Post your craziest vidya ideas

Post your craziest vidya ideas.

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open world sandbox where you play a pre-contact Australian aboriginal, of course

d'ohhhhh, it writes itself, it should have been a game 10 years ago

If I had a lot of money I'd try to make a video game that's fun.

Open-world cyberpunk RPG.

game is actually fun

a game that ends up on a unrecognizable state

Another PMD game

What if subzero wore turtleneck sweater

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Henry Kissinger simulator.

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Fable but it actually works the way Peter Molyneux said it would.

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A finished good game with no micro transactions and the developers don't even have social media.

A single-player story-driven battle royale akin to the Battle Royale manga with all the fucked up shit that happens, not toned down or censored at all.

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open-world medieval Poland simulator where your only interactions with the world are constantly interrupted spellcasting animations and similarly choppy rolls but there's cutscenes with people saying 'bloody roody fookin ell' that make up for it all, oh, and it's glossy lookin, and it's got two hours' worth of cinematic GoT dialogues

euro bee simulator
NEW FEATURE: colony collapse disorder

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"Don't Mention the Tiananmen Square Massacre"

VN/point-and-click-type game where you play as western tourist in China. The goal is to get through the trip without mentioning the Tiananmen Square Massacre and being caught by the police. This is harder said than done because the Tiananmen Square Massacre is always a dialogue option and the position and order of dialogue options is randomized and will flicker and swap out at random
There are also other traps that could screw you over. Going through your wardrobe in the morning? Better not pick the "I

A literal mass shooting simulator.
>progression system where you start with pistols and gradually unlock rifles and body armor with higher scores
>school levels, offices, public events and religious gatherings
>optional reenactments of famous shootings with unique dialogue and content
>coop mode where you can columbine-it-up with a pal
>special challenges for more points (only kill certain races, only use a vehicle or pistols, hold out against police for x amount of time)
>fun-but-half baked sandbox modes like playing as a civvie or responding officer
>postlevel scores and ranks (think old hitman)
>funny meme-laced achievements for stuff like dying without any kills or killing only women

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Final Fantasy, but with giant monsters as the characters and it's in older gen graphics and it has dark and light moments in it, you get to even play multiplayer or single player in the campaign.

man i want to fuck midna

A game with Dracula in it.
Can you imagine?

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I wanted to make a game like Asura's wrath but with decent gameplay.
With plenty of Berserk rage moments as you kick the ass of gods and lay waste to armies, you know the drill

an arthurian low fantasy cRPG that draws 100% on medieval EVROPEAN themes (knightly epics, sagas and Grimm brothers tales) where you get to go on a quest for your beloved with only your proven squire for company, vanquishing brigands, duelling for honour, merrymaking with mendicant friars in taverns and saving lost children from hags and bogeymen. NO Japshit, fantashit, polynesiashit, amerishit and pop culture references allowed, just straight up Kingdom Come wedded to Baldur's Gate 1.

>Epic games store exclusive.

Imagine a Bollywood style street brawler where at certain moments it turns into a musical where you control every character on screen at the same time.

A fighting game built around an invert mechanic where all characters can shift between walking on the ceiling and the floor, resulting in a greater emphasis on traps and projectile attacks of various speeds with unique trajectories to inhibit your opponent's movements.

No thanks, don't want my ideas being stolen. Also this isn't the first time you've made this thread so if you are stealing people's ideas you better not make a shit game.

this. i've got so many vidya ideas that i'll probably never make but i keep them to myself until i actually have something playable so that nobody can take everything for themselves

Morityu is the first two points, but we definitely need a 3d version of that.
I like a lot of the concepts but Face sword doesn't really click for me personally mainly cause I can't imagine how that would make physical sense. I'd rather that the sword can morph into different forms without using masks. Maybe difference sheaths instead? That's kinda like a mask

Minecraft MMO
all the players on one map, you spawn on the edge of the map and loot gets better the closer you get to the center. At 0,0 is literal god tier shit

Open World, spin-off modern Elder Scrolls game set in 2000s period in Imperial city, with urban, underground aesthetics/style, influenced by VTMB.

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A combination of the Sims and Diablo, or any top-down action rpg. Have a lineage of heroes and shit. I guess also have other stuff you can do. And generational quest lines would be cool. Fuck the princess/prince and become of royal blood. Or fuck a demon and become a donut steel OC. Or fuck the cute village girl and just have normal descendants.

This but the Emu War where you play as Emus

I have always wanted something like this. No idea why it hasn't been tried yet other than the industry being full of pussy AAA publishers / devs

time glock
you have a glock and travel back through time
shoot whoever you want to change history
the game ends when you decide to give someone in the past the glock to radically alter history
maybe you gave it to leonardo da vinci and he made dopeass firearms way earlier than they were meant to be made, or you gave a dinosaur the glock and it shot down the meteor, saving all dinosaurs and making the future dinoriffic

Mount and Blade MMO where there are very little npcs and every unit is just a player. You can be a farmer, merchant, or a soldier, whatever you want. There are no lords or kings in the beginning and everyone just starts on their own. Players must form groups and subjugate others to form their own townships and eventually kingdoms. Multiple servers so each will have its own politics.

