times, but I've yet to get any audio or visual glitches. I'm about half way in.

I bought ff7 last week, any thing I should know before i start it?

Literally my worst purchase, the only good thing is that it has coop. Game was like 2 hours short. Lame le adventure time like humour and whatever gameplay, i was tricked thinking it was loco roco like game plus it had jap text.

>shantae and the pirates curse
Great choice there, friendo.

At least you didn't buy Semblance.

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Thanks. I haven't gotten that far though, just a little after the first boss. loving the sprite work and animations though. anything you recommend? I need more games for my switch

wait how did you take the picture?

i never bought a wii u when is nintendo gonna port the rest of the wii u games

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I guess. Not gonna buy indie shit just for art anymore, at least not on a switch, it's not psp/ds times anymore when the gameplay was actually good and those games were made by competent developers.
I also bought owlboy and similar more "popular" indies and liked it much more, seems like a long game too. Not into pixelart, but this one is so detailed and beautiful. And it costed just a bit more than pikuniku, fuck that game, i really wanna return it.

That coffin is a super shame

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Which guide did you use to hack it?

kek I thought the thumbnail was someone drew out some shitty lines of meth on their switch

Back to and Golf Story, though the disc golf sections suck an egg (i.e. I'm not really any good at them).

>tfw can't comfortably play in handheld mode due to my gigantic manhands

I just dropped my switch on the fucking ground AMA.

Write to Nintendo to request the development of Joy Con XL.

How far of a drop was it?

I guess my Switch itself has been pretty comfy, getting to collect dust all year long. Holy fuck, this drought is inexcusable. At least MM2 is finally upon us.

>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
imagine unironically recommend this games. consolefaggs constantly bust their nutts over exclusives but nintendies just take the cake. glad i pirated them and didn't waste any money.

how well can the switch run pornhub

Like 4 feet. It was fine.

Who CTR here?


>kid game
>kid game
>kid game
>kid game
>kid party game
>kid party game
>kid party game
>shitty weeb game kid tier writing
of course when you're a retard that primarily plays nintendo tripe you're bound to be an easily pleased moron so I can't be too surprised

I was thinking that much. I've had mine slide of my lap a time or two before as well.

What don't you like about those? Mario tennis is a great party game, kirby is good if you like kirby, yoshi was kinda dissapointing considering that i liked woolly world so much. I hated hearing same song every time. The game is actually pretty good tho, with all those paths, multiple dimensions, feels unique. Maybe there is a game like that, but i only yoshi crafted world that plays in a similar way. It's just too easy and as i said, hated the music in that game.

Why did you buy a switch in the first place? Because of Doom? You know it's a nintendo console, right

Peak onions

I bet you wanked off to your Jew masters and watched that pedophile Justin Rolland afterwards

Got the drifts on BOTH joycons. Makes any 3D games almost unplayable.

mine was a gift to me

but in response to your retarded point, if the main bread and butter of the console's games are lackluster, which in this case they are, then the console in itself is lackluster. all the switch is at this point is an indie machine.

Use multiple save slots
Pick up any round spheres you see
Keep Enemy Skill equipped
Check out the forests on the world map
You can swap Materia with members not currently in your party with Arrange > Exchange

Just finished Golf Story. Loved it. The last course is hard as dicks.

Moving on to Katana Zero tonight. Dicking around when Dragon's Dogma here and there too. Got a warrior who looks like Triple H.

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How are these things? I'm interested if only for the opportunity to charge my Switch from the fucking side and be able to play in stand mode or in bed. Auto-charge case is cool too.

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what the fuck video games do you actually like??


>at this point
At the point where you can't enjoy nintendo games but can play indies? And don't you call my point retarded, you dumb nigger, nintendo always made their console's selling point being their own games not indies or ports. Clear bait.

>indie machine
Imagine unironically playing indieshit. Imagine unironically playing indieshit on a console. Imagine unironically paying for indieshit. Nobody can fix taste this bad, go home, horrid westacuck.


So what "adult" games you been playing?

Ah, I remember this phase. Don't worry, with luck you'll grow out of being 14.

Indie games are thousand times better than Nintendo’s toddler garbage.

I really want to play some games but Nintendo is so jewey with their first party games.

Question to anybody: if I give them to Nintendo to fix (warranty is still in order), what's the risk of them drifting again? I've heard there are fixed joycons out there.

if you want me to be less facetious the only game of their real lineup i actually enjoy is smash, and i guess ill count botw since i wasnt retarded enough to get a wii u
if you had actually read my post instead of instantly seething over it you would see that i didn't say i played indies on it, only that that's all the piece of shit switch is good for (or old ps3/xbox ports)
i've been playing tetris and dragon's dogma on switch :)

off switch it's been kenshi, dorf fort, and that civil war shooter war of rights

Luckily most of them are worth the price. Most, not all.

Guys, you think jewtendo will replace my miscolored joycon or what? And which color is even the right one, below or the upper one?

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I'm getting it, gonna pick it up tomorrow. It's discounted at Walmart too bro.

Joycon drifting is an inherent flaw of the analog stick component they're using. You can buy the same component online and replace it yourself.

Unironically most of these are more of the same old mediocre shit or just bad. I'll give you Smash and Splatoon but that Xeno game is legit awful dude. Absolute trash.

Which ones do you recommend?

It's 30fps on switch and I have another platform, so no.


Anyone else get Battle Cats?

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How is Bloodstained on the Switch? Any chance the day 1 update improves the resolution?

Why yes, I am excited for Luigi’s Mansion 3, it looks great and filled with soul.

What’s that? No I don’t care about it not being dark and realistic, why the fuck would I do that, it’s fine the way it is.

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i only have smash does that count?

Physical or digital? I went digital with games like snipperclips, sonic mania and other indies, even tho they had physical releases (others were rare)

>bought 6 fucking games during the e3 sale
>still plenty of games coming out I want to buy and play
>along with already released stuff I still want to get eventually
>along with games I already own that I haven't played yet or finished fully
>keep browsing Yea Forums instead
someone help

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Worth full price:
>Breath of the Wild
>Mario Odyssey
>Splatoon 2
>Smash Ultimate
Wait for discount:
>Wii U ports other than BotW
>Any indie title that costs more than $15
Completely depends on taste:
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Mario Tennis Aces
>Super Mario Party
>Kirby Star Allies
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokemon Let's Go

Why yes I do agree, my fellow gigachad. Let us hype together and discuss the possibilities

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Oh, I forgot that the game originally had SKIP in romaji. Yeah, it's a fun time waster.

