Should I buy a switch? Switchfags, are you full of regret...

Should I buy a switch? Switchfags, are you full of regret? Odyssey looks good and the new Animal Crossing and Zelda are coming.

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I love my Switch, there's tons of good shit for it especially if you never had a Wii U (I didn't.) The main downside is it's a bit underpowered and I wouldn't be surprised if an emulator is straight up better than actual hardware before the end of its life cycle

Got the Pc for powerful shit, I'm looking at a tendy console for gameplay.

If you have a pc the emulator works pretty much perfect now

Played Odyssy for like 3 hours before I got sick of it

Can't play on the pc in other rooms though. I emulated Zelda with a Wii U controller and full motion control, but far as I know you can't use a joycon on a PC right? Two things enough to make me not interested in emulation.

No, I don't regret it.
I'll list a couple of the things I've come to really appreciate about the system.
For one, it's the best place to play any indies that are available on it. Why? The OS is genuinely really fucking quick and brings up indie games almost instantly, with a handful of exceptions (Enter the Gungeon has a weirdly long load time).
It also has some really good company exclusives and it's a good place to jump in if you passed on the Wii U. I did and I couldn't be happier than Splatoon got a launch-year sequel or Frozen Dong got ported.
Plus, its actual exclusives have been really enjoyable and are evergreen titles you can jump into any year and enjoy them as if they're brand new. I actually got mine with ARMS at launch and I still have tons of fun playing it with friends when they come over. I didn't pick up BOTW or Odyssey until much later but XB2 gave me a ton of single-player mileage.
I'd get one, grab the Voucher deal and pick up SMM2 and maybe Spla2n or Smash

>Switchfags, are you full of regret?
I somewhat regret getting one 1.5 years ago since after you beat Odyessy and other games, it had a massive content drought. We're just now getting a proper library for games.

Well you'll have plenty of that.
What kinds of games do you like?

Hell no, the Switch is awesome, plus pirating is easy peasy, perfect for parties too.

Is this true? I looked up a compatibility list and it looked like a majority of games didn't work or had serious issues. Do you have a good site for info/files? I take it multi-player is a no?

Alright, so should I just buy the Switch now or hold out for the imminent powered-up version?

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it's just too expesive for what it is ,and the game prioces are just as ridiculous there are no reason why a 2 and half year old game like BOTW still sells for 60 bucks. Besides the game sales are pretty mediocre

It's the type of console that you buy when the next gen one gets announced and when it has a complete library and is then more affordable

With the time i've put into zelda and mario, and the time i continue to put to smash ultimate, no, i dont regret it at all

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>Should I buy a switch?
Do you think the library justifies the purchase? Look at the games it has right now and decide for yourself. Don't include anything that isn't out yet because you never know about delays
>Switchfags, are you full of regret?
No, because I waited until the library made it worthwhile for me to get one

I know you can use the joycons on Macs. Mine hooked right up via bluetooth and most programs recognize it as a game controller

I definitely don't regret it. It's got great exclusives like Xenoblade and Octopath Traveler, and good 3rd party games like DOOM. Plus a lot more great games (Astral Chain, Fire Emblem) are coming this year. If you think you'd like the exclusives then definitely buy a Switch

My only regret is this NES Online shit. You could have ported an emulator and did a ROMdump in like a day, what the fuck NIntendo?

As a Switch owner, I heard nothing but good things about Nintendo's exclusives, but not a single one has kept my attention. They're either too casual, or weeaboo pandering, and that turns me off from any game.

If you really want a switch, look for ports of your favorite indie games and see if they run well. The only reason I haven't sold mine is the thought of Hollow Knight on the go. I couldn't be bothered with movies like Xenoblade, and casual shovelware like Kirby and Animal Crossing.

