Are you ready for the patch that saves BFA?

are you ready for the patch that saves BFA?

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i'll give it a try on wednesday but i've zero expectations

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nothing can save BFA

What makes this patch save BFA?

squid pussy

new zones
new raid
new 8 boss dungeon
new gear system
mount equipment

>Saves BFA


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>Implying additional content can save BFA

>zero expectations

But user you've literally already played this. This is just an Argus remake from Legion.

>Repgating flying
>Timegating raids

TOP KEK, WoW cucks

It's Throne of Thunder all over again

>class gameplay still the worst it has literally ever been
How do they expect us to clear all that shit with absolute trash boring gameplay ?

I’m looking forward to them giving a fuck about the gnomes for about the first time in its 15 year (or however long it’s been) history

If you're looking for fun immersive class gameplay, go look somewhere else. There's only like two classes in the entire game that are actually fun to play and I wish I were using hyperbole or exaggeration

I'll play it until I'm tired of the content and resub back to FFXIV to try out shadowbringers. I prefer playing WoW at the moment because my friends there actually like to do the content. I only have two weeb friends playing ffxiv and they just want to do glamour shit and are extremely casual.

Honestly if I didn't have friends playing either game I'd quit. They're garbage to play by yourself.

This can't fix the burning buypig mess that is BfA.

Every patch is supposedly the patch that will save WoW. Let's face it, WoW is and will be on life support forever. It still generates revenue, obviously, but it will never be what it once was.

Let go.

>are you ready for the patch that saves BFA?
Where have i heard this before?

Yes, i am ready to farm some hordeniggers in Nazjatar.

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There is like what 30 minutes of story hidden behind some rep grinds in an area filled with reused art assets? You can't even play the raid for a few more weeks. What a patch.

So t's just new new content. Alright, I thought there was a gameplay overhaul or something

Nazjatar is generic garbage.
Mechagon, the secondary zone, feels far more interesting by comparison and that's just sad.

Hi friends, see y'all in Azeroth soon !

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I really like this picture. Can I save it?


I remember the start of BfA I decided to roll hpally for something new and it was kinda fun honestly. Not challenging really but I only had it in me to get like 3 other classes to 120. Each xpac I level fewer and fewer alts. After like a month of the first raid and starting to push mythic I just stopped playing because outside of raiding BfA was just insanely boring. Anyway what classes are fun now?