Tonight's the night.
rumor of update soon and summer updates happen before steam sales
Tonight's the night.
rumor of update soon and summer updates happen before steam sales
Other urls found in this thread:
TF2 is dead, all the players that are left are retards
Bump to get people's hopes up
im already happy TF2 could outlive that tranny sjw bullshit game that is overwatch
Fuck off Tyler, go use your Gordon Freeman dildo.
Yeah, those 10,000 people still playing are totally fucking retarded! Dead game am i right hahaa!
I've heard the update will be a 4-day update involving the theme of the Russian Space Race.
10k is not much
It’s actually about 50k
My friend is actually a dev at Valve. He's an artist. He almost never says anything, but about a week ago he accidentally said he was finishing up some props for a few maps. I can only guess he meant TF2.
Are we, dare I say, back?
>Valve making anything ever again when community-cucks can just do all the work
Major doubt, but cool.
Call me a fag but that new server browser in the work sounds like the best thing so far. TF2 is at it's peak when you find that perfect community server.
My dad is mr steam and he said your friend is fired
>instant queue search time
>"bro its dead this time believe me"
>litterally just closed after having a full game
Did your friend work on Mercenary Park? If so please punch him in the jaw.
Excellent map. Last point could have been more open but most gorgeous map and very cool first and second points.
>friend working on props and only props
>Implying hes not submitting the map to valve if anything, and they don't have a shit more to do with it
big doubt
It's more than 0. I don't even play TF2 but this "dead game" meme is retarded as fuck
I didn't say it had no players, I said it all the players left are retarded
Can never have a good game it's always shit players playing. That's why it's dead
The update's imminent.
Those sentry crates on last were hell. Most teams are too dumb to push through the top and hold there instead of poking near the garage door
Mid point is also too biased towards explosive classes
Honestly the only problem is that the flank routes aren't all that obvious, and the teams contest over a single choke.
Most maps should have open areas for teams to contest, and chokes be for falling back and denying people from chasing.
the upper area on last should have a lot more focus desu. red and blue should be fighting over that area preadominately, and the lower area should be almost inaccessible for either team to cross.
>its dead trust me
>okay its not dead but the players are stupid
>meanwhile the last few games I had nothing but communication and mic use
sure buddy
list of things that this game need:
1)weapons, even if they are unbalanced is better than nothing, they can balance it later
2)bring back old pubs
3)remove all shitty gmod servers
4)make vsSaxtonHale official
5)ELO system-like, dont want to play against 10k gods but neither 1 week gibus
>4)make vsSaxtonHale official
t. Brony pyro main
t. CnD spy that got bodied
My only problem is that yes tons of people are going through the lower choke. Some people aren't aware that there are stairs to get from that place to the upper place because that addition was not made obvious enough sadly.
Last point was horrible when the map released but honestly with a good uber push and a supported offense it's rather okay to capture.
2 and 5 are good, rest are retarded
its just generally poorly designed.
There is so much to fix for last that it needs a complete overhaul.
Its funny how gorge has almost the exact same concept, but does it way better with less flanks and less options.
>play game on European servers
>the only language anybody speaks is Russian
If a team spams more than 2 sentries, and heaven forbid a wrangler it is nigh impossible to push through.
The amount it seperates the teams on blue makes it hard for the to focus any direction on the map. its really dependent if the team actually clumps together. The moment blue push top fully red auto loses.
Does any other game have a man as autistic and dedicated as b4nny?
have you seen the amount of jailbreak and deathrun servers this game has? It looks like fukcing Gmod, without that fucking servers the browser will be less bloated and full of shit and actually work as intended
Pyros are the niggers of TF2. Prove me wrong.
I can't.
Holy shit, is the > tonight is the night
thing still happening?
I remember it back from when we were waiting for the engineer update. That was some of the most exciting times online for me.
league of virgins
>half the playerbase leaves after a single month (december->january)
Just post the porn faggot
Are you fucking serious.
M2K in his prime for Melee.
slightly thic fem pyro > bubble thicc
Calm down with the slider christ almighty.
You have yee'd your last haw
>avg players stays consistent
>we're releasing episodic updates for tf2
>more quickly and frequently because the wait for updates takes too long
>time between now and jungle inferno was longer than the time between jungle inferno and the prior update
holy fucking shit.
>heavy themed tonight's the night images
What's wrong with Merc Park?
bruh i have came back to this game after like 2 years and i didnt miss absolutely anything. Like cummon valve this game deserves some love
Because its done. Valve is working on adding like 200 skins and hats atm.
He's probably the same fag who complains about it all the time in TF2 threads because it's not specifically designed for rocketjumping soldiers.
ok retard
pandering to the tiny competive scene of TF2 was a mistake
what? lmao noone said they stopped, they just moved to some more important trash, and after they will finnish it, they will come back to tf team
i bet valve has shitton of work to do with the new vr thingy, and the dota chess whatever so i quite understand, why this games updates suck
How butthurt would Soldier mains like Soundsmith be if the magical impending update nerfed rocket jumping, even slightly? Like, less height or more damage taken? Also buff spy.
Even if it actually was that low, 10k is a very respectable number for any game, let alone one that will be 12 years old soon.
Ah, I see.
As someone with 3000 hours on Soldier alone, anything that makes Soundsmith rage quit the game I would gladly accept.
Not half as butthurt as spy mains still are over the ambassador and dead ringer crutches getting nerfed
The tf2 team (all two of them) dont want to deal with the backlash.
amazing that the dead ringer nerf didn't fix it's problems
they should've reverted it to pre-mym, since it's still a pain to fucking track and deal with one retard who clicks mouse 2 once.
It did though. Before it was a braindead "I will marginally annoy you once every 5 fucking seconds" option. Now it's just either the spy has to play absurdly conservative or it's only really used to break through the line to sap teleporters from the entrance/spawn kill
>The tf2 team (all two of them) dont want to deal with tf2
actually, considering how much soldiers main are out there the butthurt will bigger and stronger, still I am glad they nerf the memebassador and the dead nigger
>"I will marginally annoy you once every 5 fucking seconds"
that was thanks to the retarded decision to add a speedboost, and immunity to afterburn when it was activated. both of these things made him harder to track, while also making it much easier for a spy to run to an ammo pack to get his cloak back.
dr+kunai is the most broken pub tf2 related thing right now and hopefully someone realizes this and nerfs it into the ground.
Would reverting this back to pre-Jungle Inferno kill the game for good?