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That's a hard question. I'm sure some places will have a trade-in option. But I also don't know what level of finance you have to just buy a new console or upgrade easily.
I'd say get it now, burn through the existing library of first parties and indies that you find interesting since most first party Switch games are pretty well optimized.
Then, depending on the specs of the Pro, make the decision of whether the upgrade is worth it

It's awesome, but most of the games I play are ports. As long as there is a good pick of games you will actually play it's a good purchase. If you just want to get Nintendo's big releases, you're in for a bad time. They don't even release a game a month

Nintendo likes to pretend that their 3 (sometimes 2) NES games a month that you rent is somehow equal to the 4+ games PS+/XBL give you. Of course everyone sees right through this

I also wish they'd just include more stuff in it.
How hard is it to port DQ3?! Also get that SNES shit on there, I want to play the GOOD version of FF6 again.

what 5 games that are available right now are you interested in OP?

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Exactly, user. NES? 6-7 months of absolute manure? I love SMB, SMB3, LoZ like any good, red blooded boomer should but god damn, I can get an emulator for NES, SNES and N64 onto a phone in an hour.

Mario Od is amazing.
BotW is also really good. BotW 2 might be good who knows. Maybe something that has more zelda type things in it now that the world is already set.

Smash is really fun if you like it.

lots of other games depending on what type of games you like.

>Animal Crossing
you know what? no. its not worth it. dont buy a switch and that "game". they are shit and not worth a damn cent.

Its a great little system. Admittingly it may not be as graphically capable as the PS4, but its a mere inconsequential issue in the grand scheme of things when it comes to the actual gameplay. The exclusives themselves are fun and engaging experiences for both the casual and the hardcore completionist. Or are just neat time killers at best. Plus A lot of the games on it are basically just ports, and they work surpisingly well on the Switch. The only real complaint I have is that the switch may not be ideal for collectors because there's not much space for the games. And if you run out but you want to play the new Doom game, you might have to sacrifice a game you already have installed there. Which is something Nintendo needs to work on big time.
But if that doesnt bother you, then it's really nothing. So for a starter pack, I suggest nabbing Mario Odessey, Breath of the wild, and SSBU to get what I'll just dub" the full Nintendo Switch expirience" first hand.

I've stayed away from consoles for a long time but my wife got me a switch and it's actually pretty great. it's basically a 3DS with an hdmi port.

As a WiiUfag I have a slight tinge of regret since many of the games on Switch are ports.So my pool of games to play is much smaller than the average Switch owner.

But future games look good

I've found quite a few places with the possibility of returning within 50 days. I'm assuming the pro version would be announced in July, so if it's preferable I could afterwards return the original for a full refund. Only problem is I have to avoid all permanent damage, but I'm generally pretty careful.

Switch is getting a revision soonish

>Should I buy a switch?
I will never understand why people ask this question. Do YOU as an INDIVIDUAL not know what YOU want or what interests YOU?
>are you full of regret?
Can't feel regret in a purchase when I set my highest expectation as "expected".
Ever since N64 I've known to put my trust in Nintendo to at least shell out 5 worth while games in its system life span. Weather they achieve more or not I can expect that much.
As far as the switch goes I've gotten those 5 already
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Mario Odyssey, Smash Bro Ultimate, FE:3H, Yoshi's Crafted World.
Upcoming games being
Pokémon Sword and Shield
Luigi's Mansion 3
Breath of the Wild 2

Are there any non-Nintendo published physical games that run well on the Switch? VC4 run horribly for me.

>Switchfags, are you full of regret?
Yes, but not because of a Switch. Portable consoles with a window to hacks are always a good deal.

If you did not own a WiiU it is definitely worth it, MK8 is fantastic and so are a lot of the other ports. As someone who owned Wii U I feel a little let down but I know they just wanted to give these games a real chance since no one bought Wii U.

If you are interested in smash bros it is definitely worth it, I spend more time playing that than anything else on the switch. You don't have to be tourneyfag levels of good to enjoy playing it online.

