Entire game runs on a timer

>entire game runs on a timer

This is a game not work nigga.

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Other urls found in this thread:


When I saw this game had a timer I stopped playing immediatly

>you take damage when you get hurt


Good the time mechanic filters the brainlets

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you gotta admit this mechanic was beyond useless,its just there to make you wait for a cutscene to reset the timer,its useless and gay

Nice bait faggot

Are you fucking retarded?

>a core element of the game deters gamers
>this is a good thing

Only on Yea Forums.

>this shit mechanic is good gameplay design because its from my favorite kid game
nice argument,theres no benefit in the timing mechanic other than padding,couldve been swapped to fast time skip and reset if it was really needed to have it in the game,but no, you have to sit for hours to reset the time because uh oh you entered a dungeon a few minutes before the time ran out,now redo the time reset and run back all the way there,great gameplay

>you have to sit for hours to reset the time
What? The Song of Time can be played whenever to reset the clock. There's even a fast time skip song and a slow time song using the same notes in different ways and an improved version of the time skip song in the 3DS version.


Learn how to manage time, Zoomer.

>its just there to make you wait for the cutscenes and reset

Confirmed never actually played it.

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Literally neither of them said that, they are just astounded at your retarded faggotry.

>MM STILL filters niggas with its time mechanic

What is it about it that makes people so buttflustered? I legit don't get it. It gives you ample time to figure out what to do next, it checkpoints you regurarly so you don't have to re-do a bunch of shit if you run out of time, it allows you to skip time ahead if you need to trigger a specific event earlier, and you can even slow down the flow of time if you really need to.

On top of this, the game uses the mechanic to build a really immersive world and pull really cool shit that otherwise wouldn't had worked.

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What the fuck are you talking about

You look really stupid right now. Maybe actually go play the game and you'll realize there are many ways to skip the time

No one likes playing under a time constraint. The whole point of open world games is the feeling of "I can do anything I want". Adding a timer just railroads and stresses the player to do the main quest.

its such a good mechanic
i dont get why theres so many retards that hate it

Its just braindead zoomers that can't critical think.

I really do hate games based around a timer mechanic. Dead Rising is another that I liked the gameplay of but the timer made me feel stressed in a way that wasn't pleasant. I also hate it when games lock unlockables behind some kind of timer mechanic (ala Resident Evil's ranks or MGS4s various emblems.)

The only game I deeply enjoyed in spite of a timer type mechanic was Otogi and it could largely be mitigated by endgame.

Attached: otogi-us.jpg (500x639, 228K)

Like he said, it filters out the brainlets, it allows for a eerie mechanic that blends in perfectly with the setting and greatly supports the sidequests. Majora's mask is a masterpiece and if you can't see that then that's your problem.

It is the whole basis for the side quests schedules peabrain.

>open world
>when it's just barely open ended at that

Shit's annoying and has a ton of unnecessary padding. Like having to re-kill the bosses every time you reset time and want to do side quest stuff in the related areas. This could have been solved through songs or something. I also never liked how some events just happened to happen in a 2 hour time frame on a certain day without you really having a way to know this other than just being at the right place at the right time. The time constraints themselves are alright.
The game itself isn't bad by any means but it always felt like a hasty sequel created with intent to sell as many fucking guide books as possible to me.

Majora's Mask is objectively an open world game. This is not up for argument, it just is. I'm not going to argue with someone claiming that 2+2 equals 20.

Timers are brainlets filters. The only game I know that has a tight timer is that RoboCop game port for Amiga or Commodore64 and that's only because the dev never finished the game properly so he figured out it would be easier to just put a bullshit timer to prevent players to beat it. For every other game, is a non-issue

meant for

>m-m-muh stress and anxiety
>muh crippling depression

Go drink your onions. I enjoy games for the adrenaline rush and MM fits just that.

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Slow down time you fuck nut I do it all the time

>I enjoy games for the adrenaline rush and MM fits just that.
What kind of retard looks at a timer and goes "WOW, WHAT A RUSH!"

Do you cum your pants looking in the window of a washing machine too?

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>Adding a timer just railroads and stresses the player to do the main quest
But the whole point of the timer is for the side quests.

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The game is not about having fun.

>having to re-kill the bosses every time
Are you handicapped?
>some events just happened to happen in a 2 hour time frame on a certain day
Literally every time-based event has a hint given by the relevant NPCs. Sounds like you're just a faggot that's bad at games.

