What do they eat

what do they eat

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ass, NIGGA! lmao

Noodles from the noodle place.

radiation salad with radiation seasoning.

Beyond Meat products


Food from traders!
don't ask what the fuck they actually produce to trade for food

They trade for food rather than grow it themselves. Other settlements and trade caravans use the safety of Megaton as a hub/stop on the road. Their security is rivaled only by the Citadel and Rivet City, the other villages in the game face frequent danger. If you build it, they will come.



probably services instead of resources.

you mean the four caravans that show up once a month of which only one sells food, and barely any of it?

Say what you will about Megaton, it was the only decent town in FO3. Unique aesthetic, decent size, good number of NPCs and quests relating to the town, etc. Hell, even on evil playthroughs of the game, I would never ever blow up megaton because all the other towns in the game are fucking dogshit.

Everything else is either a boring interior worldspace like tenpenny or underworld or rivet city, or it's just a bunch of generic copypasta houses like canterbury or republic of dave or girdershade or big town.
Paradise Falls actually had potential, but they fucked that up by having basically zero content in that city (and also placing it in the middle of fucking nowhere) so that it was more or less just a one-off setpiece for the kiddie slave rescue quest.

>applying literal game content to realistic context
Wtf bros, why doesn't Mario ever shit? Where do all the digested mushrooms go???

Preservatives are added to our food so people won't immediately starve after a nuclear apocalypse or a catastrophic event in general. Suburbs were created to move as many people out of important areas of industry and commerce (cities) so as many people as possible would survive from a nuclear strike

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we've been over this hundreds of times
megaton gets its food from trade, just like how in real life not ever city/town grows its own food
and there's only a dozen or so permanent residents with everyone else staying only temporarily, so it's not like they need gigantic stockpiles of food

what do they trade?

Traders and caravans bring food

ha ha

your mom's cunt

elderscrolls has plenty of farms you can pick food from, and plenty of food merchants in cities, so why not

You mean scaled down exactly like how New Vegas handled food?

I'd want Moira's services if you know what I mean haha.

oh yes, the same farms that produce food for a large family and you're supposed to believe that's enough for an entire city, who could've forgotten about that.

mystery meat

surely enough for the 8 houses in the biggest Skyrim city

I'd give her my repellant stick, know what i'm sayin?