XIV thread, what class you leveling first?

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Other urls found in this thread:

MNK first, though I'm afraid this will probably be another expansion where I level it first, then switch to another class to raid on.


DRK all the way even if it turns out to be trash, simply for the MSW Aesthetics

Please stay in your containment board. We sent you there for a reason, you spamming cunts.

>not GUN

>not GUB

should I play FF XIV or WoW classic?

Have you played WoW since the beginning?

>what class you leveling first?
I'm gonna level DRK through it just like I did Samurai for Stormblood and Dragoon for Heavensward so I can get all the flavor text

My nigga

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Viera DNC

I played from wrath to draenor with sporadic breaks but haven't played it recently, stopped in like 2014

i wonder will there be an alt to this outfit, i kinda wanna glamour it the entire expansion MSQ as a gunbunny. i think those are the only heels that arc the foot right?

What the fuck is WoW?

I'm torn between DRG and PLD
Then maybe you can play Classic since it'd be fresh for you since you weren't there pre-expansions.

WoW Classic will be miserable without friends and since you're asking here I assume you don't have any.

ok cool
I just looked up FF XIV anyway and it looks a bit shit tbqh
correct but i'll find some neet on /vg/ to grind and ERP with

I kinda want to lay FFXV, but I don't want to join an autistic guild to raid and be commited to a schedule and all that shit. Will I be missing much of the experience? will people treat me like a scrub?

You don't have to raid but it can be fun and does add a lot to do at the end of the game since endgame is pretty devoid of things to do. I used to raid but gave up on it because of the autism with keeping up a schedule and dealing with other peoples bullshit.

>will people treat me like a scrub?
Sort, of. It doesn't mean you can't have your fun.

Only the top top trials and raids require a fc, most stuff you can go into the party finder and beat.

Please get the fuck out of this thread you miserable faggot.

WoW classic is dying

Lalafell is the cutest and funniest race in the game

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Most people play with randoms to clear content, although the culture is pretty toxic because of fflogs and selfish westerners.

If you haven't started it'll take a few weeks up or up to a year to catch up depending on your level of nEEtness and autism. FC's are used just to chill and talk and help with crafting or stuff.

The way to find a good FC is to just join the novice network, make some friends, and then join their FC

Get your cunny memes the fuck away from my race.

sowwie is babby mad I made fun of his liddle animay game sowwie babby sowwieeeeeee
>game not out


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Nah, you can pug normal-tier raids with no issues. The first two tiers of Savage raids can generally be pugged as well. Tiers 3 and 4 of each raid may need a dedicated group but can still be pugged if you pull the party-slot machine enough times. Ultimate NEEDS a dedicated group but the Ultimate fights are bragging-rights and glowy weapons.

What Male model has the cheesiest running animation?

No, you can make fun of FFXIV all you want, what I don't condone is ERP with faggot sissy men you queer.

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>join a random static
>it collapses in on itself because of drama with furries and trannies

I want to have friends...

> although the culture is pretty toxic because of fflogs
How? Mentioning fflogs will make yourself banned.
Can agree with selfish westerners tho.

A year? Try 3 or 4 months

Is it just my imagination, or does this fucker ZOOM? It makes it hard to believe that all mounts have the same speed.

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Aura no contest.

Tell me Yea Forums what are your fears when it comes to Shadowbringers?

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It's small so it looks like it goes super fucking fast
Same for the Riding Drake

casual player here with a job and family/friends. No shit it took me six months to get through Heavensward

Are you gonna be mad if I tell you I was just joking because I don't want you to get more upset, i'd feel bad if I finally pushed you to suicide

The shorter the legs, the faster they must move to go at the same speed. Just looks at lalas.

Gear design after the fucking horror that was SB, ESPECIALLY with the relics which looked like Chinese F2P ttrash.

WHM. Should be easy to find parties since Tank and DPS have new jobs that people will flock to.

Au ra definitely

>I-I was just pretending to be a faggot!
You're not getting another (you) sissy fuck.

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Just queued for Orbonne. I'll keep you guys up to date.

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>TFW we'll never get a true mobile DoT mage without clunky ass pet micromanaging

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Lalafell look like they're always hauling ass, even when they're walking.


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How do people level up secondary classes up to the point you can start doing dungeons? (lvl15 or so) It's the one bit I'm finding a faff, once you get past it you can level up pretty quickly.

monk being trash.

Just got done doing it myself.
Cid was whatever after a few wipes, but I was permanently dead throughout Ultima. The fucking cross lasers got me.

Cry about it you limp dicked pussy.

Looks ugly.


My current only fear is that the Planet Namek map just might end up being the least visited area when following the story.

Why is it called Gunbreaker and not Gunblader anyway?