Managing a schedule is for fucking WORK.

yeah but the time mechanic also allows NPCs to have schedules for things to do everyday
the NPCs in majoras mask feel alive more than your average NPC in modern open world games

>you gotta admit this mechanic was beyond useless
are you slow?

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If the game isn't about fun then why would I bother playing it?

This is just sad.
How much of a pleb does one have to be to not deal with MM's timer? It's not hard to work around.

It's supposed to encapsulate a certain emotion.

Got a thought after playing The Outer Wilds, what if there was no timer in majora's mask, and the only way to actually be sure the moon was falling is to get to end of the third day. Would be pretty cool to pick a side, specially with all the npcs who also thought the moon wasn't gonna fall

yes,play song of time,wait for years for the cutscene to finish so i can start playing and have to wait for decades to get were i was,this isnt fun at all,its shit
padding posts,just like the time mechanic they add nothing to the thread nor have an argument at all or have an abstract one trying to emulate a valid point
they can be interpreted in any form since they have no content,their own fault for making shitposts
yes by WAITING LONG ASS CUTSCENES to travel to town then skip time then travel back to where i was

yes but it couldve been toned down to a faster time skip/change or being able to rewind time so i dont have to back track everything if im running out of it; also playing songs is garbage in both games,they make you wait for the play song cutscene and then the song's effect cutscene,water temple was the worst for this alone

What if
Majoras Mask but time is fast as it is in the real world?
Much better.

I don't play games to get emotional like a woman.

Majora's mask filtering out the idiot casual plebbitors as always, what a great fucking game

>have to do entire dungeon within the time limit or else it resets and you lose all progress and have to start over

I swear to god Aonuma is a retarded fuck and needs to be fired from Nintendo.

>have to do content you already did to trigger new content

In all seriousness, the average poster on Yea Forums likes to fellate MM because it's radically different and abides by its own rules, and because it was the first "dark" game they played. If you fall into the game's world, you'll enjoy it, but if you're goal-oriented, you'll see each reset as a waste of time and the game as a whole as an exercise in arbitrary repetition.

You can literally slow down the passage of time by playing the song in reverse and thus making the mechanic trivial

>loading screens & zoned areas
>gated locations
>primarily linear

Timers in shit like MM and Dead Rising is what filters out the lil' zooms and casuals.
Get good, faggot.

It'd be questionable if it actually was implemented poorly, but the game gives you ample time to plan a course of action for each day.
>day 1 fuck around, explore, start side quest
>day 2 do main objective to get into temple
>by day 3 can reset, do the temple, finish a sidequest
There's even a song that slows the clock doubling the amount of time, essentially giving you 6 days, makes all challenge of the mechanic a non-factor and a skip song to pin point a certain time. This is actually a good thing because complaints about the time being too much to manage instantly makes me think they're a dumbass.

Imagine hating the durability mechanic in BotW but defending this shit.

"EVERYTHING you do has a timer, and it is ticking in your chest Right Now..."

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It took me one three day playthrough to beat the introductory quests for an area and the dungeon itself. The only one where I had to go back was for the Stone Tower temple because I wasted too much time doing the Ikana Valley quests, so I finished all of those, turned back time and had a full 3 days to do the Stone Tower since I had unlocked the song needed to get to it.

>I have to rekill bosses
No, you don't. There is one quest in Snowhead that requires you to finish the boss early to get the strongest sword, but it isn't necessary to 100% the game at all. The fact that there is so little to do after you beat a boss of a specific area actually shows how well thought out the process was.

>I hate not knowing when to be at the right place right time
This only happens for Clock Town/ranch side quests, and you get a journal to keep track of their schedules. Plus you are supposed to observe and investigate, that's what makes MM is so compelling.

>No songs to skip shit.
This isn't even debatable. There are all kinds of ways to manipulate time in this game.

I wonder who could be behind this thread?

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MM isn't open world. The main quest is extremely linear and restrictive, and the side quests are largely derivative of your progress in the main quest. You have no clue what "open world" means.

Wow, that is so deep! I change my mind about niggers, they are geniuses!

If you were too much of an idiot to achieve your goal within the big obvious stated time limit you're a failure and you deserve to have to replay parts of the game

>you have to sit for hours to reset the time
uh oh, they caught you user! Quick, google some facts to cover it up or they'll know you didn't play it!