Been playing street fighter 30th anniversary collection on mine. Playing 3rd strike online in handheld is comfy as fuck.

So this shit is gonna go on beyond warranty. These fuckers cost 40 bucks a piece. Pieces of shit.

Just blacklist the website if you want to stop
You won't

Arms is pretty good. It's hard in single player tho for some reason. And it's best to be played on a tv with boxing joy cons.

>Of course I won't be buying MUA3 unless based Ant-Man is in. How did you know?

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Yeah Joycons are pretty universally agreed to be garbage. Switch Pro had better come with a Joycon revision.

SNES Online fucking WHEN

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do you have special needs user?

normie reporting in

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Pokemon Let's Go is possibly worth if you get it cheap. I've seen it on sale for $30 before.

Why does the resolution put me off buying the Switch version of games Yea Forums?

Kirby Star Allies and Mario Tennis are absolutely worth it on sale.


It's a shame, because I kinda like the design and the thing about playing with the hands separated.

>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Kirby Star Allies

>Super Mario Party
Budget Trash

Meant for

Now that i've seen the unboxing, kinda hate that it doesn't have inside art. What's up with that? Same with megamam, stteet fighter games. Reminds me of some psp games which had the same thing, always thought they were pirate copies or something.
What's the size of the game?

Also playing 9. I have to agree, the amount of splitting up there is among the party is annoying. I guess the upside is you get to use every character at least somewhat frequently?

Just came off of 7, not as amazing imo but still really enjoyable. Can't wait for 8

Why is kirby and yoshi trash? Explain pls. I liked both demos. Kirby had weied

Seconding Monster Boy. Bought it last week on sale after trying the demo. Great soundtrack, had fun on the way to 100%.

The ride would have been less frustrating for me if my left control stick kept from drifting upwards.

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Anyone? Reds seem fine, tho material still feels different

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I've put it off to the side when I felt a bit of a wall at the race in the haunted mansion but I do want to get back to it.

I only have my stock grey + Pro controller, so I couldn't say one way or the other.

I'm really scared of all the drift issues since I just got the Switch. How long until I get the drifts?

Honestly, I think everything should have touch pads like the steam controller now, I love using the touch pad as an analogue stick, d-pad, mouse pad, mouse wheel, etc. it just works so well.

Joysticks suck because they slip and they break, especially the Switch ones, touch pads don't, and the vibration makes it feel like either a joystick or a d-pad, so it'd make using it sideways on NES games or whatever feel perfect.

Like 4 months

>dragon quest builders 2
Aw yea

Ah, ok, i'm wondering if i could get my joy con "switched" by nintendo themselves. I wrote them a letter but didn't get an answer yet. I suppose the darker blue is the wrong one it just feels too dark.

I've got a launch pair of joycons that work perfectly to this day, and another set that died within 10-ish months. It seems random.

your call user

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Yeah the last FF game I beat was 7 and it's like night and day. 7 is really tight in a lot of ways, not a whole lot of fluff, 9 just feels so meandering right now. I like the cast a lot though. Vivi and Freya are top notch.

I'm hoping that by the end of disk 1 you'll have the whole party and everyone gets to travel together.

should I import omega labyrinth life when it comes out
am I going to regret my purchase

>9 is maybe the worst offender of this I've seen.
Don't play FF13. The game introduces you to all the characters, brings them together for one chapter, and then promptly splits them into predetermined parties of two (in a battle system made for three) for the next 10 hours.

Finally getting into Smash for the first time. getting hang of Simon Belmont I must say that I don't win often but when I do its super satisfying.

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If you liked that in 7, try 6. 7 was bloated by comparison with all the random minigames everywhere and the meandering Sephiroth chase on disc 1.

It's been released in the West for years
For your phone and a stripped down, non pay 2 win version on the 3DS

>Bought a Switch not even a week ago
>First game I got was Mario Odyssey to see if it was really as bad as I thought it was
>It is
I spent $70 on this sloppy dumbed-down shit. Even sequence breaking isn't funny because it's so easy to do.

Bless you if true, hell I'm only borrowing the copy of Smash from my friend

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No challenge and very forgettable.

What a sad list.

Anyone else hoping Daemon X Machina ends up being good? The demo wasn't that good but they seem to have listened to feedback, hopefully it ends up worth playing.

>Waddle Dee avatar
Absolutely based

I don't recall kirby being challenging, like at all. Didn't stop me or other people from playing. Yoshi is not challenging, i agree, it just a nice collect everything game

Tell me what games you’re interested in, user.

Kirby is easy, but nobody expects otherwise in a Kirby game, so that's fine. The real crime is how short it is and how much it fails to deliver on the potential of partners and mixing. Just play Kirby 64 instead.
For Yoshi, the crafted aesthetic is kind of ugly and the music is fucking terrible. Apparently it's more like Yoshi's Island than Woolly World was, but not enough to be interesting.

Muse Dash

I likethe crafted aesthetic in yoshi. Music sucks balls tho. Almost new island tier.wooly world had an amazing ost
Kirby is pretty lengthy with free dlcs.

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I would love CTR

thanks b
I'm not too picky, but I've had my eye on octopath traveler for a while

>You must automatically like Mario games or you're looking for attention
Shut the fuck up you damage-controlling turd. I like a fair amount of Mario games (Galaxy 1 & 2 being my favourites). When the latest installment is a lot worse than Mario 64 (a game that came out over TWO DECADES EARLIER AND ON A CONSOLE INCREDIBLY INFERIOR), there's a problem. But of course you can't comprehend it being bad because it's Mario and Mario never has any bad games.

New sale popped up on the news feed

Is there a single game on here that's good? I scrolled through everything and it all looks like google play store garbage. Also, I wanted Muse Dash but apparently you can only get the good discount on Steam. That game doesn't look worth $30

Get an e-mail or some other way to stop people from sniping the game.

Because i sure as well will try.

The reason Muse Dash is $2 on steam is because you don't get the entire game and have to pay for the rest through DLC. The Switch version gives you it all up front.