Only do MSQ with your main job save side quests for any other ones

>That's him! that's Janny!

>dying in orbonne

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I thought that became the case here ? SMN can now summon their egis instantly.

Just doing the hunting log + class quests is enough to get you there.

Is the Shadowbringers meta just going to be the exact same shit as Stormblood but with DNC instead of BRD?



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Yes until suddenly DNC+BRD becomes a thing.

healer and tank changes making the jobs even more boring

Leveling Conjurer at the moment, I filled the first page of the hunting log but I'm still only level 8. I need to be 10 to get the next page, so I'll do some levequests.

That is unironically the best intro screen ever.

still haven't decided on my main
haha, i'm running out of time and can't neet all the jobs to level cap this time


Who are these meant to be?

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an important character dies like alphinaud and every community is uninhabitable for a week

Have you done your 2 level 5 guildhests? Those are probably worth a level combined.


yes come play classic wow with your favorite streamers
>but i don't wanna join some faggot streamer's fanclub
hope you enjoy dead servers then

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>se still taking risk
only g'raha will die

It begins.

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WHM will replace AST for a patch or two.

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Surely you mean GBK.

Another expansion full of nothing but garbage looking gear, the shit in SB was almost all trash

Why is there no way to hide Job Gauges?

Fates is how I did it.

I'm interested

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You can use the simple gauge. Let's me guess, you're a WHM.

Even the simple job gauges are an eyesore as I know you're meant to keep them slightly in the middle of the screen for visibility, but when I want to hide certain ui I can't do that with the job gauge and it irritates me.

is there a point to ever be in a group outside of dungeons? or everyone just autistically solos every second of their experience until mandatory group content?

RDM for MSQ, then immediately leveling GNB/WHM through roulette because I can chain queue those levels. Fuck if I'm leveling a DPS through DF and I'm not waiting until the next Deep Dungeon to level DPS.

Unless the trust system will let you chain queue as DPS, then I'll level GNB first because I really miss tanking.

You will regret it if you don't. I will perform the worst thing you can do on the internet. I won't agree with you.

Funno, doesn't it have a transparency setting or let you hide it behind another ui element?

Haven't done any guildhests at all now you mention it, good shout.

Is it a good idea to get this on steam? I got a free code for the expac off there and I'm curious to try the game out


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Glad they didn't pick a kike donation such as red cross. Then again Gary Sinise is a republican so it is no surprise.

MCH main in every xpac so far, with no plans to change that. AMA

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but asmongold said it Classic was dying...

I wanna fuck that rabbit

Despite what people will tell you, the game is perfectly playable.
The only major downside is you must always use steam to launch the game, and you can't use the official launcher instead - but that works both ways.
The SE store also has different sales at different times, but Steam also often has sales too.
Heavensward was recently given out for free on both platforms, but at different times.

Its not better than the heavenskino one

Buying the game on steam means you're locked to steam for any other expansion and it tends not to go on sale. If you buy it from SE directly you can find it on sale quite frequently.
You only buy on steam if you have a source of steam revenue like TF2 hats or CS:GO skins because you can pay your sub with steambucks.

>only g'raha will die
everything i love always dies

Yeah for hunts and treasure maps, and probably FATEs now since they will have new rewards. Some people do the MSQ with friends for when the reach the dungeons but other than that it's mostly a solo experience and there are solo duties that force you to disband as well.

How haven't you killed yourself yet?

I'm playing catch up. While FF14 does not have the best storyline, I been enjoying it. But seriously... WTF is this bull shit?
They keep jamming my face with walls and walls of text, that make no fucking sense, other than save ma daddy, and Cid: save their daddy.
The music on the spaceship triggers me for some fucking reason, and I just died to chocobos' meteors because I skipped the cut scenes and have no clue wtf is this quest about.

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>normal sized feet
count me out
i bet they have human toes, too
lazy jap fucks

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Steam user here, DO NOT get in on Steam, I regret it every day.
Also they're planning to have XIV go through Steam servers soon which will make it even worse.

DO NOT get the game on Steam, at any cost

>hate new MCH
>haven’t played anything else since ARR
>might have to relevel SMN


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DPS is too low, even for Suicide EX

Imagine never having played Final Fantasy Tactics.

>and I just died to chocobos' meteors
Welcome to dying.

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And that was Mustadio. Half my group died at times but better than most runs I guess.

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You can go ahead and completely skip all the cutscenes. It's nothing but a huge "hey FFT fans, remember this!?" questline. The raids are cool though.

>first thought is to mention the feet
You're perfect for FF14 though.

Please save me i'm almost resubbing early because i want to play so bad even though i'd just be running the same shit again

You're alright.

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Is that real? There's no way that's an actual Pokemon design.

