>Game has a beautiful hime
Game has a beautiful hime
Other urls found in this thread:
first for fuck off wow fags
>game causes gamers to rise up
If you go hornless as a REAL cat, you might as well be a miqo'te
What’s the best way to make gil that doesn’t require crafting?
reminder that there are faggots that cleared both ults and spend time ERPing since theres no non-social content left
I can't even imagine playing a Hrothgar as anything other than a Ronso.
In terms of in game lore (not the player economy) how much gil is considered "rich"?
Millions of gil
>game has the worst hime in existence
>my friend play on Ultros
>I can’t create a character there
What the fuck
Who /DNC/ here? Flex on those FOTM DNC who will quit quickly due to subpar DPS.
how many millions
Too bad her personality is dogshit
Anything in particular I should be focusing on?
>You can't romance her
It's not fucking fair Hime-bros!
I...might be in love
>FOTM DNC who will quit quickly due to subpar DPS.
bad players dont care about their dps user
you can have millions and you will always be poor compared to godbert.
Has anyone tried Gunbreaker yet? Is it any good?
Folklore nodes
Just make a character on any Primal server. You'll still be able to play with your friend so long as you're on the same datacenter, Primal. You can even visit Ultros and quest there with some restrictions.
Cant wait for the 500 page forum post about how DNC is too complex because having to play simon says is too hard for the average official forum monkey
Its ass stick to DRK
If they didn't there would be more MCH players.
What’s the deal with naming? Do I just pick a single name like WOW or do I need a last name? Is there a auto namer for cat names?
Which tank is the most fun?
More like they miss the big damage from dancing because they're not next to the enemy and used all their dashes like retards.
>Game has double Hime
>Double Himes are double gay for each other because they're all they got
>worshiping a literal slut
They messed up making such a good looking character and being forced to kill her off.
Tengu is life
>dude on Balmung in NN
>level 50 Marauder
>mentions he just logged in for the first time since 1.0
>everyone assumes he's just referring to ARR
>nope, he's an actual 1.0 player who's back for the first time in six years
depends on where you live lorewise.
Warrior and Paladin, rest are complete trash
Need first and last and yes
>not ERPing whilst doing Ultimate
Nothing compares to mutual climaxing with tank-kun during terraflare
you must pick a first name and last name
why is it undercover again
You need a last name. The random name button (looks like a dice) will generate lore friendly names for you.
>game has your waifu get kidnapped as a sextoy by the badguys
>simon says
Is this meme? I constantly see "simon says" phrase in xiv threads.
Damn tsuyu looks like THAT?
You know
They're just memers. Everyone knows this is best girl.
>pick Aether as my data center
>these threads claim they're all weirdos
Nothing wrong with that.
>game has a beautiful white southern girl
simon says is a phrase usually used to mock people who jerk themselves off over raiding, yeah
Nice I’d rather have a lite name. Aren’t most of the cat names something like Filled with ‘
It's more like rythem dancing, bards will probably move to dnc to get the most dps and enjoy the mini game that AST was suppose to get
To the contrary it's cool as fuck, I'd pay to be able to see this guy's inventory
It's just crystal fags who missed their chance to bail
>final boss summons himself inside of himself
Who cares what people say on threads, not like you want to play with any of them.
Here are the rules on names if you want a lore-friendly name.
>ESL europoor
You think im joking
I've got a few of those rings myself.
I'm just wild about hime and hime is just wild about me.
>game is shilled nonstop
Please join chaos....
>Still nothing for Hrothgar and Viera
I know. But sudden influx of this phrase in xiv threads is suspicions. You can check archives and see that it was never used until specific date. Something related with e-celebs?
Is this game better than WOW should I sub and try out?
>New WoW major patch comes out tomorrow
>Still can't beat Shadowbringers hype
Not as much as tifa tits.
>add phase is people being sent back in time to stop the final boss from killing the party
No user, it's a meme in these threads and /xivg/ as well that sprung up along with people getting in arguments about raids just being pattern memorization.
My waifu since 1999
>people excited for upcoming mmos expansion
>"its all shilling"
go back to your home threads
It's pre-release expansion hype. The threads will die down or become more focused a few days in.
nice dedication
God I hope they give us a romance option. I want to marry and protect her.