Yes, and fixing it by removing the speedboost was an option, but removing ammo pickup recharging for it accomplished the same thing, while leaving it a niche, and not returning us to the hell of spies with more effective health than an overhealed heavy who just sit on the frontline trying to gun people down right to their face being fucking useless.
nope, just there will be even more pyros and for a good reason
This would only work if the sandman stunned again too
Is this the best utility spy knife?
The only game I still turn on my computer for is tf2.
I enjoy TF2 threads so I'm going to keep this thread puttering along.
>man i have not played TF2 for years lets give it a go
>join random CTF server
>mic spam
>furfag porn sprays all over the place
>ok leave join another server
>everyone as crits always
>another server
>another server
>le ebin custom level with shit every where
its dead and the community killed it. it wont grow it is just gonna keep shrinking over the years. as it becomes more and more absurd parody of what it was.
What should change about this weapon? I would like to use it more, but there's no realistic reason whatsoever to use it.
i'm fucking sick of dealing with interp 9000 mcgee running face first at me with 200 hp in hopes that he'll get a fucking facestab
Big Earner is.
>run away to stab some more or to safety
>porn sprays
dude make a better story lol everyone knows there is no such thing as a spray nowaday
Honestly at this point I'm against trying to improve stuff that is currently left unused. It took fucking years to properly get rid of Dr. Enforcicle, if they accidentally create something like that again whether it's on spy, soldier, whoever, it may not ever get fixed. Better an item stays useless than becomes an active problem.
I dunno, I haven't enjoyed it since its original broken state and back then it was a fucking blast. Maybe revert to those old stats and make it nerd stabbing or something so you can just be a gun spy.
Should there be a new disguise kit? If so, what would the effects be? I'm of the group of people who believe there should be a Disguise Kit that allows you to shoot while disguised, but deal no damage. This is obviously overpowered, but I'm not entirely sure what negative effect could balance it out. Maybe only be able to disguise as your team, or only as the enemy team?
That's a good way of looking at it. Would you prefer to remove it entirely from the game?
Dummy shots that expend cloak? Reduced cloak restoration on ammo pickups?
Absolutely untrue
Seethe harder Overfag
Ill be honest, amby was and is less of a crutch, its just broken in concept.
Anyone thats too good at aiming can just instantly deal 102 damage with a hitscan at mid range. That's absurdly strong on any class.It has way too high a skill ceiling and way too high of a skill floor.
The most we've heard was the artist saying that everyone was working on different stuff at the moment and they had to find the time to get together.
So maybe reverse the stats, but make it to where backstabbing doesn't one shot? What if (in this thought experiment) with the new Enforcer reverts, a new knife came out, that had the ability to mark your target? Like the Sydney Sleeper or the FoW?
I would rather the dead ringer had a draw back that forced spies to retreat to his teammates.
Like revert all the nerfs, make spies litterally invincible while deadringered (unlightable, shootable etc).
but when he decloaks hes stuck at 1hp or marked for death or something. Something that makes him really reconsider coming back instantly.
Nah, it's useless currently, but why let that stop someone from goofing around with it if that's what they wanna do?
I want a lot more weapons that ignore overheal/instantly remove it. Feel like that would be an interesting niche for pyro.
Would also like if afterburn slowed down uber build rate considerably.
I could get behind that. It would be fun to watch good spies pair that with the Kunai.
I guess so. I mean, I literally only use it because I like the sound it makes.
I think the disguise kit is fine although I'd like if there were alternate skins at least.
A negative for that could be that you can't instantly get rid of a disguise. You'd have the same downtime as when you put on a disguise.
What changes, if any, should be applied to Sniper?
>inb4 remove him from the game
give him the option to pee on enemies haha
>stab someone
Tell me how many of those are aim / farm / trade bots, bro.
What you described has soul. Overwatch has no soul. You have to go back
Class limits so the 4 dipshits that want to be MLG but can't land a shot ever play something else.
minicrits at long range instead of headshots.
.6 second scope time before headshots.
either of these imo. I think the second one will really help lower his absurdly high ceiling that makes him instakill anyone he sees before they can even react. Also encourages more hardscoping, which would make him easier to counter.
Based & Fixedpilled
just remove the danger shields afterburn resist so you can aimpunch flare spam him again.
Longer scope charge is the only correct answer
Nerfing the damage is a horrible idea
Should he get a single shot cannon/blunderbuss?
no, I fucking love killing pyros at close range with that shield.
*longer scope in animation*
Give him a default shotgun.
eh the damage would have to be pretty insane, but then it would be absolutely broken.
I do think he needs more burst damage, but it should be based on the time the enemy is in his zone. He also needs something to deal with people peaking him.
no just change the time before headshot crits work. If you increase scope time it'll be impossible to counter snipe.
What about a big, slow melee weapon with good reach?
How do we fix the Natascha and the Dalokohs Bar, Yea Forums?
What if there was an item, perhaps a helmet, that a heavy could wear which could protect from headshots, but maybe drop his HP down to 1? Like what said?
Nice insight, didn't think of that
Minigun that shoots mini missiles with two alt fires.
One that auto locks with multiple missiles for each half second over the enemy, that lightly home in on the enemy.
Second that just shoots rapidly, with a slight splash so you can shoot people trying to corner shoot you.
make sniper rifles projectile based. the huntsman is the only balanced sniper primary.
The revolver kills every class but Heavy before the magazine is even empty, with hitscan. Every shot you land is a bodyshot from a sniper rifle only much faster. How is that better than the Ambassador?
Yea Forums, what do y'all think of this weapon idea? What if some class, perhaps engineer or soldier, had a mortar that could land burst damage, or maybe something like a gas that applies a natascha-like effect to a crowd of people? It could be balanced by only being able to be used outside with no ceilings (it has a high arc). That could be an interesting crowd management tool.
Natasha craters and some sort of mechanic that momentarilly locks an enemy in place if you hit them directly. No idea how you would balance that, but it would be like a generic root effect that the enemy can still shoot and such but can't move.
Maybe if the heavy shoots them for like 1.5 seconds they get rooted. Have it based on immediate damage (long shots don't root unless you shoot them for 3 seconds, short range instantly roots at .5 seconds), and have the root timer go backwards if you stop shooting them.
>if you hit someone 6 times consecutively they die
>even though heavies die to shotguns in like what 4 shots?
so demo pipes?
I'm a retard, I forgot about him. Demo would make the most sense.
battle royale mode with the tf2 classic mercenary
maybe an alternate PDA for engi that lets him build a mortar instead of a sentry
That's an interesting idea.
>tf2 classic mercenary
that nigga dead
would be neet to have a rocket focussed sentry. Like something that can counter people that abuse sight lines and peaking.
