>why yes I am an adult and I play video games
Why yes I am an adult and I play video games
Other urls found in this thread:
he's an adult and still plays games
I think all wojakniggers should be gassed.
When I was a kid I was mocked for playing games also
Oh I hate Adulting. Don't you, Reddit?
>Yeah, I guess you could call me a gamer. I still play my old DOS favourites now and then. How did you know?
>"what do you mean anime is aimed towards teens??"
cope,seething incel
I only play video games to read books
well it's not
it's aimed at 25-45 year old otaku
do you think teenagers can afford to buy anime blurays in japan
they cost 8000 yen for 2-3 episodes
I only play videogames till I stop being depressed
Eu odeio brasileiros.
Games for this feel?
>why yes I hate video games while posting on a video games website
have sex
Unironically made me laugh like a retard
>single thread of web that spans an oddly large distance
fun fact, that's the thread spiders use to "fly" long distances
>like a retard
there's a reason for that
Last pannel should be angry boomer
>laugh like a retard
So...You laughed.
>get up at 7am for 6 figure engineering job
>dress up business casual and head over
>attend meetings, consult with multi billion dollar corporations, and architect some applications
>go to gym after work to stay in shape
>go home and fuck hot Asian gf
>do a little laundry, clean, and play an hour of Mordhau
>wind down with Yea Forums browsing
>notice someone say videogames are for children
There is literally nothing wrong with playing video games at any age.
It's another form of media just like movies, music and books.
>Too dumb to comprehend patrician humor
If you are legit as successful as your green text implies, this place is too good for you.
Like those 2009 memes but with wojak and pepe instead of derp and derpina
I gotta keep to my roots.
have sex
lurk more
>I gotta keep to my roots.
lel, i implore you to say anything good of this pile of shit.