he's right you fucking retards
>games are art
How does a characters personality affect the art" of good gameplay? Maybe he should have written a book, but he's probably too stupid to do that.
Fuck these "art" retards that want games to be art, but what they actually mean is making games more like movies
>duude did you see that cutscene in TLOU games are art
No one wants to play as someone unlikable
People want to play as someone flawed
No he is not, the reason this shit didn't work out is because he wasn't as good of a writer as he thought he was.
Sure, I can see where he was going which doesn't change that he failed right at the starting line with his premise when he made the Protag after his own image. Peak Narcissism right here.
the game was actually good
>huehueheu, if you don't like my game, that means youre triggered
an video game is not a art
>people didn't like my self-insert
>it is not me and my own shit character who is bad, but everyone else
>we live in a world where Undertale is considered "art" but YIIK is not
fuck this
Maybe he should've been a better writer.
Anyone that says games aren't an art shouldn't be playing games. They're obviously not for you.
>I wanted to make a game about a guy who's a piece of shit unlikable character
>it's a self-insert
Someone post the combat video.
>make bad game
>"you don't get it, it's deep not bad"
I hope this guy makes another game desu, yiik had a lot of promise but didn't live up to it
why do so many people care whether games are or aren't art?
why the fuck does it matter? are you gonna feel better about yourself wasting time playing games if they are considered art?
What this retard expected? He thought that his very "cool" and "unique" artsy game can be fed to major consuming mass? He is retarded. Only few good and artistic films had major success. Same with games and music and everything.
But I bet his game is just shit
>make ugly graphics
>create unlikable characters
>design unenjoyable gameplay
>call it art
Just because you smear shit on a canvas and call it art doesn't mean people will pay you to put it in their homes.
Also character shouldn't be unlikable from top to bottom, he should have some redeeming qualities to him. If he is just piece of shit why should I care about his development, he is just badly designed
This piece of shit is just butthurt that his delusion of being a good writer was shattered.
However, his ego simply won't allow him to see reality.
>I can't write
>I'm also autistic enough to think that by yelling "What the fuck?!" slightly less frequently, my main character is a changed man
>Wah it's everyone else that's wrong
This man needs to take a long walk off a short pier
>It's still the only game eligible to be kusoge of the year
>kids stuff can't be thought provoking
this kid never saw digimon tamers I take it
Japs are looking far and wide for a game to give that award to.
>my game failed
>therefore games are not art
I hate those pretentious faggots that keep throwing the word, "art," around.
Those same faggots won't be able to define art.
Also, if something is considered "art" does that give it automatic value?
All the ones worth a shit are first and foremost a product, a toy. And theres nothing wrong with that. You most likely want videogames to be considered art because you think it would give them more relevance, importance and meaning. It wouldnt. This discussion always reminds me of professional darts players who insist that darts should be considered a sport instead of a game. Because game bad, sport good. Same shit here.
YIIK was shit because everything that made it what it was was bad, not because the main guy is unlikable.
Ratchet 1 did this plot better and it's for kids. Only good thing i've seen out of it was Toby's song
You can write characters that are flawed, terrible, disgusting people that people still like.
The answer isn't building them up to be better people. It's tearing them down after establishing a relationship with the reader where they just want to make them miserable.
Im confused why the person, if it is his full argument, expects that art should be unconditionally appreciated and loved. Plenty of physical art pieces received negative reception and or destruction, be it because it was bad or because of their social climates. Some art infact is purposefully distasteful and most art is just mediocre.
After he said that, someone should just show him YT video of fight against Alpaca. Together with the dialogue preceeding it.
He mistakes flawed with obnoxious.
He wrote Alex as "he thinks he's smarter than he is" in a way that projects his "thinking he's smarter than he is" too much.
He can't keep his dialogs concise. Good books often have dialogues short but interactive. Characters shoot questions and answers rather than having 1hour long monologues.
Oh, and and this one is personal belief of mine. Art is an entertainment that does not provide entertainment anymore. Theatre, paintings, music, movies and games were all a form of entertainment that was pushed out by other, more advanced form. Art is entertainment that was not made to pander, it was made by consciois decision of creator in a way it is.
Was YIIK made the way it's authors envision it? If it was, then they were ignorant and arrogant people to think anybody should care about their vision.