>You share a BOARD with people who consider 4.0's MSQ "Good"

Is there any job someone could still play well without ever looking at the gauge?

>x years from now
>About thto fight XIV's final boss
>You get to an instanced area where an NPC from every single questline you've ever done comes to cheer you with a line of dialogue
>The boss fight itself cycles between all boss themes of all expansions
>Final phase ends with Maker's Ruin
How hard would you cum?
They can't make me quit DRK, especially if I fucking put up with it for all of stormblood.

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Wouldn't consider it "good" but it was certainly better than heavensward


It’s a joke, people have been joking about Pokémon gun with sword and shield soon to release

4.0 only or 4.x?

No, that's two launchers you'll have to go through for one game. Never use Steam for any game that has its own launcher. It's extra work for no reason. Removing connected accounts is also a hassle. Fuck Steam.

I enjoyed all the scenes with Zenos. It was just everything else that sucked.


They look terrible as every job

Is there something wrong with FFXIV's sound? I have to have it at 10-15 for master volume because it's far louder than everything else on my computer.

Going to level warrior because I still haven't gotten bored of it despite it being my first job. Also I love the aesthetic and don't trust anyone else to tank shit, any time I try to dps or heal I always get the most brain dead tanks that face the boss towards the party, doesn't use cooldowns, can't hold hate etc.

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I love the mix of memers, unapologetic weebs, generic fantasy names, unholy ripoffs of FF names etc you get in a picture that shows party names

Sup Yea Forumsros are we going to start this party or what? I'll tank

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Do you just not play PC games? They're all loud as fuck. I don't think I have a single one made in the last 10 years that isn't set to like 1% volume.

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That MCH is utterly ping reliant again 4noraisin and Hypercharge feels bad to use.

i still have to finish grinding for gear just to get through the SB patches.

My meter always bugs HARD during Agrias fights. Can you deal as much damage as this warrior called Cleansing Flame? I think not.

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How much longer before they bring back Papalymo and Louisoix?

Sup senpai we back I'll be healin

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that the game is fucking easier despite all the homogenization

Still having same 99% single target focused, extreme on rails boss fights. They remove TP and give everyone more AoE tools, so they must do something new (not new) now. More shit like a2s, ucob nael or duo (terraflare) phase...

what gives!

Furries was a mistake.

I wonder if the 'berds do savage raiding...

Can you port your bunbun from the benchmark?

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I hope you dudes have room for a support

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>someone dies to mechanics
>7 others in voice: SLOPPEH

I will decide.
If you cannot decide on your job, tell me, allow me to decide for you.

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>Summoner doesn't use bahamut even once in the fucking dungeon
>The RDM literally has 3X the Summoners aggro WITH lucid dreaming
>The Red Mage defends the summoner when I ask them what's going on
I really, really, REALLY hate this games fucking community. Nobody improves because it's acceptable, encouraged even, to be complete fucking shit. The best part? The summoner pulled out Bahamut on the last boss of the burn before we 3 man'd it because they died and recalled

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The plan is to level NIN with the story, SCH with roulettes alongside that, and then either PLD or DRK after a week or so when there's a few less GNB shitters

I would die laughing if this happened before my eyes.


I think it's due to games being designed for speakers rather than headphones. Alternatively they know their boomer audience is going deaf.

Thundergod wipe n1. Some group must have fucked up duskblade, wiped the fuck out of everyone.

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>Lorelets actually believe demi-bahamut was just added to make SMNs feel better

Fucking retarded cutscene skippers.

What the fuck are you guys doing with your gil? 4 different groups of chink sellers are asking me for gil because they ran out of stock

Haha good party friends let me do all your dps

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>mfw i play on PS4 and there are no logs of me anywhere
Not that i care desu.

WAR wins again baby.

I'm just watching his fight now for the first time in English, how can you take this game seriously with voice acting like this?

I had a similar experience with a machinist. Did not use their turret until the final boss. We told them multiple times to do so and they ignored.

>tfw they're removing Reload
Why? There was nothing wrong with it.
I see no reason as to why they couldn't have removed the RNG from our 1-2-3, while still keeping Reload.

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Why you? Are you known as someone with plenty of gil to spare?

Agreed. I want to pet their head, rub her tummy and kiss her on the cheek

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To be fair Ifrit, Garuda and Titan are pretty lame, a Shiva, Ramuh and Leviathan egi would have been far better

I hope next raids have music that is alex tier

Fucking erpers ruinning the pugs, they should stay on crystal

Went in blind and had a competent group, it really made me enjoy the raid. Now I do it and I just annoyed at people dying to silly things

Just look at the differences between the changes the healers got in Stormblood, Jesus Christ.

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Our nigga.