If you are good at the game the only thing you will need to repeat is recollecting the small items like bombs and arrows and rupees (like, you know, every Zelda). If you are bad at the game you will be a filtered casual like OP

>having to re-kill the bosses every time you reset time

You don't even need to repeaf collecting rupees. The game had a bank.

Spoken like immature brainlets : That's The Point! It's a Damocles sword above your head to increase your stress,the whole game revolves around that, the sense of urgency is done by that...
And for the 2nd guy : time management isn't for work, it's for your LIFE. Your Life is limited, you gotta plan it wisely, or you won't achieve anything big...

I fucking love Way of the Samurai for it's timer mechanic. Wish there were more games with time based objectives.

Name 5 (five/五) open world games
Protip: You cannot
Double protip: The universe is not open world
Triple protip: Video games eventually run out of memory

You whiny chuds wouldn't survive past day 2 of Pikmin.

As a lil' peep I was really slow at the game so I planned each loop for one thing.
>get dungeon weapon
>beat dungeon
>get fairies
"starting over" just meant going back to the dungeon and getting to where I was, maybe killing one or two more enemies. Surely if a kid can do this, an adult can do it more efficiently.
You're a pussy.

seriously. somebody made an infograph/guide to the timeline once and it really only branches based on 3 events. there's 3 timelines and you have ample time to complete your objectives in each one. you can 100% the game only playing the song 3 times

I can safely say right now that the samefag that made this thread and has been posting in it this whole time has never actually played Majora's Mask.

>be night of the final day in Zora domain
>"Time to whip out my ocarina!"
>play one note
>some fuckface Zora in the recording studio tells me the sound is wrong on the electronics and I should try again
>keep trying
>that nigger stops me from starting the song
>not enough time to leave that room
>ragequit as a little kid

Round Zoras break their menorahs.

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Your post is a non-sequitur, all I did was categorize why some people like the game and some people hate it. The fact that both sides argue right past each other is just more proof that Yea Forums has weapons-grade autism.

Yeah but OP probably doesn't even know that, fuck he never played the game just look at his responses

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You will regret not taking this comment seriously later, if you remember it.
Time is crucial.

I think you will regret not being born white for the rest of your life!

The timer's 3 hours long with the inverse song of time dude
That's more than enough to get any key item, deposit your rupees, and reset time
It's a little tedious and I understand it can be a daunting at first, but it's really not that big of a deal. 3 hours is more than enough time to do anything in the game and the timer actually adds another layer to the game by making you strategically plan out your route for a 3 day cycle which is part of why MM is my favorite Zelda


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Why is Mario serving Baily's Irish Cream to minors?

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I bet he says that to all his customers who are about to die.

>he never knew about the reverse song of time or double song of time
>he never knew about the scarecrows
>he never knew about grandma’s stories
Someone get this man a prima guide

I was about 10 years old when I finished MM, and I had no idea about the slow time song. It was quit obvios to not try to do a dungeon in the last day, you just suck.

Learning how to properly prepare for a dungeon, swiftly and effectively enough to still have time to complete it, is part of the game. It's fun.
They're risk and reward considerations.
Do you head for the dungeon immediately?
Do you prepare first? For how long? With what?
Am I skilled enough to do the part leading up to the dungeon quickly or not?
How much time to I need?
How much exploration and sidetracks can I afford to engage in before it starts to risk the success of my intended objective?
Etc, etc.

It's part of the game and it's great fun.

Nah I'm good. No self hatred, no hatred for humans with a different skintone. Just hatred for jackasses who ruin everyone's world instead of trying to improve it.
You should try this one time. Life is too short to act like an idiot & waste that duration.

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How many brainlets didn't play this amazing game because of a generous time mechanic.
How fucking retarded do you have to be

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>increase your stress

It's a fucking video game you play for fun. Why would you want to be more stressed out?

What a transcendental wisdom!
Did you extract that one from a white person while mugging her?

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>ITT fags complaining they couldn’t get passed the casual filter

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user, are you high?

MM follows a very strict script.
Deku Mask > Magic Meter > Ocarina > Bottle > Arrows > Lens > Goron Mask > Fire Arrows > Big Bomb > Zora Mask > Hook Shot > Ice Arrows > Mirror Shield > Light Arrows

You cannot collect any of these items outside of this order, and that goes without listing required songs. And the rest of the quests are contingent on these items. It is extremely easy to list games with more openness than this, but I know full well you intend to be pedantic as hell with semantics and I have zero interest in playing that game with you.