Revolver is strong, but it still loses out to basically every other weapon within their effective range, and unlike ambassador headshots you get damage falloff outside of their effective range. It isn't nearly on the same level.
How about being able to set up fortifications that the enemy has to break down by shooting at them but they require a whole lot of metal.
What about this, y'all?
this but lacking all irony
I do think Heavy needs a main DPH weapon but I have no idea how to balance it other than being "shotgun but bigger". I do know whatever it would be it should not enable "Heavy snipers".
>you shouldn't be rewarded for being at using a weapon in the video game
love this post modern garbage
>rumor of update soon
Make any gun viable that isn't stock
tonight's not the night boys, pack your stuff up and go back to fortnite
Workshop weapons that should be added.
Never. You're more likely to get some indie game rep or even something from Overwatch in. Japs don't care about TF2 or Valve games.
Give heavy a gun that leaches hp, and have it limited to how much it can heal heavy per second, and pool up when the player deals a certain amount of damage.
So like if the heavy deals 200 damage, it only heals him 50 hp per second. and would heal him 50 hps over 4 seconds. Have it also overheal him to 450 like a normal medigun.
Then make it so he can't be overhealed by any other sources than the gun.
Self-sustaining Heavy is never gonna happen. Sandvich is as good as it gets.
it needs to happen, heavy is just unplayable without a medic. Otherwise hes just a generic flank class.
Why is he the best spy main to ever play TF2?
It has not happened in 12 years it won't happen ever
heavy hasn't had a update focussed on him for like 10 years.
So heavy update when?
Mr P is so wholesome
I honestly felt the Dead Ringer was fine, it made Spy super predictable but then people kept abusing Ammo Pickup's. If they hard-capped how much Spy got back on ammo pick-ups it would solve some issues. But no. Let's make it garbage tier.
612, GIVE IT UP TO DAY 612
I unironically his How a Spy Thinks series. Maximum comfiness. Except when his loud fucking friends are on.
At this point they might as well, I guess. Make some wacky side story to these mercs, do the Fortnite thing of actually changing the map for major events. I'd play it but I guess I'd play anything related to TF2.
unironically like*
it hurts
Plan to fix the spy once and for all:
-Make it harder to backstab from the sides but easier to backstab from far away when you are directly behind someone
-Add ability to fire your weapon and walk through enemies while disguised.
That's it.
Okay where are the rumors that tonight the update is gonna be announced come from? Or are we really that desperate now?
That's not Swipez
increasing the the time it takes to ramp up damage would be plenty. Quick scoping should still be somewhat viable but not as strong as it is. doing 120 on a crit no-scope headshot instead of outright being able to kill a 125HP class would be more than enough.
The usual place. VNN.
Actual leaks with proof seem to be a thing of the past.
>612 days
>12/6 is 2
>Date since last major update is 10/20
>20/10 is 2
>Current date is 6/24
>24 divided by 6 and 2 is 2
update 2nite
i dommed that faggot everytime. he isnt that good of a spy. also hes a dead ringer bitch no wonder he's so easy to take out.
If they just made the Kunai act like how the medigun healed you where you regenerate said health you steal but enough damage can get through that fast regeneration instead of instantly giving him the health it might work.
Nerf it
ubercharge now mini crits but lasts for 2 hours
well, you never know, japs didn't give a shit about ridley and mac and now they are in smash, also, according to reggie's words over dlc approach, Heavy is a perfect choice
>FPS rep
>Valve rep
>Unique design compared with the rest of the cast
>Unique moveset potential
>Would bring awesome music
>Artstyle already fits smash
>Face from one of the best fps/pc games in history
>Userbase still strong after 12 years, never been out from the top 10 most played steam games
>He's a lovable motherfucker
>he still has hope that valve will do ANYTHING to tf2 besides making it shittier
i dont trust them not to fuck up tf2 even further since meet your match royally screwed everything up forever and ever
>612 days since Jungle Inferno
>all of pyro's JI weapons are still worthless trash
If there has to be any FPS rep in Smash, it'd be anything but a TF2 rep.
Doomguy, Gordon Freeman, and Master Chief have better chances and have been 10 times more impactful than Tumor Fortress 2.
Whatever you do, avoid Merapsco the faggot's failed party van revivals
user, I'd love it but let's be honest. Heavy or any other TF2 rep is never ever times a thousand.
>Unique moveset potential
Yeah, like walking forwards slowly while firing his gun, or jumping around a corner and then walking forwards slowly while firing his gun.
Applying that logic, why DQ hero didn't make it into smash before Cloud?
steam maintenance. coordinator is off, maybe it is the night ?
>inb4 fridge gif
everything's down
Servers just went down
Yep. Weekly Steam maintenance. I guess they'll also start the Summer Sales.
I know he's not likely, but it is possible.
We are most likely getting Doomguy, and I'm ok with it, he's my second most wanted fps rep
>obvious jealous landwhale
tits or gtfo
Every Tuesday.
today's Monday
Both DQ and FF7 have been equally impactful.
Half-Life was another revolutionary step towards 3D gaming and narrative in videogames, meanwhile what the fuck did TF2 bring to the table in 12 years? Popularization of lootboxes / microtransactions and degeneracy?
Oh well it's Summer sales then.
>implying Tyler would ever use le scary racism website
why are there still 12 year olds playing this game?
shouldnt they migrate to fortnite or someshit?
its the "le funny gory kiddie artstyle no politics bullshit" game. especially the gore part considering most recent mp games dont have them.
does anyone even play heavy outside of gibus f2ps
Steam came back. Nothing :(
>Has to wait for charge bar to fill before he can headshot
>Charge bar replaced with the actual damage number
>Ammo reduced to 12
>Buff SMG damage slightly
>Reduce base speed to 93%
>Nerf his unlocks
>Remove razorback from the game
He probably does. He's talked about how Yea Forums once talked about the ways he was going to kill himself.
I don't hate the guy. He chose a near impossible task of trying to understand what Valve is doing at any moment.
Remove him from the game.
Not joking.
Name one stock map where having another sniper on your team is better than having another soldier, or medic, or demo, or fucking anything that does actual work.
The same applies to spies. Remove them, too.
It'd be a terrible idea to do maintenance in the same day as the first day of the sales.
Literally a one man army on that map
spy would be fine if the fucking dead ringer never existed and facestabbing wasnt a thing
spies make the game fun. youre a noob bitch for still being killed by them
git gud faggot
>Give back random crits to Bushwacka
Melee sniper is the most enlightened way to play the game. You cannot prove me wrong.
