Go to twitch, and see this on the front page. I thought twitch was a gaming site, so why do they allow this? Doesn't it just become Youtube if this is the content there now?
Go to twitch, and see this on the front page. I thought twitch was a gaming site, so why do they allow this...
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Get tired of spamming, /pol/ Tende?
Why do white people love Asians so much?
How does this ugly Asian get a girl this hot?
I mean, why would people get angry for choosing an Asian ?
It's a way more stable choice than a nigger.
streaming bucks
Isn't that faze banks girl?
>that actual amerimutt hot
pick one
Literally by paying her. Girls like that regularly travel to middle-east to get shit on for money, or do you think they get their money from instagram photos?
White women are built for BAC
That guy is rich, he basically has a prostitute. It's that asian guy who got his ass brutalized by Idubbz
>why would people get angry for choosing an Asian
It's not about race, it pisses people off because it doesn't match. Hot grill and Chad is perfectly normal, ugly grill and autistic virgin is okay because everyone deserves love except for people that browse this shithole.
Hot grill and ugly dude always looks off, and it makes you realize he has more money than any of us will ever see, which does indeed make our blood boil.
God I fucking hate being poor.
What happened?
>everyone deserves love
>except ugly people
that will show those whites
*loud, unintelligible multi-word trippings and epileptic gurgling*
im trying to cope, what suggestions do you have?
He said "except people that browses this shithole"
So basically none of us.
There's 4.463 billion of them and for us whitu piggus we make only 850,000,000. Our wimmens keep getting taken away by rich Chang Ching who runs a bootleg Lego factory's son.
I loved how they a used a Jew, too. Really was "triggering"
Bankers Automated Clearing?
Someone made an article about this
>r/asianmasulinity is invading again
You guys are really sad.
>(and its working)
I'm sure
There are plenty of good looking asians/asian pornstars.
That dude is not one of them.
the moderator of the asian incel forum, Tenda Spencer aka Eurasiantiger, is half-jew, so it makes sense
>4.463 billion
Did you just include poos? Nobody likes poos
Of course. They are classified as Asian.
based chadgum
>asian girl dates a white guy
>asian guy dates a white girl
I thought he was called John Bettendorf.
he is a real gamer
That chink looks like ricegum. He's an e-celebrity known for his youtube beefs and bad rap songs he thinks are hot fire. His youtube money is what makes him desirable to thots.
>And It's Working
>a site filled with white incels
no shit retard, normal people don't give a shit about who dates who in the real world.
reminder mutts are overwhelmingly left wing white haters that want you all dead
Just look up idubbz's video on ricegum
All racemixing propaganda is done by burgerclaps who hate white people.
Jeez poor guy.
This. Why are white people so insecure?
Go to Yea Forums, and see on the front page. I thought Yea Forums was a gaming board, so why do they allow this? Doesn't it just become Yea Forums if this is the content there now?
do you guys think he'll ever get his head straight?
How did Ricecum get popular again?
>idubbz rips him apart for millions of people
>he's still overwhelmingly successful, rich, and popular
gee really showed him
He was never unpopular to his target audience (actual children and highschool normies), idubbz effect on anyone's popularity is dramatically overblown
>idubbz destroying anyone
the only career he destroyed was that chinless leafly
by being male
I love Ricegum! He's so based, and hella sick with his supreme clothes
Getting a hot girl is easy. Finding a soulmate, now that's hard and most of us will never experience it because the odds of two star crossed lovers to actually cross paths is logistically unlikely.
literally money
that's a whore or an escort, user, not a loving gf
Based and truthpilled
incels coping hard ITT.
zoom zoom
Go to Yea Forums, and see this on the front page. I thought Yea Forums was a vidya board, so why do they allow this? Doesn't it just become Reddit if this is the content there now?
Bofors Acquittal Conformance ?
I love how popular people can cuck twitch so hard. you can break the TOS and still keep your spot because they know if you leave it hurts them.
> ricefaggot
> anyone defending this trash
This isn't even a race issue, if anyone thinks this trash isn't someone to be thrown into the sun... you really are lost.
>complain about a website not being used for its original purpose
>proceed to spam tribalism nonsense on a video games board
really makes you hmm
He's a trust fund kid. Dad is rich.