I'm the OP and I made several posts that were anti-time mechanic but a lot of them weren't from me. It must shatter your entire world that there are people who think the mechanics of your favorite game are dogshit. Didn't you ask your friends what their favorite Zelda game is and why? 99% of the time they said OoT and asked if they played MM they would say a little bit but the time mechanic was difficult. I know at least two people who gave up because they couldn't finish the Clocktown quests and died before they could revert to human form. It's just bad and most people aside from gaming purists and hipsters know this.

I'm sorry basic math is hard for you. Would you like a juicebox?


Fun & risk can apply you know : if you win no matter what, where is the fun? If you get no challenge or obstacle, where is the fun? If it's not fun,why bother?

No, I just bought books & studied from whoever had interesting stuff to read about/watch/listen to. And your /pol/ism has no effect here, you're wasting your time.

sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886912000840 'Do pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals?'
>Studies find that darker pigmented people avg. higher levels of aggression and sexual activity and lower IQ.

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritable

Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

The avg. African IQ is estimated at 79.

The avg. African-American IQ is 85 compared to the avg White IQ of 100. IQ tests are not racially biased. IQ hereditability is 40-80%.

Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.

The Black-White IQ gap is mostly genetic.

IQ is 75% heritable among whites.

IQ is about 80% heritable.

IQ is higher among asians and whites than among blacks. This difference owes 50-80% to genetics.

>Mongoloids are the most K evolved, Caucasoids less, and Negroids the least.

Attached: 1417723107807.jpg (298x389, 31K)

You and everyone else criticising the time mechanic have put your ignorance out on full display.

But planning a schedule and following through with it is constructive and satisfying

>pleb status: filtered
best Zelda never disappoints

Can we go back to Majora's Mask, please?

Can niggers get off my board? Thanks

He's never been invested in time constraints and bore the fruits of its rewards


>world is ending
>turn into lesbians at the last second

I guess that's a good a time as any

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It isn't objectively bad, it's just not your thing... I know, for instance, that Stronghold is an excellent strategy game, but it's not my cup of tea, I prefer Age of Empires.
I also prefer Ocarina, but I can't deny that Majora was a blast.

>it's just there to make you wait for a cutscene to reset the timer

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Go dilate fatso. It's not "looking at the clock", its the race against time.

Wow! What a great argument about MM's time mechanic cool!

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eh, some people enjoy this, I generally don't like timer based games if not maybe rail shooter?


where's the comparison between income and population of black/spic?

Pikmin 1 was worse with this nightmare mechanic

This isn't (your) board, ok? (or maybe you're hiro or moot)
1) That fact is true because the level of education isn't the same everywhere.
2) not vidya.

this is the most summerfag thread I've ever seen, holy fuck.

Never played MM but from what I understand, you have day loops that reboot if you don't finish a dungeon before the end of the day, so you not only have to do the dungeon again but also I assume the various side quests before it? And if you start over again, go beat the dungeon straight away, you cannot complete the side quests anymore? Is the time limit fair and allows you to do everything if you're playing decently, or is it really punishing and forced?

I avoided Fallout 1 forever because of the time limit thing scaring me and it turns out I actually loved the tension it added to the game and I could actually complete the game easily while exploring everything I wanted before the limit.

I've never liked it because it doesn't match how I play every other Zelda game, I can't just fuck around freely and experiment with things. At least that's how it felt as a kid, so it wasn't as much fun. Can anyone think of two games in the same series that are near-opposites of each other like MM and BoTW?

Because the problem with that mechanic is definitely its existence and not its complete pointlessness

Timer in MM is just because there are scripted events based on one time it is that makes it more interesting. You'd have to be a fucking retard to see the timer as a challenge.

Time is a resource and there are plenty of games that require resource management. You're probably too stupid for them in general though

May as well just turn godmode on and have infinite HP while you're at it, since you're as good at games as my 6 year old niece.

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Fair : you got songs to ho back in time, accelerate or decelerate it. It still is completely manageable if you're reasonably smart.
If you can't handle any timer in your games, you might have to pass though. (but your last sentence indicates that you'll love it)

>(or maybe you're hiro or moot)
What's going on here

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The time limit is plenty fair and resetting time lets you keep all important items and there's a song that lets you teleport right by the dungeons after you find them so you can pretty much always set it up so you have maximum time to do a dungeon

Not really. If a temple or sidequest is completed, then it's done. If you rewind time, you will keep the reward, but you can do the sidequest or temple again. If you revisit a temple, you can instantly go to the boss if you want.