Playing lots of Mortal Kombat 11. I thought the port was decent until i tried out the krypt. Dear lord what were they thinking, it looks like a fucking PS2 game, and it's still choppy.

What killed it for me is that diving / jump diving always resets your momentum. Seems they don't want you to be able to move fast through the air

3x3 of current backlog and rotation of games.

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I have bought Dandy Dungeon because I liked Chu Lip in the past, but it is a port of a mobile game. I tried Earth Lock's demo and the gameplay is essentialy budget FFX, which might be your thing.

Jesus look at all this bullshit shovelware. How hard is it to manage a storefront?

the vast majority of games on sale on Switch, at any given time, are shovelware. they do this because it's pretty much the only way to get attention on the eshop.

would a temporary email address work?

Mario's not usually momentum based, is it? I thought Odyssey had the best controls in a 3D platformer since SMS

I have been having trouble in Travis Strikes Again. I just got to the racing level and for some reason my bike refuses to go. I change the gears as it goes up but it just comes to a stop after the initial take off. What the fuck am I doing wrong?


Fairune Collection
Hyper Light Drifter (played on PC with a gifted 2nd copy from a friend's Kickstarter)
Are the games I've played.

Let's find out.
[email protected]
Octopath Traveler please

How are the arcade ports of Contra? I wanted to get it just for that plus Hard Corps, since it looks like they're using the JP version's hit point system based on the screenshots.

>hollow knight
if you're gonna have bad taste just throw your switch in the trash

eh, might as well try
[email protected]
also Octopath Traveler

Silly user, Hollow Knight has been on the switch for a whi-
>sees OP
what the fuck
>mfw OP is a time wizard

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I've only played Contra Hardcore while taking a quick look at the other titles in the collection. Those two original arcade games, imo, appeared to be subpar to console ports. Sluggish movement and overall muddy performance. That said I plan to play through them regardless of initial reaction, otherwise whatever was originally on console are as they were.

That's a creative OP. Why can't we have shit like this these days?

Post the same pic with time stamp and your email written plus your game request and I will deliver

As someone who have used these sales to get a few of these 'shovelware' games, as long as you don't just by everything that's .99 cents for the sake of it, you can still dig up some decent games.

If you're going to complain about the Demos, blame Nintendo and the seach option. I never delete anything unless space becomes an absolute issue, plus some you can't get anymore like the Daemon X Machina and the original Octopath Traveler.

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I wish I had all those games

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Cleared Greenpath in Hollow Knight just recently and, so far, it's been an amazing game. Hornet's fight would've been harder by just not replenishing your soul with each hit.

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clever catch there, wouldn't of thought of that myself, hope the picture is good enough

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I wanna draw some lewds of characters playing on the Switch

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>He's Australian

>mfw Australia'd
fuck my life

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Yo, OP here. Just wanna say thanks for gifting Hollow Knight when I got my switch. Really appreciate it cause its an amazing game

Currently finishing the last of the grubs and hunter journals before fighting whatever's behind that black egg

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>how're they hangin mate
what did he mean by this

Gonna wait for a sale on the shop so i can buy more games. Can't justify paying 80 bucks CDN plus tax plus tip. Also can't justify buying 3rd party games on it when I'm effectively an idort

I'm also an idort and I still get ports on my switch as long as there's no compromise. Portability and comfy gaming is what sold me on the switch

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I guess I can say I'm surprised that out of that whole list you don't have the second Mercenaries Saga game.

Glad you enjoyed it user. I might pick it up eventually but for now I have 400 other games in my backlog to complete.

retrying this shit by rotating the picture upside down to un-australia myself

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I love the switch.

Not for Nintendo first-parties (other than Zelda and Animal Crossing, fuck Mario) but its turning out to be a fairly competent port machine. Great port of Diablo 3, Darksiders is one of my favorites, a good port of Dark Souls which, for some reason, has just awful audio but is totally playable, 2064 is on everything but its particularly fun on the switch. Havent played Skyrim or Doom, I imagine Skyrim is passable since its a pretty easy chill game, I would never play a fast game like Doom on the switch, I dont think.

So far its very useful for someone who goes to his buddies a lot to hang out and play and saves me from having to pack up my PC or a larger console.

Also, I just don't think I can justify purchasing Cave Story another time, even if the price has come down to a more reasonable level. Wii Ware, DSi Ware, 3DS cart, 3DS digital, Steam...

I'll probably ģet the SRW games for it just for some comfy bed or shitter gaming

c-can i get darksiders? I have a few games but i really want that one

Mercenary Wings?
I'll wait for a sale or a physical release, like I did with Mercenary Saga.

>My Friend Pedro doesn't give you all the guns when you go back and replay levels after beating the game
That honestly kind of kills part of the replay value for me. I wanted to do some DMC shit where I bring my full arsenal into the early-game stuff. I guess trying to go for A/S on Hard and not-C on Bananas will be fun.

Kirby has been worth the occasional $40-45 sale since all the free content dropped.

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why would you waste your money on something you knew you weren't gonna enjoy

>/y/ banner in the background

nintendo amirite?

When is the physical release of Ikaruga coming and how much is it?

Thanks a million codeanon, you're generosity won't be forgotten

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Still can't hide your country very well.

>Fucking Australians are beggers
Why am I not surprised.

Currently playing BotW trying to 100% it on Master Mode. I can only stand to play it for a couple of hours every other day at most, anymore and I just start slowly going insane from the repetitive tedium of running around getting korok seeds with a shrine every now and then. Other than that it's a decent enough game.
Plan to 100% Odyssey, XC2 and Hyrule Warriors after as well as collecting all the spirits in Smash.

Pixel still gets a cut of every game sale from Nicalis, so I'll keep getting it.

Don't forget to tell your parents you love them.

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I tend to just up and grab CIRCLE's releases as I see them. It's pretty much doubled up on my 3DS as well. In that regard, I wouldn't mind them porting over Harvest December either.

Huh? $30 is not really reasonable for Cave Story

No, no it wasn't. But GameStop has it listed as under $20 now: gamestop.com/browse?nav=16k-3-cave story,28zu0

>Harvest December
I wish I saved the rest of the art.

