Why dont more triple a games have turn based fighting anymore?
Why dont more triple a games have turn based fighting anymore?
Normalfags don't like it
Goddamn it every time I see a screenshot of this game I want to play it again
cant wait to put my dick into jade in the switch version
fuck square for making me buy the game twice though
only boomers like turn based
Because turn based is too soulfull for western mutts.
I wanted to like this game but the lack of variety in music is killing me,
>one town theme
>one battle theme
>victory theme is like 3 notes
>no boss music
I did the horse race and they used the fucking battle music for the final lap
Normies are brainlets that can't comprehend tactics and just want DA2 "button = awesome" combat.
because it's fucking boring. Nobody wants to play a menu simulator when they can do the actions themselves. Unless it's a legit strategy game turn based is trash
this but unironically
But im a zoomer(i think) and i like it.
But im american and i love it.
Just turn it off and play your own music then.
Because it was a system developed specifically as a way to represent complex group battles in a stretched-out way because it was the most technically appropriate way to do it at the time.
If you still want turn-based, there are still countless games being made using that antiquated system. Turn-based combat won't disappear anytime soon, but technology has advanced enough that it's not a needed crutch anymore. There are also turn-based strategy games, which are still technically exactly the same as your run-of-the-mill turn-based JRPG, except with a different skin.
I'd rather play a game where allies are smart enough to act on their own in battle, rather than needing the player to micromanage their actions. There has to be a dozen types or more of hybrid systems out there too, but most of them are just shit.
Pick your fucking poison.
Zooooom zooooom
Because your modern zoomer has the attention span of a gnat, and has crippling sociopathy cause from being raised in a broken household. This is evident by the fact that the template for modern MMOs involves a piano keyboard of ability buttons on short, worthless cooldowns with stats to match, and the almost immediate shift to full priced games that only include a competitive versus mode and colorful lootboxes.
You don't need to announce yourself like that, this isn't a blog.
Because it's something that should've completely died out 20 years ago.
>I'd rather play a game where allies are smart enough to act on their own in battle, rather than needing the player to micromanage their actions
AI-assisted party based combat is the single lowest form of gameplay imaginable.
>the majority of combatants fighting the villain are not controlled by me, the player
What am I even there for, then? I may as well let the AI handle everything as it's already making most of the choices in the combat.
Like I said, hybrid systems are shit.
I prefer games with companions, not drones.
>What am I even there for, then?
I don't know, be better than a fucking bot?
Game, much like movies, have to appeal to retards to make tons of money. That's why RTS games don't exist anyone.
Go be retarded somewhere else
Because it's boring. Boring because it's easy.
Have sex
Why do you insist on shitting up threads for no reason?
Turn based is garbage and always has been. It only ever existed as a result of incompetence or lack of resources.
too complicated for aaa audience, if you don't believe me go watch some ffx streams and see how many people can't manage their turns right
It's because it's fucking boring that's why. Long time ago there was not other option take example of final fantasy vi, a gem that couldn't be more because of the current technology at the time. There were arpgs that tried to leave it like secret of Mana, and illusion of Gaia but we're ignored by Japanese faggots and are largely unknown by Western culture. Arpgs are the future OP you have to accept it
zoom zoom zoom.
good point. ffxv is WAY harder than saga or smt, amirite?
If a quadraplegic individual can play the game with their nose with no disadvantage, there is no challenge.
Unlike many of the other standard design choices that came about from limitations, turn based battles against AI didn't have a lot of room for growth outside of strategy games. Mario can bing bing wahoo through wildly different level designs and Doomguy can bang bang ugh with a variety of weapons against a variety of enemies. No matter how many new spell names and enemy designs you make in a turn based game, you're going to start seeing diminishing returns on how different they actually feel from one another much faster. Even a game like Pokémon, which has a level of freedom and variety built into its premise that many other JRPGs lack, had to give almost every single addition to gen 7 some unique gimmick.