>Never played MM
Yea Forums in one post

It's 1.5h. You have ample time to get through a dungeon in that time, or at the very least find the weapon, which solves all the puzzles. And when you beat the boss for the first time you get a teleport to its room right next to the entrance.
And then, the side quest thing is a straight up lie. In fact, there's a quest that requires you to beat the boss, which you'll do within 10 minutes of a new loop because you just killed it and got the teleport.
And then you can just beat the dungeon and go back in time to go do the quest now that you have the weapon (which obviously you keep after going back in time). This is all without even thinking about the song that doubles time.
Every complaint in this thread is false.

It's far more generous than that.
Any item that's not a consumable stays in your inventory permanently. Every song and item is essentially a check point where as long as you reached that goal, you can essentially skip past it once time resets. Basically, if you've at least beaten the dungeons Mini Boss, you won't have to complete the first half of the dungeon ever again unless it involves an optional side quest.

>I've never liked it because it doesn't match how I play every other Zelda game
That's exactly why I like it. Other Zelda's just feel like generic fantasy adventure games to me which is fine in it's own right but the change of pace and how you approach gameplay is really refreshing.

When you go back in time, you're allowed to keep any equipment, artifacts and learnable songs for your next cycle. You lose money, ammo, consumables and any progress in quests that you have done.

Every dungeon has a set of prequests to it that unlock certain equipment helps progress the story. If you get up to the point where you can unlock the dungeon, then you could theoretically go back in time, go back to the dungeon and open it since you have all the necessary items from the zone quests.

Even if you don't manage to finish a dungeon in the allotted time, you will have picked up a certain amount of the items in it which will make it faster the second time time. Ideally you want to finish a dungeon in one play through but if you fail then each successive attempt will be quicker since you obtained more and more major items from the dungeons such as the bow and arrow or hookshot.

>we will never be able to do another test like The Bell Curve because "muh racism"

>You lose money, ammo, consumables and any progress in quests that you have done.

Sorry but that sounds horrible. I don't like to arbitrarily lose things in games that I've earned.

>Clocktown on the second day with a thunderstorm

>Never played MM but from what I understand, you have day loops that reboot
Correct, most of the game world resets every 3-day cycle. You keep major items and quest items though. There is also a bank that you can put your money into that will keep it even when time resets. You lose supplies like bombs, arrows, etc. Things you find in abundance everywhere anyway.

>if you don't finish a dungeon before the end of the day, so you not only have to do the dungeon again
Yes, dungeons reset, with the exception of the dungeon's main item, which you keep. Typically having this item makes traversing the dungeon much easier, so as long as you got halfway through the dungeon, you don't literally have to start from scratch.

>but also I assume the various side quests before it? And if you start over again, go beat the dungeon straight away, you cannot complete the side quests anymore?
Yes and no. The actual side quests do reset, however the side quests always provide a way to instantly enter the dungeon, whether the side quest is completed in the current cycle or not. So as long as you finish the side quest once, you never have to do it again. There are post-dungeon side quests where you have to do it all in one cycle but they are optional and more for completionists anyway.

>Is the time limit fair and allows you to do everything if you're playing decently, or is it really punishing and forced?
It is mostly fair but can be punishing at times. You have to learn to manage your time. People get butthurt about losing their progress when they try to start a dungeon at 8pm on the final day. As you play and get used to the flow of time, you learn to reset the cycle before ANY major adventure. In addition, you can remove the punishing factor almost entirely by obtaining an optional ability that is never really hinted at in-game. You just kind of stumble upon if you're thorough. This ability slows down the game's timer significantly, making the game much easier.

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Looks like you'll hate BoTW then.....

Its piss easy to get them again.

You get that shit all the time, to the point that it's annoying to keep finding bombs when your bomb pouch is full and you start throwing them around for the hell of it

Play it you pussy. It's a masterpiece.

Money can be stored in a bank, almost all consumables can be bought in town, and progress is only if you don't finish a quest, which you have ample time to.

Literally didn't play it.