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If you need help deciding what to play here, Battle Chef Brigade is really great. I usually try to talk it up when applicable but you literally already bought it so all I'll say is I'd recommend bumping it up in your priorities. The gameplay is really well-designed.

I'm about to take the plunge and finally get one. Aside from a screen protector and a micro SD, are there any other essential accessories I need to think about?

Pro controller, Ethernet adapter, and if you want, joycon grips


he fucked your mom, went back in time, possessed your childhood self, then used your faggot child body to post this thread before deleting it and posting the exact same thread in his own, current body. get smart you turd.

>HAS-BEEN HEROES a jarringly, totally different font than literally every other one
Oh fuck off.

I can second on those, except the Joy Con grips since I don't have any to have an opinion of. One thing that needs to be made note of in regards to the Ethernet adapter is don't leave it plugged into the dock if you're not actively using it. For whatever reason, it prevents the system from fully sleeping, so you'll pick it up and the unit will be warm as if its been on.

>Luigis Mansion 3 still not on the "future voucher games" list
Now I'm scared to buy one and then them be like nah not Luigi.

A different dock that doesnt suck. You can either buy the nice compact insignia one (which never bricked consoles, some of them apparently did on one of the patches, not that one) or get a kit to convert the regular shitty Nintendo one to a better form factor.

Why they designed the dock to rub your screen I will never know.

Golf Peaks
Hyper Light Drifter

Those are the only games I see worth even a second glance, and they're all niche fits instead of universal must-plays.

Because I keep getting told "YOU CAN'T HATE SOMETHING IF YOU'VE NEVER TRIED IT" so I did. I bought the fucking game so my opinion would matter to the chucklefucks who can't comprehend that you can immediately tell if something is bad by reading/watching about it.

serves him right for buying physical. why the you would want to waste time opening boxes and swapping carts on a fucking handheld when you could just buy digital or pirate is beyond me.

It reminds me of Scott's video on Player's Choice cases.

how so

Something something ownership.

Wait is that true? I always shut it off in dock mode and it does sleep. Are you talking about putting it to sleep in handheld mode, then put it on a dock?

because he doesn't own one

I put some adhesive hook & loop (soft side) on the inside of mine. Pretty much has it covered for that regard.

Yeah, I suppose that's what I'm talking about -- sleeping in handheld then docking it. Friend brought it up to me once, and I started using his advice at that point.

Bloodstained just came in the mail but I'm waiting to play until tomorrow. Anyone else receive their copy?

That happens even without the adapter. I think its just normal, but an oversight

based thread.
Been playing Monster Hunter generations U lately on the switch.

Is FF7 worth the buy? never played a FF game before.

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I'm not going to defend digital on that front, but ironically, pirating gives you greater ownership over your games than buying physical ever could.

wait nvm, its fucking true. What the hell?



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Wait, you mean this only happens if an Ethernet adapter is plugged in? The switch just won't sleep no matter what you do even after it's docked?
This happens normally, plugging the Switch into the dock automatically wakes it and vice reversa.

>bonding with your children despite slowly dying is cringe
You are new here, aren't you?

boys I can't stay awake playing on this thing, that's how god damn comfy it is. been trying to finish botw and disgaea 1 but I always end up snoozin

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Shoo shoo reddit nazi frog poster

I think he's implying that using your last waking hours on planet earth playing Mario kart is cringe. but, given that it's his daughter, yeah I agree with you.

Yeah those games make me wanna fall asleep too

This actually looks kind of fun (you don't really get arcadey wrestling games anymore) but I cannot find any information about the developer/publisher at all. It's like it came from the ether. I kinda wish the style wasn't so simple but I guess that's why it's not too expensive.

>black and red Switch
Etika! Where you been hidin’!?

Yes, for whatever reason, the Ethernet connection keeps it from properly going to bed. I don't know why it is, but it is. I did leave it on overnight during the E3 sale when I bought Atelier Collection + Lydie & Suelle, because, you know, 8 to 10 GB each.

Fire Pro meets Dot Game Heroes?

Anybody replaced the sticks in their joycons? I bought the kit off amazon since my friends fried both my right joycons sticks, how big of a project am I in for?

Fire Pro is more on the sim end of things (in a good way, since you have insane character creator options both visually and AI-wise). This looks more like older more arcadey wrestling games, I guess the closest would be that Kinnikuman AKI Engine game on Gamecube.

i have been getting good use out of my switch.

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I don't understand how careless and stupid you have to be to break a Nintendo console. I've owned every major one for the past 15 years console and handheld, played each one for hundreds of hours, and never broke anything. I still have the original chunky DS with just some minor scratches. Sometimes I wonder if you retards just bash the consoles off the floor for entertainment like cavemen.

Been playing mostly Smash but I've been checking out the indies I've bought as well finally. Got Wargroove and Crypt off the E3 sale. Both games are fucking fantastic. What did Yea Forums think of the former?

I also need to go ahead and start Hollow Knight finally since I'm a huge fag for Metroidvanias, but maybe I should beat The Mummy Demastered first.

Does Verlet Swing have motion controls?


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I had never done it before either, but my roomate in the span of a semester ruined two joycons that I had for 2 years without any issues, its almost impressive.

Add another reddit nazi frog poster to the filter
And I hope they never come out with another version just to spite faggots like you.

Is windjammers fun for local multiplayer?

it always was, it's just an enhanced port of a Neo Geo arcade game that is famous for it's local multiplayer.

imagine some kind of crazy battle pong set to tennis rules.

Or...Buy a better dock that is metal from Insignia and doesnt cover the screen and is much smaller.

>tfw bought a second gamecube controller as a kid just to rip the analog stick out of it, open up my controller and replace the c-stick with a second analog
literally get on my level fags

Started playing BotW again, did the main DLC 2 content and got the cycle, it's kinda underwhelming but I guess it's nice to not have to fuck around with horses anymore. The boss fight was pretty cool though.
Started doing the Master Trials today, just got the first Master Sword upgrade and will probably do more tomorrow.
I wish I could just sleep until Super Mario Maker 2 comes out though

I've been looking at that game because it's A E S T H E T I C as fuck, but Broken Reality triumphs it by being more of a game than it.

>3rd party dock
Don't those brick your Switch?

