PS3 Hidden Gems

Been playing for long time, need recommendations for i have played almost every known good game

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ps3 has no games

not true, it has ps2 and ps1 games


I don't think this is true.

Any obscure PS3/multiplat games anons want to recomend?

Odinsphere but I'm not sure if the ps3-version is good.
No more heroes ps3-version
3D dot game heroes
Ninja gaiden

Buttfuck your mom 2: Special Edition

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Mass effect trilogy is fun and cheap

Not the other guy, but far as I'm concerned you can activate the ps1/2 emulator on ps3's that didn't come standard with it with cfw.

Shadows of the damned
Darkness 1
Sleeping dogs

Asura's Wrath

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>Darkness 1
fucking THIS

One of the best games on PS3.

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El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron

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Asura's Wrath

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Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning

The Witch and the Hundred Knight

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Remember Me

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If the Dreamcast 2 was a thing I feel like Tokyo Jungle would have been one of those quirky exclusives that are fun to play.

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>The Witch and the Hundred Knight
Is this actually good? Everything I saw made me think it's just grind for grind sake, and a meaningless story of "characters" rather than plot. It doesn't seem to have much going for it.

Every good game runs like shit on it...