ITT: games only you remember

ITT: games only you remember.

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Everyone remembers Bloodborne dude

>that cutscene with the naked chick you kept replaying

Fuck you I have both the game and the art book on my shelf right now

>dark powers bad and boss fight hard
>good powers great and boss fight easy
what did they mean by this?

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Ghost X was interesting.

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fucking angels my dude, should have just been good bro
for no reward

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I don't think anyone forgot about this, it's just not remembered as fondly as it could have been because the art is so bad.

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Love Deadlands and Priest. We need more Weird West games like Darkwatch and Hard West.
It's a nice game. I just don't like that "Flash -animation" art design.

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legitimately my favorite racing game of recent memory ruined by Ubisoft simply fucking up its pricing and financial model

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I remember the tutorial and first stage like my own house, and absolutely nothing after that.

played last year, good nostalgia

God tier plot twist but I remember the gameplay being okay at best

I liked it.

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Hey these guns are from DmC


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bashing things with keys before it was autistic

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We don't deserve Trevor chan

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Game was cash!

Never played the third game, but I did play 1 and 2 and enjoyed them a lot.
Very good games despite their low budget.

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Nobody remembers the TV show

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This actually looks interesting

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Van Hellsing for the ps2?

Halo: Vampire Cowboy edition was the tits.
Yeah, it's shillmanlives, still the video is good.

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god i wish they could add this to the small af library of ps2 games on the ps4. i loved the story and how almost every npc was recruitable to fight with you.

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Have to play it twice though to go the other route of the storyline after it splits to unlock the other half of the npc I think.

I'm not familiar with gmanlives, what's wrong with him?

which route is better, humans or non humans?

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Who is Ius and why is he glad?