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Would be dope if they made the pokeball with some sort of material that expands in size so its like a legit pokeball

Puyo Puyo Tetris is legitimately one of the best games I've ever played. Holy fuck it's so addicting. I have BotW, MK8, Dark Souls, bunch of other shit, but day after day, the satisfying ploopidy doop of little jellies is orgasmic in a way I can never truly relate.

Yeah, but I'm not that keen on spending $40 on the dock I'll use, but the power brick and HDMI cable I won't. I originally bought a second Nintendo power brick, so I can move my dock from my computer monitor to my TV.

I feel bad for not knowing who Ed is supposed to be


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How's Kamiko?

it's two bucks for a decent (but short) zelda-like

I've enjoyed the time I've spent with it. It's just a few sets of levels that you can play with 3 different characters. Replayability comes from trying to complete it fast.

Isn't that more on the power cable seeing as it uses some autism form of USB C?

I beat BOTW with true ending. I like it, and it makes me wish I like the previous Zeldas more, I can't even get into ALTTP.

I've only played the butchered PC version of FFVII, is it worth investing in the Switch version again as I have no plans to play the remake. I have Mario Maker 2 coming soon, and Dragon Quest Builders 2 which will be GOAT 2 weeks after. Too many games to play.

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What's your favorite joycon color?

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imagine coping because a jap tab is currently winning

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Imagine being a poor faggot and not an idortCHAD.

What about this as an alternative?
smile.amazon.com/Nintendo-Switch-Portable-Charging-Replacement-Connector/dp/B07P5M2595/ref=sr_1_20?keywords=switch dock&qid=1561425345&s=gateway&sr=8-20

mario red, they are sick and look so much better than neon red

You have to find the stages meant to farm exp. it took me about 170 hrs to 100% Disgaea 1 complete. You just have to look for the right Cave of Ordeal or Land of Carnage stage.

>Hollow Knight has a charm that turns your weapon into a crissaegrim
>It's also OP as fuck as long as you dont get hit
I love this game

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You could just gut your dock and put it in a smaller case like this

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>games corrupted
lmao thnx sandisk

I only have my standard grey to go off of. And getting any more than those seems like not the best spend.

How good is Bloodstained on Switch?

I just finished Hollow Knight and now I have nothing to play until the Smash character update or all the September releases.

When is switch mini coming out?

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The one that isn't designed to permanently fail after X hours.

Its cringey because hes just sitting around dying instead of hoarding up an inheritance for after he dies.

Unless youre doing a ton of couch co op its really not. I have picked up the mario and neon red and I definitely feel like Ive wasted money, but I have gotten plenty of use out of them so I dont feel too bad.

There's got to be something that you'd want to play.

announced near the end of this year, coming out middle of next year. Screencap this.


There is, but nothing that's currently out. I want to pick up SamSho, both Zeldas, Dragon Quest 11, and Animal Crossing.

Owning a switch has made me regret ever owning a Wii U because I've played half the selection.

MUA3 is out next month and that looks pretty fun, although maybe not for $60, and Astral Chain is out at the end of August, although that's basically in the window you're waiting for (Daemon X Machina also).

What other kinds of indies do you like? Maybe I could suggest something.

I could still make a recommend on picking up Monster Boy as a fun romp.

Picked up Mana Collection. Doing a perfect SoM save. This game was such an import part of my childhood. The music, the sprites, the era. Brings a tear to my eye

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Is OP a time traveler?

I'll post my physical collection some day. I got to move it to an open area since I have them all sitting sideways to make room.

You're competing in a game where people who are born superior to you have far better results. It's a rigged game. What fucking retard would continue to play a rigged game?

The average poster has to delude themselves to cope with this reality. I GET IT. There's no other reason for such denial. This poster then projects that denial onto other people, relying on ridiculous strawmen to argue with.

Your wife will see men more attractive and successful than you every day on television. Who do you think she fantasizes about?
There are men out there who could fuck your girlfriend if they only had contact woth her because they are so naturally superior to you.
There are guys who have women approach them and pursue relationships and sex instead being a little fucking rodent that has to plan out how to meet girls, what to say to them, what to wear to impress them... pathetic.
These guys don't have to worry about their little gym activities or their career or their personality. They have grown up natrually socialized forming a desirable and outgoing personality, with opinions that are generic and attractive, they're taller, with a larger frame than yours, with a bigger dick, who smell better, who may have been born into money and they are far more physically attractive than you.

You're just a worthless cockroach picking up the scraps, the undesirable women who will settle for you despite being drawn so strongly to these superior men.

And your response to this will only be a coping mechanism. You convince yourself that none of this matters because if you keep working hard then you can get a girl who finds you to be her ideal and her to be your ideal... right?

i'm loving my neon yellow, and i have a new grey left joycon so i swap that one in to mix it up

Happy 4 you user

When the fuck is Bloodstained going to unlock? We already waited an extra week.

I've only got 4 physical games: Smash, Splatoon 2, NMH: TSA, and Pokken DX. lol My collection is lacking but that's what happens when you're a poorfag. I definitely want to expand on it gradually though.

Nice job on owning Lumines Remastered. I had no idea they put out a physical version but fuck me if I don't love that game. I should go back to it, very fun and underrated title imo.

My cousin is getting Marvel, I didn't want to invest into it but I might get a good sampling. Astral and Daemon aren't my kind of theme.

For Indies I've finished Hollow Knight, most of Dead Cells, and Overcooked 1 & 2.

Shit I remembered I want Doraemon and I like the look of that Namco fishing game. May have to see when they release.

If it's like regular eShop updates, I imagine it's somewhere in the 9 - 10AM PDT timeframe.

I've tried 6 numerous times and ive come to the realization that I just don't like that game. The furthest I've gotten is right before the change to world of Chaos and I have to force myself to play. Maybe one day I'll play it.

For the record I've beaten FF 1,4,7,10, and 15. So I have quite a spread and honestly I loved them all. I just think 6 doesn't click with me

I'm finishing up the game now and I'm getting insane drops in the Mana Fortress. Power Suit, 2 Fairy Cloaks, 2 Fairy Crowns, 3 Fairy Rings, and the hidden orbs for the axe, spear and javelin. I don't think I've ever been this lucky in any run of this game in the 26 years I've been playing it. I even got a couple of glitched double orb drops out of chests earlier on which put me ahead to get the level 9 gloves.