But she has a deathflag and i'm really hoping it isn't true ;_;
I'm pretty sure he just doesn't know what simon says is, dudes.
>Dumb garlean fags complaining about FF8 gunblade when we haven't seen any other gunblades outside of that one dungeon set and the AF.
Relax. for all you fucks know we could be getting. Shit like this.
You right, let's just keep posting the same Tifa thread and bitch about literally nothing
when should I stop coming to avoid spoilers
>Is this game better than WOW
Yes by orders of magnitude.
>should I sub and try out?
Absolutely fucking not.
Of all the metrics you could have chosen
>tfw can't dress her up like I can my squad
Suncats have a tribe letter followed by ‘and their name. Like Y’shtola, M’naago and F’lahmmin. Mooncats are just kinda generic names, but there’s some weird conventions with male names
when the servers are down, dataminers will spoil the fuck outta everyone
Yes, girl. Sort your delusion out.
As soon as the patch becomes available to download the spoilers will start pouring in.
Yikes. MCH can keep their replicas of bad ideas and have GUN be left alone with simple sleek weapons.
Fucking nico jews.
long black hair (and kurisu) is the patrician choice to end all patrician choices
Wednesday? For sure get the fuck out on Thursday.
Off the top of my head?
>Gathering, Dragonskin/Gazelleskin Treasure Maps, items from high-level PotD/HoH sacks, Desynthesis
is there a video where I can see samurai in the e3 build or does anyone know for sure if anything changed
dont you have some azerite to farm? dont wanna miss out on the cool features of 8.2!
it's the only way to gauge normie interest.
Isn't there something wrong with that pic?
What does it meeeeaaaan
going to bed. wake me up on friday
You don't need premium as I remember
I don't know what you're talking about
it's better than WoW but please don't come here
we're unironically full, only like a tenth of the NA servers even allow you to create characters on them at this point and expac launch is in four days.
what do you do in this situation?
there's a free trial up to like level 30 you don't have to buy the game just do that if you want to try it
All the Sun names use 1 letter then ‘?
Can you have the same name as someone else in the server?
Explains the mask on the new outfit.
a lot of it is false flagging by crystal morons. before the datacenter split the /vg/ thread advertised heavily for crystal and sent a lot of newbies there. now that everyone's on aether and no one wants to play with crystalfags they all feel duped.
>never gotten to see it since I didn’t have a 60 dps when it was relevant
>new player is bad
Not very bright.
>Hi looking for a fc to join?
>no thanks
I just stop replying as either one
Tataru is turning into a wicked jewess and will be a kingpin of the Ul'Dah syndicate by the end of the game's lifespan
>WoWfugee is good
Not very bright.
oh right i forgot to mention tomoyo and she has white hair
How do I get into Ultros I keep trying but it won’t let me.
casual spotted, the savage version has you send a tank, healer and 2 dps back instead
Zero proof.
>Tsuyu didn't deserve this.
>All female static
That shit will literally go nowhere til after nerfs go in lol
anyone got the pic of cunny tsuyu
Mokou wants to kiss Kaguyas clean neet feet
>”Live, Tsuyu.”
>game has a tsundere
she deserved what she got and she fucking knows it, that's why she went through with the plan
A Smile better suits a Hero...
Yeah all the sun names are like that. And technically, a lore friendly male suncat would only have the last name Tia or Nunh, and a Nunh would almost definitely not be out adventuring
Pretty sure you can’t have the same exact name, but it’s possible for people to have the same last name or first name as long as the other is different
Not him but pretty sure everything but Crystal is closed
fuck off we're full
fuck off we're full
No but you have a first and last name to work with
statistics and the archive are proof enough.
thanks for the yous boys I'm playing rn someone buy me the expansion and some more game time my time runs out in 4 days
This shit has been going on for 4 years. I'm impressed that two days after the Tifa reveal they were all started to deflect as if flavor of the month spam is equivalent to a 90% uptime thread for years. And what's even funnier is mods will crack down hard after the expansion releases exactly like the last two times and they'll be just as surprised and outraged.
she was a shit character she got what she deserved i'm glad she's dead
any attempts to get us to sympathize with her were a joke
she's a maniac and doesn't deserve any pity
ahe could have stopped the cycle of pain she suffered, but she didn't, so she deserves nothing
>Yotsuyu loses her memory
>all her crimes are now absolved
who knew getting away with war crimes could be so easy
fuck off we're full
Stop being a hypocrite. Getting new players is a good thing for a mmo. Is XIV your first mmo? If yes then you're likely underage, and if not, then you also came to it from somewhere.