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Sup dudes I'll be your boss for tonight

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A fellow man of culture. I was considering making the switch to GNB, but I realized all the MCH changes fix all my problems with the job.

>Y’mhitra: “And as I struggled to unravel the ancient knowledge of the tomestones, I unlocked a good many mysteries…including the reason why you were unable to call forth Ramuh-Egi. When you summon an avatar, you draw upon your body’s reservoir of aether to grant life and form to what is known as an arcane entity─that much we already knew. I had, however, overlooked the simple fact that our aetheric reserves are finite─thus the magnitude of egi that you are able to summon is limited by the extent of your own life force. Simply put, if the egi is too powerful, then the summoning fails…
>can't summon even a ramuh-egi
>can now summon an identical copy of Bahamut
>not fan service
SMNiggers deserve the rope. Go fucking kill yourself and stay dead. How about YOU start reading you dipshit?

>illberd #2 keeps falling of the edge of the arena

I want it.

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Dev favoritism is a bitch isn't it?

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Because at that point, all reload would do is add 20 potency. I will miss the 121-323, but its better this way.

MCH being bad, I don't mind the ping, I don't, but I really want it to be fun, aesthetically I love it and I just want to complete that love by maining it like I did in HW, I don't hate SB MCH and even enjoy playing it on occasion, but it left so much to be desired.

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Gonna max SAM first, gonna respect ZERO content.

SAM CHADS, give me your best glamors

Use Amatsu armor, closest thing to wear as a Samurai. Or the Doman-colonies Garlean armor.

Level SMN. Swap to SCH for dungeons, most efficient way to level

Did you get put in the hole where you have to use the sword to kill the ghosts? Cuz that shit gets logged in ACT as like 90k damage and fucks the numbers hard.

Demi-Bahamut can be summoned using the summoner's internal aether too - which is how it can be done while in the Far East.

What would it do? it's only purpose was to force procs.

I’m impressed and also depressed that so many people are excited for 1 new skills and a removal of a bunch of skills across all classes.

Can anyone post their cute girls and erp discord?

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>not liking the memer of mhigo himself.


What's the lore behind Demi-Bahamut?

I have contracts with them and they got access to my sheets with sums of gil per world
Even someone asked me if I could move gil to another DC because there's a massive shortage


Best part is that it will never change because in Yoshida's fantasy world, Scholars do the least healing out of all healers, therefore they need to be buffed at every step.

>we're loosing quickened aetherflow
that sucks man

Should I fanta to a lala girl even if I'm the dominant top in my EB

The holy sword damage is counted. I remember a similar problem on O11N with the duty action.

It's very comical but not at all what I'm used to having heard his JP voice until now.


The same way japs take this game seriously with their sentai tier VAing

>this kills the classicfag

Are you supposed to main a class in this game? or you're supposed to main like an arche type since you can share the tank gear with all the tanks for example?

Also is any of the classes mechanically intensive or hard to execute that people desire in their groups? or an underplayed class people need often?

Last question, anything wrong with playing via steam?

What SB characters will you miss the most?

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And yet they don't even have aether to summon a much less powerful egi.

I kind of want it too, but.
>130+ bucks
I'll be fine

Not with those ears lol.

How do you know when your tank is pulling too much versus when you're just not focusing on healing enough?

Finally unlocked (and cleared) all of ARR dungeons! Should i got for the HW ones or finish with the ARR Ex trials first?

post dem fuckin bunnies


That's cool. Sounds like people are really excited foe ShB.

Hancock for sure.

It should be fucking illegal to have macros like that. No one has time or wants to read all that bullshit in the middle of mechanics. They just want simple and quick information. I've only ever had ONE healer whose Res macro was a simple [Res on ].

It was fucking beautiful and I appreciated it. Told all my mates to comm that healer for having a modicum of common sense.

They removed it and gave it to Gunbreaker and I fucking called they'd do that shit the day GUK was revealed

>yfw the ShB gear beyond AF is more robes

Do you not see WHM getting utterly fucked?

>playing SAM


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I dunno man, sometimes the tank is fucking dead and I have to stop myself and ask.
I swear they just get deleted randomly sometimes, like you look at their health and they're fine, you cast your AOE and the tank is fucking dead.

>Lalafell are basically gnomes who are prone to all-around surly and greedy behavior and that are either scheming jews or are layabouts or idiots
>fanart shows them as air-headed helpless lolis

can only use it on healing stuff.

Mnaago cuz she makes my dick hard, the rest were pretty trash and are alive or trash and died so I'm good either way.
Will be showing up again so no reason to miss him he'll be back

There's no such thing as pulling too much. The game blocks you from doing it before it becomes too much.

>Also they're planning to have XIV go through Steam servers soon


I guess getting the cope in before it alone has more players than Shb? Good thinking user

I don't play heal cucks, why should I care? Only trannies and faggots play healer.