He's a sperg who thinks he has inside information and has been spreading misinformation for years. He makes bold claims, parades them around like they're the truth. He knows how excitable the Valve fanbase is, he just exploits it.
he actually does research and had talked to a bunch of valve employees.
>dude git gud at a class that can abuse network settings to stab you from miles away
>hurr pyro doesn't take skill
>having to snap your head 180 degrees every two seconds to not get instakilled by the guy whose sole purpose is to instakill people who don't snap their head 180 degrees every two seconds makes the game fun
For those unaware: they added the zoomer haircut for Scout, but not this for Engie
both are terrible and should never be in the game
Considering how Valve will change and cancel entire projects on a dime, it's hard to say how many of his claims are actually false. For example the TF2 TV show. Valve likely was set up to do the TV show but then said fuck it and canceled it, only finishing Expiration Date for the hell of it.
Only right answer.
its one of the few things that makes tf2 different from other games. you have to watch where you walk and move in the game. he teaches you to be aware of your surroundings.
he forces any noob bitch to take the game seriously if they want to enjoy the game.
shut the fuck up tyler you dumb nigger
pencil pusher is pretty much the same shit.
smartest post i've ever read so far
delete sniper rifles
can only use huntsman
>dude interp 5 is so broken xd
>has never actually tried using it or dealing with invisible hitboxes
I have a good lot of Demo weapon ideas from a few years ago. Thoughts?
Incendiary Cannon (Stickybomb Launcher)
>Explosion inflicts afterburn
>-20% damage penalty
>-25% clip penalty
>+20% explosion radius
>+30% faster charge speed
Grenade Beggars Idea (Grenade Launcher)
>Hold fire to load up to 4 grenades
>-5% damage penalty per grenade loaded
>-25% explosion radius
>+15% faster reload
Combustible Keg (Backpack)
(Charges from 600 damage, activated by Demo taking a swig from tube on the keg)
Upon activation:
>Friendly projectiles recieve +25% projectile speed
>Friendly splash damage recieves +25% splash radius
>You and nearby allies are healed at rate of 10 health per second
Implosion Grenade Launcher (Grenade Launcher)
>Inverted explosion force
>+30% blast radius
>-20% damage
>20% slower reload speed
The Explosive Ethanol (Melee)
>+10% firing speed on all weapons per melee kill (caps at +40% firing speed)
>-10% base firing speed for all weapons
The Major Miner (Stickybomb Launcher):
>Stickybombs are replaced with proximity mines.
>Mines bury into the ground once armed and motionless
>Mines detonate instantly when enemies are within radius
>+2 max mines out
>Right click to disable and discard all mines
Nothing, I dominate you shitters in pubs with sniper. :)
Only gas passer. Dragons breath needs a slight rework though. It's very useful.
>charge move
>swapping heavies
>friendly hoovy
just delete him.
boring playstyle, and has the potential to suck all the fun out of a pub.
Would be interesting to see in action. As a Hybridknight, I always wanted too se something like vid related:
Don't major updates come out on Thursdays?
>I have to be aware of enemy pressense
>I don't play near team members
You should only be backstabed when you're camping.dont be an idiot.
They get announced on Mondays.
needs a rework. the stun was cancer but the slowing is useless.
0 and tonights the night
Dragon's Fury is utter garbage and not useful for anything, made worse by the fact that it's actually bugged, Thermal Thruster has no purpose and isn't worth depriving yourself of your only ranged weapon for a bit of out of combat vertical mobility that isn't actually useful or usable on most maps, and the Hot Hand is a joke weapon that manages to be worse than stock, which is quite a feat for pyro.
They ALL need reworks.
Oh yeah forgot about that important bit. Hopefully it does, but it probably won't.
all classes except for demoman should be removed.
I don't get backstabbed because I know how to look behind me every two seconds. It still doesn't make the game more fun, you idiot.
Will we publicly hang Tyler for once again disappoint the starved TF2 fans ?
>I dont know how to use dragons breath so it's bad
It's a flair gun with shorter range buy a faster rate of fire. It's really good on co fined maps.
Spy teaches the most important skill in tf2, situational awareness. Even if Spy didn't exist you would still get punished by scouts and pyros for tunnel visioning like a bot.
RD_ASTEROID SOON, fellow comrades
Nice, two new maps
2nights the night
Fellas, fellas.
Dragon's Fury is near-perfect.
Thermal Thruster needs quicker switch times.
Hot Hand is seemingly intentionally shit, which it should not be.
Gas Passer gas needs to be considered a liquid, and the afterburn needs to be completely non-extinguishable under any circumstances. It also needs to charge faster, and I wouldn't mind the cloud lingering longer.
Thermal thruster makes noob pyros a pain to deal with in pubs especially if theyre a phlog cunt.
>if a soldier sneaks up on me im having unfun!
Stay mad. Working with ally spies is the best shit ever.
>incendiary cannon
fuck no, afterburn is already obnoxious enough with scorch shots being spammed every fucking game
>grenade beggars
seems cool, though it should be something like, direct hit damage is reduced but splash damage or splash radius or something
>combustible keg
that 10hp regain thing seems like it would be obnoxious as shit, it should just be however much soldier gets from the passive conch heal
>implosion grenade launcher
cool, i like it but i feel like its just going to be annoying as shit with the reverse explosion thing when you're on the receiving end of it
>explosive ethanol
cool, i like it
>major miner
literally just a no skill scottish resistance that seem obnoxious if you arent forced to put them on the ground only
cleaver combo was fine, i only saw like 4 people use it ever, dunno why they removed it
>dragons fury is near perfect
>gets raped by soldiers
>it's real
holy shit
For about a second, you actually got me.
You fucking bastard.
downside of it is you get the one shotted factor like the kunai without the max health heal/buff
>100% chance to slow target on hit
Scout mains on suicide watch.
Japs also dont care about Blizzard games, that would be the Koreans who do. So Tracer in Smash would just be to cater Koreans to Nintendo products
>unironically nerfing Soldier/Demo mobility
>not giving other characters more mobility options
They should make it so the hot hand only hits once with one click but is still just as fast, making it only hit on the way. Then, they give it an alternate fire (the backhand) which does more damage and marks the target for death, then make it so that the primary fire crits when it mini crits.
>The Sandvich is the Heavy’s first unlockable. It tastes as good as it looks and heals 120 health.
No one will ever use this over the shotgun.
New Sandvich item looks fucking crazy.
Pyros get knocked back like crazy when using it. Just hit him
Honestly it makes them easier to deal with.