>hurr but my df quality
It has always been shit and I've been playing this game since ARR.
She has a turns-into-Titania flag, but it's not like we killed Ysayle when she turned into Shiva.
>not using zenos
full mind
What's everyone doing the last few days of SB?
>Been leveling FSH since work has given me nothing but closing shifts so an hour of fishing helps me wind down.
I'd hate fishing normally, but it's nice to just relax and fall asleep easily at night.
Fuck off WoWfugee.
>WoL standing still like a retard in cut scene
>Gosetsu is sad
Worst thing.
Literally impossible to make a character on anything but the ERP datacenter right now
Lmao what? I love Zenos but he's more of a yandere than anything
Mm no. In the end it is just a meme to get people on to aether when they cant. Get duped yourself.
gathering allied seals for glams and trying to snag a cute lala wife
tfw amazon contacted SE and told them i cancelled my order that qualified me for my black chocobo code and my account is now permanently banned
guess they hired someone to monitor the thousands of cancellations they have every day. oh well.
>game has a literal whore
he's a walking anime troupe
>appears behind your frontline
>destroys your giant cannon
>"pshhh, my lance has slain far greater beasts....heh....."
fuck off we're full.
Favorite minion desu
Trying to get my pyros weapon having never done Eureka before. Only just realized how fucked I am and that there’s no way I’m going to make it before ShB. It’s too much
No, that's exactly why she did it. There was no way she could make up for what she did and running from her hatred was made impossible as long as the empire continues to exist.
>999 smash threads
>twitter screencap threads
Yeah. Stop shilling in Yea Forums!
I'm ditching the garbage dumpster on fire that is WOW and giving a try to this game.
What class do you recommend?
Desperately trying to cap crafters in time
65 now and I don’t think I can make it
Which class has the best job NPCs, and why is it Thaumaturge?
Is this hime?
>Villain finally finds peace.
>Looking to start an all female raid.
>Btw there are 3 dudes in it.
Stupid girl.
My ass. No fucking way that happened.
paladin for tank
dragoon for dps
white mage for healer
they're straightforward and dependable
mm yes. mmm bop ba duba dop ba du bop
Enjoy being stuck on crystal with the worst elements of the /vg/ thread that no one wants to be around. everyone wants to visit the whorehouse but no one wants to live there.
reddit niggas is gay. now post something I can copy to reddit for karma someone might gift me the expansion and some subscription time.
No but good effort
>And what's even funnier is mods will crack down hard after the expansion releases exactly like the last two times and they'll be just as surprised and outraged.
Mods have been trying to push these threads off of Yea Forums for like a month now. Particularly in NA mornings there's one mod that deletes XIV threads on sight or moves them to /vg/ and in response four or five more get made. It's gotten to the point where if these threads start getting deleted the posters in them first swarm and hijack any WoW threads up until the mods delete those as well and then they make threads with "xiv" or "shad" in the filename somewhere. If those go down too they make stealth threads like faking a Mahjong Soul thread using a picture of Doman Mahjong for the OP image or a Smash rosterfag thread using Y'shtola or hell a standard ">game has trope" thread like this one right here.
>5 different discords dedicated to the same thing
I feel like I'm missing something
post ban email then
>tfw wanted her to fucking die since her stupid amnesia schtick
>Kill parents and Asahi
>Her revenge is satiated, she said so herself
Why the fuck did she have to go back to the empire and become a primal for that. Yotsuyu’s stiry should’ve ended with her killing herself when she ran away, because as soon as her parents show up and she snaps everything went to shit.
That drink better be her sweaty.