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I'm not a Metroidvania or Roguelite person, but if you like action platformers then I'm with you. There's Mega Man games like Legacy Collection 2 (LC1 is 6 games that are piss-easy to emulate, at least 2 has 9 & 10 with all DLC included) and 11, Wonder Boy, Katana Zero, Curse of the Moon, Gunman Clive HD Collection, My Friend Pedro, The Messenger (haven't played but I know it has a Metroidvania section in it), Mechstermination Force, or maybe some of the Arcade ports like the Metal Slug games.

Then there's pic-related which has some 2D action in it but is also a puzzle game. It's like anime Iron Chef where you kill monsters and then cook up the ingredients to satisfy judges on a time limit. Not quite like Overcooked but sort of a mixture of its theme and the 2D action stuff (the puzzling isn't too hard, just make sure you keep a cutting board around).

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Shill me on Mana pls

I'm waiting to see if the Bloodstained port is good, its available tomorrow to download. I just completed Hollow Knight as well, so this is perfect timing. Stardew Valley in bed had been excellent too.
Don't feel bad, I didn't beat TotF until I was 60 hours in.
Wish I could find a guide that works with the current software version

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Visuals, insane theme song, and superpowers aside, it also boasts a story, cast, and setting that wind up creating one of the few high schools in videogames that you'll actually want to save.

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Should I pull the trigger bros?

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>my friend pedro
>FM18- have a 2030odd save
Wondering if I should get
>hollow knight
>muse dash
Waiting for
>fire emblem

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>tfw waiting on Trials remake
I played some of Secret emulated years ago and it was solid but not exactly what I would've wanted. Trials remake seems to have some extra action mechanics and is fixing bugs with the stats I hear SD3 had that the Collection didn't fix. I really like the replay value you get from doing different parties and different classes per character and I'd honestly rather go through the story blind in the remake.

I've been considering emulating Secret again but I fear I still won't like it because I lean further towards Action games than RPGs and it was very rudimentary for an ARPG (whereas FFA/SD1 was basically a Zelda 1-like with stats).

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With any kind of luck at all... September.
If the switch mini gets released this year, I genuinely don't know if I'll pick that up or get a 2DSXL instead this Christmas.

Unironically based. People like you make this site nice to be on. I don't need anything, but good on you.

How far you into Pedro? I want to get any sort of real discussion on that game going. I've beaten it and gone back to a few stages and while I still love the gameplay and the level design, I have to say that the replay value isn't quite as high as I would've expected due to the inability to bring your full endgame gun arsenal to old stages.

It's Zelda meets Final Fantasy with a likeable group of party members and an enjoyable, fairly light hearted story. It's just a comfy, lovable game that people get really nostalgic about for good reason.

Unfortunately the game is unfinished because it was meant to be the breakout title for the SNES CD add on, and when that got scrapped they had to cut a bit of content which is pretty noticeable in the back half of the game, and some of the more interesting bits of back story never really got fleshed out, like how the world before the game takes place was actually like the modern day, before the Mana Fortress and Mana Beast basically sent the world back to the dark ages.

Despite that though, the game is solid enough and loveable enough that it overcomes those hurdles. It's in my top 10 of all time, for sure.

I want to too, but I just think playing it on the PC will make it a more enjoyable experience overall.

Hollow Knight should definitely be highly considered. There's been tons of extra content developed and released since it was at the start.

Feel the same way beaten it loved it but is short. Would love to have new game plus style of a full arsenal from the start. The sniper is one of the best weapons and you don't get it till the last stages. Playing through higher difficulties and trying to beat my personal bests. Hoping for future DLC since the games been successful.

supreme bait frien
got all those redditors/tranny tourists

Thanks user!

Can you sell us a bit on hollow Knight? Honestly don't know much about it aside from the trailer on the eshop. I saw that it's getting free dlc which is pretty awesome considering the games pretty cheap.

Stepped on a joycon, stick is now broken...

>Hoping for future DLC since the games been successful.
Same here, but the whole game barring the music and testing/localization was done by the one guy, so who knows if/when that would be out. In a perfect world we'd get a NG+, a Level Editor, and maybe some standalone Challenges. The Level Editor in particular would be great since while I do like The Internet's levels for the most part, I feel like there was a bit too much platforming compared to running & gunning like in the first two worlds considering you have so many guns. It's as if he knew that a smart player would be able to just decimate any enemy group that wasn't unfair so he threw the laser trap puzzles together. I wish I got to do more ziplines through windows.

Am I too late? Hope not.

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Anyone else order these?

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Did they add motion control. And a wireless option?

I think that at this point it's had all the DLC it's going to have, and they've moved on to working on the sequel. It's a hand-drawn Metroidvania, where you have one basic weapon to upgrade, but also a method of granting yourself passive buffs -- no leveling, just Zelda-style health & magic pieces. Various shops though where you can spend lots of money, though. It's mostly set in an underground setting, but there's plenty of varied environs to explore.

A level editor would be incredible. I felt the first half was far more enjoyable. Started going down hill at the Pedro's world stages. Still liked the sewers and Internet but became less about keeping a combo and more about physic puzzles and platforming. Loved the Internet boss fight though the final boss was a bit easy.

Oh, also, another reason that people get really nostalgic for Secret of Mana is because in addition to being a rather fun RPG, it is also 3 player co-op (even though NO ONE had an SNES multi tap back in the day). Playing a 30-40 hour RPG with your bros back in the day was really something special, and the collection still offers co-op.

I have an even better idea. Let's not, and say we did.

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$40 is a bit steep for a ROM collection.

Those almost seem like overkill.

Is hacking your switch hard

Thanks. Yeah I guess that dlc would've been released by now considering the trailer is old. How many hours can you get out of it?

Name of the thing?

Heard emunand was out for atmosphere, how is it?

Personally it looks like I've put in about 58.5 hrs on my main game, and that's not taking into account the time one might spend on the final DLC portion of the game.

I need to finish Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. I've been fucking around too much and now Lv. 40 before SMM2 launch so I forgot how far I'm in, I'm suppose to be doing orders from Aldous and fighting Griffin. Am I still early in the game, Yea Forumsros?