Except for pokemon and in some ways BotW I would say all the exclusive games live up to the expectations of their series. IMO the new animal crossing looks like the best one yet.

Does it still make sense to buy one now? They still cost the same as years ago and it feels like there's a new revision waiting around the corner.

I can buy a brand new switch for 250 eurobucks, should i go for it or wait for a revision?

Not really since I have all three consoles, and a pc, because I have disposable income.

Just wait until next year.

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ah yes one of the 300 hundred.
as a fellow WiiUfag i know what you are saying.
most of the ports are not worth it if you have the WiiU version.
BotW runs better but MEH. you get the same game in wii u
few exceptions.

Hyrule Warriors
it has all the DLC plus extra shit. on top of that they made getting things in it unlocked alot less tedious/hard. you dont need to get multiple characters to lvl100+ so you can unlock their basic stuff. lots of QoL changes as well.

Smash Ultimate.
if you like smash 4 there is no reason to not upgrade to switch.

Mario Maker 2.
they can say its a new game all they want. we all know its a port with new features. BUT due to the whole nature of what makes that game so fun is levels you find online and make. do you think WiiU servers are gonna be up forever?

It's a fantastic system with lots of fantastic games out, a lot more to come and still 2-3 more years of active life, so go ahead and buy it. Astral Chain is gonna be amazing.

I bought a PS4 last year to play Persona 5 and it has been collecting dust since. I made the decision to trade it in for a switch and so far I'm pretty happy with it. Haven't bought any switch games yet tho just waiting on sword/shield to come out.

I got gifted one and gladly it was hackable. While I have had a lot of fun with the console, I strongly advise against getting ANY console until it's late in its lifetime. A Switch revision WILL happen, just not as soon as people expect; and if not, prices will be lower anyway and some issues might be fixed by then (the joycons' drifting problem, for example). Waiting is a winner's game.

It’s a disappointing waste of money. The hardware is shitty and weak and it’s basically just a first-party game machine so unless you really want to play smash or Mario odyssey you can play everything else much better on other consoles or PC.

If you’re still set on getting one I’d way for the updated ‘pro’ or whatever that’s supposed to be out later this year.

>Waiting is a winner's game.
I think those are wise words, there's no rush and besides i still have lots of game to finish. Sure it'd be cool to have one and play those games that i'm interested in but it's overall smarter and better for your wallet to wait andn ot jump on every new shiny thing

Odyssey was a blast. MHGU was fun. Zelda was OK. Smash is OK.
Other than that, this damn console's a dust-gatherer. I pulled the plug too earyy.

Dark Souls on the go and Mario Kart alone make it good enough for me desu.

Since Pokemon's dead, I'll just wait another year to see if that elite model becomes a thing.

No, not really. The only thing I regret is dropping my Switch on accident and chipping the fucking tab on one of the joycons. Had to get an entirely new pair, which cost a pretty penny. Other than that it has a decent amount of good games.

I don't regret my purchase. I think the portability is a bit overrated because the battery life isn't great, and playing games in bed is not a novel concept for me, but playing during trips is fucking fantastic. If you didn't have a Wii U, it's worth almost twice as much. This year's second half will be full of exclusive shit, and I hope Nintendo doesn't have these periods where nothing but eShop releases carry them.
The downsides are that Nintendo keeps premium pricing for all their games for way too long, if you want to get the most out of your Switch you need to buy accessories, the Pro Controller is godly but costs too much, the Online is extremely bare bones and shit like Smash should work way better than it does.

>animal crossing
show bobs

>Should I buy a switch?
Probably? idk I'm not you.
>Switchfags, are you full of regret?
Nope. Best secondary system for PC and I prefer giving Nintendo a sales cut when compared to modern Valve. The only thing close to regrets are mild disappointment at the Metroid Prime 4 reboot, but I had bought a Switch for BotW before MP4 was even announced, and apprehension at how much of the Zelda Switch uses the BotW map and the potential for, in the worst case scenario, co-op or Zelda being a constant companion character.
It's already my personal favourite console; but, I have only had an NES, GCN, Wii, GBA, DS, 3DS, PS2, and PS3, and the SNES and original Gameboy are probably still objectively better.