But she has hime cut
nigger what? yes its my first MMO. nigger no I did not come from somewhere. I never had something to play FFXI and when FFXIV came out I had something that could play it. What kind of nigger faggot logic is this?
>when she steps on your cock
>WoL standing still like a retard in cut scene
Any act towards Asahi would be taken as a sign of aggression from Doma, ruining the prisoner exchange and any future endeavors. You approached once he himself admitted that there was never any intention of following through with it.
>WoL standing still like a retard in cut scene
Hey now. She also made an angry face and threateningly unsheathed her weapon after it was too late
>game has a beautiful prince
uninstall wizard
No, bangs need to be straight and even
Do you think we will get a roleplaying duty where we are a primal or overpowered version of ourselves
you dont believe me?everyone on here has been saying for days that SE will definitely ban if you do it, i'm living proof
fuck off we're full
Gosetsu was willing to forgive, why aren’t you?
>all these faggots sperging out about WoWfugees when you should be far more concerned about Avenger normies who don't even play video games coming in
Don't even bother installing you aren't going to like it trust me
>mm yes. mmm bop ba duba dop ba du bop
Aetheredditor in a nutshell
we need to go back to otomesward...
I'm going to start slitting the throats of you FFcucks.
Mark my fucking words.
I just finished the quest that leads to Heavensward
Why the fuck did the Warrior of Light let themselves get captured by the brass blades? Couldn't he just solo the entire Ul'dah Palace and escape with the scions?
Why didn't Yotsuyu just stay home and watch netflix instead of going to Castrum Fluminis?
we dont want you
go ahead
SE wouldn't ban for that you fucking retard
>starting playing mmos a decade after their golden age
pretty sad desu
>getting clowned on so hard you have to deflect to another fucking website to recover
>Mods have been trying to push these threads off of Yea Forums for like a month now.
Maybe because generals belong on /vg/?
This is why I hate all the fucking Yea Forums board splintering. The only thing technically allowed on Yea Forumsanilla is console wars and shitposting the latest AAA garbage fire
Nice argument, or lack of it. Really shows the level of person I'm having a conversation with.
Since you seem to be in the habit of behaving like shit and providing 0 arguments, I expect you'll find fault with the character being lvl 50, but I haven't played this one since ARR. Moved on to another character on another server a couple years ago.
Because gosetsu also killed loads of innocent people and should've been imprisoned for his crimes.
Murdering a bunch of Ul'dah citizens when we've been made out to look like a bad guy wouldn't be a good look for us. Plus we weren't getting our echo boost.
Slaughtering guards is definitely the best way to show that you're innocent.
have fun choking on futa cock crystalshitter
what would the eorzean netflix have on it?
What about this then?
Buy a 60 level boost and story skip and play Dragoon, Ninja, Summoner or if those aren't fun for you, do the Red Mage quest (it starts at 50, just like death knight) and it's a very fun and reliable class
Well, actually the new expac comes out soon so wait like a week or two and then do that
Or if you enjoyed tanking as a DK play dark knight in this game.
It's basically wow but you move around a bit more in boss fights, it's a solid time I'd say, easy to take in, the story is really hit or miss but the fights are fun
$0/hour bitch
Now that's a proper hime
>her face when your cock fights back.
Can't condemn people for crimes when they don't remember who they're.
Plus Ysayle was much worse than Yotsuyu.
That's just Ken from ZoE2
post your oldest achieve bros
Surprisingly, killing law enforcement can cause a lot of problems for a person
>Get accused of murder
>Respond by murdering your accusers and escaping
You wanted to prove your innocence, not become the enemy of the alliance.
Knocking them unconscious would've worked.
>t. lying
nice blogpost where do i subscribe
>Any act towards Asahi would be taken as a sign of aggression from Doma
user Asahi screamed NEGOTIATIONS ARE FAILED in cutscene before. At this point it was clearly that everything was orchestrated and he doesn't give a fuck about negotiations in first place. WoL doesn't even need to kill him. Disarming will most logical derision because Tsuyu need to be alive. Asahi was a threat for WoL in this scene.
I did it and I'm not banned. So post a picture of the email if it's true. Feel free to crop out sensitive info.
that's all i heard reading your post
never reply to me again, retard
>She will never step on you.