I think the Sewers still had the good level design, but I agree with the sentiment that the Internet should've had more raw combat rooms. Double agreed on Ophelia (I think that was her name) being a fantastic boss too, I love the "1v1 with the same powerset" kind of bosses and this one really fucking delivered. Got an S-Rank my first retry after beating the game on Hard going wild with the shotty, fun as fuck. The Butcher and Pedro were fine bosses if simple since they changed up the gameplay, the mech on the train I thought was a cool fight, and the hovership was kind of shit.

The Motorcycle Level/Butcher boss had the best song in the game though. A bit of a shame that the guy who made it only did that one track.

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Get some electronic contact cleaner. It's not even ten dollars a can, lasts forever and solves the drift problem

Damn that's pretty good. Paid much more for far less. That would get me over the wait for fire emblem. Think I'll pull the trigger thanks user.

Do they come with a thing to slide them into to play as if it were a separate controller?

Basically my list (like 70-80 percent)
Is starlink worth it? If i buy just the basic set.

Anyone else pick up Catan in here? I'm big dumb online if you run into me, drop a B)

lol nope only for handheld

I should also point out that that's a lot of me taking my time going around and around places, so don't take it entirely indicative of what you or others might experience.

Hovership was the worst boss but the free fall level after made up for it. Have a few S's and top 100 scores on the earlier levels just playing on hard now though done a couple of levels on bananas. The music is incredible considering it's just one guy but often just listen to my own playlists while playing.

The thing I loved about playing Catan back when I was in college was making house rules and going about things under the table.

I understand tend to take my time if I really enjoy a game as well. It's enough to know there's potentially 50+ hours.

Not really. Joycons are extremely uncomfortable. I hate trying to use the little buttons as a d-pad while contorting my thumbs. Given the modular nature of the Switch I thought Nintendo would eventually come up with something like this themselves but I guess we're going to have to rely on third parties.

The music was the only thing the developer didn't do. There's like 5 different composers who worked on it, and the first boss theme was the only track by the guy who did it. I need to grind out some more if I want to make the leaderboards but I think I'll go for it later on. I've got a couple older games I'm playing through right now (DMC1 & DK'94) so Pedro will probably be a filler game I pick up and play some levels on for 10-30 minutes.

Well they're also not going to be out for like, another 3 months at this point.

My bad. Yeah it'll probably become my got 10-15 minutes to kill game until/if dlc.

>bought ARMs
>support just ended and I missed out on all events
>Splatoon 2 support is ending and just started getting back into that

I should really get into stuff more at launch


And... now roll credits. Fuck I love this game. In the past 2 years, I've beaten Secret of Mana on mobile (the port, not the shitty "remake"), on the SNES Classic, and now in the Switch collection.

I've literally just been running around doing pretty much nothing in BotW since I bought my switch in March. Getting kinda over it. Not sure if I want to play Octopath next. Just recently found out about Vesperia though so maybe that.

This seems like an utter waste of money

>70 bucks controller
>Drifting up after no more than 6 months of non regular use
Fucking nintendo, will WD40 work or is it gonna make it worse?

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someone buy my switch!

I did, hori makes good shit and this looks like the perfect way to play handheld for me since I really just play handheld at home.

>tfw don't know whether to get ace attorney for switch or PC
on one hand PC is easier and i can pretty much guarantee it'll always be there but on the other hand muh comfy

See for a potential solution it seems.

My left joycon drifts and it sucks. Link keeps walking off cliffs in BOTW and causing me to die.

Another thing that I'm not sure I could see myself dipping in again on. I have the DS releases, as well as Trilogy for the 3DS. I would recommend going in on the Switch version for porto-comfy.

Depends how much you value playing in bed. Personally I think any game that is text heavy can only be played on switch.

AA emulates just fine on phones fyi.

I've already played Nier Automata on my PS4 but I'm traveling abroad with just my Switch now. What are the chances it'll get a port? Zero?


No port, but they'll still end up putting 2B in Smash regardless.

>he doesn't know
They found his body bnonews.com/index.php/2019/06/body-found-in-east-river-amid-search-for-etika/

I know about the contact cleaner but it seems no hardware store nearby sells it for some reason and i only have wd40 at hand right now i wanted to know if someone had experience with it since the internet seems divided between it works fine and it will melt your joycons


>tfw own 50+ games with 10+ more coming in the mail
>tfw have only beaten about 4 games, 3 of which are digital
When does this backlog hell end?
When did I lose control of my life.

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My own personal thought on the matter would be not not use WD-40 on anything electronic.

>with 10+ more coming in the mail
Limited Run fag?


If anything I'm really happy the Switch brought back decent demos for games where you can really gauge if you want to buy a game or not.

I never had this issue solely because I learned to only buy one game, then finish it completely, then get the other and so on. That way I actually 100% the game and then replay it until my next game is delivered or bought. Being a poorfag during childhood gets you this trait

never buy in bulk. There's a thing called "Hoarder's dilemma" where you have tons of shit you have but have thoughts of never being able to have the time for them, leading to a cycle. This happens with piracy too when you have all the games in the world but have little time for them

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This retard here doesn't know how to use markers.

If only:

8 Play-Asia pre-orders
3 Limited Run pre-orders
2 SRG pre-orders
2 Strictly Limited Games pre-orders
Psyvariar Delta pre-order
Skullgirls LE pre-order
Hazelnut Bastille pre-order
R-TYPE Final 2 pre-order
Bushiden pre-order

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At least R-Type is going to be like, some time away, right?

Is that some sort of peasant joke I'm too rich to understand?

man can they put a DQ collection on the Switch

I'd rather get a Fatal Frame Collection.

Speaking of, I should buy the CV and Contra Collections at some point.

I would've bought it, but
>720p dynamic resolution + 30FPS
earned a big yikes from me.

Been playing CTR, only done the trophies and tokens in the first hub of adventure. It’s a welcome challenge coming from mario kart. It’s taking some to get used to it and learn it but if I can master MK I can master CTR.

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What's your take on the Labo cover art then?

Also small/limited/first edition print games are going to be the death of me.

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cringey incel meme

Whats the point in owning this many games? I don't own this many for any single console I can imagine what it looks like with any other consoles you may own. I only have 4 Switch games and 7 more I plan to buy. Guess I am more the type who knows what he likes and knows when to take a risk with a game.