>wowrefugees playing raid for first-second time
>they died
No shit.

despite downloading it from steam
you can 100% just use the launcher to launch it, without ever having to open steam for it

Anyone in the east, pretty much.
I mean it seems like we're losing everyone except Scions and Ascians this expansion.

Excuse me?

Check their gear and if they use a CD. If the gear is even remotely close or above the dungeons average expected ilvl and they use CD's, if they are dying it's probably the healer fucking up.
If their gear is subpar and/or they don't use CD's, they are a lost cause, you are unlikely able to save their ass if they do big pulls.

Post your healerless O12S clear.

play whatever you want
all the good jobs are played by a lot of people but good healers and tanks are always in high demand
kinda, you tie your account to steam which isn't a great thing for this game

If you can't keep up even while hardcasting a heal every GCD, your tank either overpulled or didn't use cooldowns.

Yes I play fun classes. I don't support.

Yotsuyu. Not Tsuyu, but the actual, normal cunt of a woman. She deserved her fate but I'll be damned if I don't admit I enjoyed her antics.

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what does the FFXIV button do?

Hancock, Gosetsu and Magnai/Sadu

My wife......

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>Garuda turns to Bahamut
>Ifrit to Phoenix
>Titan gets shit
As things should be, fucking ugly motherfucker.

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God i want to hold a lala and fuck her like an onahole...

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I want to purify this cunt with my cock and turn her into loving wife

Installs the game. Even if you've already got it.


You guys should his reaction regarding a wowfugee explaining XIV:ShB.

One of the funniest, hypocritical shit I've seen in gaming.

isekai's you to eorzea

>Titan turns into Alexander

How did they manage to make this stupid weeb the only likable character in Stormblood is beyond me.

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>no demi-Alexander
why even live?

A fate worse than death.

are retainers really pay2win?

Has anyone gotten their collectors editions yet? I haven't even gotten a notification of shipment yet


If it makes you feel any better most of the SCH skills that got buffed are utterly worthless

Hancock, Sadu + Magnai, Cirina "Bull Testicles" Mol, Hien, Gosetsu

Me too senpai

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>two days before Calamity
Enjoy your life

show me your best lala tummies

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please stop making me hard thinking of lalas guys

Can't hear you over the sound of how fucking perfect shad blm is gonna be

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What’s the point? You have just as many buttons accessible on the keyboard

Depends, if making effortless gil like retainers can do is P2W then yes. Otherwise no as they can't give you current endgame gear. The increased inventory is also pretty bullshit considering yoshi keeps crying about muh server stress.

You're basically forced to main a class due to the way end game progression works. You can only get so much gear per week so realistically you're only going to have 1 class with the best gear while content is relevant. Some gear is shared between roles, but itemization is still different due to substats. For example Black Mages love spell speed and want as much as possible while Summoners who also use caster gear would prefer to stack critical hit.

We're less than a week from the expansion so it's hard to say what the Meta raid composition will look like. But compared to other MMO's this game is fairly well balanced so as long as you aren't shit any class combination can clear any fight.

Steam is fine but there are a few drawbacks. You must purchase everything through Steam so the generic PC version doesn't work with it. This is fine, but it means you might miss out on sales since the game is typically cheaper outside of steam. You also have to deal with an additional launcher.

Lolidom is acceptable but as all things in rp, discuss it with your partner beforehand so you're both on the same page.
messy makeout session with her midriff before getting a tummyjob
Some enjoy that discrepancy between their looks and personality. For me, it's a weird form of gap moe. I know these little fucks are scheming something behind my back but it only makes them more endearing.
You and me both, brother. I'd be stuffing them full at the end of every dungeon

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But this makes them -easily- accessible.

lots of people survived the calamity

A lot of them.

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Dear god, no thanks. I'd die super fast.


You sure about that user, you might want to double check FFlogs to be sure
I play on PS4 and people have uploaded stuff with me in them, mostly story mode raids and 24 man runs, fortunately for me I pull purple numbers at worst even in those cluster fucks


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people are excited because of all the ability bloat, it takes 3 hotbars to play Paladin and that's w/o any QoL macros

Not in the slightest. Sometimes they'll bring some nice furniture but most of the time it'll be vendor trash.

pay2win is basically paying a premium to have something normal players can't have without paying up, so in a way, yes, paying for retainers gives you more space and lets you sell more items for more income

The biggest advantage I see is I only have to use my thumb for movement instead of three fingers for WASD.

God I want to fuck a male lala so bad.

>No one has time in the middle of mechanics
We're not all as stupid as you user

>have dozens of material clogging up my inventory due to these damn beast quests
What do I even do with this shit?


