She's unironically right

She's unironically right.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Gamers are right.

tumblrinas: iNcElS aRe MaD tHaT NiNtEnDo ReCoGnIzEs MiNoRiTiEs

based. incels lost the culture war like they lose at life

those characters arnt white, they're japs

She actually is. Yea Forums literally throws a tantrum anytime they see a brown person in a game.

Look at those eyes and say it again

nuck figgers

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dont forget the random typing letters because that's a lesbian thing apparently

>it's a twitter thread

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Why can’t lefties do anything but strawman? Why are they so inherently opposed to anything approaching a reasonable discussion, to the point where they have to totally make shit up about what other people believe to reinforce their idea that anyone that disagrees with them must be evil, insane or both?

I hate that a game I liked was made by a libtard and a literal tranny (who hasn't transitioned yet at the release of the game).

i mean, she's right. incels and sjws are the only ones that really give half a shit about that kind of thing anyway
for everyone else it's either "oh hey neat" or "eh not going to use it"
check this 5 though

Please stop spamming the board with bait garbage.

making this thread means youre just as bad as she is.

And you're not making a strawman right now?

how is this a strawman?
they are pointing out the fact that right wingers say anything non-male, non-white, non-cis is "political"
which they do

No one thought it was political when Bayonetta got short hair
Or when 2B had short hair
A lot of people just think short hair is hot

Sometimes Twitter makes me sad

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Leftists also think so.
But they also believe everything is "political" and continuously attack listed examples.

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Its okay when I do it

And the spacing between individual letter

>using "gamers" unironically
Could have just typed "I'm retarded, ignore my opinion" to save some time typing the tweet out for the same effect.

Wow! Thanks for bringing this twitter tweet to my attention, i am now totally outraged.

/pol/fas got triggered by nier and bayonetta also. god their lives must be so miserable to be so triggered over trivial shit 24/7


I think she was more right back on the 27th time you posted this.

did it work

As opposed to ironically right?

>Word bad me smart for using synonym
Nice selective censorship cuck

fragile femininity is so sad

No, I’m only convinced she’s retarded. Only having selectable skin color after all this time isn’t something to brag about, though. It’s a palette swap that should’ve been in the games ages ago.

It's not like it's even a big deal, since Animal Crossing is a terrible game to begin with. It unorinically has less gameplay than Gone Home or The Order 1886.

>The same people who throw a tantrum about not drawing Nessa the right shade of dark brown try to act like they are above some loser with 5 followers

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I mean you can do whatever you want with any given character, the problem is that in many if not most cases its very easy to see the greasy fingerprints the people making those kinds of choices leaves behind when they're just doing it for the social media outrage and/or brownie points. It just gets incredibly tiring to see after a while.

But nobody said any of that. They're literally making this shit up in their heads because they're addicted to being outraged victims.

Oh yeah, screencapping bait OPs really is taking the pulse of what all gamers think.

What she's saying is true. You're literally so deluded in your little bubble hugbox you think no one can agree with her.

Kinda right, Women are the niggers of th gender, etc.

>Twitter screencap thread
>506 reply before 404
>mod deleted wrong thread
>10 minutes later people use the same tweet to shitpost
>489 reply
>mod is nowhere to be found


>to be so triggered over trivial shit 24/7

u triggered right now??

>normative body types
If you defend fat people you deserve to be killed alongside them
t. fat American

>no one said any of that
Do you ignore half of the threads on this board?

Gamers dont think that

But devs literally say the reason they put those things in games is political?

i will pee in your butt

Only people like her think like that and then they try to project their thoughts onto others and use that as "facts".

How is this newsworthy at all
Obviously they want to make it like it's more of a big deal than it actually is
So that on one side people can pretend like people are mad over one of the most basic customization feature
And fucking niggers are eating it up

Check theory

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Why is this supposed to be a big deal?

They sound less miserable than someone who has /pol/ living in their head rent free 24/7

lmaoing @ all the triggered /pol/incel replies

>She's unironically right.

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It isn't
Op is reposting the same bait everyday for (you)

And you are ironically a faggot.


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>god damn fucking sjws ruining everything, stop injecting politics into my games like having black women in pokemon, having gays in Last of Us, or making Tifa look like a human being rather than a blow up doll

>"lol look at these gamers thinking existing is political"

I like this feature. But im just waiting now for the option to be non-binary characters

i hate sjw and political shit but shes not wrong.
Look at the Nessa pokemon situation. retard are seriously debating on her race instead of following through dick unity and just fapping

Silly user.

Women aren't right.