>afterburn needs to be completely non-extinguishable under any circumstances
got a new decal for my sign
Debating which is more real between Overwatch 2 or the Heavy update.
put this on it
Would of preferred the Heavy Update as a FrontLine style update that also included new MVM stuff finally.
item servers went down for maintenance bros
its happening
Why won't they bring it back bros...
>ugh 80 damage
It is gasoline, a medic or dispenser would still keep you alive.
Afterburn is already a complete joke in this game. Why shouldn't the Pyro be able to apply non-extinguishable afterburn, which has to then be triggered by damage, with his one-use throwable? Is it more broken than taking minicrits from all sources of damage cause you got Jarate'd?
Because it'd be the same shit as Mannpower and Pass Time and nobody would end up playing it.
>I dont know how to use dragons breath so it's bad
>fucking implying
I used nothing but the Dragon's Fury for months trying to convince myself that it wasn't a completely worthless turd of a weapon, and to date I have never seen any pyro other than myself using the weapon manage to place in the top three on a team.
It requires a massive amount of effort to give average performance, it's hard countered by any of the 100 things that put out afterburn, it has a worthless airblast with no corresponding upside to make up for it, it can't randomly crit with no corresponding upside to make up for it, it can't spy check, and the projectile is bugged in that it gets deleted by certain other projectiles if they pass through it (such as a soldier's rockets) and will occasionally go straight through random targets without damaging them.
It's a piece of shit and you're only gimping yourself by picking it over any of the other flamethrowers.
Please update rd_as, cactus_canyon, and hydro please valve
Also nerf the fucking kritzkrieg
fake news
nah already did something based off pic related
how do you want to nerf the kritz? make it longer to ubercharge? shorten the uber duration? make it minicrit instead? remove it completely?
>ugh over half health for some classes
make every medic that uses it instantly gay
the kritz is fine
literally just use the vaccinator and you completely negate a krtizfag's uber long enough to take out the medic
It doesn't need any nerfs. It's high risk high reward. Just throw yourself on the med when you hear it. Vacc and QF are what need nerfs.
>make it longer to uber?
>shorten the update duration
>make it minicrits?
>remove it?
>Needing nerf
Everyone who picks medic is already gay, so I don't think that solves anything.
so what. you zoomers aren't back on fortnite yet ? was your night the night ?
Gunboats should lower loaded rocket ammo by 1.
I just want my shots to register properly damn it.
Who are you talking to? Nobody said anything about pyro, retard.
>Effectively the same as an uber at low player counts
>Can sponge way more damage than stock
no worrys bro, we'll add more shit meme hats from the workshop and some tournament medals
Valve doesn't add tournament medals anymore
>it's countered by the stuff that puts out afterburn
Confirmed for not using it. It's only countered by Darwin's shield for making it hit like literal hot air. You can easilly kill pyros with the thing. I'm sorry your aim sucks, and I agree it should have a lower skill floor for shitters like yourself. But it's not useless. It's amazing against heavies and sentries. Paired with a shotgun you're capable to deal with all classes.
At best it should deal 35 base damage and do double damage to flaming targets on direct hits. Just to mitigate a lot of shots missing. And have a slightly faster refresh for those that don't hit the target dead on.
reported for underage
>not immune to crits
>not invincible
>other medigun mimicking it's speed copying ability
>ugh it's like getting hit by a shotgun
um, sweaty...
Stop playing 6s retard.
>ugh an uber and two classes are able to outplay me
>>other medigun mimicking it's speed copying ability
Fuck this, this never needed to happen. The only reason to use the quickfix was this and rocket jumping if you wanted to pubstomp.
and stealing the intel in front of 3 sentries
The Second Banana is the absolute best secondary for Heavy, change my mind:
>Heals 200 health
>Recharges every 10 seconds. More like every 6 seconds, since it recharges during the eating animation
>Doesn't heal your Medic and other allies as much as the Sandvich, but lets your heal them more often, and at a lesser detriment to yourself since it recharges so quickly
>Closest Heavy has ever gotten to being independent from a Medic in all his years
It can't be beat
The only reliable source of crits is a kritzkrieg which is equally risky.
Nearly impossible to outdamage QF uber at smaller player counts
Other mediguns still can't rocket jump which is way more useful for getting your med to safety
Quick fix copies explosive jumps and charges now though.
they apparently stopped after that one since the game was so bloated with millions of medals that all look the same while being owned by a small fraction of the playerbase
>interp abusing nigger
i thought you couldnt take intel briefcases or do anything objective related with any uber, quick fix included
Have sex. I'll let you blow me.
>implying he's good
he only plays melee, can't used range weapons for shit.
Friendly reminder Valve is confirmed on working on a Switch title.
Along with Artifact, Index, and 3 VR games.
only uber blocked capture points and intelligence. people used vacc, qf and kritz to force their ways into chockepoints/nests to break the game. but in one of the not too old updates they removed the qf from the list and it now behaves like an uber, blocking cart and capture points but not capturing them
You have not seen melee slasher (Mordhau/Chiv) players if you think b4nny is peak autism and dedication
QF doesn't block caps.
Anything to make that faggot soundsmith quit the game I'd gladly take
>Confirmed for not using it.
I literally posted a screenshot of me topscoring with the weapon, you blind imbecile. Want another one? Here you go. I've got more if your stupid ass likes.
>You can easilly kill pyros with the thing
If you hit all three shots consecutively, yes. If you miss even once you're fucked because the flamethrower doesn't miss and your damage reset. This is what I mean by massive effort for average performance. You're better off shotgunning enemy pyros and using a primary that isn't ass. Also, you're missing the fact that any of the various things capable of putting out afterburn can weigh into a fight (sometimes more than once even) and putting out afterburn deprives you of the damage bonus that the weapon absolutely requires to be even close to usable. Even if you have cyborg accuracy and you hit every single shot you fire, the damage you lose from having your afterburn put out is enough to lose a fight.
>update that nerfs rocket/sticky jumping to prepare people for the move to source 2 that fucks rocket/sticky jumping
I'd be okay with that.
Revert the Loch and Load back to having two shots.
Did anything come of b4nnys no rules tournament experiment?
All I ever saw was Yea Forums seethe about uncle dane throughout the thing
Since we're considering normal 12v12 as THE gamemode played by 99% of the player base,
>RNG is the reliable source of crits and thus completely negates the effect of a QF charge.
>who cares if your server got 4 to 7 players per team, we're talking about 12 dudes/team in the game and Casual servers are always full granted you don't play Hydro or that obscure invasion stuff
>Yes, getting it to safety when he could die from fall damage. RJ mimicking is cool but definitely not a reason to opt in for the QF over the Medigun, especially when 70% of the soldiers do not know how to RJ. Medigun should not be able to keep up with Scouts that are not even a "normal" heal target compared to other classes. QF had this because with the Overdose and the Amputator its set was focused on quick fixes aka mobility and fast heals.
rework it.
right now it's only good at destroying buildings, and being more obnoxious to fight.