It's an Action RPG with rhythm-based combat where enemy aggression and general moveset is controlled by the swelling of the music


Fable but it takes place on a map roughly the same size as GTA with a similar gang territory system except its in the countryside/villages instead of the cities, 4 dungeons that have the enemies set to a 10-15 min respawn timer and are behind unabashed loading screens for maximum mazelike design, the games equivalents to San fierro, Las Venturas, and Los Santos are half the size of those cities but now ever building can be entered, radiant quests but what type of quests you're offered differs depending on who you accept it from(carpenter/mason's (thieves) guild is extortion, stealing, catching unsanctioned thieves; city guard is rooting out bandits, protecting caravans, conducting minor skirmishing/raids; church is paying for/rescuing hostages, excorcism; Bandits is opposite of city/town guard etc.). With the exception of small villages and their immediate farms the countryside has various mythic/fantasy creatures with which to kill.

Game is fun.

Mid 2000s Platformer about 2 magical delinquents from totally not NY Chinatown
Girl has Snake(or mythical serpents in general) abilities and Boy has Dragon abilities

>takes place on a map roughly the same size as GTA:SA

fucked that part up.

A game that lets you find a job, become successful, have a sustainable income, and become content with your life;.

CRPG with the following plot:

>At the heat death of the universe the final evolution of humanity imitates angels to recreate the old testament using non-modified humans. A L-class angel tries to prevent the artificial second coming and allow the universe to breath its final breath, he is opposed by The Father and the Infinite Choir. You play a U-class angel whose Old Testament simulation gets put off course during genesis and so become a loaner angel to other simulations that need extra hands.

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Bloodborne, but then you're the monster and in the end you find out that you slaughtered innocent people.

Thanks for the feedback.
It could work with an elongated guard, of course the face itself would just be a nub the mask would magically snap to. OR. Maybe the "face" could be some detached ethereal ghost and you attach the masks to that. I'd still like to make the facesword idea work aesthetically before I resort to that though.

Sounds fun, like one of those colorful low poly games that last a couple of hours and aren't expensive.

It's called Dragon Age

porn mmo with group pvp and raid bosses

you play as a volcano where you have to attract tribes to worship you via growing gems and fertile land.

You compete against other valcanos to have the biggest eruption wiping out your tribes and the other volcanos tribes.

a racist anti-JPRG that makes fun of all the JRPG tropes like stupid hair, stupid anime artstyles, stupid pixie girls, stupid grinding, stupid turn-based combat, stupid 'epic' special moves, stupid convoluted plots, stupid incongruent genre-matching, stupid power-of-friendship character interplay, stupid and boring enemy design and just generally portray the objective inferiority of JRPGs when the last boss you meet is an evil western knight that's designed realistically (with no reimaginings of vision-obscuring 16th century parade helmets, naturally) and completely crushes you and your party whereupon you take control of him and break the fourth wall to massacre a 55 year-old Jap game director with a stupid hairdo trying to pass himself off as a college student and free his long-suffering stable of salarymen from their wage slavery.

I'd play it.

>Turn on pvp
>Get mogged by lolis that dumped all into DEX
>Or Chubby Amazons that dumped all into END


A BOTW-esque Pokémon game developed by Atlus that includes traditional turn-based combat and social links for both trainers and Pokémon with an actual decent story

I'm unironically stealing this and adding it to my list of game jam concepts, thanks for the idea.

Procedurally generated dungeon-crawling rougelike top-down game where you start by choosing an ancestor to a group of modern-day animals (for instance, choosing a primitive and common ancestor to modern-day crocodilians). Upgrades/skill tree consist of evolving towards specific ecological niches (like for instance, regardless of what crocodilian ancestor you picked, you could eventually create a fully aquatic or fully terrestrial build, or anything in between). The evolutionary advantages would only get finer as you go along (for instance, regardless of the environment where your, in this case, crocodilian thrived, whether it be land, air, or sea, or even sub-sections of those, you could specialize even further, evolving perhaps a broad, Alligator-like snout for more area, or maybe you could go the complete opposite and evolve an extremely long but slender snout like the Gharial, granting you vast but linear range)

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Dragon mmo, the goal is get big and have a great hoard. You can rampage against kingdoms and other dragons, transform into a humanoid and just steal it, gather followers who gift you shit, and more on your quest to become the great dragon.

There's a system where you can create playable hero units. You have to give them a bit of your dragon power to do so. One way to do so is have a half dragon child

A video game directed by Yea Forums
And specifically written by /x/ and Yea Forums

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still too soon, fuck that guy

Moonman simulator. You play as Moonman in a one to one recreation of Earth and your objective is to kill all brown people. You start out with an AK-47 but can use anything you find to beat, slice, blow up, or otherwise eliminate niggies, fags, and jewish sympathizers. Perspective can be switched from first person, third person over the shoulder, and top down at any time. Killing whites does a small amount of damage to you while killing blacks recovers some health.

assasin victim game

I would play

Yesterday i had this strange idea for a game, i thought it was cool

>PlatinumGames type of combat
>Super Mario Strikers levels of violence and also use the same kinda "edgy" artstyle
>Mario cant rescue peach because of reasons (He is captured or something idk, the point is that you play as peach)
>Peach needs to fight enemies so she would wear something like pic related or a motorcycle dress idk, something that isnt pink

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