Ah yes, because fucking swords/bows are the best weapon for knocking people unconscious. The WoL doesn't inherently have a nonlethal method of combat.
>I did it and I'm not banned
You should feel bad for Gosetsu not for her.
God I wish.
>instantly bought
People here have an unhealthy obsession with WoW because they think mods delete threads out of brand loyalty to Blizzard and totally not because there are 8x as many threads for this game. Just ignore the majority of people in this game have likely played another mmo before.
>not being monk chad
Never unarmed
Murdering a bunch of people just doing their jobs isn’t the best way to recover from being falsely accused of a crime
>there are 8x as many threads for this game
The WoL has strong, but not strong enough to fight an entire military force, at least not at that point in the story. If you stood and fought, you would have been overrun eventually and possibly even Illberd would have shown up and kicked your ass.
he's not going to get banned lol
what could I bribe khloe with for 3 lines
Discord was a mistake
>this is the level of people who shit on new players
Somehow I'm not surprised. This is rock bottom behavior.
>buying accounts off eBay
>1 thread for XIV up at all times
>constant classic/home threads, often multiple
>the latter almost always remain untouched until XIVfags start hijacking them
yeah sure
True, but why is that even a problem or a necessity for the character?
The way the story is going you're already on a power gap where it shouldn't really matter. Who cares if some lalafell in Ul'dah throws countless brass blades or whatever when you've literally slain psuedo-gods? The moment Ifrit spawns again they will beg for your help anyway because they can't do it by themselves. It feels like there is absolutely 0 reason why the Warrior of Light would want to prove their innocence since Eorzea pretty much depends on them anyway.
>As he stands on the bridge he himself lit on fire
Retarded. The moment those crystal crates opened everyone knew bullshit was afoot.
Ancient Allagan Technology
>Can't condemn people for crimes when they don't remember who they're.
by that token, people can just pretend they have amnesia and get off scot free, considering she got her memory back, it was probably a poor idea in hindsight to just sweep it all under the rug, especially considering it was possible she was faking it, after all, tis better to bend with the wind than stand tall and be broken
>Ysale was much worse than Yotsuyu
agreed, but I never mentioned Ysale?
>thinking SE will ban paying customers over a free mount code
now that's cope
You think I'm joking but I'm going to fucking make you pay, FFcucks.
I wanna lick Sophia's stomach
>is it better than wow
No, not really, it's exactly what it looks like, a japanese knockoff of wow
>should I buy a sub
No, the game is fundamentally bad, you're better off playing a real game like, literally anything that isn't an mmo
how much is monk going to change in ShB? I played it through arr and hw but didnt like it in SB, hopefully it will be fun again
Tsuyu was a great character. Fuck you, faggots.
Simon Says is literally a game where you push a randomized set of 4 colored buttons. DNC's mechanic is literally a system where you push a randomized set of 4 colored buttons. Im not bashing the overall job, but thats what the main dancing mechanic is.
All night fuck fest. If you can't keep up the deals off.
wah everyone deserves to suffer because i did
>oh shit he proved me wrong better shitpost
Anyone got the pic of kuro in a swimsuit
she was terrible and I'm glad she's dead
I bet you like minfillia and lyse too
>no one posted it yet
I'm disappointed, Yea Forums.
Only good part of her is when she died.
She never claimed to have the moral high ground.
Your birthday
I'm out of here the moment maintenance starts. Actually maybe start an hour or two because they won't start patching it at once anyway so data miners have nothing to mine yet by then.
Once you see the client patching though get the fuck out of here.
I don't imagine a 13 year old would be hard to keep up with
Tsuyu was cute
Yotsuyu was a cunt and I'm glad she's fucking dead like her entire family.
>tfw never got a proper himecut for players
i'm still mad bros
Classic threads started getting deleted but if course you persecuted autists neither know or care.
>dogshit game has dogshit playerbase
look, there's a reason BFA still has more subs than faggot fantasy fuckteen, this game is an absolute dumpsterfire filled with trannies
Why do you people not understand the difference? Garlean gunblades are functional rifles with bayonets. Hrothgar or player made gunblades are swords with a firing cylinder that doesn't shoot out a projectile at all, but rather ignites the fuel inside to apply a magical effect immediately to the blade.