Video games aren't art, they're an activity. They contain art, but as a whole they're an interactive media comparable to sports. If you're going to call vidya an art form you have to concede that classification to board games as well
Holy shit a person on Yea Forums with a grounded understanding of art
You're a fucking unicorn dude
It's still a bad game regardless of anyone winning the "YIIK is art" argument. The MC and writing being trash is icing on the proverbial cake.
The World Ends With You did exactly what he said he was trying to do and everyone loves it for that.
It's too sophisticated for you.
despite that the game is bad it wouldn't be bad if it had a spin-off
some sort of skateboarding game about the gang trying to save it's ass from the y2k while doing a 360
>meaningful, impactful or thought provoking
He's right, but he must be talking about someone elses game.
journey is art
>the elevator began to keikaku
>translator's note: keikaku means vibrating with motion
Someone send a copy of Lisa the painful to this gigantic faggot.
Trying to change the title of this game into a meme buzzword insult is retarded.
Where's the lie?
Or he could just accept the reality that he sucks at making video games and his game was trash
>a game about a guy who's a piece of shit unlikable character, who by the end of the game has to transform
But that was already made and it was kino
>that fucking music
>it’s a content creator hates his craft and audience episode
Deponia series actually does this and isnt shit
>write a book
>it doesn't sell because the MC is a badly written unlikeable piece of shit
>"I didn't do anything wrong, l-litterature isnt art anyways"
>make unlikable character
>people don't like him
it really makes you think...
a video game just cannot be art because in order to make a work of art you need to remove the core element of a game, gameplay
if you focus on the story and the game becomes a visual novel then you're reading a book and not playing a game
if you focus on the aesthetics then you're just moving around a painting, not playing a game
if you focus on the sound design then you've made an album, not a game
videogames are just diametrically opposed to becoming true art because gameplay is about the experience of the user and not the creator, when you read war & peace it's not you designing the main character and then changing the story via your highscores, it's you reading a work of art that Tolstoy is painting via his meticulous usage of words that if changed even slightly would ruin the entire thing, when you watch an eric rohmer film you're watching something eric rohmer has created not having it on in the background while your character walks around collecting coins to unlock the next scene
videogames will never ever be art
>>a game about a guy who's a piece of shit unlikable character, who by the end of the game has to transform
>Generic enemy encounter takes FOUR minutes
What is this mister nobody doing today? Any recent news?
It's been done before in better games than his, he's just a butthurt moron that can't cope with the fact that his game is pretentious shit unbearable by pretty much anyone.
Playing games is an art
tbf Luke turned into kind of a doormat faggot post the haircut
Not that it seemed out of character but he was a fucking drag to listen to after that
the only good thing coming from this game is this:
don't know who thought it would be a good idea to have a mini game every time you wanted to use an attack
He should have named the character after himself then.
>videogames are just diametrically opposed to becoming true art because gameplay is about the experience of the user and not the creator
Thanks for displaying that you don't know anything about filmmaking.
It's art you retards, why are you making billions of threads if you don't even like it to begin with? Y'all could be doing litteraly anything but you decided to come on 4channel to shitpost about a perfectly good game, you people clearly don't have the education needed to grasp my work anyway, so buy it or just stop talking about it you childrens.
>17 seconds of input for a basic skill to use against enemies
>not even an ultimate skill you use once in a while
What the FUCK
>make a piece of shit character
>tell the audience "THIS IS YOU!"
That's a lazy way to go about making this point. What would've been more effective is to take the standard behaviors of people who play video games and "reward" them with failure in order to encourage non-standard thinking. Even going so far as to detect when a person solves everything the first try and triggering fail states as a defense mechanism against people just reading guides.
>'hey guys, I made a RPG where the hero is a guy that starts as a jerk but learns to be less of a jerk'
>this was standard for JRPG plots in the 2000s
>but this basedtard wants to act like he's seriously breaking new ground
Anything can be art.
>either my game is goty and the definitive truth
>or everyone else is fucking retarded
damn I guess I don't get a choice here
final fantasy character arcs are always a dude who seems awesome, is revealed to be less awesome, and becomes more awesome.
