Now that the dust has settled, was it actually good?
Now that the dust has settled, was it actually good?
I put a lot of hours into this game and I don't regret any of them.
The first triple A title in a long time where I unironically felt that the devs didn't thought the playerbase are brainlets and that you can challenge them.
First MH btw, played it for 200 hours+ and Iceborne is the only major release this year I'm looking forward to.
Why is the combat so fucking bad?
Also, why do monsters run away unless I farm shit? This game is bad
its the only monster hunter game that I ever actually got my friends to play with me for entended periods of time. so yes, that makes it good in my book.
post your favorite weapon and why before bingers flood the thread
If you're baiting, I'm going to stop here.
If not, the game's combat can be tough to master at first, especially if you picked Charge Blade like I did.
Look up guides to your weapon, practice combos and your weapon's mechanics at the training room.
Also know monster weakpoints, some of which are extremely obvious.
The game takes some time to get into, but I promise it gets better.
Yes, but it has a lot of problems. Though at the same time, almost all of the issues can be attributed to basically being the first of a new series.
Fuck no.
Game sucks ass and World doesn't look like it will fix any of the issues like:
Armor sets being too strong
Shit stagger values
Treating PC players like shit
Yes, and if you disagree you are indubitably a binglet.
It was fine, but I dropped it after the first spring event and haven't played it since. I don't know if I'll get back in when Icenorne comes.
>devs didn't thought the playerbase are brainlets and that you can challenge them.
Interesting design and mechanics and satisfying to play.
Late game item, you don't have access to it before finishing the story.
The only issue I have is no G rank. Thats it. I absoloutely adore how movement feels and using every weapon feels great now. I love HBG and LBG now because of those extra skills they have, I can now play pseudo Lost Planet 2, machine gunning monsters with other people.
There should be almost no argument that its a good video game, the only thing up to debate is how good it is for you
>The first triple A title in a long time where I unironically felt that the devs didn't thought the playerbase are brainlets and that you can challenge them
World is actually dumbed down a lot compared to most of the rest of the series.
It took a ton of the undocumented feature bloat from past MH games and streamlined them down to their essential functionality, makign the choices fewer but also more meaningful. It can be difficult to hit the right balance between simplicity and complexity when trying to update old mechanics, but I think they did a great job here. From gear abilities to palico functionality to item usage, I think they really did a great job at figuring out how to remove pointless grinding while keeping a good sense of progression and ownership over the mechanics.
But it's also good because it adds new things, rather than just simplifying what was there before. In particular, they did a lot with the weapons and environment in this game.
While I have personal complaints about the weapon combos in the game, like how easy it is to pull off the burst attacks with the Gunlance (i.e. the fullburst and wyrmstake), I think they did a great job of distinguishing the playstyle of each weapon to feel and operate in more unique ways. They added new moves and mechanics to nearly every weapon to the point that they all have a more distinct role and capabilities while also updating all the controls to be more in line with a modern action game but also keeping the weight that MH has been known for in its combat.
But the biggest change of all that I think is here to stay is how they made the environment in a new system and mechanic that both the players and the monsters use to their advantage.
Honestly, while it has the easiest combat of the MH games (at least the ones I've played) it's also the most intuitive one to date with the least amount of proportional bloat.
So i'd say it's good. I still like MHGU more (at least till Iceborne)
Progression and story were dogshit akin to some chinese MMO. Combat was 7/10
Okay? But the story missions are easy as pie, so it basically only becomes available when a competent player might start struggling against DLC monsters
>limited (and heavily skewed towards fire) roster
>poor pc optimization
>shit weapon designs
>barely functional lobbies
despite that I still liked it, and I'm considering iceborne, and I still got about 100 hours out of it, but it's not my favorite mh
It's a great game but a godawful Monster Hunter game.
It's fine, I didn't think it was really any easier than other base-game/high-rank only MHs.
>late game item you can only get after doing basically everything else
>doesn't even last that long and has a massive cooldown
Meanwhile Generations and GU had Absolute Evasion and Absolute Readiness, which were broken beyond belief
Yes. Solid 7/10
How can Yea Forums like this game? They literally stabbed Nintendo in the back
the wyrmstake and fullburst are both shit though, they don’t need to be any shittier or clunkier when swinglance and wide shell spam are already so far ahead
Thats kindof the problem though, G rank is what people actually think of when they think of Monster Hunter, before that point it is not hard at all, people really over state how difficult these games are much like the Souls series, where its people who are pretty bad at videogames getting a taste of a game that actually requires they be looking at the screen when they commit to an attack.
>poor pc optimization
>Wah why won't my 750ti run this new AAA game at 60fps must be consoles fault
No. It sacrificed too much from the old games in order to appeals casul westerners.
>people actually defending Gen and XX Gunlance
now this is pathetic
>you can bring it into iceborne
>devs probably balanced the game around it
They're not getting out of this retardation
>use the babby blanket
>get your attack cancelled and do no damage
Just because you can't get punished for being retarded doesn't mean you're rewarded. Not saying that temporal mantle was absolutely a good idea though.