You can store money in the bank and getting back your consumables is as simple as walking out into Termina Field, which is right next to where you spawn on reset, and cutting grass for two minutes
Also I think not having 99 arrows and bombs at all times makes the game a little more interesting

It's not arbitrary, user. The circumstances are extremely well telegraphed and well defined.

>crying about a time mechanic
>the mechanic is only there for side quests
>you’re a retard if you can’t beat a dungeon in the almost two hour time limit and you have more time if you use the inverted song of time. Also you’re a retard of you start a dungeon when it’s not the dawn of the first day.
>put your rupees in the bank so you won’t lose it and sell all of your shit before going back in time so you don’t also lose money

confirmed for played for 2 hours, couldn't handle the mechanic because brainlet and gave up

It only sounds horrible because you're used to playing games with these things being permanent. This game was built on the concept of these things not being permanent. It works within the context of the game.

He's probably a BotW fan. They usually can't stand playing the N64 games.

The cutscenes can be skipped/shortened with an input. You're just cherry picking now.

based OP knows his time is valuable unlike dumb Yea Forumseddit scum in this thread

The Devs worked around this where you can always find shit easily. After playing the game for like 20 minutes you’re gonna have a shit ton of arrows for just wondering around. You keep your money in the bank. Tbh money isn’t that important because everything is so easy to find except for buying Like 1 or 2 masks

>losing arrows and bombs is a metaphor

Fucking everything is a metaphor with you autists.

>crying about losing bombs when you reset time
>also have this and you can shield so you don’t lose hearts

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>get Dungeon Item
>can skip half the whole thing on subsequent cycles
Fucking retards.

Yeah and most of the money sinks are entirely optional anyway.

>>losing arrows and bombs is a metaphor
I don't think you know what a metaphor is. That or you severely misinterpreted those posts.

It's both good technical and artistic design you moron. What are you even arguing about it for? You never even played the game you goddamned retard.

nobody said anything about a metaphor

Just plan ahead, retard. Tackle a dungeon or a mask's quest per day/cycle, beat the moon, then just do it all over again for a sweet 100%

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We NEED a modern Zelda with Transformation Masks and schedule-based sidequests. R8

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Play the remake. It was made specifically for people like you.

I believe the average internet user in 2019's biggest complaints with this game can be explained with the population's increasing desire for instant gratification.

This is how the game is meant to be played by newcomers:
>waste a bunch of time exploring and figuring out where to go
>find pre-dungeon quest
>run out of time before finishing
>>now I know where to go! this time I'll go straight there so I have more time
>finish pre-dungeon quest, now able to warp to the dungeon
>don't have enough time to finish dungeon
>>well now I can go straight there, and I know how to get through the first couple parts of the dungeon, so this time I'll be able to do it faster!
>finish dungeon
>move on to the next pre-dungeon quest

But people are becoming less and less accepting of situations like this. People hate failing and having to try again. When people play games they want to feel like they're smart or good at games. They don't want to challenge themselves or improve their skills. It's a mindset that is pervading every aspect of our culture, and here we are seeing its effect on video games.

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what a spastic

>back in my day

kys boomer

>>back in my day
I played MM for the first time a few years ago and did it pretty much like he described.

pleb filter working as intended

I never understood the complaint about the time limit. You had a song that slows down time, so you had 3x more time to beat a dungeon. I literally never had any problems with this, as you get around 3 hours for a dungeon. Why are so many people brainlets? How many people need more than 3 fucking hours on a LoZ dungeon?

>do prep area work
>get song and unlock warp stone
>rewind time
>slow time
>do dungeon with plenty of time
it's that simple

Zoom zoom

the only thing that's work in MM is the couple's mask.


Uhh... I, uhm, like majoras mask. And uhh... if you dont, uhm, you're a faggot.

The Goron rolling section at the end is one of the worst things in any vidio game

It’s always people with severe autism that hate mm
>mug anxiety! But it makes me feel nervous!
Kill yourselves

I always get the bomb mask first because I'm too lazy to look for bombs when restarting a cycle and it lets me get easy access to the big rupee in the sewers by killing the skultulla for free.


god bless save states and fast-forward

Shit, if it was up to me ... I would’ve gave 5 days but no slowing down time or rewinding it. Instead there would’ve been a few rooms spread out through the world where time stands still and will rewind upon the time ending.

ITT: Plebs who can't single cycle run the game

I’m thinking about trying this.