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No good looking gunblades

How do you get the most out of retainers? I haven't played in a few years and I've forgotten almost everything about dailies and the like.

>discuss it with your partner beforehand so you're both on the same page.
But she'll just say no.

*teraflares you*

>[take me Raubahn, I am your Sultana intensifies]

Spend them? Retard

>The only spell on that list that's not that useful in comparison to everything else is Emergency Tactics
>The list contains buffs to Excog, Fey Union, Indomitability, Adloquiem and Aetherflow
>"most of the SCH skills that got buffed are utterly worthless"

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Please post some hud layouts...

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Are you fucking joking? Almost SCH's entire goddamn kit is on that list.

Minfilia a cute

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Yes, but it is effectively just an increased income rather than a direct power increase so most people don't have a problem with it.

throw it away if you don't need it, or throw it in your saddlebag for when you do need it

how lewd can you get in this game? Whenever I see screenshots it's the same plate bikini from release and like 1 swimsuit, they didn't give players any other skimpy outfits after that?

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do tell me where I can pay gil in game to clear content. because only then would retainers be pay to win


Why do all of the lalafell in game not go for other lalafell? Like that CUL one and the male miqo'te

DRK first. Familiar with it, and I'm confident it won't be complete shit. Second job up is GNB for sure though. I've heard it's as smooth to play as SAM, so that + tank makes my penis become the big penis

You don't win anything though. Sure you can buy some gear off the market but if you suck shit you can't do anything with it anyway.

Technically it's paying to get an advantage, but said advantage does almost nothing for you.

I did check and there's nothing about me. Although it's not surprising considering i'm still going through the MSQ and just now reached The Final Steps of Faith. I mean, who would care about that right? Only Ex i did so far was Garuda and Titan through the DF so it's super old content too.

At least it'll be over quickly

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Oh I see the nub now. Seems annoying to me

>and I just died to chocobos' meteors
Haha yeah I remember my first red chocobo.

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Hell yeah senpai

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Because love is blind to race?

There's Shisui gear from one of the more recent dungeons which is like short skirts or panty looking stuff, even on the males. Just look it up really, but there's one for every Job even.

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> not using your skills for over 7 seconds


Only if they have Yuyuhase's JP voice desu.

Same thing I have been, gonna miss hagakure and more than anything I'm curious as to how SKS sam is gonna play out, dungeons it should be full RIP AND TEAR given TP is gone so its just a matter of how it will stack up against crit in raid now

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That's a stab wound.

kek that's actually pretty cool

If that were true you would see more half breeds.

Think about it user. You're three feet tall and your frame is tiny, almost any cock from the tall races is going to be an absolute monster to you. Why would you want to go for the shrimp dick manlalas given the choice?

Counting mods or no? If so nearly skyrim tier

That's the stuff.

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DRG main til I die. LNC since 1.0 baybeeeee.

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Ima be honest I skimmed it and saw Fey Union like 8 times and was like “wow it’s fucking nothing”

It's just a fucking Nostromo/Orbweaver with a ludicrous pricetag.

post more

How exactly are BLM supposed to deal with the Red Chocobo menace?

Considering the competition rewarded max level players with the removal of skills, abilities and power. Doing nothing at all would be exciting by comparison.

Did that guy kill himself? Last I saw him he was standing on a bridge surrounded by WHMs casting Holy

>ywn ruthlessly fuck a potato and listen to their cries while their limbs dangle helplessly in the air
this twisted game needs to be reset

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I noticed Yoshi marks his enemies green. Do you guys have different color schemes?

What a slut.

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put some clothes on


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The Gunblade of the Fiend better not look like shit

Potatoes are for gentle mashing only

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Will Shisui finally be dethroned as the basic bitch thot glamour of choice in ShB?

You would if they would put the budget into expanding the possible body types. All races essentially looking the same is a limitation of the game itself.

Why does Yoshi not have a Target Info bar with the debuffs? I only see a focus target.

>want to be a lewd lala
>also want to be a slutty bunny
>you're supposed to only play one character and max all his jobs instead of having alts
this is suffering

I know it's a new concept to you but you can move out of aoes. They have a clear pattern if you pay attention.


I'm praying more for the Zurvanite one. Also I hope to God we get Alex gunblades, but I doubt we do.

kill yourself

I'm glad the pedo class exists in this game or else I'd be wasting hours in this game. Keep it up, Japan

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same way they deal with savage, switch to smn

That's not true, lorewise there is very little mixing between the races.

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Why I would miss Kurenai?
She's still a scrip dispenser when she is on bonus.

The Waking Sands... Home

This is my wife.
Say something nice to her.

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both are good desu

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>already enjoying BLM in SB
>ShB makes them even better
how do they do it?

