2019年のグレートポケモンカリング The Great Pokemon Culling of 2019 全国図鑑 National Dex バトルフロンティアBattle Frontier 3DS の最適化 3DS Optimization ポケモンコンテスト Pokemon Contests 世代を超えた進化 Cross-generation evolutions 飛行ハガネール Floating Steelix メガシンカ Mega Evolution トリプル バトル Triple Battle ローテ バトル Rotation Battle ポケモンワールドトーナメントPokemon World Tournament 森本茂樹Shigeki Morimoto 岩田 聡 Satoru Iwata データ圧縮 Data Compression ずかんナビ Dexnav ウルトラチェンジ Ultra Changes
2019年のグレートポケモンカリング The Great Pokemon Culling of 2019 全国図鑑 National Dex...
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>You have lost 5 Credits in your account.
Favorite mon? Dewgong here.
My negro
Wakie wakie Hiro, you smell that? That's burning money. You know what to do, Nanking Nigger.
>not 924562795 bucks
come on
>Floating Steelix
for me, it's dunsparce
based fuck niggers and jews
Your favorite is scyther
>despite its quality this game will sell millions
>we will never see a good pokemon game ever again
bingers btfo
Contrarianism can only get you so far
i hope this backlash actually achieves something
i know it wont but i can hope
Mewtwo but fug is better when you remove nolstalgia.
It won't tank, best case scenerio it does LGPE numbers.
Unironically this. My fiancee has been playing since she was a kid and buys every fucking piece of shit merch and game they put out. She's been eagerly waiting for this game to come out so she can buy another 4 copies of each installment.
Thats the kind of person that buys this shit, I'd leave her but she rides me like a champ while dressed as the flavor of the month cosplay and I ain't givin that up.
Mamoswine for being the only good ice-type.
Swampert or Aggron
Oh that ship has past since X and Y
>that backlash against LGPE but kept culled for the Pokémon RPG the year after
>tfw it's this shit
I love Serena!
Fight me.
Mawile, knowing I'll never be able to use Mega Mawile again hurts a lot
Mah nigga
even though i hate kanto
well they don't shill him anyway
Free mars 公交车投掷The pure gangsta uprising 15 在战场上打我,看看会发生什么 The new eden bombings 获得brouzouf The anti secreta struggle 我的腿还可以The dark ages 没有什么可以理解的 The metastreumonic force 只是执行订单 Looter rights 白痴党面具 Planetary independence 纯匪帮 The CROON Incident 啮齿动物的弥赛亚 Syndicate 内疚的周期 Syndicate black operatives 大屠杀是生命中最美好的一天 Culter Dei 删除联邦 Commander Rimanah 神圣的杂草人 Mentor 出生于服务和保护的比特犬 cc_ancient 布道 Grey Master 死者之王 The Three Pillars 导师没有做错任何事 Bubicon
Reminder that None of the above pokemon have been confirmed for Galar. It's extremely likely you will be unable to use them in Sword/Shield.
If you think that the regional dex scandal doesn't affect you, then think again.
like just play the older pokemon games if you want older pokemon?
i know and i'm not gonna buy it.
like just don't support lazy and greedy devs
It's fine, I wanted to move on after the disaster that was gen 7
1. Primarina
2. Mewtwo
3. Empoleon
Here's hoping I'll be able to emulate it soon since I can't pirate on the Switch since I bought it on January this year and I want to be able to play online.
I don't mind that not all pokemon are returning, it SHOULD have been good for the game.
The fact is that gamefreak are incompetent and I don't want to play it at all due to how bad it looks. I wish they would get their shit slapped by the rest of Nintendo
What is this Galar you speak of?
All I remember is that USUM are the last pokemon games for a while
Dew gong gong gong
despite pokemon being a fat cat cash cow gamefreak barely get any funding and they have a total of 18 staff. the pokemon games barwly break even so for the limited resources gf hs theyre doing pretty darn well. now i dont knoe about you but ive never seen a game with 1000 unique enemies: it simply doesnt exist nor can any games engine reliably handle it. for the resources they have i say bravo gamefreak. youve done well.
based as fuck
I know
No Mawile = No buy
Nigga they've been reusing the same resources since XY. It's not like it would be hard to put the rest of them in.
its because their cant be more than 1024 unique pokemon, its a hardware limitation