This therad is a fucking disaster, spregs everywhere.
Tornado kick autism is going away to be replaced by Anatman autism because they haven't properly thought through any addition made to MNK since 2.0
Suffering through her bullshit was worth the fight you got form her. Music n set piece was Kino.
Because you aren't a one-man army. Especially at the end of ARR. You can fight squads, sure, but you can't fight an entire cities military force. Eventually even the WoL can be overpowered, especially with Illberd hanging around, who whooped Rauhbans ass, and it's canon that Rauhban is stronger than you until the end of HW
>seething WoWfugee is a phoneposter
The power gap is very different in "gamepaly".
For example Raise spell doesn't rise dead. You don't die in game. Only goes unconscious. Healing spells can't regenerate cut hand. They act like modern "upgraded" first aid. WoL despite all his accomplishments can die from one arrow in head.
Explain why exactly you cunt
>s-she's a product of her horrible life!
Shut the fuck up, the calamity ruined everyones lives you dont see all of them turning into genocidal people traitors
Agreed. Let's go back to WoW and let the trannies seethe
this is my 2nd time doing it. I did it for the first amazon promo years ago and didn't get any warning or ban. SE doesn't care unless you are chargebacking them directly.
Bro just find out when the server ticks occur and syncronize your Anatman.
You'd think, wouldn't you.
They're just garleanfags seething, ignore them.
classic will kill this game
Have fun with WoW where fat is a race now
Only their body, WoL's soul is immortal due to Echo shenanigans
>fat is a race
Garleanaboos are the worst posters and its time people realized that
you cant do anything you fat shitstain
I don't think we have that level of control over the echo but you're both correct.
God that pic is so erotic, it snaps all of my breed switches on
bro...look at this dude
>basing your opinion on a game using Yea Forums tards
Well after this post you truly shouldn't play this game.
>hi looking for an fc?
She uses her cute feet on my dick every night fampai
>this entire thread
Holy shit, I'll take the threads where that one RDM main was seething 24/7 back. What the fuck has happened.
wowtrannies getting uppity because shb is so close
>Garleanfags were legit raging at the fact that the expansion was going to the First instead of being yet another "fight the empire" story despite Shadowbringers looking poised to advance the overal XIV story more than the last two expansions COMBINED
The absolute worst faggots
Isn't the warrior of light echo exactly the same as the chronos from katana zero
>samurai isnt fun til level 62
You're all begging to have an "accident"
Be -very- careful now
Imagine buying a Yea Forums pass just to shill this shitty tranny game, this is why your threads get deleted
The guards were cutscene level
it's pretty much a retread of ysales story
all me
There is two theory until now
When you wipe in raid or die
>it is gamepaly mechanic
>it is Echo vision of potential failure
>You're all
it's samefagging at its finest form
There's a difference between suffering from poverty and dead friends and family and constant parental abuse from the very moment of your birth followed by being sold off as a sex slave. Also with the calamity there's not really anyone to blame or swear vengeance on, but with Yotsuyu she swore vengeance on everyone who had observed her situation and ignore it.
The true tragedy of it all.
Why cant they just play their new patch? Oh wait its because its a patch to a fucking dumpster fire.
>having non existent reading comprehension
There's nothing in any post of mine that implies I'm judging the game in any way. I started on 2.3 which, whether you want to admit or not, means I started before a big chunk of posters here. I obviously already have my opinion of the game. I'm judging the retards who act like toddlers throwing a tantrum because the game is getting new players.
I thought she was a lot of fun.
As everyone else has said, as soon as the patch is out.
People will be data mining while the servers finish up their maintenance, and they wont hesitate posting shit like the final boss's model etc.
Sounds like you’re the one with futa cock on the mind, closet-kun
dumb fuck
>spouts absolutely retarded garbage
>people laugh at you
grow the fuck up
guys watch this
Retard. Yoshi has clearly stated that GNB gunblades are nothing like Garlean ones.
As soon as the servers are down, bail out.
>inspect element
Based and classicpilled.