However a good turn based game is still more engaging than the shit I had to put up with when playing an Assassin's Creed game or the latest Spider-Man game. Also most AAA games want to be over in 8-15 hours which is usually where you're unlocking the rest of your abilities in a turn based game. I guess they'd save a ton of money if they went with turn based but the returns would also be way lower. I actually like getting into the rhythm of turn based stuff but I understand why general audiences would see it as archaic.
no but KH2 is
t.Summerfag zoomer
Turnbased used to be a thing because of hardware limitations. The only reason why people are still doing it is because they have a high amount of experience with it now.
Aren't we talking about turn-based?
99% of turn-based combat in JRPGs is fucking boring and every time I play a JRPG I want to kill myself
Jagged Alliance and X-Com? Great games
Heroes of Might and Magic and King's Bounty? Hours of fun
I even had fun with Valkyria Chronicles, but JRPGs are just boring trash and most of them can be completed by fucking monkeys
It's like saying chess and checkers are on the same skill level. If you think the only possible challenge a game can offer is how fast you press buttons, you are very much retarded.
Because AAA games are usually designed to make as much money as possible.
I'm 27
So post Final Fantasy III bar X is really fucking challenging then.
>had to give almost every single addition to gen 7 some unique gimmick.
They really did not have to
>ffxv is WAY harder than saga or smt, amirite?
not really since you can Hold O and you have a 10 second timer to have a 0 HP character use a potion on themselves before you have to use a Phoenix down on them.
I have played some easy/casual games before but holy fuck, FFXV was so fucking easy/casual it makes those other games look like Dark Souls in comparison.
Except chess and checkers have no challenge. It's not hard to move the pieces around. Even Stephen Hawking could play.
It's called sarcasm sweetie.
and a faggot
I've never played a Final Fantasy game ever.
Are the special 2D mode missions for each game including 10 the closest we're going to get to playing 10?
what are some jrpgs with good stories?
trails in the sky
chrono trigger
secret of mana
come in mind
if that makes you feel better about your hilariously outdated taste in game mechanics
Dunno what's worse, paying for it twice or actually waiting for the Switch version knowing you could get a taste on PS4/PC
Planning on getting into Dragon Quest. Is 4, 5, 8, 11 a good order to play the games in? I might play 11 before 8 depending on when 11S comes out, but I wanna play some of the best the series has to offer.
Because turd-base is just speed-up fodder.
People ACTUALLY CLAP IRL whenever a developer adds a turbo button in their turn-based button. This is why FF7Remake is an action game.
they sort of did since it was becoming increasingly obvious that gamefreak had no idea where to go creatively. Moves were all just becoming type varying versions of flamethrower, thunder, leaf storm or stat uppers and there was nothing but powercreep. You can tell that they really don't try to futureproof anything
Hopefully the game gains enough traction to warrant a localization
Squeenix could be printing money with their older games but are only now starting to catch onto that fact
Most have a variation on the ATB (Active Time Battle) system. Everyone stands around and waits for their bar to fill before they can use an action, both friends and foes. Some have the ability switch it to Wait instead of Active where if you're currently selecting who to use an action on then no one's bar fills more until the action is complete. Wait doesn't work if you haven't selected the action yet though so enemies will still fill their bars while the nose guy has to push up and down to select the action then push the confirm button to finally select it. As well, obviously, you can only select one ally's action at a time so your party will be standing there brain dead. Some actions also require another bar to be filled before their execution. The later games also require the use of the triggers and bumpers mid-combat and that would be hell with only your nose.
So we need more Mario RPG/Paper Mario style stuff.
Those are all the ones I finished before going back to the rest so I’d say yes
I mean if that's your standard pretty much anything jrpg post nes will have a good story.
Tfw had to cheese the octopus fight with the cannon
Because turn based is shit. Nobody wants to spend 15 minutes clearing out trash mobs.
>no boss music
There's a boss theme but the game doesn't use it until the first boss with a full party.
witcher 3 would be a better game if it somehow had dragon quest 11 combat, with a party and mp and all
it's an acquired taste that can turn people off when paired with games that are 40+ hours long