Is this the best vidya movie?
Is this the best vidya movie?
no, this is
>blocks your path
Forgot this even existed.
Excuse me sweaty, I believe you’re missing out on the best director of video game films ever, Uwe Boll.
It's either this or Detective Pikachu.
>Only I know about sppedrunning techs!
>'Tis the key to my victory!
>muh bootleg evil corporations
>muh pillar-breaking economy
>muh first grill always wins
>muh cardboard cutouts enemies
>muh quirky memes
RPO is the Dragon Ball Evolution of videogame movies. Heck, even the Doom movie was better.
He's related to Hitler so the inability to do wrong runs in the family.
The first person sequence was kino
What a sad world we live in if this is the case
Mortal Kombat
Here it is.
That aint spykids 3: game over
>world obsessed with nerdy pop-culture shit from the 80s
>hunt is for easter eggs
>final test is an Atari 2600
>no one in the entire evil corporation apparently has ever heard of the Adventure egg - an entry level piece of vidya trivia along the lines of SMB2 is Doki Doki Panic and Pac Man was originally called Puck Man
I think medias shouldn't mix.
Just like people.
/pol/ aside, here is a very interesting read:
Postal is, everything else is zoomer shit.
yall forgetting something
This user knows the score.
Everything I've read from this book is terrible. I like to think I give things chances a lot, but the pages I read were so AWFUL I couldn't do it.
Look at all these faggy choices
>not picking the movie with hot naked chicks all throughout the movie
>Both of these movies had about video games had video based on them and they where both fucking awful and missing everything that made the source interesting.
Is Spielberg the only man able to get so many copyrighted stuff for his own amusement.?
Behavior Interactive.
Grandma's Boy
Every other line is
>This is just like that thing from the 80s!
To be fair it's not as bad in movie form since the cameos/references are just there and don't have a half page explaining what they are for the most part.
I wanna see it just for the scene with the big bouncing furry titties. Fuck, why can't Hollywood just make a whole movie about big fat cat tats? It's like they hate money.
Glad to hear Spielberg didn't lose his mind.
I actually still haven't seen this. The sequel was actually pretty good though.
Think it's more the medium. A book needs a paragraph to describe the way someone/something looks but in a movie you see it instantly.
Scott Pilgrim vs the World
>Not linking the actual best movie