If you ever feel sad about how your favorite franchise has been treated...

If you ever feel sad about how your favorite franchise has been treated, just remember that the last Silent Hill game that fans got was a shitty ps vita dungeon crawler.

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the last silent hill game was a pachinko machine

>If you ever feel sad about how your favorite franchise has been treated
...but SH *is* my favorite franchise.

oh that was a dungeon crawler? maybe I'll pirate it then

Ubisoft ruined the series with this botched buggy-as-fuck performance-wrecked release.

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That still wasn't as bad as what the pachinko machine represents in my opinion.

Book of Memories was just a forgettable spin-off banking on the Silent Hill name. The pachinko machines represent the franchise's corpse being wrung for pennies at the expense of any actual creative project that could have been done with it.

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>tfw Command and Conquer fan
No, we got it worse

Ive learned to live with the pain

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You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

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Don't forget that before that they also got the worse "hd remasters" to ever be released.

Being a SH fan is suffering

At least Silent Hill didn't end on a cliffhanger for no godly reason.

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>tfw im still angry

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>Book of Memories was just a forgettable spin-off banking on the Silent Hill name
Wayforward wanted to make an isometric-overhead puzzle Silent Hill game, but Konami was the one that said "Make it action + random environment". It sucks.

I feel your pain. My game ended on a cliffhanger, the devs got sued for copyright infringement and then the publisher went bankrupt.

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I’m drawing up Silent Hill short story/comic based on a few green texts and ideas me and some other anons had. I started with the cover and I’d like to move on to fleshing out the monsters and things next. Seems this is the only way to get my SH fix. Such a shame the series is dead.

As a big fan of the series I don't even need another Silent Hill. The team is disbanded and the series ended a long time ago.

I just think that it's sad that psychological horror games in general never seem to get made anymore. I just want a proper spiritual successor.

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It hurts.

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I think the most tragically ironic thing about Half Life Episode 3 is that if the leaks from Laidlaw were true, then it was all just destined to end on another massive cliffhanger, setting up another wait for another never to be seen sequel.

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not at all

The series was bad for like a decade before book of memories. The only reason I kept playing them was because they were so incompetent it was funny.

I would like another one but only because I know it'll suck.

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>make one of the hypest cliffhangers in any game ever
>never continue it

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It's one thing to have a shit game but did they seriously need it to run like shit as well? That game literally has shit optimization.

I still want to play The Good Life, but hot damn I miss David.

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I unironically loved Shattered Memories. Even if I think it's lame that Konami apparently forced them to drop the original character names and story premise in favor of recycling the old ones and calling it a "re-imagining" for marketing's sake.

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But it is my favorite franchise user, and I would say that luckily P.T is technically the last Silent Hill game so it went out on a good, yet tragic note oddly befitting the series.

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UE3 was already too much for the 7th gen consoles. No game running on that shit looked nor played well. Should've sticked with UE2.5 like many did.

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I like Shattered Memories as well but only because I can divorce it entirely from the SH series.

Tell me more? I’m interested

lisa would be my waifu if she wasnt a junkie slut

Downpour was just so damn boring. Sinking City comes out this week though, maybe it will be a fun horror game to let us forget how far the Silent Hill franchise has fallen and the fact that it appears to be dead for the foreseeable future.

I always thought this gif was dumb as shit since it very clearly says DETECTED at the top of the screen. You could literally do this with any stealth game in existence.

>junkie slut
But that makes it even better! You could be the one to save her and feed her eggs.

Sinking City looks pretty janky, but I still hope it turns out alright. I always liked horror games that had the premise of investigating a whole town and interacting with strange people.

How can we ever forget? The fanbase has spent the last 10 years whining about the death of some niche overrated shit every fucking day. Nobody cares about SH. It was never a big franchise. It didn't die because they outsourced to the west. The biggest decline in sales was with SH3, when your beloved "Team Silent" was still making them. Konami was trying to save the franchise when they started experimenting with it.

Fuck off, Tom.