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Nobody cares fag

I thought this thread was going to be about XII, but instead it's about shitty XIV. Thanks for wasting my precious 5 seconds

>get isekaid into my character
>now own land with a house, an apartment, have servants, and have millions of gil to live the rest of my days in luxury

Probably, which means people still using it will be like thav niggas were in SB, can't wait for the mods since the thav mods have been pretty gud

There will 100% be creator weapons since they have to model them anyway for the inevitable ultimate. The first 2 probably won't get any though.

I know the feeling user, I'd play a lewd girl of every race if I could.

>pedo class
I agree, scholars are all pedos. They walk around with a little girl.

Only it isn't, shota viera didn't make it in buddy.

>Anime midgets is pedophilia
Lewding lalafells is disgusting because they're misshapen and less than human, but pedophilia it is not.

the "win" in pay2win depends on the player, some players don't care about clearing content, so that being the "win" is irrelevant to them, maybe their win is making more money to buy the best items, or hoarding specific items
the "win" is malleable to whatever the player wants it to be, so if more inventory space, ventures and selling slots doesn't matter to you, it certainly isn't pay2win, for those that do want those things, it is, and they are willing to pay for it, I admit, its a very benign example, but paying a premium to have more things than the average player who doesn't pay a premium is the easiest way to summarise pay2win.

You're very cute and I hope you have a good relationship with user.

it took all of his brain and muscle power to keyboard turn

Worse than /vg/. Pathetic.

what's the chance of this going on sale tomorrow?

Her boss theme is CUTE!

It works like Pokemon breeding, the child is the same race as the mother.
I wish I was joking

But the patch that saves MMOs is being released tomorrow?

Why would it?

but there's nothing exclusive that having 6 retainers will get me than 2 won't

I don't even know how to comprehend this.

Mooncats suck

How can XIV even compete with 8.2 and Classic?

anyone know if there's a way to get unpermabanned? Amazon told SE that I cancelled my promo-related order after I used my code and they killed my account :( right after i preordered the CE of ShB, too.

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I expect to see a lot more mileage out of thav cuz DNC

Can't right now, maybe a later thread
Its my house mom I can do what I want

But really anyone got anything to say about SAM? Is my class even more dead now than it was in SB? Is everyone a critnigger?

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Except you must be joking, Hilda looks like a cross between hyur and elezen.

I don't remember that ever coming up, but I know it's a thing in Elder Scrolls.

Fuck you

I liked Yanxia gear. Was it recolor or unique?

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That is assuming we GET Ultimate Alex in the first place. Also if patterns hold, we won't get them until the patch Ultimate Alex drops.

They want to get IMAGINE'd

They suck, alright.
They can suck my dick

anyone able to write some quick lala smut

Stop lying faggot

I would ask to be sure but if they decline still, accept that it's better to pursue Laladom related activities with a different partner. It should be a priority to respect your partner's wishes if they're not into a scenario.
Reality is cruel but Lalas help me endure it just a little bit easier.
Glad to see a fellow patrician agree.

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that estinien is gonna go to his waifu

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It's a recolor of the shit the hunt vendor in Ishgard sells. You can upgrade it to a dyeable version in Idyllshire.

It's impossible. Last time I played XIV the game was so slow my keyboard actually improved in function.

>Meowie will never recover


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Wait till the expansion drops. That's the highest chance it would go on sale.

recolor of 170-180 law gear

Ishgard gets gassed.

>Can't right now, maybe a later thread
I assume you meant that for me, so I'll say that's quite unfortunate.
>But really anyone got anything to say about SAM? Is my class even more dead now than it was in SB? Is everyone a critnigger?
I think it looks fine and fun.


I'll be OT, bro.

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The dps difference between secondaries is minimal

Oh that’s fucking obnoxious. Worst thing about the PS4 version, too, and if this steam shit ends up anything like that, steamcucks are turbofucked

where git wings

>this autistic faggot is going to try this in this thread after being btfo in the other thread
Show the email

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>Want to play blm
>Friend says I should play rdm or smn if I want to raid

wtf bros

It's true, the child will always be "primarily" the mother's race, but will have some characteristic of the father's race. They probably do it this way because a femlala trying to squeeze out a Roe baby would be lethal.

Get in touch with SE support. That's your only option

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Eden having as bad a story as Alexander.

I think they made a real effort at making castrum meridiam as annoying as fucking possible.
>walk 5 feet
>pointless 10 second cutscene
>walk 5 feet
>pointless 10 second cutscene
>walk 5 feet
>annoying actual cutscence
I mean holy shit.

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God I want to get my dick destroyed by wide lala hips

it can't. Everyone who wants to play a good game will be dropping this for Classic immediately.

crit meta got shafted pretty hard with gcd changes and chain/litanny nerfs

It's the boss' favorite job. They have to give it extra effort.