>People hate failing and having to try again.
The situation you described isn't even failure. It's research, and the fact that the two can be conflated by idiots is a problem with the game's marketing. That said, it's a really fun game because it forces an adventure game to take on a planning methodology, and it ventures just far enough outside of the typical "no-consequence exploration" tone to put a little pressure on the player while giving the player a myriad of ways to minimize or entirely mitigate those consequences introduced by the time limit.

Without glitches, the primary thing you have to keep in mind is you need to get Epona before the first night, which is the tightest time sensitive thing you have to do.

The idea is cool, but I think Majora's mask didn't do it well enough.
The game could exist without the mechanic, which feels like it's added on top

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>what is the inverted song of time
>what is the song of double time
>implying a song that both saves and returns you to the town hub isn't based

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It's intended for you so that you can blindly wander and discover events as they happen to be able to remember them at a later date
If you follow a guide or know 100% what to do and when of course you're not going to have fun with it

>he doesn't like trying to do as much as possible every cycle

Lightning returns

A timer you can set back an unlimited amount of times is barely a timer at all.

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I agree.
Zoomer with no argument?

Let's not get carried away. It's certainly a timer. Resetting the timer is not without its consequences. The conversation should instead be whether or not timers are inherently bad. To me Majora's Mask is an example of timers done well, but I think the gaming population at large has some level of timer-induced PTSD that leads them to instantly hate the game without considering its unique implementation of the timer mechanic.

Only for retards who never thought to neutral the stick

Here's some irony for you, Boomer: My time is precious and I'm not going to spend it redoing segments of a game I've already completed.

It's such a lax timer though. Made even laxer by the 'Song of Slow Time' or whatever that was actually called. Yes it has consequences that you have to focus on certain tasks, but I agree, it's a timer done well. It makes you mindful of what needs doing.

>My time is precious
You're on Yea Forums. No it isn't.

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So Yea Forums, is this actually worse or is it mostly just turbo autists and muh "dark" artstyle? Only thing I think looks actually worse is the moons stupid grimmace.

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I have free time, not like you who redoes children's games over and over.

I can give you a personal list but I’ll just tell you to watch the video. If you still think it looks fine, then enjoy man.

>artstyle is too bright
>Zora swimming ruined
>unneccessary additions like eyeballs on bosses and shimmering paths on water that restrict your approach to the game

the problem with majora's mask was slogging through all the shit you couldn't change again every reset. Putting consequences on in-game resets just made in-game less effective than just resetting the console.

Basically for such a feature to work well, you'd need to be able to influence more things.

Generally many things just aren't as good in a lot of ways. Inverted Song of Time only halves the clock speed so you can't 3 day anymore, normal Zora swimming requires magic and puts up a view-obstructing barrier over the screen, and most of the boss fights are all around easier with less options to choose from.
MM3D Twinmold is probably the worst fight in the series. You spend 10-15 minutes doing really short range punches followed by slamming it down half a dozen times

I haven't played it, but from what I've seen, the addition of eyeball weakpoints is braindead game design.

>it redoing segments of a game I've already completed.
But, you're not?

They fucked up zora swimming, but it is good

It's an improvement in almost every way aside from the visual aesthetic (not the same thing as graphics)

All games are children's games.

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Watch this first.

Hand your 5 year old a copy of The Witcher. Oh wait, you're a virgin, never mind.

>The Witcher

Jesus christ, do these burns get you through high school? Up your game kiddo.

he posted a quote what is wrong with /pol/ faggots

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I know it's bait, but i'm taking it. You must be 18+ to post here little one.

>the problem with majora's mask was slogging through all the shit you couldn't change again every reset
I hate to say it but this is really only a problem if you're bad at the game (which is only remedied by trying again and again until you don't suck). With few exceptions, quests in this game are very short and you should have no problem completing them within a cycle.

>Putting consequences on in-game resets just made in-game less effective than just resetting the console.
Not really. The consequences of resetting the console are far greater; you can't save your progress. Every quest ends with a reward that you keep when you reset the timer. The goal is not to complete all the quests. The goal is to get all the quest rewards.

>U can heal in the pause menu

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not even zoomers, just the braindead tards

Yeah it's easy to pick on the younger ones because obviously kids are dumb but there are retards in every generation.

>you can't save your progress
... you're resetting everything. what progress?

So you didn't play any of the Mario games until 64 then?

Did you even finish reading the post you just replied to?