Combat is so slow and it's a grindfest the equivalents of F2P games like Warframe. Why even pay for grindfest games in 2019?
Both of those require you to hit the monster to charge them up between uses, though.
I'm trying to have fun with this game but it's difficult. I'm really tired of having to spend half of my time just running after monsters as they skitter away. Does it get better later? Like, am I just not doing enough damage to fuck them up and keep them constantly writhing around on the ground, or is it expected that you have to chase them 3-4 times around the whole map to get a kill?
use flash pods and traps to stop movement
It really doesn't. I really regret buying this.
Guess I'll see about trying flash pods, my slinger hasn't had much use so far aside from penetrating shots and throwing rocks when the monsters are running away.
having the monsters run around is really the lesser of two evils when the alternative is them staying in the same area for 10+ minutes
You're shit at videogames and you're trying to blame the game for it.
I don't mind them running around on their own but what I don't like is how every time I do any kind of damage to them it turns into a brisk 5 minute jog to the other side of the map before I can fight them again.
How is that the lesser of two evils, exactly?
So it's not about the endless pointless grind and boring repetition?
Yes it's the best one in the series and don't let any grumpy faggot tell you otherwise
Starts of great but since it's the first of the of a new gen it had shit all for monsters. Also fuck the stupid AT and timed event bullshit
>Starts of great
Good thing I didn't stick to it because the start was monotonous.
You might think that fighting a monster for X minutes without worrying about micromanaging is a stress saver but you have the consider the maps as well. Suppose I have a map with 10 areas and an arbitrary number monsters with quests on this map. If the each monster only sticks to one area in the map, then what you begin to see is overutilization of some zones and underutilization of others. This essentially means that the underutilized zones are redundant. We tend to expect that each zone provides some different gimmicks for fighting a specific monster in order to differentiate between zones/maps.
stop giving advice if you suck ass at the game
Early monsters you can stunlock to death once you're decent. Bigger mons will typically run away once or twice a fight before going back to their nest to sleep it off once they're in dire straights. Flashbombs and traps help, but it depends to a degree how much DPS you're doing, which can only come with practice
>niche item that is ultimately trumped by proper position and learning to use i frames or super poise
Don't even have to use it.
What jewels are going to be worth using on mantles, seeing as they only work while wearing them?
It's fun the time you complete the main quest.
Then the game become a neverending jewels bait that'll take you hundred of hours of your life for nothing.
Truly the worse thing I have ever experinced despite the insanely good look of monsters and the funny weapons.
I guess I shouldn't have worded it that way. I meant more that the novelty of playing a MH on the big screen instead of a 240p handheld wears off quickly, and then you're left with one of the shittiest endgames in MH, especially with "you play when we tell you to" event quests.
likely only the level 4 decos, none of which have been shown yet
Not even the best mantle in the game.
Its a good game but I dont think it is a good monster hunter game. I am only saying this because I managed to put 600+ hours into MH4U but in MHW I was running out of things to do at 80 hours.
pretty bad, MH as a series has gotten to a point where the powercreep is overwhelming, World even moreso than 4th gen which is a pretty big achievement, so the only way the player can be challenged is by having monsters fling aoe attacks out the ass like something out of an mmo (see behemoth), everything else just falls flat on its face with how insanely powerful and mobile characters are.
unfortunately, the game sold extremely well so I don't expect a return to the more grounded and predictive combat that the older games had, it's just going to keep getting faster and more reactive until it's DMC with RPG elements
>adding new mechanics is powercreep
im sorry user but MH would be dead if every game was just FU with more monsters
And that's a good thing.
it's possible to add new mechanics without them being in overwhelming advantage to the player, take swimming for example, although it was poorly implemented, it gave many monsters the advantage over the player in their native environment while adding a new gimmick to the series. mounting and verticality is overwhelmingly in advantage towards the player in comparison, mounting broke the game and monsters don't use terrain nearly at all, and the ones that did hang on vines and such just gave you ways to more easily get knock downs on them. It wasn't until World that they gave a very select few monsters moves that could utilize things like wall run terrain against you, and even then the advantage is still crazy towards the player.
it all leads to a horribly unbalanced experience where you need aoe attacks everywhere to actually be hard
If you mod away most of the grind
That is not a relaxed face at all
Lance because you don't have to move and you're invincible
you just power counter everything
how is this a bad thing? it's a bright, shiny indicator that whoever you see using it is a total shitter and is to be avoided.
>get your attack cancelled and do no damage
And if you didn't have it on, you'd get your attack cancelled, do no damage, and get hurt yourself. Knowing that your mantle will auto-dodge anything that would have actually hit you means you don't have to be cautious or worry about committing to anything, leading to increased damage output.
pls no bully its charge blade
You're making a claim about mechanics disproportional advantages in the players favor without acknowledging that (1) every player mechanic can be both advantageous and disadvantageous depend on usage and monster matchup. (2) mechanics are added to give players options and correct usage of said options must give players some advantage by definition. Capcom doesn't need to add AOE attacks by the dozens but monster skeletons can only have so many telegraphable attacks before they start being undifferentiable from each other. One way to alleviate this is by diversifying monster rosters each game iteration which is what they already do.