>two pipes
>three pills
what the FUCK were they thinking?
its not a sandvich so it sucks.
speaking of demo weapons
>caber will never be good again
so it's even worse, i haven't touched it since they nerfed my boy to the ground :(
HEEEEY Yea Forums
The bottom barrel is where he keeps the secret scrumpy.
It's over lads
nothing was going to happen anyway tyler
They haven't started Summer Sale yet. They haven't started Summer Sale yet.
I shouldn't bother right-clicking, right? The alt attack is just a meme?
based scoutchad
>Doesn't even deal the 130 max damage it's intended to cause you can only get so close to a player.
Real max is 126 or 127 and you have to be right up their ass to get it. If you're not rubbing against their collision hull, that Sniper you've been eyeing is just gonna walk away with 1 health.
>people have decided that hating on pyro is the new hot meme
>not sniper
>not spy
>not engi
I don't get it. I really don't get it.
its only good if the enemy is on higher ground than you, otherwise just stick with the scorch shot
Random crits shouldn't exist to begin with
>inb4 soldier and demo mains reeeeing about their free kills
>Dying to fall damage
>Making an argument around bad players
Most players can't use kritz effectively doesn't mean its not devastating when used by competent players
>Medigun should not be able to keep up with Scouts
I agree, I don't see how that's relevant though.
>people have decided that hating on pyro is the new hot meme
>hating pyro
Shut up child
It's pyros best mobility weapon (if you're skilled enough to use it) and if you can keep the entire enemy team on fire all the time you're going to cripple their pushes. Pyro's best secondary right now IMO.
Make me, bitch.
this is why you should never be a game developer. your ideas fucking suck.
If you're not using the alt fire you might as well just use the flare gun.
Replace Homosuck with Underfail and this image is still relevant
i wish this game never went f2p
Nerf all counter spy weapons. The gameplay relationship between spy and sniper was unironically fucking genius. Sniper stands alone as the only long range class while every other class operates close to medium range. Spies instant kill from behind, and snipers are easy targets because the are exposed while scoped. This creates an elegant solution that naturally manifests itself through gameplay. Valve backed a dump truck over this by introduction antispy weapons.
Duel me 1v1 pyrobaby, name the server
But I main soldier__
But what if tonight's the last night?
>implying any half decent sniper stays scoped in for more than a half second at any given moment
Then we'll finally be free.
if they remove matchmaking and dont ever fucking touch the game again with their awful ideas of """balance""" i'd be happy
Keep seething.
They do when they have nothing to worry about.
but what if last night was 2 years ago
It doesn't happen on the same day
Random crits should exist and if they are in the game they have their reason, so the "they shouldn't exist" argument isn't valid when talking about the viability of the wep in game, random crits/crits in general stop any QF charge instantly and they are rather common.
Secondly, my argument wasn't exclusively revolving about bad players, it was simply saying that yours regarding "bringing Medic to safety" isn't a good one since nobody RJ their Medic to safety when they know he is injuried. Medic will rather heal a Scout to retreat, which not QF exclusive anymore so why even bother.
Anyway, the QF uber isn't as good as it used to be, proof being nobody uses it anymore, even starters, when it used to be their medigun of choice for its simplicity, and it definitely does not need another nerf, it's already dead.
>valve nerfs sandman
>suddenly every virtue signaling retard pretends to give a shit about the sandman and unironically defends it ever having existed in the first place
yeah this game's community can stay dead
i used the sandman a lot, it was fun
>Heavy update will be the last
>No one realises this state of limbo will be the most comfy and hopeful we'll ever have
>After the update it'll be filled with nothing but hopelessness like HL3 threads
Being bonked was rare, a surprise, you usually ended up dead but making people run/running yourself like a coward was part of the fun.
Now it's partying with the enforcer, the quick fix and the baby face blaster in the shadow realm.
>this state of limbo will be the most comfy and hopeful we'll ever have
Yeah I sure find casual matchmaking hella fucking comfy and not at all a downgrade in every way from back before this game was dead.
Get me outta this limbo, kill it if that's what it takes.
>pyro main that defends engi nests from demos and pyros
>Still considered autistic
is it because I'm into /hmofa/?
>Pyro's best secondary right now IMO.
No way. Det jumping is way too situational. The class who needs to get within horrible rape range of the enemy team to deal damage can't really afford the kind of health cost det jumping requires unless you have a medic glued to your ass, especially with his low DPS.
The scorch shot is a much better weapon in general, but really his best secondary is probably the stock shotgun.
at least it won't get cancelled like L4D3
Houston Museum Of Fine Arts?
you can literally topscore just by literally getting assists on literally every single kill in the map
i've had matches where i did nothing but set people on fire with that thing, those 15 damage flares pile up fast with afterburn
I remember when this game was top of the charts. Back then I thought it was infested with furries.
Imagine what it's like now...
double based, not autistic in my eyes
f2p raped and killed the community
The thing hits in rapid succession essentially two shots in the span of firing a shotgun. If you miss one shot you try again.
Close range is your counter, it's supposed to be a zoning tool. Don't just run right at faggots. Use it like a flair gun.
And yeah you could use the shotgun, I actually like using the shotgun as a primary, and switching to dragons breath when dealing with things I need to hit from outside shoty range.
It's literally just F2Pers now and the ocassional pubstomper. pedrogonzales04 all the way down, and the cherry on the shitcake is MAYBE one guy with a weeb avatar to spice it up. I fucking wish we had furries again.
Tell him the truth user
Tell him how you seem as a pet dog guarding your stuff
You don't respect "pybros"
Remember when people thought it was dog shit? And now it got nerfed?
Only thing I want from an update is every weapon reverting back to their Meet the Pyro state. Weapons that came out after that? Their original state when first put in the game.
I absolutely loved fan/cleaver/Shadman
Only thing better was pairing it with bfb
>random crits exist because... reasons
balancing qf with random crits is a retarded hamfisted solution that affects the entire game not just this one weapon.
>it was simply saying that yours regarding "bringing Medic to safety" isn't a good one since nobody RJ their Medic to safety when they know he is injuried.
I do. There goes your argument.
>proof being nobody uses it anymore
Based on what? I still use it and I see many other medics using it. When you're the only medic on your team it's the best medigun.