Based Viper poster
TWEWY did exactly that though
while keeping the game fun and enjoyable
it doesn't have to be one or the other
>this picasso painting sucks, it doesn't mean anything to me
i guess paintings aren't art
>What can be labeled, packaged, mass produced is neither truth nor art.
>this soý looking faggot throwing a fit because his game turned out to be shit
Videogames are art and I don't have to explain shit
Also fuck jannies, just wanted to get that out of the way
Why not? This works for a lot of RPGs. The problem with it in YIIKES is that it’s poorly implented like everything else. If you add that kind of thing it has to be fast, Y2K’s attacks were just not at all.
the art is in playing
That mechanic can be fun if implemented properly. Not when you have to do it for 10 seconds, and barely hurt the enemy. Then it becomes tedious.
>no one wants to play as a soiboy
>this means games aren't art
I like how most of the title cards cover up the "main character." Its like he knew how unappealing this character was.
reminds me of those drawings artists would make under lsd influence
>What is Paper Mario
>40+ hour rpg
>doing the same stupid mini-game every time you want to attack
most RPGs already waste too much of your time with the long attack animations now they adding more to it with some silly timed button presses
A single attack in Paper Mario doesn't take half a minute
in paper mario you could do quick attacks or play the minigame and do more damage and end fights quicker. eventually you could level to a point where the quick attacks would be enough.
minigame for/or nothing is moronic.
it's also sped up between input prompts.
Right, so the issue isn't doing mini-games for your attacks. It's doing minigames that take half a minute to do no damage. The mechanics in YIIK conceptually aren't necessarily bad, the guy who made the game is just a moron.
Flat mario didn't make you do a 15 second minigame to regular attack. All you do is watch him jump and press A to bop the bad guy, you can choose whether you want it to be one bop or more.
For the longer ones, you have to spend points to use them and you won't see them more then once unless you get into a boss fight or choose to wipe out the weaker ones.
Mario has choice, Y2k has lemonade
Art or not art, sounds like a bag of grapefruits to me, Mister user.
if the guy wasn't a moron, the ineffective and time consuming minigame would be the obvious but wrong option to solve problems. But the guy is a moron so it's the only option.
its the same "Haha doing the only thing you could means you're bad!" shit that's been plaguing video games since bioshock.
>implying art shouldn't trigger reactions
>implying art doesn't trigger reactions
>buhuhu people have opinions about my plagiarized story
Fucking retard
>"it's considered bad form to talk about anything thought provoking"
No, it's because it's thought provoking that you got so much reactions you absolute fucking chimp.
>He doesn't know
Promise me you won't stop watching user
He isn't wrong
Art is nothing more than a crafted object made to be appreciated for what it is. Simple toys are already art pieces, just not necessarily meaningful ones. As a medium made out of creativity, games are intrinsically artistic. Sometimes that art is strongly expressed visually, like Jet Set Radio, sometimes it's narratively in games like Nier, and sometimes it's mechanical, in games like Devil May Cry. If that artistry is good enough, it gives the game value. And sometimes the art you created has no value for anyone and is bad, like in YIIK.
He's just a shit writer. Nothing to see here.
I... what?
>MC constantly asking what is going on
>make a shitty game
>everyone hates it
>"clearly, this must have happened because I am TOO smart and TOO good at my job"
Fuck this guy
I don't know why he thought getting Youtubers to voice act in his game would be a good idea
Yeah, that doesn't go away anytime soon.
>my work
I played your game, can I have a refund please, thanks
a dangerous enemy is revealed to be a golden alpaca that says lemonade. did he think it was going to be funny?
another load of shit from a hipster faggot
He probably pictured the surprised tweets and tumblr posts about it in his mind. Poor retard
so the yiilk dev is in this thread trying to force lemonade as a meme? cause it just looks like its a wordfilter.
No. It’s anons posting “lemonade” so that other anons who get the reference can laugh at not the joke, but the creator who thought it was a joke.
To be honest, it seems it actually says "eliminate", but the horrible voice acting mangled it into "lemonade"
dude same
No he's the dictionary definition of pretentious. Look it up. The mistake he made was the unwarranted importance he felt about the things he had to say.
>make shit game
>"You guys just don't GET it!"
Why would I agree with a forger?
I'd agree with him, but then we'd both be wrong.