Are Vesperia and Azure Striker on switch good?

Can't anyone response?

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Come back after you alphabetize.

Not him, but I like collecting physical media. Same concept as owning lots of records or movies.

Is Travis strikes again good? I want to get NMH3 but 2 was kinda a let down and TSA looks shit even if the story has compelling aspects the gameplay just doesnt look fun. May just watch a lets play of it.

The point is that I can and I like them. Cry more.

Playing CTR and the load times are shit on Switch.

>no fap autists

I can understand collecting physical media, guess I am just not the kind of person who would since I would like to be able to beat all of them.
I'm not crying though?

Over the past two years I've bought like 7 switch games, and I still haven't gotten around to playing 3 of them.

What the hell do you even do with that many games?

Windows of opportunity and expanding your tastes user. Also, avoid digital at all costs since you will never truly own those games.

Yes, even Nintendo has the power to shut down your account or take away individual games that are on your Nintendo ID if they choose to do it.

Vesperia is great, never pulled the trigger on Azure Striker since it never went on sale for me and felt the cost was to high. If the price starts to increase in the second hand market, I might just get it

I'll mix them up further the next time I post them, just for you.

Travis Strikes Again is a top down hack and slash, if you loves those, you'll love TSA, Also TSA was directed by Suda . NMH2 wasn't, so maybe that's why you didn't like it.

Any new yorkers who play their switch on the subway?

buy me a game fgt

>collect physical switch games
>sort and store them like this

You wouldn't mind loaning me Liar Princess in the meantime, would you?

Suggest me some obscure indies for my switch. Right now I have vall-a hall-a.

Could one man BE more based? Just reading this whole exchange on the side made me feel happy tonight. God bless you both.

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Why are these threads always so fucking terrible

EVERY single library consists of Youtube, Zelda, Mario, Hollow Knight and Octopath Traveler. Game recommendations are either one of these games or some weebshit

Gaming is fucking dead

As discussed a bit already, Kamiko. And I'll also throw in My Big Sister.

Pretty much all rythm games but taiko and galmetal to some extent are indies

I wish Nintendo would bring back what they did with the Wii, where you could actually purchase games for your Friends from the Wii Shop.

There's got to be some place that's not price gouging it user.

Why is Luigi’s Mansion 3 so soulful anons, I’m super excited for this game

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Only Switch games I own are Katamari, Smash, Xenoblade 2 + Torna, and Bayo 1 + 2 all physical. So I suppose I am an outlier. Played a bit of Mario and Zelda on a friend's switch before I got one and both were meh games. Octopath is actual shit.

I only played the first one when it came out, is the second one worth tracking down? And maybe a replay of the first one too?

Switch physical generally cheaper than digital

Thanks Ryan Gosling
I remember that, bought Mario RPG for my buddy once as a birthday gift, good times

>I still can't beat the octo expansion secret boss
Managed to get to the final phase 3 times, it's phase 2 or 3 that usually get me.

I have basically an untouched copy of Bayo 1+2 for Wii U...do I suck it up and re-get it?

i just want the motion control for muh splatoon >:(

It was something that, for as far, far behind the times the Wii was with its online infrastructure in general, that Nintendo was actually advanced over Sony & MS. I don't know if either have since added that kind of functionality in the current generation, but I can only really think of Steam as the true major purveyor of game gifting these days.

The second game basically focuses more on puzzles and gameplay elements, it’s still pretty good

First game is still fantastic to play

They had a lot of decent features that were just dropped for the Switch, which has not updated its hideous store at all in the two+ years it's been out.

I'd say for $20 that Dark Moon is worth picking up.

Though it now kind of bugs me that LM3 is the only one now that's actually numerical.

I think what bothered me the most with the Wii U's shop was they only offered VC "upgrade" charges for Nintendo titles, dropping support for SEGA & TG-16 entirely.

>EVERY single library consists of Youtube, Zelda, Mario, Hollow Knight and Octopath Traveler.
that's what happens when your console has no games and if there are any it's just shovelware that goes immediately on sale

my days

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so much for the only interesting console in the market

I'm sorry that you're in neck rehab, user.



I hadn't even realized they'd neglected the other systems/publishers on VC. What a shitshow.

Not him but my collection comes from a combination of buying during what few sales there are, short print games, and exclusive imports. In most cases, it's more of a matter that I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't.

Nonetheless, like with most shit Nintendo, the value of the games tend to remain in place for years, and in some cases, appreciate in the case of Limited Run shit. Also, it's more than feasible on any budget when it's 1-3 games a month that you're getting on discounts and you don't indulge in anything else. So it's minimum money spent, and in the event I want to cash out, can do so with minimum to no losses.

I could never say the same had I chose to collect for PS4 or XBone.

I bought it and I'm playing it for the first time totally blind. SNES was my first console but I was 3 when it came out. It's pretty comfy but I can't play much because I'm seriously ill. I hope I can get into it so I can play it at the hospital. I really needed a comfy game.

Godspeed to you, user.

Should I get one this weekend or just Wait for the pro version?

Got Timespinner while waiting for Bloodstained, it's a metroidvania but god damn it's pretentious as fuck that it's even ticking me off. It's like Tumblr made a metroidvania.

Rabbids Go Home on the Wii

Pro version is not likely but a slim or mini version is much more likely based on news so if thats your thing

get laid incel

Is the Switch pro controller as good as the Wii U's? Does the D-Pad feel as good as the NES'? I never remembered charging my Wii U pro controller, the battery was damn near infinite.

Just get one.

Picked up that one too, but I was hesitant to put a recommendation on it since I'm still somewhat at the start of things.

>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Kirby Star Allies

C'mon dude, you and I both know those games suck ass.

What are some good platformers bros? I already played:
>NSMBU + Luigi DLC
>Kawase Fresh
>Crash Trilogy

I'm thinking of trying out that yoshi game and a hat in time.

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What would be the actual use of a Switch Mini?

>less battery life
>can't play multiplayer with a friend anywhere or at anytime
>if joystick starts to drift you're shit outta luck
>still not small enough to carry in pocket, still need bag

Would make more sense to make a Switch Pro, one with JoyCon and dock, and one without either as a cheap way for current Switch owners to upgrade.