The biggest issue with heavy is that it's the most vulnerable class, and this would be the case even if there wasn't snipers or spies. The best solution would be increase mobility when firing. Here's what should be done.
>get rid of the increase bullet spread, instead increase rev time by at least 10% across the board (this is why shotgun was a viable secondary in the first place)
>movement speed reduced to the full 37% while revving, but once fully revved movement speed is brought up to 57% and the heavy can jump
Hell, just release these changes as a side grade and I'll actually play the class.
>Det jumping is way too situational
You can go as far as a regular rocket jump horizontally with it and jump to the second floor of nearly every building in the game. It's VERY useful if you practice det jumping.
Make Soldier suffer his own crit rocket damage when killing someone really near or rocket jumping. Make Gunboats and BASE Jumper inmune to your own crits, just like it works now.
>get killed by some random sniper who shouldn't even be anywhere near red spawn
>wait 25+ seconds
>blu already pushed the cart past two points during my spawn time
fuck these god awful spawn times on defense
>10% chance of blowing yourself up every time you fire a rocket
>Making gunboats mandatory
Easily the dumbest idea I've ever seen in a TF2 thread
Why the fuck are these threads the only ones where the game is actually discussed?
Every other thread is just filled with baits, idpol or wojaks, but here, there's people with varying ideas and views on the game. It's unreal.
Bring back
>Pre jungle inferno dead ringer
>old Amby
>sandman stun
>old loch n load
>Ullapool caber
>baby face blaster speed boost
>airborne minicrits on reserver shooter
>old panic attack
>rightous bison
Make TF2 fun again, Fuck all these competitive niggers that continually scream at valve to ruin the game and then they dont even play the game
Some matches with mixed skill levels are great, As long as its balanced.
One of my favourite things about tf2 is being able to join a match and be untouchable to almost all the players and also be able to join a match where there are two or three players on each side that fight while the bottom players are almost like bots that feed your weapons.
Sometimes you join a match where you cant even get into the top half of the scoreboard because its full of players with 10k hours and it feels like you're a fresh player again. Probably good for new players to play against strong players anyway.
Surely being able to play with a greater range of player skill is what makes the matchmaking so quick too.
This game is deeply loved and deeply flawed. People want to talk about it and there is a lot to talk about. That's all there is to it.
I can't be the only one that notices the average skill level of pubs rising, right? I'm running into far more pubstompers lately than I usually do.
>pyro main
>babysits engie like a good cuck
play a real class retard
I'd rather have a soldier or demo holding the line instead of some retard in a gimp suit who thinks burning frenchmen who I could have killed anyway is "helping". And that's the best case scenario most pyros just ignore the spy and remove the sapper over and over or are completely oblivious and get backstabbed by the very slow scout walking up to them.
Human male on female anthro
Ullapool caber didn't deserve a nerf because the only ones complaining about it were rocket jumpers and snipers
Agree with all except pre-nerf BFB. Once you got boost the only way to lose it was from your own volition, and you didn't even lose a huge chunk of it either that you can't get back in two decent shots. Not to mention Source Engine struggles to keep up the hitboxes with a Scout moving that fast.
>rocket jumpers
dont you mean scouts?
It's fun until you're one of those 10k hour players and then every game is the exact fucking same. Half my playtime is just playing gunboats soldier because there's no reason to use anything else and nobody ever wants to play dps. 90% of the unlocks and maps in TF2 are DOGSHIT. Crippling yourself using inferior weapons is not fun and playing maps like dustbowl or 2fort is like banging your head on a brick wall. This shit would not be acceptable in any other FPS but TF2 players have incredibly low standards.
The effect of the firing speed is mitigated by the fact that the first shot deals only 1/3rd normal damage. Missing one shot halves your fire rate, and if you miss 2-3 times consecutively your afterburn will go out, which means that your next shot on target will only deal 1/3rd normal damage again.
Also I don't know why you're still trying to tell me how to use the weapon when I clearly know exactly how to use the weapon. As I've said I have never seen another pyro do as well with the weapon as I have. Really, I don't think I've seen another pyro do even half as well with it. The thing is I can do well by putting a ton of effort into making this piece of shit work, or I can use the stock flamethrower and do even better with less effort AND be more versatile with a usable airblast and the ability to spycheck. It's really not even a question.
And for fucks sake if you're going to defend this piece of shit at least get the goddamn name right. It's the Dragon's FURY, not breath.
>have to get 5 kills in one life as a soldier
Why are these contracts so hard, at least the black box health gain is bugged and I can just get it easy
>One shotting medics with splash damage
>So this is the power of post-MYM tf2
and this means what now?
>Caber upside
>SLap scunts and snipers, enjoy a giggle at their expense
>damage tf out of yourself
>Become airborne and damage yourself even more upon landing
>One use or very long respawn time if you don't run back to spawn
>wonky hitreg for the explosion
>every other melee kills in 2-3 shots quick enough to beat out the damage a caber does to a single target
>Using it makes you the easiest and juiciest target for any class after you crater onto 30 health
>charge n targe with it is fun, but combines all the flaws into one meaty pile of 'maybe they'll die before i do'
>gets nerfed
I just miss those days where i just hopped in and charged at people and taunted knowing fully well i'd die. could easily go eyelander and do the same, but it's just not as goofy and fun. plus eyelander has such a minimal downside that is fixed by 2 kills it's fucking dumb. fuck valve killing my sweet, tender stick of self harm
>One shotting medics with 1 click a map away
>One shotting medics from behind with knife
>killing medics in 1 n half seconds from behind with meatshots
>Blasting 2 rockets into medics and gibbing them
your heavy anal partner should mow down any caber boy heading your way, even pre-nerf completely fine, softbrains
I miss sticky jumping with 8 stickies and flying to a new map
At first I thought it was fucking nothing, but it makes you wonder why they're even doing this in the first place. Maybe an overhaul of some kind?
This exact post is what I come to TF2 threads for.
Instead of members of the enemy team, it picks out disguises from your own loadouts, maybe just random hats and miscs. Perhaps having two types of disguises to watch for will make both sets slightly better, since now you always look for a member of your own team in a weird spot or doubles of them.
Sounds like the only way forward for people like this is comp
I'm sure you can still have fun in casual though
There's been some rumours that they've been planning an overhaul for the community server browser as well as other tweaks to matchmaking, but again, that's all we have to go on. Rumours.
>We will never see shit of this magnitude ever again:
FlyingDemoman did some wack shit back in the day, too.
