Games you like that never get talked about on Yea Forums thread?
Fucking love me some Roadkill, it's the best Car combat game ever made.
Games you like that never get talked about on Yea Forums thread?
Fucking love me some Roadkill, it's the best Car combat game ever made.
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Incredible game which never seems to get the recognition it deserves.
The Darkness 2 is merely alright.
They're fucking old but I played the shit out of these games
I fucking love Driver SF.
A crying shame it was ignored.
My man. Such a good game. The WW1 hell/purgatory level is my favorite.
For my game it’s gotta be the suffering. I’d give anything for a remaster or a sequel one of the most gruesome and spooky horror games I’ve played.
Chromehounds, but it's a 10 year old multiplayer game that no longer has online so it's okay.
The spiritual successor that's being made by an indie dev team seems to be moving along but slowly. Modular Assault Vehicle, if anyone is curious.
"Dr Killjoy opened up my head and took the bad out."
Fucking love me some Suffering. Ties that Bind was great too and yeah, shame it never went beyond that.
Maybe one day friend
Gex was better than Mario
Have gex
They DID get rereleased on GOG last year so you can run TTB on PC without issue for the first time in forever, so you never know.
Is midway even a company anymore,
Speaking of midway games that need a sequel/remake, Area 51 was another fun shooter with great levels, especially once you get down into the foundation of the place and start finding all this secret hidden shit
Loved just smashing the fuck out of people with the riot shield that and using the buzz saw
This game had a good soundtrack.
This game managed to become a cult classic in Germany, where it was made, and for some reason Russia, because it got good grades there from gaming magazines, but in the west, the journalists apparently gave it bad grades because of high difficulty. This game is amazing and everyone should play it. It's got awesome aesthetics of a sky world mixed with steampunk, you have an innovative mix of mechanics as you travel on foot or jetpack, but also have to manage buildings on your flying island-fortress, and it has some of the comfiest levels in it, like the Gray Market. I only wish more people here played it.
I love everything about far Cry 5.
it's one of the comfiest games ever made.
People just don't know about it.
People have a hard time believing this is real.
>it’s real
What the fuck. Why
Play it. It's absolutely amazing just how much of the game they managed to recreate, including Voiceovers and graphic novels, and actually make it fun and a loyal adaptation.
Playerd it when I was a kid. Memorable for sure, but not too much of a good game
Garbage without online. The single player campaigns are horrendous.
The random ass tornadoes and shit in the city was always fun. Also I think the VA for Vegeta was on the radio or was a character, so it was weird hearing Vegeta shout all sorts of things on the radio.
I've played that game so many times. It's one of those games that once it starts losing steam, it throws a whole bunch of new shit at you. Going deeper and deeper underground into weird ass alien shit was cool as fuck. Seconded for remaster. Always wanted to play the sequel, but heard it was shit.
I loved it, but oh god does it get complciated after the first few areas.
Why Playmobil has never taken off like Lego games I'll never know.
Blacksite Area 51 was a sequel? I never knew that
I thought it was, both Midway. Had nothing to do with the other game though, so it's hardly a sequel. But a lot of games have sequels that are completely removed from the first game.
Like I said though, I've never played it, so I don't know if there are any ties at all besides the name.
such a great anime-ass-game. Played the shit out of it
This is ridiculously fun.
It 's a fast & Furious game in all but name.
Likely they lost the license in production and carried on regardless.
It’s shit you’re not missing much
Nobody ever talks about how wonderful this game is.
>Always wanted to play the sequel, but heard it was shit.
Yeah that seemed to be the general consensus, when I asked about it. Shame.
In contribution of the thread though.
I've always loved the Stuntman games. There's an itch that those games scratch that no others quite match. I really wish they'd make another, but odds are it'd be heavily casualized.
There's one in development.
For phones.
Honestly from all the gameplay I've seen, it looks pretty meh. It's trying too hard to tell too many stories at once but none of them quite hit.
Knew I never should have bought that hairy hand from that weird antique shop.
What a bummer.
This game was really fun, the humor was great, used to play it with my dad when I was younger. It’d be nice to see how many zombies current day engines could handle. I’d love to turn dozens or hundreds of people into zombies to help me
It's an endless runner with button prompts to barrel rolls and adjust to hit jumps just right etc.
Why the fuck are my pics coming up so small, that’s not the file size I have them as
I bet there's not even a director.
>franchise dies at the third game
>stays dead for over a decade
>og developers buy the rights back from the publisher
>they release a new game
>sells jackshit
>devs sell the rights to THQ Nordic
oh well
But Max damage was terrible, it wont have helped.
Such a shame this game was so heavily ignored as the Pokemon franchise continues its stagnation. If only Nintendo took a look at something made seventeen years ago, they could realize there's so much more they can do with that franchise, instead we get S/S and an avalanche of rightful ridicule for it.
I'd say Twisted Metal carried on the torch passed by Carmageddon well enough.
There are 5 of these fuckers on the 360, and nobody ever seems to have heard of them.
Ah well, more AUTOBAHN PATROL hjinks for me.
it's weird that it doesn't say playmobil anywhere on the box
Like it does on the bottom right?
Battlestations: Midway
Twinsen's odyssey
Time Commando
Atomic Bomberman.
Really Underrated game.
Dude, Diesel is actually a real gamer, any game that features his image he makes sure that it is good, Look at the Riddick games.
It was terrible on release, but after a whole shitload of patches and work, it became fucking great. The DLC is amazing.
I think this game is very unique in terms of story.
It's like a tale for adults.
This gets more hate than it deserves.
The story is pretty decent and has lot of spec ops the line style weirdness.