>Game that was a ps2 timed exclusive and a broken pc version had the worst sales


It generally disgusts me how conceited the CEOs are, and by extension shareholders, that they think they know what a quality game is. They mask their games with huge amounts of make-up (production values) to cover up the shallow complexity underneath it.

At this point its pretty clear the AAA industry is creatively bankrupt and morally corrupt. They send viral marketers/astroturfers to places such as Yea Forums and refuse to acknowledge the short comings of their product due to absurd "internal calculations". This industry is dead from the inside. Creativity and risk is a "no-no". The people who truely care about good game design have either left the industry or are being outnumbered by those who don't have smidge of understanding it.

>They mask their games with huge amounts of make-up (production values) to cover up the shallow complexity underneath it.
Want to know why? Because it fucking works. People buy that shit and they buy it by the bucket load. You are blaming the publishers for doing nothing more than giving the public what it wants, which is precisely the business they are in.

Breath of Fire was turned into a mobile game and then slaughtered not long after.

Tomm did nothing wrong

>Want to know why? Because it fucking works. People buy that shit and they buy it by the bucket load. You are blaming the publishers for doing nothing more than giving the public what it wants, which is precisely the business they are in.

The only reason it works is because they douse the market with exposure. Fucking hell, half, if not more, of the budget goes to marketing.

>animal avatar
not even going to click it

the avatar is mira the dog from the SH2 joke ending

>Fucking hell, half, if not more, of the budget goes to marketing.
I'm so tired of hearing this shit. It's utter crap. 90% of games spend maybe 15%-30% of the development budget on marketing. That's if they even do any marketing. Most small and medium games relies entirely on the press and ecelebs just being willing to cover the game. It's rare that a game spends an excessive amount on marketing and that's usually because the game was such an enormous investment it's success is critical to the financial stability of the company, e.g. The Witcher 3.

bold of you it even has a fanbase

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Sure it is, dogfucker.

I was strictly talking in context of AAA games. I know indie and smaller games can not afford to go that way.

At least it was on a gaming console, I'll never not be mad.

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Long story short without all the details.

Main character was taken away from SH by her grandfather as a baby. Does not remember anything about SH nore is told anything about it. She grows up and becomes a world famous violinist, gets married and gets pregnant.

A few years go by and she has stops preforming due to parenthood and her skills are lacking because of this. She try’s to play but she just can’t anymore due to depression of her lost life and talent.

One night she has a dream where an old man comes to her and offers her a deal. All her talent and more back for the child. She agrees and the old man hums a tune in her ear and she wakes up. Oddly worried she runs to the baby’s room to check on it only to find it sleeping fine. Feeling silly knowing it was just a dream she goes back to bed.

For the next few months her depression sets in even more since she’s beinging to practice again but she just can’t get back into the swing of things, plus all she wants to do play that melody she had in her dreams, but she just can’t remember it making her overly erratic and obsessive about it.

One day baby goes missing and the cops and detectives are at a loss. A week goes by and hope seems lost. She in laying crying in bed when she glances at her violin and remembers that horrible dream. She skeptically picks it up and try’s to play. She drops the violin in complete horror because not only did she just play better than she ever has before, she played that haunting that the old man hummed to her in her dream which she couldn’t completely remember before but now played it in perfect tune.

Basically from there she hunts down the song and it’s origin which leads her to silent hell to find her baby.

lol m still working stuff out but I want to figure out a few original monsters 1st.

I wouldn't feel sad for just SH, but for all the games inspired by Resident Evil that took things in a more strictly horror or more bizarre direction, where SH is the most popular to emerge from the bunch. This subgenre has been more or less dead for the past 15 years, and it's a little disappointing as those games were really unique.

best silent hill idea i saw in a thread was unironically about a transgendered character with gender dysphoria in their monster visuals

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I Didn’t mean to type that lol at the end

There’s more but i don’t want to lay it all out. In the last SH thread I was hoping for some monster ideas so If y’all have any I’d love to hear them.


My gf and her friends played that shit.

If you think your favorite franchise's wiki is bad, just remember the Silent Hill wiki

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Much levers

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