>If not, the game's combat can be tough to master at first
lmao no its not
Yes, you can stop them from leaving later. You'll also just learn patterns and know where they're going at certain times.
By using flash pods, or things like dragon pods that drop from monsters, you can keep monsters in one area. Combine that with doing tripping/stunning, it becomes possible to keep monsters in one area.
Not worrying about anything doesn't imply increased damage output. The monster doesn't care if you have your blanket on or off, it will do its attack regardless. If you were supposed to get hit, then you won't be allowed to do damage in that exchange. If you weren't supposed to get hit, then you'll have the same opportunity to attack.
Evade lancing.
>using Temporal Mantle
>not Evasion
Between LBG, Lance, and Bow. Why? Because i was an IG scrub-lord for almost 200hrs and needed something different to play with.
>every player mechanic can be both advantageous and disadvantageous depend on usage and monster matchup
that's exactly what I'm acknowledging, water combat gave the player some advantages and disadvantages based on matchup, but it was mostly a disadvantage, mounting and verticality is about a 95:5 player to enemy advantage, almost none of the monsters utilize the mechanics available and so it's just you bouncing all over the monster getting mounts off and flying around them while they flounder on the ground, there isn't a single monster in the series with a dedicated anti-air move for example.
>mechanics are added to give players options and correct usage of said options must give players some advantage by definition
of course, but the inverse is almost never true, tying back into the first point, if players don't understand mounting and verticality, they aren't punished for it, monster's don't hardly ever use that terrain and those mechanics against you.
>monster skeletons can only have so many telegraphable attacks before they start being undifferentiable from each other
that simply isn't true, you can use things from subtle movements to sound cues to different states to have different moves given to monsters, the possibilities are massive but MHTeam doesn't bother using any of them.
>One way to alleviate this is by diversifying monster rosters each game iteration which is what they already do.
used to do*, hopefully this changes with World 2 but the monster variety is at an all time low without a new skeleton introduced for the first time in a new gen with World
It's a great game by all means and I enjoyed my time with it and can't wait for Iceborne but to say the devs didn't treat the playerbase dumb is silly.
I mean do we even need scoutflies? I memorized monster spawns and habit locations pretty fast and so did a lot of other players. That and overall the game is easy like Generations where in this game monsters stagger from the smallest shit and in Gen it was skills.
Anyone who complains about the fact that they got rid of the clutter of having to make new bugnets and pickaxes and w/e is dumb though. They were good to finally make those quality of life improvements as those were the things I got tired of in each installment.
why do all the enemies look like massive damage spunges?
I can't believe autists are still pushing this
Just because it had lots of QoL improvements and isn't clunky trash that only autists could like doesn't make it "dumbed down". Real dummies are the retards who defend the old titles
Not taking damage let's you do unsafe moves leading to increased damage
It's a terrible pc port it uses way too much processing power and threads
Horn since P3rd fixed the moveset. I'm glad it is seemingly strong in the Demo but I have a feeling it is going to fall off hard n the actual game. Watch it get fuck-all for craftables as usual
>that's exactly what I'm acknowledging, water combat gave the player some advantages and disadvantages based on matchup, but it was mostly a disadvantage, mounting and verticality is about a 95:5 player to enemy advantage, almost none of the monsters utilize the mechanics available and so it's just you bouncing all over the monster getting mounts off and flying around them while they flounder on the ground, there isn't a single monster in the series with a dedicated anti-air move for example.
The claim about mounting and verticality being available to monsters already exists in another form. Monsters countering mounts exists in an extremely simple implementation with mounts draining stamina and them being able to follow up a failed mount with an attack. Usage of verticality is no different from monsters being able to fly from the player's perspective. A dedicated anti air move already exists with tailwhips. If you concern is that monsters can do it on reaction is a design decision with its own flaws.
>of course, but the inverse is almost never true, tying back into the first point, if players don't understand mounting and verticality, they aren't punished for it, monster's don't hardly ever use that terrain and those mechanics against you.
Monster use of vertical terrain would be the same as them running away from you after each hit, arguably a flawed design.
>that simply isn't true, you can use things from subtle movements to sound cues to different states to have different moves given to monsters, the possibilities are massive but MHTeam doesn't bother using any of them.
Subtle movements and sound cues are also telegraphs. Different states have been experimented with before although this is probably doable in a fair way.
It's a little content bare like Tri. And the the drawn out story missions are a poor addition to the series.
It's a fine game, but skippable cutscenes would've been nice. Without them MHW has even less replay value than any other MH game, which is really saying something because only supremely stupid people like me replay MH games
as a pc gamer i like waiting 6 extra months for content patches so this was really good
Longsword because I live life on the edge and I'm best bros with Greatsword chads.
I played it for 30 hours and found it bad.
Just running around after some monsters while mashing a couple of buttons over and over. Also the story and writing is complete trash, the gameplay feels clunky and boring.
Good thing I bought it extremely cheap
>mashing X and A instead of using the chad Foresight Slash