A rumor, one
one started by valve drone supreme who gets shit wrong all the fucking time
was gonna say this
i wanna work at valve so i never have to do shit, sounds like fun
Comp is just as repititive. HL is a boring turtle fest and the 6s meta hasn't changed in any significant way in over a decade. TF2 needs new content and not the half assed unbalanced shit valve has been putting out.
>dick around on projects nobody ever finishes
>get paid way better than most game devs
>projects running on infinite steam and hat money so you can pitch whatever you want and will get millions of dollars behind you as long someone else likes your idea
Heavy will always be raped by the resident crack addict pyro, your update won't save you.
>actually working, even a little bit
you're doing it wrong
>dying to a non-phlog pyro while playing heavy
imagine being that braindead
i would try to leak out whats left of the HL2 Beta and maybe some L4D3 stuff, even if i do get sued. fuck it.
>literally the class that counters pyros
>copy and paste a cosmetic off the workshop
>a productive work day at valve
>tf2 thread
>not even 2 posts in that overwatch is mentioned
rent free
>implying they dont just outsource it to some other company to do the copy pasting for them
Literal Cringe
Anyone have Total War Warhammer I or II? I can trade some stuff of value for it, fuck paying $71 CAD though. I have skins that go up to $50 total, maybe more. Just in-case anyone has a copy spare. Bullshit the game needs you to buy the first one and all DLC to play what amounts to 80% of the second game...
If you're an actual creative person who wants to improve and bring projects to life then Valve must be a fucking nightmare
seethe harder, third worlder
ah yes a fellow /hmofa/ chad
VNN made that long ass video detailing the work conditions at Valve through two lengthy former employee reviews, one negative and one positive. Seems like Valve is for a pretty specific type of person.
>seethe harder, third worlder
>unironically hating on defense bros at all
>have a hard time hitting shots with regular sniper rifles due to hitbox lag compensation
>can hit a ton of huntsman headshots with ease and no spam
You'd be doing me a favor
mini sentries are a nightmare if you dont have a rocket launcher, pipes, or a sniper weapon
bro just take it take it like a man and rush it
they arent that hard as heavy
honestly if you focus hard the engie he would end up changing class
true but its still annoying having to spend several seconds trying to destroy it while your minigun fires bullets around the fucking thing unless you're using the tomislav or something
>650 damage sponge
Fuck off
eh,im a brass beast fag so they die in a few hits
>g-go back to r-reddit!
Damn nice ones user, except first and last seem too OP
how are you even supposed to use the brass beast?
the slow ass revving and near immobile movement you get while revved seems very detrimental unless you're standing on a cart
hope you have a pocketing medic and go balls deep into the enemy.
Meet your Match was the worst thing to happen to pubs.
bros, recommend me some good huds
got tired of surface font after years of using m0re
prop disguises
improved default
evehud's breddi gud
default minimal
Make something nice with toonhud
can't agree more
I haven't had a problem with minis since the 50 hp starting nerf.
Carry a shot gun and act like you're carrying a sentry as a side weapon.
Sandwich is nice for tanking damage. But yeah banana is godly. Only swap it for a shotgun.
bx hud
just make your own hud.
>forgetting blue moon update
i mean it didn't get its own fucking web page but it was a huge update out of nowhere
everythings too far away from the center
decent suggestion, I like it
I'd just end up remaking the whole thing if I were to use it
also good but I'd have to at least change the font, and I'm having a hard time deciding which one to use
>>The Specialist Saddle
>Shotgun Replacement for Engineer
>+Piggyback onto a teammate to ride with them
>+Jump off anytime, but if you sustain too much damage you fall off.
>-Damage sustained by your carrier is done also to you
Would it be kino?
What would the pros be as opposed to just walking along with a teammate?
Sounds pretty bad honestly, what's the benefit?
the game has more teamwork oriented stuff
do this but with mini sentries.
>scout with a mini on him :D
what happens if you saddle on a cloaked spy?
every fucking time
Reminds me, mini dispenser or backpack dispenser is an inevitability I can't wait for. Hell, I guess technically we do have that one cosmetic that is literally a backpack dispenser.
Thing is, a Scout isn't going to wait for you while you start up a tele entrance and then switch to the saddle.
I honestly hope not. Dispensers being static points for your team to congregate is better. Medics should be the mobile healer class.
It came out they froyotech won and getting as close as you could to regular 6s is the most optimal strat.
4 and tomorrow's the night
What if it only healed / refilled ammo at the rate of a Level 1 Dispenser, at the expense of not being able to build a normal one?
fuck this game's hit reg
then it would be too weak and you'd have people chasing you for heals.
But what are the pros? Because as you've written it, it's purely cons
>movement is tied to someone else
>you also take the damage they take so scout could meatshot two different people at once with a single shell, for instance
>no primary weapon
The only positive I could think of is that you could get to the front lines faster by riding a soldier or scout, but I don't think that's worth giving up your shotgun for or that any of them would wait for you to mount up.
What if it only refilled metal / ammo, at the expense of not being able to build a Dispenser?
Me being a Medic main, what tips do you have for me to improve your team experience?
I only use Stock uber because it's the only way you dummkopfs will grow the balls to push.
Then it would be shit.
Ammo is not a big concern on most maps and a mobile ammo station isn't worth giving up healing for.
run arrows
heal the people currently fighting the enemy
after a fight heal scouts, sollies and such people who are going to leave you first
Pocket me
naw a lot of payload maps on defense benefit from ammo stations. but being mobile is worthless.
>Pre jungle inferno dead ringer
We doing custom weapons now?
>Defector's Devastator
>Steel and rebar minigun with stars and stripes grafitti all over it, poorly covering the hammer and sickle on the side
+50% faster firing speed
+No movement penalty on wind-up
=Wider firing cone that narrows the longer it is fired
-20% less damage
I remember that, yikes
I assume by "run arrows" you mean to use the Crossbow. I personally dislike the Crossbow, and I despise all of these gentiles that use it, trying to heal me with it point-blank (missing every shot) rather than topping me off + overheal with their medigun.
I'm always sure to keep everyone in tip-top shape if they are in reasonable distance,
and the only time I ever "pocket" is when I uber. But even then, I like to flip flop between two teammates as we push since the invincibility has a very small although useful buffer before going away, so I essentially get 2 pushing Ubers for the price of 1.
I also run Overdose / Vita Saw. Using literally anything else puts me at the bottom of the board. Otherwise, I'm always mid - top.
20+ second respawn times are great for the team getting their ass kicked
>t. valve
Rocket jumping Engineer.
>hurr I want instantly respawn on red because getting steamrolled doesn't mean I should lose
bet you bitch about spawn camping too.
>get behind 4 corners
>1 second later
>lol the heavy killed you