Who decides who is a minority and who isn't

>If a woman has big tits she's nothing more than a blowup doll
Whoa, buddy, cool it with the sexist remarks.


>Sjws: everything is political
>Also sjws: lmao why do you claim everything is political

>spam that shit 24/7
>haha rent free XD
neck yourself

>strawmanning this hard

Shit. Guess we have a lot of lesbians here then including myself.

Ah the classic "no u" defense

>like having black women in pokemon
Is this really a conclusion you drew from this "controversy"?

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I dont give a shit if she's right or not. Take your faggot ass to /pol/ and leave the rest of us to talk about video games.


>not a soul:


You're literally doing what you're describing right now, fucking retard.

Haven't seen any anger at animal crossing besides OPs pic. Clearly cherry picked

>Yea Forums threads reflect the entirety of people who play vidya as a whole

Not him, but yes that's the conclusion I drew from it. Every pokemon fan on /vp/ was unironically saying things like "ewww i hate niggers in my games fucking sjws! gamers rise up!"

I thought I had stepped onto /pol/ with how much racism was being spewed everywhere.

>literally everyone in every other country for all of history is not fat except amerishits right now

Never understood this shit, who the hell cares if a characters is a nigger in a childrens game, what age do we live in where manchildren seethe over something like that?

Twitter literal whos

That character is just a tanned Asian person though so it makes no sense

Yeah, go back to talking about Tifa's "politically correct" boob size, Cyberpunk 2077's feminist agenda, or how the "trannies" are ruining V:TMB2.

Those threads are "video games" because they adhere to your circlejerk mindset.

>if I use this term enough people will call me smart

cool facebook memes, bro

She had completely BTFO'd Yea Forums up until the body type bullshit.

Those are Twitter memes.

Just trying to communicate in a way you'd understand.

Fuck off you thin skinned pansy nigger
Grow some balls

SJWs and incels are two sides of the same coin, literally projecting onto each other while the rest of humanity stares dumbfounded

>scream about /pol/ 24/7
>I..I'm not deluded
Go outside

Leave animal crossing out of this. You faggots didn't even care about it till E3. So stop trying to degrade it by acting you know what's best for it.

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>they're making shit up!
>when weeks at a time anons were reeing about how black people, lesbians, and different body shapes are being added to games
>threads don't reflect the entirety of people

Don't move the goalposts.

>t. fatass

>w-well they did it so i can!!
literal child

Fuck blacks.
Fuck women.
Fuck dykes.
Fuck gays.
Fuck fatties.

What do you think the word incel means?
Most sjws are incels

now how do we help tranny suicides reach 100%?

The body type part is true too, just look at all the nonstop rage and tantrums theyre throwing about Tifa's breast size.

>loses his mind and makes petitions to keep black people out of video games
>calls others thin skinned

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>Calling tanned characters black

sure they are, facebook-man

SJWs are the ones who think there are only two races; they lump African American, actual African, South American, Indian, Middle Eastern and islanders all into one pit called "POC" and any remotely white Euro ethnicity into "white" and discriminate aggressively against one camp. I've never seen more flagrant black-vs-white racism other than the apartheid era. Just goes to show you that hatred for skin color is just a trait baked into the white person's mind.

yep she right

dont make pedantic arguments, it wasnt LITERALLY half the threads nor did everyone agree on one view and with some of those the outrage was justified.

also V I D E O G A M E S


the finest trick of /pol/ is to persuade you that it does not exist

Lead by example.

>sjws are the REAL racists

>>scream about /pol/ 24/7

To be fair, everyone on Yea Forums screams about other boards and sites all the time.

Has Yea Forums tried not getting mad about non-white men existing in videogames and play some videogames instead?

>Comparing pol to the literal Boogeyman
Kinda proving his point

If you cared you would've whined about them. Just pointing out that you are the /pol/tard here.

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Fuck off chud

We can't let the Marxist ruling class and the libtards who enable them destroy the Western society just they have a new house on the beach.

Huh, weird.
I saw a bunch of twitter faggots calling for blood over "whitewashing" at first and some jap artists trolling them with it later.
/vp/ didn't acted that much out of character either.
But if it bothered you so much, starting visiting other online forums instead of this one might prevent something like this from happening ever again.

>She's unironically right.
Not really. Since it's been discovered a long ass time ago that skin color is just a concept. With a specific diet you can change your skin color. Yet we have leftiest stuck in medevil times with their MUH BLACK.
You got orange and shit too now. Yet none of these whitey white haters are willing to change their skin color or not marry a whitey.

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I dont remember doing any of that shit, but ok
Im not some reddit activist i just hate niggers
