Thoughts on sitting while gaming?

Thoughts on sitting while gaming?
Do you use an office chair? A gaming chair? A sofa? Maybe a beanbag?

Tell me about your experiences, thoughts and recommendations. I need something comfortable for 12+ hours of daily use.

Attached: dxracer_king_gaming_chair__ohks06nr_10.jpg (690x960, 93K)

A high end office chair will always be best but I find gaming chairs are a much better mid-range chair than anything else on the market.

I really fucking hate that chair because it keeps reminding me of that manchild

I just wish there was a gaming chair without all the stupid fucking wheels underneath.

Just buy the $399 chair and be the cool guy that owns youtuber merch

chintzy brand

>Imagine not wanting casters to avoid walking around your room

sofa,bed and office chair
man is in home streaming convenient.

I got dis.

Attached: IMG_20190622_133652.jpg (4032x3024, 3.2M)

I have that chair but with an additional cushion that folds out where you can rest your feet.
At first I was a bit disappointed because the shell shape and the lumbar support actually put me in a very bad posture, shoulders forward, slumped.
But when I move the lumbar support pillow all the way up to my shoulder blades/upper back, it makes me sit very straight and upright while still being very comfy. When I watch a movie, I move the pillow back down and recline and then the foot pillow is very nice.

I'd recommend but only if you're physically active and pay attention to your posture, otherwise you'll build bad seating habbits.

>too tall for all of their chairs except the $600 one
eggs dee

>OP literal advertisement for gaming chair
>pretending to be human
pretty gross


>Thoughts on sitting while gaming?

I prefer to do it while crouching

>robot: beep boop boop beep buy chair retards
nah, still not human

Recommend me a chair with arm rests that arent attached to the back rest and a cushion that doesn't hurt from sitting for an hour

Protip: Use a recumbent bike for a seat and you can burn hundreds of calories while you game and not even realize it.

>Be me
>Unconfortable sitting on gaming chair, back hurts
>Go drive in my car. Feel relieved that I can rest my back in a confy seat
>Wait a minute...
>Remove passenger's seat an adapt it for my room
>Now I can also have an excuse to not be a designated driver

You can use any chair you want, for as long as you can recline it. 90° chairs are the shits, 120° is perfect for your line of sight and your back.

arent they overpriced

I like that desk user

>Not playing video games while walking on a treadmill

Desk is actually shit. It's not tall enough and has no regulation. I plan yo give it to someone and buy smth regulated.

I would ask what manchild but honestly answers are correct.

The other user is right, your desk alone is nice, I can't fucking get behind those keyboards though
>Fucking onion display? [not word filter by the way]

Sofa with PC connection to 75" TV. I sit in an office chair all day at work. I don't want to come home and do the same. Couches are peak comfy.

sat in one of these at a relative's place and those sides on the seat suck ass
can't spread your legs or cross one leg under the other without hitting the sides
super uncomfortable

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fat scum

Unironically, gaming chairs are probably the only time where GAMING is actually cheaper.
>quality gaming chair for $600
>same 'office chair' for $2000


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I'm polish. Onions have certain symbolism here.
Dude, CM Masterkeys S White is wonderfull. Cherry Brown switches with simple looks. I can take it to my work. It's probably the only model I know that has good switches without that RGBTQ Gaymer look.

recommend me a gaming chair RIGHT NOW