Where is that stated?

Yea I know, I was mostly fishing for anyone who plays SAM, which it looks like is basicly no one, ggnore


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officially dropping healslut for SMN




Sit tight or you'll tire yourself out.

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BLM sthola looks fucking great

It's one of those things that Koji has said but I don't think has ever been directly addressed in the game itself.

Your friend is trying to be nice. He's suggesting you play an easier job instead of just calling you shit.

Do you regret getting hooked to this? if you could go back in time and not get involved with FFXIV would you avoid it?

you know its bad when the whole party is groaning about not getting praetorium, since we'd rather reboot our game 6-7 times in 15 minutes than deal with meridianum

My mooncat EB is cute though.
But you're right, she DEFINITELY sucks.

If my "win" is looking better than others a costume could be p2w. It's a stupid example

>Female Au ra literally look and act like little girls.

This answer was such bullshit.


Will Square ever stop shilling this bitch?

It pulled me off of WoW before it went totally in the dumpster so no

Fucking ethics department desu.

So you know that article does in fact btfo anyone who thinks Lalafell are children, right?

Chinese cash shop only

I would avoid getting involved with xivg psychos

I don't recall him saying they were just the mother's race. I do remember him saying races generally don't mix, though.

>Female Au ra literally look and act like little girls.
You mean they look and act like J-pop idols.

moons that aren't shitskin dirtnoses are god tier

Au'ra look and act like teens

At least the mega pull leading to the boss before Livia is fun

I just started last month so i'll say no.


nothing exclusive, but having 6 retainers is 1000+ extra inventory space over players who have just 2 and inventory space is an important thing for a lot of players, many have asked for a third free retainer already and Square has already increased the default inventory by a large amount, but for some people, it still isn't enough, so they pay for more.
not to mention more retainers means you can sell a lot more items, more items on the market means higher income, especially if you craft and have lots of stuff to sell at all times
if you could buy raid gear, that wouldn't be exclusive either, since you could just raid for it, but that is still pay2win right?

Someone randomly bought me a house, paid for everything in full, I'd feel like as ass if I let it get demolished.

Unironically or are you memeing?

Which is simple, just never go into Gilgamesh ever.

>Do you regret getting hooked to this?
No? Because I play games if I like them. How can you waste time by doing something you like?

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It's the best we got and I can fap to that

I like this archetype of character.

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There's nothing to discuss really. The job is pretty much the same but better.

Have you seen their sitting emote? that is some shit a toddler would do when trying to sit down.

cope, pedo

>look and act like J-pop idols.
What's the difference

Considering the people I've met, the fun times I've had, and how much I've generally enjoyed the story and raids, nah I wouldn't, I would however like a refund on the time I spent on certain relics

>open novice network
>everyone talking about wow and autismbald
holy fuck please GO BACK

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Crit is also weaker at the start of an expansion because you can't stack as much of it as you can at the end of one so SKS is probably going to be pretty popular once people start hitting 80

Me nigga*

>BLU the solo Job
>Can't even solo the primal fights to learn the spells.

I read BLM shota there for a split second.

How does this make you feel?

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Time you enjoyed wasting is not time wasted.

I'm not going to hand you a win in this argument by meeting you halfway in a what-if scenario. Having extra retainers gives me what advantage over those that don't that involves gameplay?

It's nin pvp gear

Yoshida has a lot of rings

It's Au Ra.

Those we have lost... and those we may yet save

>You must be a pedo if you think this answer was absolutely retarded when lala's and female au ra exist.


nothing, respect the content healrs!

That's quite unfortunate user.
I know there's some good, friendly people among xivg but the psychos and drama whores are a bit too much sometimes.

indifferent because I don't play the girl class

nah, I met good friends and had a lot of fun
still am, really

Will Rowena find her way to the 1st?

Sitting poses are shared throughout all races, plus wariza isn't exactly unheard of or anywhere associated with children.

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Its literally one of my top 3 favorite games of all time

Nothing because I can't process empathy

Axtually it's drahn

>little girls with average tits
they look like asians

What's wrong, user?
I would but this isn't the best place for it.

I'd have wasted the time in some other way

ulala is the best girl

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I want protect back just as a form of ready check from the healer, now I have to do an actual ready check to start the dungeon to make sure that fucker is awake

I don't care fag

which are the other two?
and how many hours a week do you spend in FFXIV?

capitalism always finds a way

>Robot chicken is weeb
What is this referring to? I don't remember any mechanical chickens.

Hrothgar is a beast tribe?

nothing, that esuna is fake and leech and exalted are gone

seething pedo, cope.

Well, I screwed that post up real bad. Even forgot to add an image.

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no but lalas are

Lalafell are for cuddling

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