Switch is good if youre in college or hang with friends alot. I played it with people in the cafeteria alot and my friends when they come over or if we are hotboxing its nice to just set it up in the car.


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>no wiiu
>no saturn
>no dreamcast
>no turbografx 16
>no psx
>no neo geo pocket color
>no GBC
>no ps4
Literal pleb

I'm in a bit of regret since there's still not much to play on it aside from ports. This summer will change that though, and I'm definately looking forward to some of the stuff in 2020 (see rune factory 5). I can't really complain since I bought my switch for $200 off a friend though

same, this e3 hyped the fuck outta me and i'm ready to buy one

Stop posting your shitty debunked chart

Won't announce it before the July games arrive or it would cripple the initial sales since people would be holding out.

I honestly decided to double dip on some ports and just traded in the older versions of the games. Anything to free up space

Same, I won't buy one unless/until there's a "pro" model.

I don't regret it, but only because I play Smash with my roommates. BotW is a very interesting take on open world games, but too repetitive in terms of content so I got bored before finishing it. Bayonetta 2 is alright but I prefer the lack of devil trigger mode from Bayo 1. The high density of flight bosses with forced distance is also frustrating. Odyssey's collectathon doesn't interest me at all. Octopath looked alright but it's on PC now anyway and I'd rather replay Rance X if I'm going to play a lengthy JRPG anyway. Xenoblade 2 is ugly as sin and I refuse to touch it.
I'm pretty hyped to play Animal Crossing in Japanese to finally learn fish and plant names.

i rarely use my phone anymore

Remember how Pokemon Snap didn't come to the Wii-U VC until the end of its lifespan and if you wanted to use any game you bought on the Wii VC on the Wii-U mode, you had to buy it again?

No new system is as good as some of the older ones but the Switch is pretty dang good. I've stopped myself from buying/starting new games like an autist though until I finish XC2 (I'm up to chapter 7) and Bayonetta which I missed the first time round (up to Jubileus).
It's especially good if you're like me and skipped the WiiU. Great new games. Great ports. Indie shit if that's your thing. Like 12 big games coming by the end of this year or hopefully early next year.

My only regret is that literally today I scratched the screen, but I had it since launch and it's been fine in my side pocket until now.
I bet a phone repair store can get it fixed for 30 to 50 ish but honestly I'm thinking this isn't my fault and nintendo should have just made the screen glass. Not the biggest deal ever though I'm kind of jaded.

I am regretful. Panzer dragoon and botw 2 are the only interesting new games coming and I bought links awakening to justify even keeping this thing. Buy a 3DS instead IMO

I like the Switch but over here the prices are just uncompetitive. I'd love to buy indies and play them on my bed but they cost a fraction of what the eShop offers. I could also hack the console altogether but I don't want to lose online.

>It's got great exclusives like Xenoblade and Octopath Traveler
You must not have heard the old news.

Stop being a waitfag, it never does you any good.

Got one around a month, got Mario + Rabbids, Dark Souls Remastered, MK8 and Mario Odyssey on it. Wasteland 2 digital. It's a good console to play SP games in bed and party/mario games with friends. I'm liking it so far but something's still off for me. I can't really put my finger on it.
Probably I just need to get used to the controls and the battery is a little lackluster but when I travel I end up using my macbook as an external battery since it has a pretty good one.

I like my Switch, but a lot of what happens is their fault. It has some design flaws. My joy-con control stick is fucked.

That was my fear desu, saw a new switch at my friend's house and wondered if docking it didn't cause it to get scratched depending on how you stick it inside the dock. Told me he got a screen protector so it's the first thing I bought