idorts, how you decide which platform to buy a game on?
Idorts, how you decide which platform to buy a game on?
simple, I pirate :^)
it's simply really, i choose the one that's made #4theplayers
Xbone my my priority. If no Xbox port, then PC.
Only use my PS4 for exclusives and Switch for when on the shitter.
I usuall get it on PC, unless it's a shitty port
youtube is the only platform I need.
>is it on PC
>Y - Buy it on GOG if available, Steam if not, next best platform if neither
>N - Don't buy game
Non-exclusives go on PC, then exclusives on their respective console. If it's only not on PC, then I usually pick the Xbone
PC: superior multiplats plus an odd exclusive here and there
ps4: exclusives and fighters
switch: exclusives and local co-op
-PC for raw power and ports that play genuinely better example (mankind divided)
-console for comfiness example (Diablo III, fighting games)
-pirate if I can't find anywhere else the game, have ton of microtransactions or I despise the company example (dead or alive series)
>hen exclusives on their respective console.
Hmmm, interesting decision
PC for more graphically intense games. PS4 for exclusives of some other Japanese games. Switch for exclusives, indie games, and most other Japanese games, since Sony is full of faggotry lately.
>Is it an indie or competent port of a past-generation game?
Get it on Switch
>Is it a game made in Japan?
Get it on PS4 Pro
Get it on PC
For fighting games, I usually double up if it's on Switch and PS4 Pro since It's nice to be able to do lab-work on the Switch on the go and then bring that to online on the Pro
PS4 and Switch idort, I just get whatever is not exclusive on the Switch on the PS4 instead, unless if a multiplatform is something my friends want to play multiplayer on.
There are a lot of good Xbone exclusives that are on PC
I recommend anyone with a solid enough card to try Horizon 4, it's damn fun
Switch for slower, comfy games (pirate)
PC for demanding multiplats (pirate)
PS4 for exclusives only
Although, I barely use the PS4. Very disappointing library. Hopefully Last of Us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima end up good.
The one where the game isn't censored and where it runs best, but prioritizing the phyisical buy
PS4: fighters and exclusives
PC: pirate everything that's singleplayer, buy multiplayer focused games
3DS: pirate everything
PC: Most multiplats + shooters + strategy games
Switch: Exclusives + remasters
PS4: exclusives + multiplats that aren't on PC like RDR2
This is my purchase tier list for platforms. I try to get handheld versions of games that aren't gimped and dont look terrible.
Its on pc then buy it there. Ps4 for exclusives, have a wii u but don't see any reason to get a switch yet. And my xbone I just sold to my friend since it was collecting dust.
If I'm playing with friends I get it on PS4, if it's an indie or exclusive Switch, AAA or any game I want to test before buying or mod PC.
I bought a Vita a few years back to play its exclusives and now i use it to remote play PS4 games that aren't on Switch
I dont care usually
I get it on whatever has the best version.
So basically everything on my xbox unless it's a vertical shooter with TATE mode, then I get it on switch (because the resolution in that is actually higher than when it's cramped on a TV)
The Wii U is a powerhouse if you know how to mod it, you can make it run N64, GameCube and Wii games without buying them. Just hacking the shit out of it
usually play on pc although my computer is shit and cannot play games like total war warhammer 2. does not run very well. if thats the case whichever system is on. usually ps4 for achievements I suppose
>It's a xbot recommends Forza for the 100th time
Xbox literally has nothing worth owning the system for.
I'm legitimately curious why would anybody buy an Xbone.
Always get shit on PC; use Switch or PS4 for the exclusives.
Shouldn’t Xbox be with PC because of Window 10?
PC since I will still have easy access to it 10 years in the future unlike having to find and replugin consoles
If it's on PC I get it there.
Unless it's something I want to play in bed/on the train, then I get it on Switch.
PS4 is only for exclusives and I don't own an Xbone because I'm not retarded.
whichever one I can get free games with (hack/cfw)