>He's a trust fund kid. Dad is rich.
he comes from immigrant parents, he isnt rich.
I watched a partnered streamer with like 8k subs watch hells kitchen for hours on end. Lmao twitch
I've seen this chink before somewhere.
Is he a school shooter? What is that face
The autism this guy has harassed to force himself to sound like he has an actual learning disability is amazing.
no, it becomes justin.tv, which it always was. the original stream (justin kan) was an asian guy broadcasting his daily life. so this is pretty much what the site was built for.
proof #393929223902389690780 that all you need is a outgoing personality & dont-give-a-fck attitude to get hot chicks
>hugging one, holding the hand of another and talking to another one with the phone
Western bitches cant even compete with this level of slut.
She's obviously being paid to be there and wants the publicity you fucking retards
Bros how do I find an attractive blond super-weeb gf?
>I WeNT 2 a WEbSItE aNDD it MAeDED Me SEEthe
ok. are you starved for attention or something, kid?
>be phone posting
>get trigger
Upboat, +10 point, 5 karma
tfw have access to thousands of asian bitches that would hop on my dick at any chance
only because they want to escape their shitty country and live in america
t. a SEA monkey
money you retard
I don't know about that one.
Is it really that easy for us?
whiteoid, you seem to be confusing people who came from asia some time after WW2 and legally entered the united states with brownies who jumped the fence in san diego
they're probably a lot richer than you
Twitch is full of irl streamers, I dont get who watches them though. Like it made sense for ice Poseidon since his life was a mess but normie irl streamers are dull as hell.
Muttistan is a joke
I'll never understand it either, every Asian I know is a passive aggressive faggot and the women are ugly as fuck. I've asked white friends why they love asians so much and they cant even explain it.
Go to Yea Forums, and see this on the front page. I thought Yea Forums was a gaming board, so why do they allow this? Doesn't it just become if this is the content there now?
a lot of immigrants that come to USA are insanely rich, USA has extremely selective immigration
describe clearly how she is a mutt, you meme spouting retard
whos this thot?
They are respectable, it's as easy as that. They work hard, they study, they dont commit crime.
Rather what is there to dislike?
>In the land of the blind, the one eyed is king
Yes user, its how it is.
Yes, I already know two people who have done it. Even my mom is trying to hook me up with someone but I'm not having it.
What is a SEA monkey?
Ricegum is my idol. Supreme 4 life! He's so fire!
See, this why I'll never understand whites liking asians. Asians are rude as hell and passive aggressive. Youd think whitey would realize this shit and stop championing the cat eaters so much. Your post is exactly how the typical Asian acts irl, completely unbearable. Easily the most unlikable people in my state.
I wonder how he plays fortnite when this happens all the time?
Is ricgum doing OK? Maybe its just an off day but she sure looks a lot more tired and sad than the last time I saw him
He just find a brother to please her since his little yellow dick probably cant even reach her pussy.
>as part of your contract you must sit on my lap once per stream
>shitnite requires any skill asides from the cawadooty run and shoot
Oh yes, spamming buildings requires so much skill...
buying expensive whores isn't really hard though
Been around chinks of all kinds and can confirm that theyre only ever alpha in their own group of chinks. Outside of their group the true beta comes out.
different guy here and actually yes. white guys think that it's their own person that asian girls are attracted to. but if you think it's easy to get laid as a white guy in asia, try being asian-american. what they're really after is american wealth and a dream that you'll take them to live in the US which they think is beverly hills everywhere. if you speak perfect english it's broadcasting that you're american and you'll shortly be drowning in pussy. but of course all the girls that do this are hoes and only white cucks actually bring them back to the US while bragging about their asian trophy
this is not on the front page i wanted to get lit w/ my best boi ricegum and you jebait OP is clownin bruh
they are just modern pimps, e-prostituting their girlfriends.
southeast asian
>when the actually superior race shows up Yea Forums should become a safe space
stick to screaming nigger if you need a break
I like their facial features sometimes, that's all there is to it. Not like I'd specifically go after Asians though, I just also wouldn't rule them out right away.
Why chinks and not niggers?
It’s pretty clear from these videos theres no chemistry between the two. Both in fact are in it for the moneys.
Look at that alien skull
Hi John, I'm sure that hapa echo chamber is working nicely
literally pic related